From The Beginning {A Percy J...

By LittleLebs1

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Perseus has been hiding from the world for a long time. The world did not need him. So he waited. And watche... More

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3.7K 94 82
By LittleLebs1


| 11, 225-11,220 BCE |


"Thank you all for coming!" The King rose from his spot on his throne. He had called another assembly. "I am pleased to announce that your Queen is once again pregnant with our child!"

An eruption of murmurs erupted throughout the hall. Perseus frowned and his eyes fell to Zoë's, who was sitting across from him. Seeing the concern and frustration in her eyes, Perseus leaned forward.

"Can we do anything?" Zoë pleaded as she gazed solemnly at Lady Rhea, who was staring blankly into space. Perseus was about to respond when a sudden tug at his gut made him freeze. His eyes widened and his vision tunneled. He keeled over and a brief vision flashed through his head.

He was following his sister, Metis, through a rocky terrain. Rocks and roots threatened to trip his every step. The sky was grey, filled with dark clouds. They soon arrived at a grassy cave. Moss and vines lined the entrance like an earthy door. It looked as if Gaea herself claimed it.

The vision blurred and flickered and the scene changed. He now stood inside the cave. It was just as green as the outside. Roots wrapped around the cave in an unnatural way. Some of the roots made a small bed, others made a table. It was all odd. Someone brushed passed some roots, revealing a secret pathway Perseus did not even realize was there.

The boy looked to be in his teen years. He had on only a loincloth and was covered in sweat. He plopped himself down on a rooty chair and wiped some sweat from his brow. His hair was as white as the clouds and fell to just above his chin and his eyes were a sky blue color.

The vision faded away and he saw Zoë looking at him in concern. She was smart. If she reacted too much, she would draw attention to them. That was the last thing they needed. "Another vision?" She asked.

He nodded. As the Titan of Instinct, he would sometimes get brief visions of the future that he would participate in. "Yes. We will talk about it later. To answer your previous question, there is nothing we can do as of now. It is too risky. The King is smart and powerful. Doing anything while his followers are allowed would be foolish and get us both sent to the depths of Tartarus."

Zoë nodded somberly and turned her attention back toward the King, who was currently speaking with Atlas. "What a pleasant surprise, My Lord!" Atlas bowed to him. The King had a dark look in his eyes, one that made Perseus's stomach churn. "May I ask of the child's gender?"

"You may, Atlas," Lord Kronos chuckled. "We will be having another girl."

"Another one?" Atlas asked, his eyebrows furrowing. He looked up from his bow. "But who shall inherit your throne?"

The King clenched his jaw and his golden eyes shone with rage. "No one shall inherit my throne. I am immortal. I can live forever and I will rule forever," Lord Kronos growled. He turned toward the audience and raised his voice so that it echoed off the walls. "If I hear any of you utter such a thing again, I will cut off your tongue and throw you into Tartarus. Do I make myself clear?"

The silence was the only answer and the King smirked. "Good. You are all dismissed except for Perseus. I wish to speak to him."

Damn it, Perseus felt his blood run cold. Lord Kronos was too observant.

Despite the anxiety coursing through his veins, he schooled his face into neutrality and nodded at the King. Zoë looked at him worriedly, but he squeezed her hand underneath the table, silently telling her to relax. The room slowly dispersed until only Perseus, Lord Kronos, and Lady Rhea were left.

Lord Kronos walked over to his wife and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. The Queen showed no signs of emotions. "You may go now, my love. I will meet you in our bedroom."

Lady Rhea nodded blankly and walked out of the room, leaving the two alone.

Perseus bowed. "What may I help you with, My King?" He asked curiously.

"I felt a burst of aura from you during this ceremony, Perseus," Lord Kronos said as he circled the younger Titan. "And I saw your little. . .episode earlier. I only hope that you have had another vision and were not repelled by the food." The King chuckled, but there was no humor behind it.

Kronos was smart. That is why he had such a firm grasp on his subjects. He knew all their names, all their strengths, and all their weaknesses. He was observant and could quickly come up with strategies that allowed him to stay in control. "You are correct, My Lord," Perseus answered, hiding his nervousness behind a mask of calm. Lying would get him nowhere but death in this situation. "I have seen another vision, albeit a short one."

"Tell me more."

Perseus hesitated. "I saw a cave. In the mountains, covered in leaves and vines," He told the King, opting to leave out the part about his sister. "And I saw a boy. A young boy in his early stages of immortality. He had white hair and blue eyes."

Kronos waited for him to say more. When he did not, he raised a dark eyebrow. "That is all?"

Perseus stared right into the King's golden eyes when he answered. "Yes. That is all."

The King stared back, not a single emotion behind those cold, golden eyes. "Very well, you are dismissed."

Perseus nodded and his body started fading to mist. Just as he was about to teleport away, Lord Kronos reached a hand out and secured it on his shoulder. It instantly solidified his form as the King's nails dug into his skin. "Oh, and Perseus?" He could not move. His form was frozen. "Do make sure you tell the whole story next time. I would hate to punish Oceanus for raising such a dishonorable son."

Perseus's blood ran cold as he stared into the unforgiving eyes of the King. He forced his walls to hold. He would not give Lord Kronos the satisfaction of seeing the fear in his eyes. The King let go of Perseus's shoulder, and he could suddenly move again. He watched as the Titan Lord stepped back from him, placing his hands behind his back and a smirk playing on his lips.

Before he could come up with a response, Lord Kronos was gone, leaving a stunned and fearful Titan in the silent chambers of the hall.

Perseus quickly left the chamber, flashing to the waterfall where he and Zoë had agreed to meet after the ceremony. He scanned the treeline and inhaled the clean air, glad he was out of that dark palace. He opened his senses. No leaves were rustling more than usual, nor did he see or smell anything out of place.

Had Zoë forgotten to meet him here? No, Zoë would never turn down an opportunity to try and beat him. He cleared his ears, listening to the sway of the grass and the sound of the birds- He snapped to attention. The birds! He didn't hear their usual songs. They were silent, meaning someone was nearby.

As if on cue, a feminine warcry erupted from behind him. Perseus whirled around, his sword already in hand. Metal clashed against metal, the music of the two blades resounding across the forestry. Zoë glared at his smug expression when he blocked the blade from colliding with his back, the faint glow of Anaklusmos made it a touch of terrifying.

Perseus abruptly stepped backward, expecting Zoë to topple forward and land in a heap in front of him. That was not the case. Zoë had fallen forward, but instead of faceplanting, she used her momentum to roll in between his legs. Perseus quickly jumped forward before Zoë could attack him and got into a defensive position.

"How was that, Uncle?" Zoë smirked as she scanned his body, looking for any weak points.

Perseus laughed. "You almost got me. The birds gave it away."

Zoë frowned. "Those damn animals, I would have gotten you, too."

She lunged forward, her sword aimed at his right side. Perseus blocked it, pushing the blade away and sending a kick at Zoë's kneecap. It connected and Zoë crumpled under her own weight. She tried to roll away but was blocked when Perseus's sword impaled itself in the soil next to her and her sword was kicked out of her hand.

She glared up at her Uncle, who was smirking down at her. "I will beat you one day," she promised and accepted Perseus's hand to help her up. She dusted off her chiton and quickly retrieved her sword, tapping the hilt and attaching the hairclip to a strand of her hair. "What did the King want with you?"

Perseus's previously smug face fell, replaced by one filled with anxiety. "He wanted to know what my vision was about."

"Did you tell him anything?" Zoë asked. She saw hesitation take hold of his expression and her eyes narrowed. "What happened?"

"What makes you think something happened?"

Zoë snorted, rolling her eyes. "Please, I can read you easier than a scroll. You hesitated. And you looked me right in the eyes while subconsciously standing up straighter, something you always do when you lie."

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do. Now, stop trying to change the subject and tell me what happened."

Perseus huffed. "Fine. I told the King about my vision. I may or may not have left out some information. . .and he may or may not have noticed."

"You, morosoph," Zoë rubbed her temples. "You know how observant King Cannibal is."

"I know! I did not want to risk Metis getting hurt," he groaned. "But I believe I just made it worse. He saw right through it and threatened to kill Oceanus if I ever did it again."

"That bdelyròs," the Hesperide cursed. "I swear if I ever get my hands on him, I'll shove Anaklusmos so far up his-"

"That is enough, Zoë," Perseus said nervously as he glanced around. "You are never certain who is listening."

Zoë nodded and sat down on the rock, taking a deep breath. "You are right. But what was your vision about?"

So Perseus told her. He told her about following Metis into the hidden cave and the young boy. Zoë listened to it all intensely. "I do not know anyone who looks like that," she admitted. "White hair and blue eyes. . .He cannot be too hard to find."

"He may not even exist yet," He told her. "These visions could take centuries to unfold, Zoë. All we can do is wait."

"How does this not bother you at all?" She asked suddenly. "You get visions of the future and yet you brush them off like they are dirt on your shoulder."

"Well, unless you have a better idea, I cannot do much."

"Can you not confront Metis about this?" Zoë exclaimed. "It might help!"

The Titan shook his head. "These events have not happened yet, Zoë. Interrogating Metis would only cause confusion and discomfiture. It is better to wait until you know the vision is taking place before taking action."

"How long does it take for a vision to take place?"

"Sometimes a few hours, sometimes a few centuries," Perseus shrugged. "The longest vision I have ever perceived took two-hundred-thirty-seven years to pass. . .well, technically it is still ongoing. But, getting back to the point, I am guessing my visions could range to seconds before the event takes place, or millions of years."

"What kind of vision takes two-hundred-thirty-seven years to transpire?!" Zoë asked, bewildered.

"Your birth."

"What?" She bellowed, jumping to her feet. "You had a vision of my birth and you never told me?"

"It wasn't much of a vision," Perseus tried to explain himself, avoiding the smoldering eyes of his niece. " I saw you being born, running around, weathering weird silver clothing with a silver circlet, and hanging out with an auburn-haired girl." He took a deep breath. "And I saw you on a mountain, fighting your father."

"And you never thought to tell me?" Zoë raged. "You saw my future!"

He raised his hands in surrender, trying to quell the girl's fiery temper. "I am sorry I did not tell you sooner. I did not want to frighten you."

"I do not get frightened, Percy."

"And I know that now, I promise I will share the rest of my visions with you."

Zoë's glare eventually died down, replaced by one of caution. "You said you saw me fighting Atlas?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Perseus nodded. "Yes. There were other people there, but it was blurry. The auburn-haired girl is fighting with you, that much I can make out. I also saw a blonde and black-haired girl. The blonde was fighting with you, too. But the black-haired girl. . .she was kneeling if I remember correctly, and looked as if she had the weight of the world upon her shoulders."

Zoë frowned. "Let us hope this does not happen soon. I do not think I am skilled enough to take on Atlas just yet."

Perseus's face lit up, grateful for the subject change. "Speaking of, how have your lessons with Chiron been?"

"He is a great teacher," she said. "He has taught me a lot but there is still so much to learn."

"I could tell you were getting better," he smirked. "You lasted more than a minute this time."

Zoë glared at him and punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up. One day, I will beat you."

"I bet you will."

He looked up at the sky, watching Hyperion turn in for the night. He stood up. "I told Prometheus I would meet him soon. It was nice talking with you, Zoë. I look forward to our next spar."


Perseus stood in front of the grand doors of Prometheus's workshop. He knocked on the wooden door, and, after hearing a faint "Come in," he let himself inside. Half-finished projects were thrown across tables made of wood. Tools of all shapes and sizes were scattered throughout the room. In the back corner of the laboratory, Prometheus stood with his back to Perseus's, his hands gliding across a sculpture of a Titan-like effigy.

"So this is what you needed all that clay for," Perseus noted as he approached the worktable.

Prometheus nodded, not looking up from the sculpture. "Yes, this is my next big project. After years of studying the body's anatomy of a Titan, I have finally been able to form a rough draft of what I dub; the Human."

Prometheus wiped his clay-covered hands on a bit of wet cloth and turned to face his friend. "I am merely adding details to the model by now, I hope to start reanimating it soon."

"Why are you making these. . .humans?" Perseus asked. "What are their purpose?"

The Titan of Forethought shrugged. "Although they may share the appearance of a Titan, they are very different. Humans do not have domains like Titans do and they can die. Permanently."

Perseus's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why not make them immortal?"

"Let me ask you this, Perseus," Prometheus started. "I do not mean to be cruel, but what do we truly have to live for? We can live forever, fix whatever problems we have today or in a thousand years. Humans only have up to about a hundred years to find their love, happiness, and purpose."

"Only a hundred years? I once fell asleep for a hundred years! How do you expect them to find everything in such a short period of time?"

Prometheus only shrugged. "That is for them to figure out."

"Is there another reason you called me here?"

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Prometheus's face hardened suddenly, his mischievous eyes dark with horror. "You were correct, Perseus. Hestia is not dead. Her body is stuck in its newborn form, but her mind is still growing. The daughter of Kronos lives, and if every one of his children is compelled to the same fate. . ."

"The King is nothing more than an active volcano wait to erupt."


Above the surface of the ocean, Tethys, the spouse of Oceanus, was wandering a beach close to her husband's palace. She had returned from Lord Kronos's ceremony hours ago, but she was restless. Her stomach was churning and her chest blared with anxiety. She had hoped the beach would calm her nerves and rampageous thoughts.

Truth be told, she was disgusted with the King's actions. He had killed his child because she was a risk to his throne. That was the final line he would cross. Tethys clenched her fist in rage. The urge to do something, to stand up for what was right burned in her mind like wildfire.

"Well, well," Tethys froze as she heard the deep, grumbling voice of a person she knew too well. She whirled around, finding herself face to face with no one other than Atlas. "I have come looking for copper and found gold."

Atlas smirked at her, his perfect teeth seemed menacing in the glow of the moon. His already dark eyes seemed like small voids. "Atlas," Tethys greeted curtly, her heart pounded in her chest. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Atlas's smirk grew into a twisted grin. He took a step forward. Then another. "Do not worry about me, dear Tethys. I am only looking for a bit of fun."

And before Tethys could come up with a retort, she was on the ground, her chiton already being ripped from her body, and the tall, looming body of Atlas standing over her. She started screaming, but a deep, hopeless part of her knew that no one was able to hear her.

A cold, numbing sensation took over her body as Tethys fruitless attempts to free herself from Atlas's sharp, tight grip.


Perseus stumbled, his hand pressing itself to his forehead, which roared in pain. Faintly, he could hear Prometheus ask him what was wrong, but visions flashed in his mind, dragging his attention away from the present. His mother on a beach, Atlas standing above her, stripping her of her clothes, a lustful gleam in his eyes. A cry of shock escaped his lips and his body faded to mist, reappearing on the shores of a familiar beach.

He scanned the coast with pleading eyes, the sand trespassed into his sandals, making a home in between his toes. The waves crashed against the earth, sending mist into his eyes and urging him to come closer. At last, he spotted her. They were far, merely a speck in the distance. If not for his keen eyesight, Perseus would have mistaken them for a rock.

His body disappeared in an instant, reappearing directly at the scene. Within seconds, his fist connected with Atlas's face, sending him sprawling on the ground. The audible crack of bone snapping echoed across the white plains. Behind Perseus, Tethys sobbed as tears of pain and anguish cascaded down her smooth skin. An unusual rage blossomed deep in Perseus's chest and an animalistic noise escaped his throat.

Atlas stirred from his spot on the sand, disorientation from the punch finally wearing off. Golden ichor dripped from his lips, staining itself on the white sand. The Titan of Endurance spat out ichor and sand, pushing himself to his feet.

"How dare you?" Perseus's voice was louder than any seastorm, emotions of rage and empathy only made his voice boom louder. Despite the fear that Atlas felt at the tone of Perseus's voice, he forced a smirk to fit upon his face.

"Oh, come now, Perseus," Atlas stumbled, grimacing as he clutched his aching jaw. It would heal in a few hours. "Do not be such a spoilsport! I am just trying to have a little fun!"

"You prokyon!" Perseus snarled in response, launching himself at the Titan of Endurance. Atlas stuttered with his footing, not expecting the quick blow. He managed to clumsily duck, narrowly avoiding a blow that would have shattered his nose.

That was not a problem for Perseus. For as his hand might have missed his target, he made sure to fix it with his knee. Atlas's head snapped up as his knee collided with his face, making use of Atlas's disabled state, he sent another punch to the Titan's stomach, sending him flying into the sand.

Perseus summoned his sword, the blade glinting in the light of the moon. An evil glint settled into his eyes as he hefted the sword. This would never happen again, Perseus promised himself as he swung the blade down.

Perseus dropped the bloodied sword and turned back to his mother's shaking form. He quickly ran over to her side, silently wishing a nearby sea creature to fetch his father. The sobs that escaped Tethys's lips tore at his heart.

"Mother," he cooed, keeping his voice as quiet and soothing as he could. He did not touch her, which might have caused more panic than there already was. "Mother it is me, Perseus."

". . .Perseus?" Her response was delayed and hard to differ from the constant cries. But it was a response, nonetheless.

"Yes. Do not worry, Oceanus will be here soon," he snapped his fingers and a white chiton appeared in his hands, he held it out for his mother to take. "Can you cover yourself up?"

Tethys nodded, gently grasping the cloth. Perseus turned away, returning his gaze to where Atlas laid. Or should have laid. Atlas no longer laid on the sandy dunes. The only sign he had ever been there was the pool of ichor that was sinking into the sand.


Once again, Perseus was seated at a long table in Kronos's hall. His daughter had been born two hours ago, and they were finally having an assembly to congratulate the King and Queen. Lord Kronos himself sat on his throne, impatiently tapping his finger on the armrest.

Perseus silently observed the King, watching his golden eyes flicker from anxiety to frustration to love. The room was filled with Titans and Titantesses. Though, Perseus's main attention was on the King and his General, who chose to sit as far away from him as possible. A good decision.

Oceanus was sitting next to him, with Tethys right in tow. After the incident, Tethys had suffered major separation anxiety and had to always be around at least someone she knew. Now, she was seated between Oceanus and Perseus, nervously glancing at Atlas from across the room.

Perseus's thoughts were interrupted when the giant doors creaked open. Queen Rhea shuffled inside, head down, and eyes wide, as she stared down at her daughter, seemingly trying to memorize every detail about her young face. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her lips quivered every once in a while.

"Ah, Rhea," Lord Kronos stood from his spot on his throne and the room quieted. The King walked over to his wife and kissed him on her cheek. "We are glad you could join us. Everything went well, I presume?"

Rhea nodded, though her attention was focussed purely on the child. She was awake in her bundles of cloth, her bright brown eyes crinkled as she watched her mother and father talk. Kronos seemed to notice this, too, and his attention was shifted from his wife to his daughter.

"Hello, little one" Kronos whispered, though the whole hall could hear it. "What is this one's name, Rhea?"

"Demeter," the Queen responded weakly.

"Demeter?" Kronos nodded. "Hestia. . .and Demeter. How beautiful."

Rhea had to hold in a sob.

"I think you know what is about to happen," Kronos said. "Please hand over my child."

At this, Rhea really did sob, yet she complied. Demeter looked around confusedly at the sound. When she saw her mother close to tears, she let out a little sound, as if telling her everything was going to be okay.

Kronos shut his eyes and lifted the child. Rhea watched it all with a stone-cold face. She forced herself to not look away as Kronos once again unhinged his jaw and swallowed her second child. Once it was all over and Kronos had turned to address his guests, Rhea felt a tug in her gut. Her head snapped up and she began to scan the crowd.

Themis? No, not Themis, or Phoebe, Selene, or Leto. . .

Tethys. Rhea's eyes widened. She and Oceanus already had a handful of children and they said they did not plan on having anymore. So why. . .Rhea saw Tethys's eyes drift nervously to the other side of the room and move her chair a little closer to Oceanus's. Rhea's eyes snapped to the opposite end of the room. It was mainly Titanesses, though a few Titans were littered here and there. One Titan, however, stood out to her. Atlas had said he had gotten into a fight with another Titan. That would explain the bruises painted across his face. But something about the story seemed off. His legs were spread a little too far apart and if he shifted even the slightest, a flicker of pain would cross his face.

Her eyes returned to the table in which Tethys and Oceanus sat. Their eldest child, Perseus, was sitting next to Tethys and glaring at Atlas from across the room. Suddenly, it all snapped into place. Her domain alerts her to when somebody is pregnant, as she is the Titaness of Fertility and Motherhood. But with Tethys's skittishness, Perseus's anger, and Atlas's fear, it all clicked into place. Atlas was known for his. . .desires. But if he went and raped a woman, Tethys no less, and Perseus found him. . .

Perseus was known for his loyalty. It was one of his domains. Most Titans had to learn the hard way to not mess with his family or friends. But Atlas could not seem to keep it in his pants, could he? Not only had he raped Tethys, but he had impregnated her, too. Tethys was pregnant with Atlas's child.

Kronos droned on about his superiority and how he would bring glory to this world. While he did so, Rhea did her best to subtly get their attention. After about five minutes, Perseus stopped glaring daggers at Atlas's head and shifted just enough to see Rhea's discreet, silent pleas. He raised an eyebrow and moved so he could fully face Rhea.

I need to speak with you, Rhea tried to tell him. He seemed to understand and nodded his head.

Soon enough, Kronos dismissed the Titans and Titanesses and walked out of the room. Rhea breathed out a sigh of relief. This made her job much easier. She saw Perseus talking to his parents and watched them nod before flashing out of the room. One by one, all the Titans flashed out until only Perseus remained. He straightened his back and walked over to Rhea, his head bowed.

"Lady Rhea," he bowed.

"Perseus," she greeted back. "I must ask you something."

Perseus nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"Do you know that your mother is pregnant?"

Perseus's eyes widened and he stumbled. Rhea quickly held out a hand to steady him. That answers her question.


"I could not help but notice the. . .conflicts between you and Atlas," Rhea continued. "My domain had alerted me to a pregnancy nearby, and after I saw Tethys, I immediately started questioning myself. For her and Oceanus had agreed not to sire any more children a long time ago."

Perseus glowered at the mention of Atlas's name. "So my mother is having another child?"

"I am afraid so."

Perseus sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "That means. . .I am going to have another sibling?"

Rhea blinked. That was one of the last things she expected to come out of Perseus's mouth. "Y-yes. I suppose it does."

"Can you tell of its gender yet?" Perseus smiled.

"No, I need to get closer to your mother," Rhea said. "Then I should be able to tell what gender they are, and how long your mother has been pregnant. I could try and stop by tomorrow if you would like."

"That would be great, I will see you tomorrow. Have a nice day, Lady Rhea!"

"Wait, Perseus," she stopped the Titan before he could leave. "You do realize that Atlas will be the father of this child, correct?"

Perseus's eyes darkened and he nodded. "Yes, but Atlas will not get anywhere near the child. I have seen the damage he does, and I will not let my younger sibling be exposed to it."

"Very well, have a good day, Perseus."

Perseus flashed out of the room, leaving Rhea slightly dumbfounded. Perseus was something else, that she was sure of.


"So what is your name?" Hestia asked the child in front of her. The child looked at her strangely, and Hestia facepalmed herself. Of course, the baby could not talk, she was most likely only born a day or so ago. "Right, you cannot talk yet, your vocal cords are still developing. I know you can understand me. Anyway, I am Hestia, and it looks like we are going to be staying with one another for a while."

The baby nodded and Hestia shifted as best as she could. "Do not worry," Hestia comforted. "We will get out of here one day. I am sure of it."

| A/N: Uploading this book felt like a fever dream. You know what else feels like a fever dream? Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Does anyone actually remember what the plot of that movie was, or do we all just have snippet scenes from it? |

| Words: 5,067 |

| Published: Wednesday, July 1st, 2020 |

| Edit 1: 5/24/2021 - Updated Trigger Warning, grammar/spelling corrections. |

| Translation:
Morosoph - A Learned Fool

Bdelyròs - Bastard, Villain

Prokyon - Ass-Kisser

[Greek] |

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