Chapter 1: The Arrival of Alice

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(Back for yet another joint fic. This time, it's with a user known as JBlaser [on Fanfiction]. We're going to have fun with this one. Just a note that JBlaser owns his character, Alice, and I own my Mat character - age 18 and not a self-insert. Anyway, here we go!)

1:08 PM - Spies' Beach House

It was another sunny day in Beverly Hills. In the spies' beach house, Sam, Alex, and Mat were indoors. Sam sported a blue tanktop with a slight peek of her midriff and beige sweats; she was reading a book and sipping an iced tea simultaneously. Alex was in some workout clothes and doing some cardio. Mat had just come back to the den with some food of his own and sat next to Sam. He sported black pants and a light gray shirt that read "Lusk 11" on the back to signify Ezra Lusk, one of Mat's motocross heroes.

"Find something worth reading?" Mat asked Sam.

"Define 'worth reading'," Sam kidded back.

The three of them looked outside to see Clover, the last of the spies outside at their swimming pool getting a tan. She was sporting a light blue bikini.

"Can't blame Clover for making the most of this sunny day," said Mat.

"Totally," Alex quipped. "Though taking my cardio to the pool doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Maybe a little later we'll make a pool day out of it," Sam suggested.

They heard the doorbell and Sam went to open it. A girl wearing a grey hoodie with blue ripped jeans and sneakers stood before her. She also had long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and blue eyes – kinda similar to Clover – with an annoyed look on her face she was listening to music on her earphones and chewing on gum. Lastly, she had 2 big bags next to her feet. "Umm, hi – name's Alice. Is Clover here? Blonde girl, same size as me, kinda annoying?" she asked.

With Sam's confused face she called for the rest of the spies.

"This was the address Clover's mom gave me," Alice explained once Alex and Mat came to Sam at the door.

Clover still hadn't come to the door.

"I'll go get her," Mat sighed and went away.

"We're... sorta in the dark about this ourselves," said Alex.

"But come in," said Sam.

"Thank you," said Alice.

In the meantime, Mat came back with Clover - bikini on and all.

Clover was annoyed and complained that Mat interrupted her tan. As she was about to yell at him some more, she became speechless once she saw the new girl. That silence turned into confusion and then anger again.

 That silence turned into confusion and then anger again

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"Hey, Clover," said Alice. "I see that you're burning your body again; your roommates were nice enough to let me in. Also, is that guy one of your 10 boyfriends that you probably kidnapped?"

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