Smile~Corbyn Besson

By magastically

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Sometimes you just got to Smile Besson, even when the world around you is falling apart More



997 11 0
By magastically

Sophia's POV

I grab my bag as I rush out the door.

"I'm so late." I whisper as I sprint to my class. It was waking distance to my apartment but I was gonna have to run super fast to get their on time. I looked down at my phone to see the time.


Class starts at 8:00. I glanced down at my phone to check the time once more as I sprinted when I felt myself run into something hard with all my impact causing me to fall down.

My body hit the concrete hard and with a loud thud. I felt my elbow scrape the ground causing pain to surge through my arm.

"Fate." I hear a voice whisper.

I rub my eyes and look up and see Corbyn.

"I'm gonna be late. Sorry I ran into you." I yell as I sprint past him.

"Wait I didn't get your....!" He yells but the wind enters my ears.

Corbyns POV

I watched as she ran past me at lightning speed. Her hair racing in the wind as she ran faster. I chuckled to myself. She's special all right. She seems to be running towards that school up there. She must go there, maybe I could meet her there after. No. That will be creepy. I'll just see what fate does next I guess.

I turn around and walk home as I run my
hands through my hair.

Sophia's POV

I rush inside the school building. I run up two flights of stairs and breath deeply as I walk into my classroom.

"Your late." My teacher booms.

"I'm so sorry." I say as I take deeper breaths.

"What happened to your arm?" She asks me.

"I ran into someone on the way here." I mumble as I look down to see my elbow bleeding.

"Well since you have so rudely interrupted, why don't you go first and show us your picture." She says sharply.

I plug my computer up to her smart board and click on the picture of Corbyn I edited.

The class gasps when they see him. I mean I knew he was attractive but why's everybody freaking out.

"You have a picture of a celebrity?" My teacher asks me.

I look back up at the picture in a confused manner.

"That's a random dude that was walking on the street." I say as they all look at me like I'm dumb.

"He's in a boy band. He's a musician." A girl yells in a snappy tone.

I look at the photo in disbelief. This normal looking guy was a celebrity.

"Thank you for your photo, you may sit down now." My teacher says.

I grab my computer and sit down. The boy I was talking to is famous. I shake my head and sigh. I really am clueless.
Her whole class was shook

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