She Was Always There (Eremika...

By OneRealPerson

61.8K 1.3K 562

Taking place after finally seeing the ocean, Eren and Mikasa start to become more of aware of each other. The... More

Chapter 1- The Ocean
Chapter 2- If We Go Beyond The Sea
Chapter 3- Visions
Chapter 4- Memories
Chapter 6-High Up
Chapter 7- Flowers and Rain
Chapter 8- Run
Chapter 9- Peaceful or So I Thought
Chapter 10- Infected
Just The Beginning
So Much To Say
The One I Do Not Know
Those Grey Eyes
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5-Relations

4.1K 95 54
By OneRealPerson

Levi POV
I look out the window. Feeling the breeze through my hair and feeling the warmth from the steaming cup in my hand.

I take a sip. A second later I turn a little to see Mikasa walking over and leaning on the window sill next to me.

"I think we should talk. About us. We're family after all."

I feel my eyes widen a little bit to her words
I've always seen Mikasa as one of the other brats. That was until recently. After the first time Eren was kidnapped, I payed more attention to her.
For some reason she was so attached to this kid.

I couldn't understand it. After finding out more about her, I realized why.
I found myself noticing how she was more like me than I thought. We grew up differently, with our own struggles. But, we've become similar.
She reminds me of when I was 15.

A little selfish. Caring at times. And very, very strong.
She's been looking out for me a little more. She's asked about my leg. She's listened to my orders more. Except for her and Eren's insubordination. That was just a mess.

However, I acted the same when I first joined the scouts. When I lost my friends.
My first real friends.

Ever since we found out about us being related in some way, I've never known what to do. She's lost all of her family, Eren and Armin don't have many years left. It must be hard.

She's young, she doesn't deserve this. I've known that we've had to have some sort of conversation about this sooner or later. I have to acknowledge that she is important.

"You're right." I finally respond.

"Wow that was easy!" She says with a surprised tone.

I give her a questioning look.

"W..well I didn't think you'd be okay with discussing this. So I'm just a little surprised." She hesitantly adds.

"It's okay" I sigh.
We both look out the window. Looking at the sky and preparing for what comes next. I continue,

"I think it may be a good thing that we're family. It means that even though you think you'll be alone when Eren and Armin are gone, you won't be. I know I'm harsh. That's how I learned to survive this world. But believe it or not I care. And I need some light in my life anyways. We could do a lot for each other."

There's a moment if silence after I say those words. I remove my eyes from the sky and onto her.

She's crying?

I look at her and she has a tear going down her face while still looking at the view.

"Uh...Mikasa what I said is a good thing, you don't need to cry." I say making everything more awkward.

"No it's not because of that. I'm crying because I won't be alone. I've had you all this time and never realized it. I used to despise you because of how you treated Eren. But now, it makes more sense as to why you did. It's nice to know that I can come to you now and that you'll always be there. No matter how much I love Eren. I don't know if he will ever feel the same. And that hurts. But you make it hurt a little less." She looks at me.

I understand what she meant. It makes sense. I've been a missing piece. Or at least one of them.

I decide to give her a hug.

I face her and bring her closer to me.
She wraps her arms around me and buries her face into my shoulder. It lasts about 10 seconds.
She let's go.
And rubs the tears away from her eyes sniffing and smiling.

I give her a smile back and she leaves the room. I hope no one saw that. I bet they'll get the wrong idea. She's probably a cousin of mine.
I'm glad I found her.

Mikasa POV
I'm in such a good mood. That conversation made me so happy. I guess Levi does have a heart. I wonder if he's my uncle or something? No wait cousin would make more sense. That doesn't matter. What matters is that I won't be alone. And I don't think I should waste anymore time.
I'm going to tell Eren how I feel. It's taken me so long. But I'm going to tell him that I love him. Whatever happens, I just want him to know the truth. I'm not his mother, nor his sister. I'm his best friend who does the things I do out of love. I confidently walk into the mess hall looking for Eren.

"Hey Mikasa." Armin greets me.

"Hi Armin!" I say a little more enthusiastically than usual.

He gives me his concerned look and feels my head.

"Are you sure you're okay? What's got you in a cheery mood? I don't think I've seen this before."
I gently remove his hand from my forehead and say,

"I'm fine. Really good actually. I had a talk with Levi. I'm not sure if you're aware. He's a relative of mine. It makes me happy that someone from blood is still in my life. It will be easier on me when you....... and know. B..ut I don't want to waste that time.....I want to tell Eren how I feel." I say from a high and bubbly voice to a lower and more serious tone.

He takes my hand and holds it up to his chest.

"Mikasa. I'm so happy for you. This is something you've needed all along. In fact, I've been waiting for you and Eren to acknowledge each other more from just fighting all the time." He gives me a smile.

"Armin thank you. Really. you know where I can find Eren?"

He nods. "I saw him going out to the horse stables 10 minutes ago." While pointing towards the exit.
I nod and pace myself out the mess hall to the exit and outside.
I walk outside feeling the breeze and sun on me. It felt good. I took a deep breath in through my lungs and back out. I began walking to the barn when...
I hear two voices.

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself.

I walk around the back of the barn and peak through the door.


I get in a comfortable position and ensure that I won't be spotted. I watch and listen.

Eren POV
"Just like that!" Historia says while showing me how to make better hold for my things when I'm riding my horse.

"Oh wow thanks Historia!" I say grateful.
She giggles.

"Oh here let me also show you how to store all of that in the pouch. If it's organized you can get to it better." She says getting a little closer.

We lean together while crouching by the horse's side. I can feel her shoulder moving closer. As she reaches over to show me what to do, she keeps getting closer.

I can feel her breath on my face. While leaning back. She stumbles a little bit.
Holding on tight to me. I make sure she doesn't fall, standing in the position of bracing to catch her. She's got her hand gripping my arm and her other hand on my chest.

"That was close" she says. We stay like that for a few seconds. She stares at my eyes. I could tell she wanted to lean in closer....
It was wise of her not to.

"We should..we should get going." She says walking out. Leaving me there.

I continue to figure out another way to organize. Then I hear Historia say something outside the barn.

"Oh hey Mikasa."


"What brings you here?"

She's probably just checking in like usual.

"Just checking on Eren."


"Okay well have a good day Mikasa."
Mikasa says nothing. I can already tell that she just gave a small nod. That's something she'd do anyways.

I pretend like I didn't hear anything and face the horse again, while I do hear the barn door open and close.

I turn to see Mikasa. Her face not showing emotion. She walks over and observes what I'm doing.

"Organizing huh?" She says a little surprised.
"Yeah, I was just thinking about taking a day trip to look around the island. I want to know this place before any other." I respond.

"That's a good idea. I'm coming with you." She says without asking.

I guess it's okay. Who knows, maybe I'll need her.
"Okay well if you're sure. We leave tonight."
She nods.

"Oh and Eren. Stop flirting with Historia. Ymir isn't dead." She says a little coldly.

Has she really been jealous this whole time?

Why would she even waste her time feeing like that?

Mikasa POV
I didn't like that she. Was flirting with him how could he be so stupid and just go with it. Ymir is still alive and Historia isn't doing what she promised her. Maybe I shouldn't care so much. But this was the moment I was going to tell him. But now I can't. It will have to wait. We're going on this trip. Maybe then I can.....

Chapter 5 done! Hope you guys enjoyed. I just want to clarify the hug with Mikasa and Levi were only because I feel that they need to be closer AS RELATIVES. I have a feeling people could get the wrong idea. Same for Eren and Historia. I only did that for the story. Hope you enjoyed!

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