My Friends End the World

By RoyalMittens

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Jenny Moore expects a fun, laid-back sixteenth birthday. However, she ends up doing quite the opposite when s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

2 0 0
By RoyalMittens

I glanced over at the door. The demons hadn't made it there yet, but I knew they'd somehow managed to break into Heaven and were on their way to the throne room.

"How'd they get in?" I asked.

"The combined power of all of them, plus the extra power Lucifer had stored up, it was enough to break the warding against demons, allowing them unrestricted passage into Heaven," Silas explained.

"Jenny, you can do this," Dad said letting go of my hand. I took a few steps forward and he passed out, falling onto the floor.

I reached for him, but Jonah and Silas had both gotten used to their humanity and had gotten to Dad's side first. "You need to do this, Jenny. I know you can," Silas assured me.

I nodded. I took a few more steps toward the door and could sense exactly where the demons were. They were right down the hall and closing fast.

I reached my hands out and focused my powers just like with the stuffed animal, only more. I used the most power I could. I directed it at the door of the throne room, forcing it closed. Only seconds later, the demons pushed full force against me.

Polly and Zyn appeared right at my side, and used their own powers to help me force the door closed, which helped a lot. The entire demon army against two rebel demons and me. We kept them at bay.

I felt another huge presence of power. I locked eyes with Zyn, and his look confirmed my fear: Lucifer was on his way.

"How are we gonna be able to keep him and the demons out of here?" I asked him.

"Maybe we don't," Zyn replied. "Maybe we let one of them in."

"We are not letting Lucifer in, and the demons will kill us in a heartbeat," I argued. "We can't let either of them in."

"Well, what other brilliant ideas do we have?" Polly asked.

I looked at the door again. It was barely holding onto its hinges, and was only moments away from breaking down. Lucifer was making his way down the hall and would be at the door any minute. There was no hope for me and my friends.

"You can do this," Zyn said. He obviously had an idea, I just didn't know what it was.

I kept pushing on the door. I pondered what he said, and finally, the idea hit me.

"Let go," I said to my friends. "It's okay. I know what to do."

My friends let go of the door, unsure of my plan. The door was heavier for me after they let go, but little by little, I also released it.

When I let go, it immediately broke down, and demons flooded into the room. They had awhile before they'd make it to my side, so I had time to conjure up the power to do what I needed to do.

"Will this kill you guys?" I asked my friends.

There was a pause before anyone answered. "You can't think about that. Just remember that you're saving the world," Zyn replied.

I knew it would kill them. I just wasn't sure I'd be able to live without my friends if what I did worked. "I love you guys. You're my best friends, and I'm glad we got to share this together," I said, tears beginning to stain my cheeks.

I could sense that my friends were also crying. I knew that porting them somewhere away from the throne room would use some of my power, but I knew that if I did it, they'd live.

So, of course, I ported them back to Earth.

"Dad, hang in there. This might hurt," I said. As the demons started to approach us, I released all my power.

I passed out for a few seconds, but woke up as soon as I hit the floor. I shot my eyes open and looked in the hallway. There were no more demons, but Lucifer had entered the room and was walking toward me.

"Neat trick, Jenny," he said, admiring my work. "I see your powers have improved. Unfortunately for you, that will have been in vain."

That was what I wanted him to think. I knew I was stronger. I stood up and used my telekinesis to throw him into the air, and he hit the ceiling a hundred feet above us. When he fell back down, he brought pieces of the cement ceiling with him.

I ported my friends back, but this time, it was all of my friends: Silas, Jonah, Zyn, Asabeth, Polly, and Liz. Together, the seven of us would defeat Lucifer.

He laughed. It echoed through the huge room, a loud, booming sound. "How sweet. You think your little friends can help you defeat me. I'm flattered. Really."

"Don't underestimate us," I replied.

"Oh, I'm not," Lucifer said. "I know you're weak after the little show with the demons. I'm so excited to see the second act."

I started to absorb power from the room. My friends did the same. We were obviously taking some of Lucifer's because his step pattern started to become more and more uneven, like he was trying to keep himself from passing out.

He got within about ten feet of us and we let it all go. The room lit up with a bright white light, temporarily blinding me and my friends. When the light disappeared and I could see, all my friends were fine, and Lucifer was lying still on the ground.

Before we celebrated, Asabeth checked her watch. It appeared on her arm, and after examining it for several seconds, she said "The world ends twenty seconds ago."

My friends and I all clapped and cheered. We hugged each other. Then I decided to check on Lucifer. Why didn't he vaporize like the other demons?

I knelt at his side. He never opened his mouth, but his voice echoed in my mind. "I'll be back, Jenny."

I knew I wouldn't kill him, if he was as powerful as Dad said he was, but we at least weakened him, possibly even reduced his essence to atoms. He wouldn't be back for awhile, if at all.

Still, I took what he said into consideration, then checked on my father. He was still alive and was beginning to open his eyes. "Hey, Dad," I said calmly.

He groaned. "What'd I miss?"

My friends and I all chuckled. "Oh, not much. We just saved the world and destroyed Lucifer, that's all," I replied.

He sat up. "I'm proud of you, Jenny," he said. "You're a strong, brave young woman, and I'm proud to call you my daughter."


We all returned to Earth. It was pouring rain, which was expected. I saw homes destroyed and trees scattered all over the place, the aftermath of all the power we drew from Heaven and the battles we fought. People were pulling the wounded and dead out of wreckage, but at least the world wasn't totally leveled.

As close as we were to not keeping Lucifer off the throne, we didn't destroy the world while we were at it. Yeah, we made some real big, nasty storms that ruined people's homes and belongings, but most of the population survived.

I went online to look for news articles about the catastrophies. I found that eighteen thousand people were killed worldwide from a variety of storms from thunderstorms, category four hurricanes, and tornadoes. As devastated as I was, I felt like it could've been much worse.

I was just happy because my friends and I saved the world.

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