Lurid (BWWM)

By ReignXBlack

272K 12.8K 1.7K

⚠️THIS WAS MY SECOND BOOK SO HALFWAY BEWARE?⚠️ A girl named Reign has been sick the eighteen years she's been... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|

|Chapter 6|

13.5K 673 70
By ReignXBlack

Chapter 6
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."- Edger Allan Poe

I left the hospital the next day and I felt like shit. My subconscious is saying "at least you left that hell hole." But the shitty thing about it is. I haven't been seeing my blue eyed stranger. I can't believe I get worked up on not seeing my imaginary friend. Too bad this isn't foster homes of imaginary friends, he'll be here all the time. At least until I die of course.

It's just when I see him it feels like I could live again not in a metaphorically way, but I feel alive again. I feel as I did before all of this outrageous things happened to me. Maybe I should just jump off the Empire State Building and call it a day. Call it a day from all this pain and suffering. The irony is I may not sound like I am, but after a while you get used to the pain. Like someone miss treating you left to right from different people and you used to be confused and cry, but now you're just like fuck it. I'm used to all this bullshit.

I'm used to the agonizing pain though out my body... I'm just used to it. One thing I'm not used to is blue eyes not paying me a freaking visit and feeling like there's someone watching me to sun up to sun down. "Reign?" My mom called out when she peeped her head through my door.

"Yeah." I said not looking away from this really interesting tv show that involves turtles talking. I fucking love it.

"I'm heading back out to work. If you need anything or have an emergency just you know."

"I'm not pressing that life alert shit. I'm not an 80 year old women that doesn't know how to whip their own ass ma."

"Reign... watch it." She said leaving me alone once again. Her job has been wanting her more and more lately maybe I should-

" Hey ma?! I'm going to be heading out."

"No the hell you aren't. It's about to be dark Reign stay in bed."

"It won't be long I promise." I said kissing her forehead then quickly putting on my shoes and jacket. She rolled her eyes and told me not to go far. I went outside and ran behind our house waiting for her to pull out of the garage. When she did I went into the garage and took the other car and started to follow her.

Good thing there's a lot of people out tonight, because it looks pretty damn obvious that I'm following her. When she made I left I made one. This went on about a few more minutes until she stopped and got out of the car. I parked far away from her so she wouldn't see me. When she got out, I followed her not trying to step on the leaves and saw her shake hands with a tall guy under a hood.

We were by a building now well... what's left of it. I could kinda hear what they're talking about, but their words didn't match their mouth. I frowned. I was about to get closer, but my mom and the guy she was talking to turned their heads towards my direction. But when I saw them, their faces were blurred out. I ran quickly away from my spot, but no matter how fast I thought I was running, I was running slower than ever.

"What the hell?" I asked myself trying to run faster. I stopped in the middle of the street. Everything was in slow motion when a car came my way and...

"AHHHHHHHH." I woke up screaming, breathing heavily. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face from my forehead. I whipped the sweat off using the blanket covering me. I looked down at my hands then started to touch my body. "I'm alive?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Very much alive." I quickly snapped my head towards the voice that said that. I saw a tall silhouette standing by the window and I got out of my bed as fast as I could and tried to open the door. It's not opening! I banged and screamed for someone to get me. "They can't hear you Reign." The voice said. I could hear it getting closer to me. I turned around to see the person, but couldn't. It's like a shadow, but not.

A solid shadow if that even exists. It reached its hand out to me,"I'm not going to hurt you." I lashed at the the figure, but my fingers went right through it. I looked down at my hands to see black smoke leaving it. "Reign."

"Oh my gosh." I looked up and saw that the figure was gone. When I turned around it was right in front of me and I screamed out loud.

I woke up breathing heavily. I Looked outside the window and the sun was shining through the blinds. I looked see the clock beside my bed and saw it was 3:47 pm. I pinch myself making sure I'm awake then patted my face a little. I let out a shaky breath then looked around the room. No one is here... great. I got up from the bed then opened the door peeping out of it looking left and right. I closed the door and sat on the chair by the hospital bed. "What the hell?" I asked myself putting my hands in my head.

"Hey sweetie!" I lifted my head up to see my mom coming in here looking all happy with cupcakes in her hands. "I'm sorry for leaving you here"-oh really?"- and I know you hate it here"-no shit-"so I thought I should get you some cupcakes. Even though I don't like you eating much sweets, because in your state of condition, butyoustilldrinkalcoholanywaysso what the hell. " She said pretty fast.

"It better be chocolate."

"Of course it is."

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