Key to my heart (Tyler Locke)

By jojomarie04

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Girl meets boy Girl and boy find secret keys More



2.4K 61 5
By jojomarie04

Waking up early in the morning Juniper woke up with a smile on her face; she was one of those people who don't mind the mornings; she freshened up then put on a pair of black stockings, A floral to check it shirt and a burgundy colored dungaree dress over everything matching this outfit with her trusty doc martens and a leather jacket.

She walked downstairs to find her mother and father at the dining room table already eating breakfast from the array of choices on the table. "Morning mom, dad" giving them both a hug from behind the chairs and a kiss on the cheek. "Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep" her father us setting down the newspaper he was reading to give her his full attention.

"You know how I always sleep dad, like a baby" she said Setting an array of fruits onto her muesli and yogurt. The family continued to have conversations among each other before Juniper left for school. Wishing her a great day at school and kissing your cheek Juniper's parents watched her off to school.


Heading to her locker quickly to put her books down and get to she walked past Kinsey without even noticing it, but when she heard what one of the girls said that caused her to hold from her walking forward and reverse backwards.

After the girl on the left said "And your point is" Juniper could not let this behavior go unnoticed. "The point is her father lost his life with her in the house and you're acting like a bitch about it so please remove yourself from my presence and hers before we have a real problem" both girls scoffed but walked away, not wanting to deal with the wrath of Juniper Springs.

Turning to Kinsey, Juniper's face held a soft smile "I'm sorry people in this school can be mean, but if you need anything just find me at the lunch table reading a Jane Austen book" she told her before heading off to get Kelsey a books.


Lunchtime came around and Juniper made her way to the ice hockey tryouts since she was a student assistant coach this year to get her credit score up for college. On her way down the stairs, she saw Tyler taking off his helmet. "Fancy seeing you here" she said. Tyler looked up to see Juniper "what, are you following me know?" Juniper laid out a chuckle " don't flatter yourself pretty boy, I am your student assistant coach for the year. Just to get my credit score up" she said giving him a wink before walking over to coach

Letting at a chuckle Tyler wiped his mouth before two players skated up to him. "You've got skills dude" one of them said "Yeah seriously" the other one with curly hair agreed. "I'm Javi and that's Brinker" he introduced the bot to his right with curly hair. "Tyler Locke" he replied.

"We could totally use you, what's your position?" Javi asked. "I played Center in my old school in Seattle" he told them. "You don't have to pay center to get laid here. Girls love trauma." Javi told Tyler. "Wait what?" Tyler asked genuinely confused of where this conversation was going.

Brinker laughed, "Dude you've been through real shit. Oh how dope that is to someone who nothing's happened to" Javi said to him. "I mean come on, you already have the richest and prettiest girl in school talking to you" he continued.

"Who?" Tyler asked. "Juniper Springs! man come one" Brinker said hitting him on the shoulder. " I mean I don't think anyone has dated her, she doesn't even have friends." Javi said. "Calm down we just met yesterday and I'm not looking for a relationship the grass ain't greener on the other side when it comes to girls liking you for trauma" Tyler told them.

"Look what throwing a party tonight you should totally come" Brinker said inviting the Locke boy.

"You should come dude" Brinker said. After coach yelling repeatedly for them the two boys skated back into the rink while Tyler hydrated himself.


After practice Juniper planned on going home and finishing off her book but it seems that the universe had another plan. So this year was standing at a party waiting for one of her cousins to have her fun and ask to go home.

Because Juniper was put on babysitting duty tonight which you really hate. With her book being at home she just decided to play the eight ball app on her phone. She was leaning on a wall while shaking her phone until she heard "Something wrong with your phone" she looked up to see Tyler walking over to her with blood shot eyes.

"Eight ball app" she replied. "Ah" Tyler hummed. The duo was then immersed in awkward silence. "So, what did you ask it?" Tyler asked cutting the tension. "Will anything interesting happen at this party" she replied removing the hair from her face.

"And?" Tyler asked with a smile growing on his face. "Mm..Not likely" she replied with a giggle at the end. "So you're saying I might as well call it a night?" He asked. "Well I would've been nose deep in a book but I'm stuck on babysitting duty to one of my cousins tonight so yeah maybe I'm saying that"

"Javi is serving cheap vodka and Cheez Whiz, I left hope at the door" Tyler joked. Juniper let out another giggle this one a little longer. Just then Juniper's drunk cousin came stumbling towards the two. "Shots?" She said holding them up.

"I think it's time to get you home and me to my book" Juniper said taking the alcohol out of her hands. "Fine" she dragged out. Appearing in thin air a girl which Juniper never saw took the two shots holding one up to Tyler "Means more for us" she said flirtatiously.

Juniper just gave him a strained smile before walked out her cousin in toe. When she got outside she shoved her cousin into the backseat and going to the front. She turned ignition on but nothing happened she did that four times till she realized her car battery she had died.


Heading out to going to frustration and hitting her head on the steering wheel, she called me which she sat down on the sidewalk waiting for. A few moments later the pick up truck arrived though for some apparent reason he said he wouldn't be able to drop her home so that she was on the sidewalk with a cousin laying on her lap hoping to get a ride.

Just a joke about to call her parents, she heard the door close and she saw it was Tyler. "Hey I thought you were going home" he said looking at her. " I was but then my car battery died" she sighed.

"Well get in" he said pointing to his car. "I couldn't" she said shaking her head. "Hey just because it is it a jeep doesn't mean that it's disgusting" He said mock offended. " no it's not that, I don't want to intrude and ruin your night because we'll still have to go pass my cousins house"

"No problem get it" he repeated the same action. Not wanting to fight she picked her cousin up and flopped her in the backseat while she took the passenger seat. On their way after dropping off her cousin I saw a silhouette walking in front of them, when they got close it became clear that it was Kinsley.

Tyler honked at her but she continued walked saying something but neither could hear her. "Can you get in the car before you have to cut off your frostbitten toes" Tyler asked her. Kinsey sighed before opening the door to the backseat and jumping in.

Juniper decided to call her parents and tell her that she was on her way home. After two rings her mom picked up. "Hey honey how's the party" her mother asked. "It was boring, I dropped Claire home and on the way to the house are you guys back yet?" She asked. "No we're not we'll be home in two hours or so" her mother replied. Sucking in her breath Juniper told her mother 'okay' then ended the call.

Turning to Tyler she said "I know it's a school night and all but do you think I can stay at your house till my parents get back from their business dinner" turning slightly to her but still keeping his eyes on the road he said "Yeah, no problem"


Soon they pulled up to the house and the trio walked inside. When they got to the foyer there was a little boy standing there with a bunch of rope around his shoulder.

"Guys help it's mom" he cried. "What's wrong?" Kinsey asked. "She stuck in my mirror" he explained. "What do you mean?" Tyler said asking for more detail on the situation, "I'll show you. Come on!" He said.

The trio followed him up the stairs "Who's your new lady friend Tyler" the little boy asked while they walked to the room. "My names Juniper what's yours little man" she asked. "Bode" he answered. "Cool" she said to him.

When they got into the room they all faced the mirror, With it only showing Tyler's reflection on it. The reflection raised its hand signaling for Tyler to follow. At this moment Juniper was ready to throw up. "What the hell?" Kinsey said.

"That can't be real" Tyler denied. "Mom!" Tyler shouted out. "Tyler" a voice yelled from the mirror. "I have to go in" Tyler was about to step in "No!" Bode shouted. "Here" Juniper said wrapping the rope around his waist their faces inches apart. "Use this to get back when you find your mom, okay?" She said "All right" he replied. Tyler moved towards the mirror as the trio held onto the rope.

"Be careful" Bode told him not wanting to loose another family member. When Tyler just put the tip of his finger onto the mirror it started to shut it the sound of shattering glass bounce through the walls of the room before he was consumed by the glass.

The commotion that was happening on that other plane could be heard through the glass. The trio heard Tyler trying to navigate and find his mom. "Pull us out!" They heard Tyler shout. "With all their strength they were able to pull the two out.

"Are you alright?" Juniper asked hugging Tyler from behind as the other two siblings hugged their mother. Feeling the adrenalin wear off from the situation juniper quickly stood up grabbed Bode's bedside bin and through up.

"Who is that?" the mother asked as the four watched her hurl. "Tyler's lady friend" Bode answered. Seeing he look his mom was giving him he cleared things up "No.. she's not my...she's not my lady friend she's just a friend. We're neighbors" he stumbled on his words.

His mother just hummed. "What the hell just happened" Juniper asked as she looked up for the bin. "I told you these keys are for real business" Bode said to them. "This... what is this" Mrs Locke asked.

"This house is full of magical keys" Bode told them. Everyone seemed to be soaking in that information. "Mom?" Kinsey called softly "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Fine. Fine." She assured her children. "Did you have fun at your party" she asked Tyler changing the subject. "The mirror?" Tyler asked. "It's nice right. It could use some polishing" she said standing up

"Mom! You went through the mirror in there! And you got lost inside" Bose reminded her. She looked at the children strangely. "He's not lying" Tyler defended. "You were just in there" Kinsey continued.

"What are we talking about?" She asked. All the kids looked at each other. "The mirror" Juniper said "Oh right, we can find out where we bought and tell you" she said to Juniper. "I'll add it to the list" she said walking out.

All the kids watched her as she walked out. "What is this place?" Kinsey asked.

After an hour a The kids had migrated to their rooms with juniper going into Tylers. She was just sitting on one of the seats by his desk trying to process what happened when her phone rang which caused her to jump out of her seat.

She saw the cool idea was her mom and answered. "Hey mom what's up" she answered trying to sound as casual as possible. "Where are you?" Her mother asked. "Sorry, my car broke down and I hitched a ride from a friend which took me to his house cause I didn't want to be in the house look" she explained.

"Well you can come back now we just got back home" mother said. "Okay i'll see you in a few" she hung up and look at Tyler. "I got to go, my parents back back" she said to him.

He stood up from where he was laying on his bed. "Okay I'll walk you" he said. "You don't have to" she told him. "It's fine I need fresh air from what happened just now" he told her.

After about five minutes they were at her front door. " I hope tonight doesn't change your mind about stalking me" he joked. " what, and miss out on the quality content of Tyler Locke, never" she replied.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. She just nodded. Stand up on her tippy toes she kissed his cheek. "Goodnight Tyler".

Outfit for next chapter

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