Love Me Badly

By sozew_

5K 260 272

The most popular and hottest couple in HallBridge High has officially split after 4 years of being in a relat... More

Authors Note | 1
breaking news | one
drinks and fights | two
chasing the ex | three
stares and glares | four
mixed emotions | five
meet the bad, fuck boy | six
challenge accepted | seven
a day out | eight
going over the plan | nine
gina knows everything | ten
two can play | eleven
gina's 18th | twelve
revenge plan? | thirteen
jealousy | fourteen
nellie | fifteen
suits & dresses pt. 1 | sixteen
suits & dresses pt. 2 | seventeen
unexplainable | nineteen
dean in the dms | twenty
caving | twenty-one
her debt | twenty-two
he returns | twenty-three
nights like this | twenty-four
two alphas pt. 1 | twenty-five
two alphas pt. 2 | twenty-six

crashed | eighteen

145 9 16
By sozew_

It was around 7 at night as Kelliana was stuck in her room revising her study notes for her maths test. She groans at the large amount of content she had to cover up as this test was an assignment and weighted 35% towards her final grade.

As she revises her financial math notes, her door opens to reveal her mother all dolled up in an evening dress.

"Hey sweetie", she smiles at her as Kelliana was stunned at her appearance.

"Wow mom, you look good. What's the occasion?", Kelliana asks as she puts the pen down and twists her chair to face her as she enters her room.

"I'm having dinner with my client and a few work friends. I'll be back a bit late tonight, at least 10, okay?"

Kelliana nods, "sure. I'll just be here, studying", she grumbles as she points towards the clutter of sticky notes and papers on her desk.

Her mother gives her a light chuckle, a grin displayed on her matte-red lips.  "Did you want me to get you anything when I come back?"

Kelliana ponders for a second. "Strawberry cheesecake?"

Her mom smiles back at her. "Of course", she says, her hand securely wrapped around her purse strap as she points behind her, slightly walking back out. "Well there's steak in the fridge if you get hungry. Bye sweetie!", she exclaims as she waves before she heads out, Kelliana yelling back after her.

"Bye!", she shouts as her bedroom door closes and a few minutes later she hears the front door close, and a text from her mother saying she locked the doors.

Kelliana puts her phone back down and innerly groans at the heavy workload she has for a Friday night when she should be out, having fun. Luckily for her, she managed to get over her procrastination hence why she's one of the top students in her grade and why she's a member of the SRC and a prefect.

It's been an hour through studying but she was only halfway done. Kelliana's eyes begin to get drowsy as she struggles to keep them open, her hand holding a pastel highlighter over the textbook then the words become blurry.

She jumps in her seat when she nearly dozed off and she heaves a big yawn, patting her mouth. She didn't realize how tired she was.

Promising to only sleep for a few minutes, she lays her head on the desk and dozes off to sleep straight away and was in deep.

The next thing she knows, she wakes up to the blaring sound of her phone, lifting her head and seeing the calling slide flashing before her drowsy slits on her screen.

Mumbling incoherently she slides to call and puts the phone up to her ear without looking at the contact name and answers it.

"Hello?..", Kelliana says groggily, her fingers softly rubbing her eyes to waken herself up.

At first she couldn't hear anything so she repeated herself, slowly getting grumpy at the silence and at her tiredness. She just wanted to hop back in her bed and shut her eyes.

Sighing, she was about to hang up until she finally hears someone speak, her name being their response.

She frowns, not immediately recognizing the voice. That's when she pulls back the phone and looks at the contact name and was surprised to see that it was Uriah.

She returns the phone back to her ear, now more awake than before with a frown on her face. "Uriah?", she says into the phone, "why'd you call?"

She can hear groans on the other side of the phone and as well as another male voice that sounded a lot like Niko. That's when she hears some soft music playing in the background. Was he at a party?

"Kellllsss... where are youuu", he slurs into the phone, sounding like a drunk maniac and she frowns in disgust.

"Uriah are you drunk right now?", she cringes, imagining a drunk Uriah just being high off his horse.

She hears him chuckle before he finally answers her back. "What, I can't be drunk now?", he retorts back to get on her nerves.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes at his foolish remark. "Whatever. Did you call just to waste my time?", she snaps into the phone, checking outside her window, seeing that night had fallen.

"Reelaax, just wanted to check up on you", he murmurs and she can hear his breathing into the speaker. His words registered in her brain and her knitted brows soften as she blinks. She had two questions, why did he want to check up on her and why was he drunk? Either way, his admitted gesture made her less mad at him.

She clears her throat, realizing she was silent for awhile and didn't want to seem fazed by his sudden thoughtfulness. "Well, I'm fine... thanks for asking, I guess", she mutters the last part and she hears his deep chuckle again before he whistles.

"You got that right", he teases and Kelliana couldn't suppress the grin that tugged the corners of her lips at his attempts to flirt. Even when he's drunk, he was still a boy that thinks with his dick.

Not seeing this conversation going anywhere as well as the clutter of unfinished homework on her desk, she tells him that she's going to hang up now.

"Wait", he calls out to her and Kelliana unusually waits for his answer, wondering what he was going to say. "Are you home?"

"Uhh, yeah? Why", she says and then hears some rustling in the background.

"I'm coming over."

She rolls her eyes at his response thinking what was his deal. He's drunk, then calls her and now he wants to come to her house? What is she, some booty call?

"No, you're not coming over-"

Before she can finish her sentence, he hangs up and Kelliana frowns as she gapes at the phone, shocked. 

He wasn't going to come over... was he?

She slowly puts down her phone as she just thought about what happened.

He couldn't possibly come over... he's drunk.

She blew the air out of her nostrils as she looked down at her study notes and then back at the window with a confused expression on her face. She thought that just in case he might come over, she decided to go downstairs and double-check if the doors were locked.

After doing so she finally sees the time and it was nearly 9 PM which meant that she took a longer nap than she was supposed to. Giving herself a pep talk to continue doing her homework to get it all done in one night, she grabs a piece of fruit from the kitchen counter and heads back up to her room.

But of course, she was a procrastinator so she just thought, fuck it, and closed all her books and shoved them back in her bag whilst demolishing her fruit and then decides to take a nice, quick shower so that she can sleep easier tonight instead of letting her thoughts of an unfinished homework schedule get the best of her.

Humming to herself as she comes out of the steamy bathroom wrapped in a towel after a 15 minute shower whilst drying her hair, she checks her phone to see a missed call from Uriah.

"What the-"

The call was from a minute ago and just as she was about to press the notification, Uriah's contact name flashed in her screen as her phone was ringing. She answers the phone, probably to hear drunken Uriah spouting nonsense once again.

"What is it now", she mutters into the phone as she throws her hair towel down on her bed and goes to her panty drawers.

"Open the door", his deep husky voice vibrates through the phone in seriousness and it brought shivers to Kelliana's spine.

Wait what?, she thought. No way is he here.

Quickly throwing on a pair of undergarments and an oversized sleeping dress, she dashes down the stairs towards the door, flicking the front porch lights on and peers out the peephole.

There he was barely standing as he was leaning on her door.

Kelliana curses loudly as she tears the door open as Uriah came tumbling in, almost falling on her if she didn't dodge him and there he went sprawling over her clean floors.

"How the fuck did you get here?!", Kelliana peers out the door, her head darting back and forth along the road, squinting against the darkness to see if he came with anyone but saw no one.

"Niko...", he drawls out as Kelliana watches him get up on his feet, his body swaying side to side in a drunken haze and she mutters a string of every curse word that came to her mind, shutting the door and locking it.

"Why the fuck did you tell him to drop you off here?"

An irritated expression made its way home on her face as she watches him move around her home as if it was his own. She follows behind him, trying to get an answer out of him but he doesn't budge. Instead he heads straight into her living room and collapses right on her sofa and slums there, his 6'3 body almost taking up every inch of space and then he begins to grumble and take off his jacket.

"Hey, hey! No, don't fucking strip in my house!", Kelliana shouts at him as she was getting frustrated, going to his side and then she shrieked when he tossed his heavy leather jacket onto her.

Why, you little-

"I'm hot", he simply slurs, his eyes shut closed as he makes himself comfortable.

Kelliana grunts as she throws his jacket at his face, hearing a satisfactory "umph" from him as she scoffs at his behavior.

"I'm getting you an uber and you better be gone before my mom comes home-"

"Shhhhh", he hushes her, his eyes still closed and his hand reached outward with one index finger up, signaling her to be quiet. Kelliana slaps his hand away from her.

"Jesus fucking christ... could you at least take your ass to the room?", Kelliana scolds him as she was getting agitated of his antiques and couldn't risk her mom walking in all of a sudden since the time was close to the time she said she'll be back.

"Stop swearing."

She rolls her eyes as she throws her hands up in the air in a fed up manner. "Well, sorry sir I can't help it when you're giving me a fucking headache!", she sarcastically says, watching him have the audacity to scrunch his face and pick his ear with a finger as if she was the one invading his space and getting on his nerves.

"Fiinee, if I go will you stop screaming, fuck", he grumbles as he opens his eyes briefly to side-eye her in an annoyed expression and Kelliana wanted to rip out her hair.

"Yes! That's the WHOLE POINT", she snatches his jacket and then groans when he was taking his sweet time getting up off her couch so she grips onto his shirt and pulls him up then starts dragging him up the stairs and into her room, shoving him inside and throwing his jacket to the ground like it was nothing.

"Wow thanks", he had the audacity to say to her as he stumbles around her room, glancing at the interior of it.

"I don't know why you brought your drunk ass here", she locks her bedroom door and looks over to see him already sprawling himself on her bed, his huge body making it look tinier than usual, his arm over his head.

She treads over to the front of the bed, crossing her arms as she glares down at him. "Uriah, answer me."

He huffs the air of his nostrils but doesn't attempt to move from his comfortable position on her bed. "I have no where else to go."

Kelliana knitted her brows at what he said. "What do you mean, what's wrong with your house?"

He doesn't answer her and stays still, his arm covering his face from her view.

She shakes her head at him in frustration, pulling out her phone and starts to text for an uber to take his drunk butt back to his own house. "Well I can't let you stay here, what's your address?"

She looks up from her phone to Uriah and was surprised to see him now staring at her, his hands resting on his broad chest as his penetrating gaze makes her feel squeamish.

"What", she mutters, wondering why the hell he was staring at her like and how bipolar he is.

"You know Kells-"

"Don't call me Kells."

He ignores her anyway, "You're really pretty."

She softly blows the air out of her nostrils as she rolls her eyes, her legs tiring out as she sat at the foot of the bed and gave him a blank stare. "Okay, how much did you drink."

He shuffles a bit on the bed, his eyes leaving hers as he inclines his head up to her ceiling. "Not much."

"Pfft, we both know that's a lie. You're still a minor."

"I know. I don't care."

As she was busy studying him, the next thing she knew was that he was no longer laying down but sitting up, his body leaned towards her own as he had began to invade her personal space.

Kelliana gulps as she watches his hooded eyes graze every fracture of her face, slowly leaning forward but she quickly shuffles away from him. "Uriah, you're creeping me out", she mutters under her breath, but as she glanced down at his wet, parted lips and back up slowly to his darkened, hazel eyes that glistened under her ceiling light, she was too beginning to feel the vibe that she was getting from him.

"I just need to forget... just for tonight...", the words slowly drawls from his lips, and if Kelliana didn't make an effort to actually step back and see the sadness in his tone and expression, she probably, and most likely, might've caved in to the obvious desired action that he wanted to do with her.

"What's wrong with you", was all it took for Kelliana to say to him as he stopped midway in what he was doing, his face so close yet so far. Kelliana stared deep into his eyes and she saw the regret swirling around them. He paused for a moment before he slowly drew back to the corner where he originally was, ruffling his hair as the aftermath of his embarrassment.

"Sorry, I don't know what got into me", he apologizes, and Kelliana couldn't help but pity him with the way his down turned eyes were blank staring down at his lap.

She took a deep breath and glanced around, thoughts running in her head. Then her eyes connected back to him and then she thought, fuck it. If there's something going on with Uriah, she was too curious to back out now.

"Why were you drinking on a school night, Uriah?", she softly spoke to him as she watches his eyes blink in a mixed expression of emotions.

It took a moment but he eventually responded, "I had a rough night.. ran away from home to crash at Niko's to drink. And now I'm here", he says and then chuckles to himself but it sounded empty and forced.

"Then why did you come here...", she drawls out, waiting for his response.

"Because I felt like coming to you", his eyes lifted to her own and she held down his stare.

"I'm not your booty call."

He sighed, "I know, goddammit.. is your mind always in the gutter?"

She frowns.

He sighs again as he removes his eyes from her to the walls of her room, drifting lazily across the posters and picture frames that hung up neat and tidily until they landed on a photo of her and her dad.

Kelliana didn't speak, and neither did he, so they both sat in a deafening silence, not knowing what to say.

"I know you don't think of us as friends, but.. I like the vibe between us."

Her eyes widened at his solemn tone, dragging back to his face once again, that same blank expression still lying on his sharp features. Then his hooded lids glided to her own and he met her large, green ones with a sheepish grin.

She's silent. He was managing to make her silent.

No one has ever said something like that to her, ever.

"I just need someone to talk to... Niko was tired... and you were the first person I thought of."

She's stuck between kicking him out right now or keep on listening to him. She knows she has to choose the latter and admits that hearing his voice and seeing him in this state makes her feel bad.

"Well, I'm sorry. Not tonight. My mom is gonna be here soon..."

He huffs, "Come on. I always listen to you rambling about your ex and I never complain about it. Don't you at least think of me as someone worth your time?"

She pauses as soon as he said that and it was all true. She was always the type to never give anyone her time, only those who were worth it. That's how she grew up to make herself out to be.

But with Uriah, it's different. It's like he's the exception.

She sighs, shocked at herself for submitting to him. "Only for tonight. For 10 minutes. Then I'm getting you a cab back to your friends house."

A smile immediately settles on his lips and he jokingly pats the space next to him, gesturing for Kelliana to sit beside him.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm fine here thanks, I'm not a dog."

"Why you so uptight, just come sit here", he teased her and she huffs, blowing the loose trendrils of her side bangs off her face as she slowly moves to sit beside him, already feeling the warmth from his huge body. She pulls her long shirt down, careful to not flash him crosses her legs, trying to ignore the close proximity and grabs a pillow to lay onto of her lap.

"I'm not gonna bite."

She glares at him to the side, his dark eyes chuckling at her in amusement as he shifts them back to her bedroom walls. He moves into a comfortable position, with his hands behind his head leaning on the headboard and his legs spread out like a log, his ankles crossing over. His feet managed to extend past her bed and she gulped.

10 minutes went by. Then 30. Then an hour.

They were talking for quite over the time limit that they agreed with. Their conversation was interesting. They were just talking about random stuff. What shows they liked. Which teacher they hated the most. Their most embarrassing moments. What they would do if they were in The Purge universe. Kelliana didn't realize this earlier, but now it's clear. Uriah was different. And she didn't mind hanging around with him.

He had a totally different personality than to what meets the eye. He is still cold, teasing and reckless but he's also thoughtful and also highly non-judgemental. Which was a complete opposite to Kelliana's personality.

As they were almost about to get into the topic of their relationships, the sound of her moms voice from downstairs echoes throughout and she curses under her breath, her blood running cold. She can't let her mom find out about Uriah. She doesn't even know that her and Dean broke up.

"Oh shit", she quickly scrambles off the bed and towards the door, yelling lowly behind her at Uriah to go hide inside her bathroom.

She locks the door and glances back at him taking his sweet time as if she wasn't about to combust right there and then. "Could you hurry up?!"

All he does is raise his hand at her and he strides to the bathroom door. She takes a deep breath after hearing her mother calling out to her and she exits her room calmly.

She sees her mom was already up the staircase and she slightly shook as she tried to discreetly close her bedroom door.

"There you are, are you still studying?" she says sweetly, her hand holding out towards her a plate of strawberry cheesecake as Kelliana quickly approaches her and snatches the plate off her hands, shooting her an awkward smile.

"Uh I decided to finish it tomorrow."

"Okay? Are you alright?", her mother questions her as she picks up the strange behaviour from her daughter.

"Yeah! I just woke up from a nap, and feel quite refreshed haha."

"Well anyways, since today is Wednesday, I was thinking we should finally catch up on the TV drama we were watching, in your room while we eat the cheesecake. How does that sound?"

Shit, Kelliana cursed under breath. She needs to stall some time for Uriah to get away. But how?

"Are you sure? I mean it's pretty late, we could always watch tomorrow?"

"No, I feel like watching! I'm still pretty amped up", her mother makes the notion to walk towards her room but Kelliana jumps in her way and stops her with her hands, her mother glances at her with raised eyebrows.

"Uh, wait. My room is messy... Why don't you go get changed so you can be comfortable!", she tries to stall.

Her mother laughs, "Fine, I'll go get changed."

She turns around and begins heading to her room as Kelliana relaxes her shoulders and sighs in relief. As she watches her close her bedroom door, she quickly runs back inside her room and goes towards her bathroom door but doesn't see him inside or anywhere in sight.

She quickly fixes her bed and finds her phone where she dials his number.

He answers on the first ring.

"Where are you" she whisper yells.

"Walking home."

"But you've been drinking!"

"I'm sober now, it's fine. You're not the first girl I had to escape out of their bedroom window in the middle of the night."

She holds her breath, not realizing she had been silent for awhile until he heard him cough.

"Well... be careful..."

He chuckles into the phone, "Alright missy." Then he hangs up.

She's surprised at how concerned she was for him. Even though he didn't tell her his problems, and just talked, she wanted to know more about what's happening with him. He was mysterious and she was curious. If Uriah was going to become a person that she would spend time with, it was her mission to know who he was.

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