Chapter 17

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James' POV:

After a half an hour nap I carefully decided to get out of bed and change. I went to my room quickly to get some clothes. I didn't want to leave Adrian alone for to long so I went back to his room to take a bath there.

I took a quick shower. I realized that I left my new set of clothes on the dresser in the room so I put a towel around my waste and went to get it. While I was getting it though I heard a strangled sound. Something between a gasp and a gag. I turned and saw my mate on the bed, beat red looking like he just chocked on his own spit.

"Are you-"

As soon as I opened my mouth he turned around and fell face first into the pillows. He put a hand under said pillow and used it to cover his face as turned towards me again.

That was adorable. We should walk around naked more often.

Tempest that would make him even more uncomfortable.

The brat that lives rent-free in my head huffed but didn't say anything else. I quietly went back in the bathroom to change and came back in the room to see Adrian in the exact same pose with a pillow still covering his face. I went up to him and carefully went to touche his shoulder when-


My delight of a best friend and beta stomped inside while loudly announcing his presence.

"Why are you in our room?!"


We started bickering like we always do when Ruka came in. He took a quick look around the room and slapped his boyfriends head ( Ha! Suck on that shithead!)

"Quit it you two! You're making the poor thing uncomfortable!"

That got our attention. We both looked towards Adrian who looked like he was tring not to cry. Shit! The screaming must have scared him. How could I have not noticed!!

Alright listen here you piece of shit and listen good, you un-fuck this whole situation right now or I am taking control and keeping it for 3 weeks. Three weeks in witch I will do what ever my instinct tells me to. And if my instinct get us in trouble.....

Ok, ok I get it. Not like I was planning to leave him like this anyway.

"Hey Adrian sorry if we scared you we honestly didn't mean to."

"Yeah me too. This is just how we usually bicker and we didn't know it would upset you this much". Lucas and I said while looking at him with concern.

My mate was desperately trying to calm down. It was as if he was scared to do anything.

"I....I'm fine, I..." He looked down and spoke so quietly that it was almost a whisper at this point.

Ruka came over and gave me a push. Say what you want but the little dude can and will use force when someone forces his hands. Unfortunately this time we were the ones that forced his hands.

Me and Luca stood on the floor and quietly watched and Ruka gently hugged my mate and started quietly talking to him.

"You deserve this"

Ok so I may deserve this but no need to rub it in my face asshole.

After a minute of this I heard the most angelic sound I have ever heard. It was the cutest giggle that was to ever exist. Me and Luca looked up and saw the two omegas talking in hushed whispers.

"What'chu talking about babe?"

Ruka turned and gave Luca a nasty glare. Oof Luka took to steps away and lowered his head a bit while raising his hands. The universal "I surrender" sign.

"Well if you know I was telling him about that time you guys dressed as baby bunnies to make the kids happy. I have pictures to so I'm gonna show him later."

I think I just felt my soul leave my body.

"Now Ruka lets all calm down and not do anything to drastic-"

"I agree. Come on baby you told me you burned those ages ago"

"I did burn the photos. I just kept the original photo saved in my gallery"

Both omegas were laughing now. Well, the little bitch was laughing his head off while my mate was quietly giggling while covering his mouth.

"Baby, love, sweetheart, the light to my sun please don't I'll do anything~"

Despite the fact that both me and Luca whined and begged for the past 30 minutes the little cruel thing didn't even budge. We are doomed.




The asshole kept laughing.

Ruka stood up and told us that he is taking Adrien with him to his room for a while.


20 minutes later we could hear them giggling and Awwing. This has got to be the most humiliating thing I have ever experienced.



Never saw it coming(b×b)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें