Alacrimia | √

By InamorataFeels

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Alacrimia in Layman's terms is the congenital inability to produce tears. Some places in Africa have their... More

Copyright Page
Part the First
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part the Second
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty+Two
Chapter Twenty+Three
Chapter Twenty+Four
Chapter Twenty+Five
Chapter Twenty+Six
Chapter Twenty+Seven
Chapter Twenty+Eight
Chapter Twenty+Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note
Also by the Author . . .

Chapter Twenty+One

873 169 60
By InamorataFeels

08:39am, October 1
Nsukka, Enugu State.

The first of October was a joyous day for every Nigerian. To the adults and wizened, it signified another year since the country had gained her independence, to the children, it signified the day when they all went out and had festivals and fun.

Which was why everybody at the Nsukka First Funfair had a smile on their faces as they walked about in different costumes and attires and prizes. All, except a certain half-Somali half-Nigerian girl. The girl had all her frown concentrated on the candy floss in her hand, as if it was being sly and staring at it long enough would reveal whatever it had been hiding.

She was leaning forward on a railing that bothered a train ride and people passed by her every now and then, obstructing her view, which could have been more reason why she refused to misplace her frown.

A excited group of kids garbed in green and white feathery costumes breezed by, obstructing her view of the candy again. By the time they had moved forward the candy floss was no longer in her hand.

She looked towards the kids, her frown deepening and started to call after them but her eyes caught the melting pink mass on the floor and she stamped her foot in annoyance.

She had started climbing the railing to the other side to pick it up when a hand on her shoulder drew her back.

'Eniiyi, for God's sake, where are you climbing to?'

Eniiyi stuttered, staring at China then at the toddling baby beside her. 'Um . . . nowhere?'

'Seriously?' China rolled her eyes and paused when it landed on the pink mess on the other side. 'Is that . . . Eniiyi, were you going to pick it up?' She looked strangely at the girl.

'No!' she was quick to say. 'Yes, actually . . .but I wasn't going to . . .' she trailed off and sighed. 'The man that sold it to me told me to stare close enough and I'd find what I was looking for.'

'Really?' China raised a eyebrow. 'And may I ask what you were looking for o?'

'Mm . .my parents,' Eniiyi said quietly and then quickly added, 'Not that I was expecting them to appear or something, it's just that when he said that, I thought maybe if I really looked closely their location would appear . . .'

'You've got to be kidding me, girl. Does that look like a magic mirror or something.' China chuckled.

'Oh well . . . I was just-'

China touched the girl's arm. 'I get. But all this doesn't work, the candy seller must have been joking or probably wanted to make you buy it.'

'Oh,' said Eniiyi, her head dropping in disappointment.

'But you sha tried,' China tried to restore her spirit.

'Mm-hmm,' Eniiyi mumbled.

'I got good news,' China said brightly, hoping to cheer the girl up. 'Lastborn and Kanayo are getting their faces painted and I thought you might want to have yours done too?'

Eniiyi raised her head slightly to stare down at the baby's face.

'No, he hasn't done his yet, Lastborn is still there. Eniiyi, don't you want to come along?'

'I want to,' Eniiyi said, shaking off any sad thought from her mind. 'I'd love to, please.'

'Alright,' China smiled, surprised and took the girl's hand. 'It's not far from here.'

When Eniiyi was sat down diligently in front of the artiste as she did her face, Lastborn stood arms akimbo in front of her.

'Where did you go the other time?' he asked.

'!' Baby Kanayo said, throwing his fist at Lastborn. The boy was quick to catch him before he toppled over on his small legs.

'She's not supposed to talk while I'm working on her face,' the artiste chided. 'And hold that child well, bikonu. Your mother didn't ask you to be flinging him about.'

While the tetchy woman was busy chiding Lastborn Eniiyi rolled her eyes and wished she'd get it over with quickly. Mrs Okenwa had gone to get them tickets for a train ride and the others were done and waiting for her.

Lastborn's face had been done in dark-green, white and yellow curly butterflies and it looked great in his light complexion. But she liked Baby Kanayo's better. One half of his face was done in green, white and aqua ripples and it looked more like a half mask than anything.

'We are done.' The woman stood back to examine her handiwork then handed Eniiyi a mirror.

Eniiyi liked the half mask of green and white and pink petals that covered one side of her face. It accentuated her eyelids and brought out the colour of her skin.

'Thank you,' she said with genuineness.

'I mara mma,' the woman said, beaming even more.

'Daalụ,' Eniiyi expressed gratitude, happy to hear that she looked pretty.

The woman was soon on her way and the children waited patiently for China's return.

China was spotted from afar, her phone propped between her shoulder blade and her ear as she struggled with aplastic bag with both hands.

Eniiyi quickly went to relieve her of the heavy bag. China nodded in gratitude and then held her phone properly.

She listened to something for a while, her face lighting up and then said, 'Mgbe ọ bụ echi?

'Kedu? Mba, ọ dị mma. Take care of yourself, Heart. I'll call you later when we reach home. Yes, I will greet them for you. Bye.'

'Who's it?' Lastborn asked.

'My husband, he's coming back from Uganda tomorrow. It's a bit of an impromptu thing, since he wasn't supposed to be done with his project till December, but okay. And he's excited to meet you two! He's asked me to extend his greetings to you guys.'

China had always looked happy, but Eniiyi had never seen her so giddy, it was almost childlike.

As if he understood his mother's mood Baby Kanayo threw his pudgy arms around her legs and made a baby sigh. China laughed and scooped him up, twirling him around with her.

'Did you hear that, Kamsi? Papa is coming tomorrow!'

'Papa!' the baby giggled out, obviously enjoying the air ride.

'Oh my God!' Eniiyi and China squealed together.

'Did he just speak?' Eniiyi's eyes were wide.

'Kamsi? Kamsi, say that again?' China coaxed slowly.

'Baby Kanayo, say it again.' Lastborn and Eniiyi went closer to the amused baby, holding their breaths.

The baby giggled, finding the undivided attention on him funny.

'Say mama, Kamsi, say mama. Ma-ma,' China pronounced slowly, holding the baby high up.

Lastborn had somehow gotten hold of China's phone and was now recording.

'M-m-mama!' the baby squealed in giggles.

China's eyes were wide in disbelief, not sure her own just said her name for the first time ever. 'Did you hear that?' She turned to the children then noticed Lastborn recording.

'Oh my God, did you get that on video?'

'Yes,' Lastborn said beaming.

'This is legit the best day of my life! Somto is soo hearing about this!'

The baby burped, as if calling attention back to himself and his gleeful mother twirled him around again.

'Pappa! M-m-mama!' he stuttered again, having smartly figured out that it was what was earning him all the attention and twirling.

If China was giddy before, she was going to explode now.

'Yes!' Eniiyi hollered, jumping up. 'Did you get that, too?'

'Yes,' Lastborn replied, bobbing his head.

'Now I have to teach him how to say Eniiyi,' the girl said smugly.

Lastborn looked at her incredulously. 'Máa tan ara e, be deceiving yourself.'

'Shut up.' Eniiyi scowled at him.

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