Never saw it coming(b×b)

By STSB101

64K 2.3K 187

Adrian is a omega. That and the fact that he's gay are the things that got him bullied and rejected by his en... More

Introduction( Adrian )
Introduction( James )
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Right, so this happened
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

3K 113 16
By STSB101

Adrian POV:

        I walked to my first class for today. Unfortunately for me, it was algebra. I don't find it particularly hard, but the teacher hates me which means that everyone can easily get away with hurting me. I just hope that I don't bump into Mathew today.

        You see Mathew is not like any other of my bullies. He doesn't beat me up till I can't move like my pack members. Everytime I pass by him he will call me names but he will never physically hurt me. Why? Cause he is the schools perfect boy. Quarterback of the football team, straight A student, has no past records of bulling and is deadly handsome. Now you might be wondering why I fear him since he never bullied anyone before?

        Well here's the thing. I never said that he never bullied anyone before. He just never got caught by anyone while doing it. He was, in fact, one of my worst tormentors. He may have never beaten me but everytime he feels like it he will drag me in the school's bathroom and force me to give him blowjobs. He never penetrates me because he says he's straight, but apparantly it's ok to give him blowjobs cause he doesn't care who gives him those as long as he gets pleasure from it. It's embarrassing and it always leaves me with a strong desire to puke but he always makes me suck him of and then forces me to swallow it.

        Naturally while walking to class I bump in the last person I wanna see.

       "Well what do we have here huh? What do you think you're doing slut bumping into others. You should really watch where going fag." He said while giving me a look that basically said 'you'll pay for that after class'. I shuttered and quickly walked over to my seat in the back near the window.

        Math class ended way to fast for my liking. I would rather stay in there with all the hateful looks and verbal abuse from the teacher and the students then exit this class while knowing what will happen next. After the bell rings I slowly got up, packed my bag and went out side. While near the door I could feel Mathew's gaze on me. I knew he expected me to already be in the bathroom when he got there. We could do this the easy way or the hard way, and as scared as I am, I really don't want to test my boundaries so I obediently walked to the closest bathroom. It was unfortunately empty, witch meant that nothing could slow Mathew from shoving his dick down my throat. I didn't wanna be here but I didn't really have a choice. I could either come here by myself or he could have manipulated to of his friends to bring me here and beat me senseless and then use me like the bitch I was. There was no way out.

          Not even a minute passed and Mathew entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

          "Look at you waiting for patiently so I can choke you with my dick. Ha I bet that you quite enjoy that don't you." I whimpered and flinched.

           Mathew didn't say anything else. He just unzipped his pants and brought out his dick. He placed it in front of my face and looked at me. I slowly brought my hand and stroked him to get him hard. His been doing this to me for 2 years now. I new the drill. Once it was hard I put my lips on the tip and shyly sucked on it. I didn't want to take it in my mouth. It was big and most times I would nearly choke on it.

            "You better stop teasing me Adrian. I am getting impatient."

          I whimpered and slowly took him in till his tip was touching the back of my throat. By now I had trained myself to block out my gag reflexes so I started moving my head back and forth and sucking on his dick. I just wanted to get this over with so that I could go on to my next class and finish this day so that I could just go to bed already. Tears started to form in my eyes. My jaw hurt and the way his tip would hit the back of my throat was really uncomfortable. Finally he came with a groan while I was licking the bottom of his shaft and I just swallowed it so he would just let me go already.

           "Not bad fag. Now I don't think I have to remind you what will happen if you utter a word about this to anyone, do I?"

          "No sir" I whispered quietly.

           "Good." He zipped his pants up and checked himself in the mirror before he unlocked the door and got out.

         I got out 3 minutes after that and went to art. I love art. I mean, sure the teacher hates me and sure the students are just as mean as in any other class but at least I feel a sense of control over my own emotions while I draw.

       Once I entered the classroom I went to the back like usual and finished a new drawing. It was of a she wolf and her pup. But in a darkness and light point of view. It reminded me of my moms black wolf. I remember the time when me, my brother my sister and my parents went in a clearing in the woods to spend some family time. My sister and my twin brother would usually play together for a while then come to get me. And then the three of us would play together under our parents protective gazes.

          I was done with my drawing in no time.      

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