Military Girlfriend

By Midnight_Writer97

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I didn't think you would mean this much to me. I was never suppose to fall so hard for you, but every time yo... More

Military Girlfriend
Military Girlfriend (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Untitled Part 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Epilogue

Chapter 31

12.1K 358 45
By Midnight_Writer97

Chapter 31:

        The long drive to the hospital took everything I had not to get in an accident of my own, as I drove well over the posted speed limit. I kept running in my head every scenario that I could think of. How bad was he? Would he make it out of surgery? Tears flooded my eyes at the mere thought, I can't lose the only man i've ever loved. He may not be my boyfriend anymore, but there comes a peace in knowing he was always some where in the world. So whether he is in my life again, or lives as a memory i'll treasure forever, it doesn't matter. I just need him to pull through this.

I reach the hospital around 5:15, the sky turning a light grey as the sun waits to wake the world up. I look at myself in the mirror, bracing myself for whatever is to come. The automatic doors open up to the emergency room where Jay's aunt told me she would meet me. There's a couple patients sitting there, waiting to be called back. I see a bloody rag held up to a mans forehead, and someone explaining to a nurse of an extreme migraine. A woman in the back, gets up and heads my way. It must be Jay's aunt because she offers me a friendly smile which I try my best to return. She's taller than I am, probably about 5'7. Dark short hair reaches just below her ears, which brightens her green eyes. You can tell she's been crying, and I feel the need to blink my own back.

"You must be Shaylee? Jay has told me so much about you, even has showed me some pictures of you."

"Only good things I hope?" I smile to lighten the mood. "I've heard a lot about you as well, it's nice to finally meet you. Although I wish it had been on better terms." I extend my arm to shake her hand but she just pulls me in a hug, which honestly it's probably exactly what we both need. She leads me over to some chairs she was just previously sitting in.

"More family will be on their way when I get more updates from the doctor. All I know so far is everything i've already told you. They were doing a trip around base, to make sure everything was clear. When they headed more out, the first tank in front of them hit either a land mine or was hit with something else and was blown up. Jay's tank was farther back so they got the ambush part of it all. They shot most of the men that attacked them, but a few got away. Jay's friend, James pushed him out of the way in time. He was hit once too but I'm not sure how his condition is. My heart drops at the thought of something happening to James, I know I never met him but I could tell Jay really liked him a lot.

The door opens. A doctor in surgery clothes steps out, and walks towards us. He looks tired from the long procedure and I find myself shifting uncomfortably in my seat, I'm standing before he's even close to us. He rubs his face where his grey mustache is and adjusted his glasses, he's bald also and seems to have what people refer to as a little beer belly starting. I look for any creases in his face, any signs of dread to see if bad news awaits. He seems very calm though, either everything went well, or he's had too many experiences of telling awful news to families. I hold my breathe as he approaches us, and shakes both are hands. I see his mouth moving to introduce himself to me but I can't hear anything, i'm only tuned into the news I need to hear.

"Jay's surgery went well, he's in recovery now but he may be here for a bit." I let out a huge breathe of relief as tears spill over my eyes, to hear he is ok is all I need.

"However, the bullet broke several of his ribs and hit his left lung. He is on a breathing ventilator for now and we gave him some medicine through his I.V too make him relaxed and put him in a sedative state. He also has a dislocated shoulder and a fractured hand on the same arm. He also has a few abrasions and a cut that needed stitches above his eye and of course chest from the surgery."

"Can we see him please?" I managed to croak out, my hoarse was scratchy from all the crying.

"You really aren't suppose to right now, he's still in ICU. So only one visitor at a time please and no longer than five minutes. Although he can't respond and will be under medication, we like you to still talk to him, it helps. Now which one will be going back first?"

"Of course she will." I gestured towards Jay's aunt as she gave me a squeeze of her hand and walked past to follow the doctor.

I took the time to send Nancy a text explaining why I wouldn't be in work today and that i'd call her later with details. My legs bounced with anticipation and my hands twisted its ways into knots along with my stomach as I waited for my turn. Finally after about ten minutes Jay's aunt came out with a tissue in her hand, she nodded for me to go back and I didn't waste a second too. I followed the nurse down and tried not to look into the rooms with very sick people in them. I heard heart monitors that made me feel like my own wasn't ok, and families coming in and out with drained faces.

After going straight for a bit, and taking a left turn we finally stepped into a room. My heart beats fast as I pushed back the curtain, to see Jay in there with a tube down his throat and bandages over his chest and face. His dark hair was pushed up as always and it took me back to old times. I took a peek at all his monitors to see they looked steady. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and grabbed his right hand, it was the only thing that didn't seem to have a bandage or sling on it. Just at the mere touch of his skin I felt my body relax. I've been such an emotional wreck without him that it finally felt good to have my craving subsided for what I yearned for most. I tried my best to take a deep breathe and calm my nerves.s

"Hey, it's me. You've really scared me when your aunt called me, but i'm so happy to see you're ok. I've missed you so much Jay, and I forgive you for kissing your ex. I just love you so much, and I never want to experience what i've gone through these days without you. I don't know if you knew but James saved you from more serve injuries, so I'm still waiting to hear about his condition. I'll let you know though when I find out. Back home is ok, same old same old I suppose. Actually no, to be honest my life has been hell without you baby, and I just need you to heal fast and be ok please." My voice cracks a bit as it gets harder to talk,a nurse signals that my time is up. So instead I lean in and kiss his lips as softly as I can.

"I love you." I whisper in his ear. "Always have and always will."


Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing well and had an amazing Thanksgiving. I start working soon so I hope I'll still be able to update as much as possible! I loved everyone's support on the last chapter. I was so happy. Now I know that this chapter may be slow but it will get better as I get more ideas. Love you guys!! Thank you so much for every comment and vote! This chapter is dedicated to all of you!



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