Shut Up and Dance

By chaoss24601

5.1K 251 473

The sequel to Sweet But Psycho. Many years after the Star Sanses were defeated, the Bad Sanses' children are... More

We Were Victims Of The Night
I Don't Know How It Happened
Just Keep Your Eyes On Me
I Realize This Is My Last Chance
Don't You Dare Look Back
Deep In Her Eyes
So Shut Up And Dance With Me

Shut Up and Dance

1.4K 46 126
By chaoss24601

Before this story begins I would like to point out that the first book is Sweet But Psycho.

Long after Nightmare and his followers had taken over the Multiverse, his close friends had began to start families. The families who lived in the mansion were known as the royalty or rulers of the Multiverse.

Nightmare was obviously the king of the Multiverse. He and his soon-to-be-husband, Cross, had one son named Incubix who hated absolutely everything. After the descriptions we will get to their wedding party.

Horror and Lust had a son named Desire. Desire, like his mom, was a huuuuuuuge flirt. But, like his dad, he knew 100 different ways to kill you with a book alone.

Dust and Blue had two children named Sprinkle and Fury. Sprinkle doesn't like his younger brother very much and Fury, only being a toddler, can get away with literally anything. Sprinkle also is violent like his dad, but acts like a cinnamon roll.

Killer is the only single adult of the household. But, he does have an adopted son. When they were going through the Star Sanses base shortly before they blew it up, Killer had found plans for a child Ink had drawn.

Underneath the drawings was a name underlined: Palette Roller. Sci knew how to use Ink's paintbrush and used it to create the child Ink had drawn.

Killer had taken the child in, claiming him as his own. Palette is an artist obviously, but hates the topic of his original creator.

Geno and Reaper had three kids; Goth, Raven, and Shino. Goth is very quiet and very much a tsundere like his mom. Raven is more outgoing like his dad and Shino is the world's biggest snitch. All three kids share the same Starbucks addiction.

(Finally I'm done with introductions I don't like doing those, I find my introductions very crappy XDD)

Desire leaned against a tree outside of the mansion. Sure, he liked parties, but it was nice to be alone in the quiet every once in a while.

It wasn't any party however, it was Nightmare and Cross's wedding afterparty. So there was lots of people there. Like a lot of people.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes he stole from his dad and lit one. Sure, doctors said it was bad for people to smoke, but he was skeleton. What lungs did he have to ruin?

"Aren't those your dad's cigars?" A familiar voice asked. Desire smiled and turned around,"Obviously. Want one?" Sprinkle, his best friend, rolled his eyes but held out his hand,"Duh, got sick of the party?"

Desire nodded,"I guess. Got sick of your brother?" "He threw my phone out the window and when I told my dad he told me to stop whining."

Desire snorted and sat down on the soft grass,"I left because I got bored and I need quiet." Sprinkle puffed some smoke into the air and watched it dissipate before sitting next to Desire.

They looked over the dark forest that surrounded the mansion. They sat side by side for a while, puffing smoke and enjoying each other "Hey De." "Hm?" "Does that look like shadows moving towards the mansion?" Sprinkle pointed towards the entrance of the forest.

Desire followed Sprinkle's finger to a group of people trying a sneak closer to the mansion. "Trespassers?" Sprinkle shrugged,"Possibly. Wanna check it out?"

Desire stood,"Sure." He held his hand out to Sprinkle, who took it and stood up as well. Desire began to walk over to the small group, a puff of smoke trailing behind him and he shoved his hands in his hoodie's pocket.

Sprinkle felt his face grow warm as he stared at Desire, yes Sprinkle liked him. A lot. Did Desire feel the same way? Desire was such a flirt that Sprinkle was never sure if he was dropping hints, just acting like his normal self, or maybe he was just being a really close friend(cause me and my friends act super gay).

Desire paused and looked back at Sprinkle,"I know I'm super attractive and all, but we might want to intervene. You can ogle at me later."

Sprinkle blushed, not realizing he was watching Desire for that long, he scrambled to catch up,"I wasn't ogling, I was-" "Admiring?" "No-" "Fantasying-"

"Let's change the subject."

Desire laughed as they made their way over to the small group of trespassers. As they got closer, they could hear them talking.

"Everyone have the plan?"

"It should be in and out."

"Make sure your walkie talkies are on."

"Once Nightmare is dead, get out of there."

"Make sure no one sees any of you."

"Can we take some of the refreshments?"

Sprinkle and Desire looked at each other and grinned before walking up to the group.

"Actually the refreshments are for the guests." Desire said. "Are you just arriving fashionably late?" Sprinkle asked.

The group were a bunch of skeletons they didn't recognize. It must've been some of the lesser known Sanses.

"Oh shi-" One of the skeletons started to say. Sprinkle shushed them,"No swearing. You don't want that to be your last words do you?"

The leader of the skeletons snorted,"Are you seriously threatening to kill us? What could two ten-year olds do to us?"

Desire scowled,"We're sixteen. And do you even know who our parents are?" One of the skeleton's eyes widened and tugged on his leader's sleeve,"I know who they are, we need to leave-"

"They're kids. The worst they could do is kick us where the sun don't shine."

"But I don't wanna be kicked there." One of the skeletons complained.

Desire rolled his eyes,"You got the rope?" He asked, glancing at Sprinkle. Sprinkle grinned mischievously and held up a long rope.

The next few minutes were pure chaos. Desire and Sprinkle sprinted around the group sent to kill Nightmare and wrapped them with rope. But, they fought back which led to gunshots, stab wounds, and Desire throwing his shoe at someone's eye.

After all of that, Desire put his shoe on while Sprinkle poured oil onto the rope and clothing of the imprisoned skeletons.

Once Desire got his shoe on, he pulled out a match, lit it, and flicked it onto the unfortunate prisoners.

The once quiet and dark forest was filled with screams of agony and the forest was brightened with the flickering of the flames.

"I thought you were grounded, Desire. Aren't you grounded from killing people or something?"

A bored voice said from behind them. Desire shrugged and turned around,"I am. Are you gonna tell my parents?" Incubix leaned against a nearby tree,"Do you want me to?"

"Not really, no." Desire said. Sprinkle looked at him,"Why are you grounded?" "I may or may not have gotten mad at my parents for being too loud one night and took my mom's car keys and scratched all of my dad's axes. So they grounded me from murdering people, watching tv, and touching my dad's weapons."

Sprinkle laughed,"So you're gonna get in trouble if your parents find out." "Yup." "And your mom knows exactly what goes on no matter what." "Yup." "What's your alibi?" "Uhhh." Desire paused,"I'm not sure yet."

Incubix sighed,"Remember when you distracted my angry dad so I could get away?" Desire nodded,"Yea. That was like months ago." "I haven't paid you back yet. I'll tell everyone that I made you two come out with me to kill 'em."

Desire stood up straighter,"Seriously? Thanks!" "What's going on out here?" A voice demanded. Desire tensed. His dad sounded pissed. He really hoped Incubix wasn't kidding.

Horror had his arms crossed and he was glaring at the three boys. His eyes landed on Desire and Desire flinched slightly as Horror scowled down at him. Incubix stepped in between them.

"Hello Horror. I wanted them to help me kill them because killing alone is fun and all, but my mom wants me to talk to them more. Are they grounded or something?"

Horror narrowed his eyes at Desire, who stared back with confidence. "Or something." Horror muttered. Desire exhaled, relived.

"They're just about to send everyone home, you boys should probably get back inside. And Sprinkle? Blue's been looking for ya."

"I leave for ten minutes and my mom's worried sick." Sprinkle mumbled, annoyed. Incubix began to walk back to the mansion without saying a word.

Horror stopped him,"Incubix you missed something while you were out here." Incubix stopped walking and looked back,"What?"

Horror grinned before saying,"You're gonna have a baby sister in a few weeks."

The look of shock on Incubix's face was the best thing Sprinkle and Desire have seen for the past year. Incubix loved being an only child, and seeing how annoying Fury was, he disliked all small children.

Horror laughed and walked past Incubix,"I hear they're gonna name her Moonlight." Incubix scowled,"A brother would've been more tolerable. But a sister? Now I'm gonna have to sit through tea parties."

He paused and turned to Desire,"Did your dad say weeks? How long has my mom been pregnant for?" Sprinkle started giggling,"They never told you?" Desire joined in with Sprinkle's giggles,"You haven't noticed?"

Incubix groaned in annoyance,"I'm going to my room. Don't bother me." He teleported out of the yard to presumably his room. Sprinkle and Desire's laughter slowly died out as they walked back to the mansion.

The music was turned off and people started to flow out of the mansion. The two boys maneuvered their way through the crowds and climbed the stairs to their rooms.

"I wonder where Goth and Palette have been, I haven't seen them at all tonight, have you?" Sprinkle asked Desire. Desire shrugged,"I was hoping to see them. Palette is fun to be around."

"I bet Goth thinks that too." They both snickered. "Sprinkle! There you are! I heard screaming outside and I got worried!" Blue scrambled over to Sprinkle and pulled him in a tight hug.

"Mom! I'm fine!" Sprinkle said, trying to push himself out of his mom's grip of steel. Desire snorted, watching his best friend slowly suffocate in the hug.

"If you think it's so funny then why don't I hug you?" A familiar voice said. Desire backed away,"Mom no." Lust tackled Desire into a hug,"Mom yes!"

Desire groaned and shared a look of sadness with Sprinkle, knowing that both of them will be trapped for a while.

"I bet this is the reason Palette is glad he doesn't have a mom." Killer piped up as he walked past them. "Uncle Killer! Help!" Sprinkle cried out. Killer wasn't really their uncle, all the kids just called him that because Killer acts like the one weird uncle. Even Palette calls him that sometimes.

"Nah." Killer said, walking into his room and closing the door. Sprinkle managed to get out his mom's grip and scrambled away. Blue giggled and brushed past him,"Love ya too, sweetie."

Sprinkle watched his mom walk away, he sighed and mumbled something about his mom hugs him just to annoy him.

"Sprinkle help me." He heard Desire plead,"Mom, why can't you let go? Blue let go of Sprinkle." Lust stared at his son before picking him up. "Mom!" Desire shrieked in surprise.

Lust laughed,"What? Am I not allowed to pick up my baby?" "I'm sixteen! Put! Me! Down!" Desire tried to squirm out of his mom's hold. Lust began to walk to Desire's room,"Night Sprinkle!"

"Night Lust!" He called back. "Night De!" He yelled after a pause.



Sprinkle hadn't had quiet in his life in ages. Sure, he was the one to talk to Desire during the party, but Desire was his best friend and crush. So it was kinda necessary to talk to him.

He walked to his room, his hands shoved in his pockets. Once he got in his room, he locked the door and leaned on the windowsill, watching the stars.

He glanced down at the grass below and was surprised to see his other two best friends.

Goth and Palette.

They usually were together, so that didn't surprise him. What did surprise him was that they were dancing together.

It was honestly pretty cute.

He closed the curtains to give them privacy even though they had not idea he saw them.

Sprinkle began to get ready for bed, but then someone knocked on his door. Sprinkle unlocked it and opened the door.

Sprinkle laughed,"Finally escaped your mom's grip?" Desire leaned in the doorway, a backpack resting on his shoulders,"Barely. Let's go find Goth and Palette, we're going on an adventure."

Sprinkle stared at him,"Adventure?" "Yea! Get a jacket or something." Sprinkle, still confused pulled on a jacket and tennis shoes and grabbed his phone and emergency backpack which contains things for adventures(he and Desire had made these a while back in case of a zombie apocalypse).

He followed Desire out the back door, trying to avoid their parents. "Explain what we're doing exactly?" "Exploring the woods, I heard some of the guards discussing some sort of rumor of a rebellion hiding in there."

Sprinkle rolled his eyes,"You actually believe that?" "Why not? And do you know where Goth and Palette are?" Sprinkle nodded and led Desire to where he saw them last.

They were still dancing.

As Sprinkle an Desire got closer, they heard the conversation.

"Didn't know you were such a good dancer, Goth."

"Shut up and dance, Pally. You know I get awkward with compliments."

"Fine, fine."

Desire snorted,"I'm gonna go ruin the moment." He walked over to them,"Hey guys. Cute stuff you're doing, but we're going on an adventure so let's go."

Sprinkle jogged to catch up to him as Goth and Palette quickly separated, embarrassed. "Nothing I do is cute." Goth mumbled.

"Not true." Palette whispered back, he raised his voice,"What adventure?" Desire repeated what he told Sprinkle and Palette and Goth looked at each other before grinning.

"Let's do it."

FIIIIIIIRST CHAPTER!!!!!! Hope y'all are excited for this, cause I am! I hope y'all enjoyed whatever this is and anyways, PEACE OUT!!!!!!

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