
By Sprinting_Ginger

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Being a nomad fits Tilly's lifestyle, and she is more than happy with the unconventional way she lives. Being... More



875 41 22
By Sprinting_Ginger

Double update read 18!

To: Animal Girl
From: Band Boy

Tilly, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I got jealous, and I was wrong. I get it, I understand you had someone who was that important to your life before me. And I am not trying to push him out of your life. I just, I was caught off guard. I didn't expect your engagement ring to be what you grabbed. I don't mind that you have it. In fact I do think it's nice you still do. (Please, do not start wearing it again though.)

I hope you know this is hard for me too. I'm trying to be everything you need, but sharing you with someone who has been immortalized in your eyes is fucking hard. How can I ever live up to what T was. How can I ever compete? And it does sting a little knowing that I won't ever be the only man in your heart. I completely understand why T will always be there too, and I'm okay with it. But I'm still human too. And sometimes it is going to really be hard to handle those things. But I will do my best. And I am sorry for yelling, for making your feelings and past seem unimportant.

You are special, Tilly, you make me happier than anyone else ever has. I want to be with you, I want to get back to what we had the night before, to calming you down and talking until you fell asleep. I want to get back to you giggling at cute and calling me your boyfriend. I want to be perfect for you, but I'm not a perfect person unfortunatly. But I will try my hardest to be the person you need. I'm sorry I slipped up. If I could take it back I would.

Please email me back, AG... I miss you.

I'm in Glasgow tonight for a show, my dad's Scottish, I don't know if I told you that before, so I have some family coming out. We're in Liverpool tomorrow, and then headed to mainland Europe to continue the tour.

Please, AG, talk to me...

Calum, The band boy


To: Animal Girl
From: Band Boy

I get it, your mad. I deserve it. But how am I supposed to make this up to you, fix it, if you won't talk to me?

Please, please! Don't through is away over one mistake I made. I know it was big, and I wish I could take it back.

Please Tilly?

We are in Munich, headed for Zurich then off to another stop.

It's been seven days since I got to talk to you and I'm going crazy.

I miss you, AG.

Calum, the band boy


To: Animal Girl
From: Band Boy

If you trying to get me to stop responding by not replying then you're out of luck. I'm fighting for this, AG. I'm fighting for us. If it takes tracking you down between tour legs, if it means acting a fool for everyone to see.

I am not giving up on us, AG. And I hope you don't either, we are special and I think you know that.

How's your dad? Are you holding up okay after fighting with your mom? Are you still in New York with your family? Or off on some adventure elsewhere?

Wherever you are, I hope you're safe. I hope you're enjoying what you're doing. And I hope you're thinking of me. No matter how selfish that sounds.

And please, do not hesitate to call if you need me this week. I promise normal Calum will answer, not asshole Calum.

I'm in Prague tonight for the show, then off to Vienna.

I miss you more and more as this silence grows longer.

Call soon? Please.

Calum, the heartbroken idiot band boy


June 3th, Tilly's Devastating Day!

Tilly, zoologist, wildlife conservationist, and social media star got struck down again, three years to the day after the life altering blow of losing her fiancé.

Tilly, pictured above (right) with twin sister Eloise Warren, has been traveling the world over for more than six years now. Working with organizations, foundations, and private research groups to improve the wildlife of our planet.

The first three years of her travels included her boyfriend turned fiancé, Trevor Lampe. The couple traveled to six of the seven continents and helped in numerous projects together. Lampe proposed to Tilly on May 19, 2017, the first night they were in Kenya for the start up to a decade long project working with Tilly's favorite animal, lions.

They broke the news of the engagement to their combined 3.4million twitter followers the next day, Lampe's post including a photo of the couple and the following caption:

"My #1, my partner in crime, my biggest support, and oldest friend. T&T since '95. I love you Tilly J, and I am so lucky to have asked you to be my wife while surrounded by the beauty of Africa. Thank you for saying yes."

Tragedy struck only fifteen days later. Lampe out for the morning scout with some local villagers was caught in a flash flood on June 3rd. While moving to higher ground he was caught in the rushing water and pulled away, while those with him watched helplessly from their perch on a ledge. His body was not recovered until the following afternoon, and detail as to the condition of his remains were never released.

If June 3rd was not already a sour note in Tilly's life after losing Lampe, the news this morning could definitely count it as such. Around 12pm EST, news broke that Tilly's father, the fashion tycoon Richard Warren passed away due to complications related to a brain tumor he has been suffering for the last six months.
Tilly who has been estranged from both her parents since Lampe's death has not spoken on the matter of her Father's health since news broke of the diagnosis. Tilly was spotted this afternoon wandering through Paris where she has been staying while recovering from a broken wrist that has kept her out of the jungles. One fan reported witnessing Tilly take a phone call before leaving in a hurry with tears in her eyes.

To: Animal Girl
From: Band Boy

Get on a train, AG, meet me in Budapest, let me help you. I know your dad died today, I know T died three years ago today. I know you need support. Please, Tilly, let me be that support. Let me just hold you, as long as you need. My offer still stands and I know you need it.

Fuck, AG, my heart is breaking for you. No matter how bad your relationship was with your dad. I know you're hurting, and to have it hit today of all days. I just want to help.

I want to show you how much I miss you, how much I care about you.

Please, AG, I booked a ticket under your name, from Paris to Budapest tonight. It leaves at 9pm. You'll be here by morning. I'll have a car waiting for you at the station to bring you to me.

Please, AG, get on that train, let me do this for you.

I'm headed on stage in Vienna, praying I see you in Budapest tomorrow morning.

Calum, the hopeful, heartbroken, sorry, band boy


Liked by eloisewarren, calumhood, and 326,549
Littlemissnomad: Fuck you June 3rd

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Does Tilly go to Budapest, or is Cal going to have to try harder???

If she does go how does their first interaction go?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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