Three Reasons

By novelistic_mind

136K 6.1K 485

Hunter is a very successful and wealthy man that is enjoying his life as a well known bachelor. He is known o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

6K 312 21
By novelistic_mind

"How is this even possible?" Rachel said as she stared down at Reagan.
"She looks too much like us Ray." Hunter smiled at the nick name.
"That's what I call Reagan."
 "Mom gave us that nickname. Mine is Ray Ray though. Weird I know but it works out." Rachael responded.
"What's wrong with her?"
 "She lost a lot of blood during birth. And she has cancer. She needs a bone marrow transplant. I know this may be bogus to ask but can you two take a DNA test?"
"Yes." They said without hesitation. Before they did the DNA test they tested their blood to see if it was a match and it was for both. At that point Hunter had no doubt that the twins were somehow related to Reagan. His question was how did they get separated? He bet that was a question Reagan would like to know also. The blood transfusion worked and Reagan began coming to the very next day. Raven had come in to check up on the woman that may be a long lost sister. She had asked her mother about a baby and yes her mother confessed to giving a baby girl up. She was only fifteen when she had the baby and she was scared to raise her at such an young age so she gave her up for adoption.
 "She's a lawyer." Raven said as she looked up at Hunter who was smiling.
  "You googled her." She nodded her head.
 "I wanted to know about her." She's done great things. Especially for children. She's going to be a great mother." She rubbed Reagan's forehead.
  "I can't believe that i'm going to suggest this but i'll pay you anything you want if you do a bone marrow transplant for her."
  "Now i'm a nurse so you know I  can't take your money. Besides i have my own money so bribing me is a no no." He smiled.
 "You sound just like her. She's very independent."
"That's because she's my sister. I can feel it. I feel so close to her already for it not to be. Now you do have something i want."
"What's that?"
"I wanna see those babies of hers."
 "We can definitely arrange that."
   Reagan frown from the light in her eyes. She wanted to yell at whoever had the lights on but she couldn't speak. Her mouth felt so dry, and her body ached. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the light she looked around. She was in the hospital she knew the look and smell all too well. On her left she spotted Hunter. He was asleep on the couch. He swallowed the little couch up with his big frame. Since she couldn't talk she moaned and he woke right up. He was never a heavy sleepier.
 "Reagan baby. You scared the hell out of me you know that?" She needed something to drink. When he got what she was trying to say he grabbed the water and let her drink some. When she didn't feel movement in her stomach she looked to find she was no longer pregnant. The panic that struck her face had Hunter worried.
 "My babies." She cried. Tears streamed down her face.
"They're alright baby." Hunter said reassuring her. "They're all three okay."
  "I want to see them." She tried to sit up but Hunter held her in place.
 "You have to gain your energy. I promise that they are fine" She relaxed just as the doctor came in.
  "Reagan. Good to see that you're finally with us again." He said as he checked the machines. She began looking alarmed again.
 "How long...?" she was unable to finish the whole sentence but she prayed they knew what she was trying to asked.
  "You been out for nearly two months Reagan." The doctor said casually.
 "What?" Tears began falling down her face again and the heart monitor began beeping.
  "Reagan you have to calm down. We'll explain everything to you babe okay. Please just calm down." Hunter said.
  "I wanna see my babies. I thought you said that they were okay?" She cried.
  "They are Reagan. You have to relax and listen to what the doctor is telling you." Hunter demanded. She nodded her head and relaxed once again.
"Okay we have to go by this bit by bit." The doctor explained.
   "Babies first." She said and the doctor nodded.
 "Well all of your babies survived. You had two girl and a boy. One of your girls and the boy were healthy. Of course they all were small but they pulled threw within three weeks after birth. They were able to go home. Now your last little girl was only a pound and five ounces when born. I can honestly say that she is a fighter."
"She still here?" She asked.
  "Yes she's still here. She has a few more weeks before she is able to go home. We want to make sure that her lungs fully developed before letting her go. She's going to pull thru. I have no doubt about that."
 "Thank God. Can I see her?"
"You will be able to see her, but at this time we need to take care of you first." She raised her brows up at the doctor.
 "Do you want me to wild out doc?"
  "No." He said laughing nervously.

   "Then get me a wheelchair so that I can see my baby." She then looked at Hunter. "Whoever has our babies call them and tell them to bring them to me. I want to see them." she laid back stubbornly. "Nothing else gets said or done to me until i see my babies."
  "I don't want to hear it Hunter. Get them. Now!" He smiled because this was the spitfire Reagan he remembered.
"Yes ma'am." he said going to make a phone call to Darlene who was watching them for him. Five minutes later she was off the see her daughter.
Reagan fought back tears as she got closer to her daughter. She can see that she was a very tiny girl. Stopping in front of her bed she slid her hand inside and gently touched her small hand. She wrapped her hand around Reagan's finger. The tears came then.
 "She's going to be okay Ray..." Hunter reassured her.

"This is my fault. If I would have taken better care of myself..."
"Stop you've done all the right things Ray. This isn't your fault. You were carrying three babies while battling cancer. You did amazing. She's still here and alive. We're going to take her home with us."
 "You promise?"

   "I promise baby." He kissed her forehead. "I promise." She gave her attention back to her daughter.
"Hope." She said then looked back at Hunter. "Did you name them?" He shook his head. "Mind if I?"
  "I don't mind. I was waiting for you to."
"Hope Miracle Smith." She looked at Hunter for improvement and he nodded his head.
 "I love it babe." An hour later Hunter got the call that Darlin was there with the babies. She brung them to Reagan's room and she laughed at the animal suits they were wearing.
 "I had these custom made since they are so tiny and couldn't fit regular two month old clothes."
"Thank you so much for taking care of them." Reagan said.
"It's the least i could do. They remind me of Timmy when he was a little baby. They don't have names yet so I just call them My Baby." Darlene said making everyone laugh.
 "Heaven and Hunter Jr." Reagan said as she picked up Hunter Jr. first. "My sweet boy." He smiled when she rubbed her nose against his. "Look at those dimples. Oh my goodness and you have grey eyes. I didn't notice Hope's eyes." Darlene passed her baby Heaven and she was wide awake and also had grey eyes. Tears came again.
 "Why are you crying now?" Hunter asked.
 "I can't leave my babies Hunter. I can't. Even if I only have a few months even weeks with them I want to spend as much time with them as I can. I need to make some form of memories with them."
"And you will. No one knows the outcome of their future Reagan."

"You know what I mean Hunter." She pulled baby Heaven to her chest. "I was crazy to think that I would be able to leave you." More tears streamed down her face. "I need Hope in here also. Is she allowed to come in here?"
"Yes she is." Hunter said. "The doctor also needs to explain other things to you Reagan."
"I know. I need to do kemo and all of that. It's something I've heard a million times."
 "No Reagan." Hunter got up and allowed Raven in the room along with his baby. Reagan's breath caught. The woman standing there looked just like her. How was that possible?
 "Hi Reagan." The woman said as she pulled the baby towards the bed but all Reagan could do was look at the woman. "Im Raven." She held out her hand for Reagan to take who took forever to shake it out of shock.
 "What is going on here?" Reagan said still confused.
 "Well Reagan I'm your sister." Raven said.
 "My what?" They looked once the door came rushing open again. 
 "Sorry I'm late." Reagan's mouth dropped open even more. It was Rachel at the door.
"What the hell is going on?" Reagan began to panic. Too much was happening at once.
 "Okay i have to ask everyone to leave." The doctor ordered.
Reagan woke to the sound of a crying baby. Forcing herself up she looked to find Hunter rocking Hunter Jr.
"You're going to be a big boy with how much you like to eat." Hunter said and Reagan's smile widened.
"Can I feed him?" She asked and he looked at her surprised to find her woke.
"Sure can." He passed her the baby and the bottle. Hunter watched as she hurried and gave him the bottle because he began to fuss. He couldn't believe that he was now a father and to triplets.
 "Thank you Reagan." He said she looked at him confused.
  "For what?"

   "For giving me three wonderful babies." She smiled.
  "You're welcome. And thank you for helping me make them. I was scared. Throughout my whole pregnancy I was scared, but not anymore."
  "What were you afraid of?"

   "Leaving them. But not anymore because I'm going to spend as much time with them as I can and I need you to tell them about me. Everything that you can."
  "I won't need to." He said and she looked at him confused once again. "We were trying to tell you earlier today but you began to panic and the doctor sedated you for a few hours."
  "That wasn't a dream?" She asked.
 "No." Hunter said laughing. "Your sisters were here."
  "Sisters? I have no family Hunter."
  "Now you do and it's a big ass family." He said and she laughed.
  "What's so funny?"
  "It's weird when you curse" He. just shook his head as he smiled.
"There's a lot of things that we will be learning about each other as time pass by but i want to do it."
  "You do?"
 "Yeah..." He was cut short when the doctor stepped in.

   "Your awake, good. I wanted to talk to you." Hunter Jr. had just finished eating and she passed him back to Hunter.
  "Make sure you burp him." She said and Hunter nodded his head already knowing what to do. She gave her attention to the doctor.    "Lay it on me Doc."
 "Well first we had found a donor for you." Her eyes grew wide.
  "Yes. We did the procedure already and your body took to it one hundred percent. Now your not out of the works yet but within a few weeks to months if things work how its supposed to you will definitely start feeling one hundred percent better."
"This is amazing doc. Thank you so much." Her eyes began to tear up.

"Can I meet them? The person who gave me the bone marrow transplant? Do they live close by?"
 "She's actually here. I can go get her for you."
  "Thank you so much doc." Once he left Hunter said.
  "No panicking like last time, okay?"

   "Why would I?"

   "You don't remember?"

   "I remember people coming in here but don't remember why."
"Well I'm not the only one with twins in my family. I can tell you that." He said as there was a knock then in walked the miracle woman. Reagan breath caught as she just stared at the woman who came near her.
  "Hello Reagan nice to meet you, again." The woman said holding her hand out. Reagan shook the  woman's hand still just staring.
  "What's your name?" She asked.

   "You're the woman that gave me the bone marrow transplant?" she nodded her head. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome." The woman said chuckling at how Reagan was still staring at her.
  "You look so much like me."
  "That's because we're sisters." The woman said laughing.
 "There's another woman that came in here also."
  "Our sister. We're twins." coming out of her shock she looked down at her hands trying to gather herself.
 "Is she here?"
  "She had to work, but she will be here right after." Reagan nodded her head. For some reason she couldn't look at Raven and ask her next question.
"Were you two given up for adoption also?"

   "No we weren't." Tears came again from Reagan and she whipped them away.
"Is she alive?" She asked referring to her birth mother.
  "Yes she is. Would you like to see her?"
  "No." Hunter passed Reagan some tissue. "Thank you." Taking a deep breath she said.
 "Is it just you two?"
  "We have a brother. He is going on military leave next month then he will be here. We told him about you and sent him pictures. He said you look like him the most. He cried so hard because he knew you were out there and he couldn't find you."
"What do you mean?"
  "He knew dad had another baby but he was so young and mom or dad never talked about you..."
 "So he was born first?" She asked.
 "How old is he?"
"Thirty." She just nodded her head.  He had to be no more than two years old when she was born. Of course he wouldn't have remembered her. Or wouldn't have been able to find her.
 "And of course he wasn't put up for adoption either?"
 "No. He has a different mother. Same father." She nodded her head in understanding. "Reagan mom didn't want to give you up..." she held her hand up, stopping her.
  "Don't try to defend her. I honestly don't want to hear it right now. I just want to get to know my sister." Raven nodded her head and they talked until it was time for Raven to get back to work but promised to come back once she got the chance.

Reagan missed her babies while they were gone. They weren't allowed to stay in the hospital. She still had Hope with her and she was getting stronger everyday. She was now allowed to hold her and feed her. She felt herself getting better also but didn't want to leave until her baby was able to come with her.
Hunter came everyday to see them and he seemed to change more and more in front of Reagan's eyes also. He seemed happier. Not the mean and angry Hunter she grew to know. He was reminding her of the Hunter she met at the restaurant. The one that would come see her at the hotel. He had brung the babies with him this time and she immediately went for Hunter Jr. Yes she was going to spoil him. But she went to him the most because he looked just like his father.
"He looks so much like you Hunter. It amazes me every time." She rubbed her nose against his and he smiled. She made it a habit to do it because she loved to see him smile.
  "I love you Reagan." She looked up at Hunter shocked and he nervously smiled.
  "What?" He walked over to her and standing beside her he said.
  "I think I've been in love with you, I just didn't want to accept it because I think i was afraid of you leaving after I confessed my love for you. I've never had anyone just make me love them like you did. Every woman I've ever dated I felt wasn't themselves, they tried to be this perfect person everyday of there life and when you came along not caring how people viewed you or you not trying to impress me all the time. You were just yourself and... I fell in love with that. With you. With everything about you. I was just...I don't know. I loved it and was afraid of it at the sametime." He took his son and placed him in his car seat then went back to her helping her up out of the bed. Leaning down he kissed her. Pulling a ring out of his pocket she gasped he cleared his throat trying to gather himself.
 "I know we have our differences, and the last time we spoke wasn't the best and I'm so sorry I hurt you baby. You are my everything and I can't live without you. We have a lot to learn and everyday won't be peaches and cream, but I want to go threw it with you. I need you. Our babies need you." She watched as he lowered to one knee looking up at her. The tears were already running down her face.
 "Reagan Clarkson. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife. Continue to remind me that I need normal in my life. Go with the flow. Would you please make me a happy man. A whole?" She nodded her head through blurred eyes.
 "Yes baby." Standing he hugged her lifting her off her feet. "I love you so much baby." When she wouldn't let him go he sat on the hospital bed with her on his lap. "I would do everything in my power to make you happy Hunter."
 "You being you is what makes me happy."
 "I love you baby. I love you so much."

I wanna thank everyone for reading my story. Please continue to read my other stories. Vote and comment. Let me know what y'all think. This is a series so part two will be coming soon. So stay tuned for that. Please vote for my other stories also. One more chapter then it's the end. Thanks for reading. 

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