༒︎Spells/Herbs ༒︎

By sleepy_hollowz

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❀ there's nothing wrong with believing, do what you love and turn it into something amazing❀ More

Dream Interpretation/Trick
Elemental wolf
Thirteen goals of a witch
Magic ring spell
Warning Spell
Best times for curses, protection,cleansing, etc.
Rain Chant
Blood to Blood
Solitary Witch
Cats of Witchcraft
Identifying your spirit animal
Ugliness hex
Cursed Kitchen Food
Breaking a Curse
Voodoo Curse
Memory spells


126 2 0
By sleepy_hollowz

Acute Fire Manipulation

You need:

Lighter or match


Light the lighter or strike the match. While hovering your hand near the flames, chant: "Hephaestus, god of fire, I beg thee to help me control this element of destruction. So mote it be."

Try various hand gestures to manipulate the size of the flame. Repeat all steps until a change in the flame's size occurs.


Flame Purification

You need:

Olive oil
1 Towel


Set the candle on the table. Light it. Meditate for a while, clear your mind and channel your energies throughout yourself. Now let your energy flow into the candle. Cover your hands in olive oil. Rub your hands from the top of the candle to the bottom, 3 times.

Speak these words as you coat the candle in oil: "When this spell is done, you will be purified and one". You should sense the candle being purified. When done blow out the candle, and clean up the mess


Ancient Fire

You need:

safe place
bay leaves from a eucalypos tree


All you need to perform the ancient fire spells is any kind of safe surface, or container; it could be anything at all, even a bowl filled with sand, and it doesn't have to be big, or even outdoors. The fire bowl I use for indoor, table top fire magic at night is no larger than a cereal bowl, made of brass and stands on three legs, which helps to not burn the table. If you have a smoke detector in the house, it would be a good idea to turn it off before you start. There is also merit in opening a window, for how else will the smoke rise to the heavens and carry your prayers, or intent?

Next, we need something to burn.

I like to collect twigs from certain trees, tiny little pieces which dry quickly and burn easily. Different kinds of wood flavor the smoke differently, and it is fascinating to experiment and learn for yourself how the scents and flavors of different woods affect your mood and visions.

We may then also consider to add some herbs to burn - sage, rosemary, bay leaves, lavender, pine needles, leaves from a eucalyptus tree - the choice is really completely endless. I would suggest to start with what you can find naturally in your environment, be this out of doors, in your garden, or your local grocery, which often sells different kinds of herbs.

If you are a more experienced magician, you can begin to match the wood you burn and the herbs you add for the smoke effect to the purpose of the spell, but actually, for that true primal feel it isn't necessary at all.

Fire Spell Step 1: Simply light the fire, look into the flames and think about what you want to say to the Gods, or what you would ask of them. Think about it deeply and let the flames hypnotize you.

Fire Spell Step 2: With a small fire in a bowl, the flames will burn out soon enough, and then you have glowing embers. It is at that point you add the herbs, and it is then that the smoke will begin to rise powerfully, and that's when you state your intent or say your prayer.

You could say, for example:

Hear me, wise ones, old ones, those who dwell above;

Hear my call and hear my voice, hear my prayer:

Send to me the blessings of joy, of happiness, and of love.

I prefer if you would let words simply come to you as you were looking into the flames and thinking about what it was that you wanted. When things come from the heart, and in the moment, that's the most powerful state for magic there is.

Fire Spell Step 3: Basically, that's all you have to do.

If you wanted to, you could add an offering to the powers that be as a sign of respect and gratitude, such as burning some special herbs such as tobacco; some people like to burn a bank note but I'm really not in flavor of that, personally; some people add a gift of a few drops of rose oil, frankincense or even liquor for the offering.

This is an optional step because the gift you gave was to light the fire in the first place and make contact with the powers that be; they appreciate your sincere attention more than anything, and a meaningful, "Thank you for listening" at the end or words to that effect is quite enough to seal the spell.


Protection Fire


For attack and defend but only fire element people can defend:

"Bed of Coals, Bed of Fire. Do as I say, and follow my desire. Burning eyes and eyes of lazer, Nuclear Hit and Inferno later. Searing Flame, Savannah Heat, Liquid Flame and Fire Stone. Rodgort's Invocation."


Fire Circle

You need:

8 candles
fire proof container
Piece of Paper and Pencil.


What to do: Set up the 8 candles in a circle. One to the North, one to the North East and so on. Make the circle about a foot in diameter. Light the candles. Rip the paper into 9 pieces. Write your name on the first piece of paper. Place it in the center of the circle of candles. On the next 8 write ''harm''. Place each of the 8 by the candle on the outside of the circle. Now start at the top candle and take up the piece of paper that says ''harm'' on it. Catch it on fire and quickly put it in the fire proof container while saying this:

''Fire burns and fire turns all evil and harm away from me.''

Repeat this for each of the remaining 8 pieces of papers that say ''harm'' on them. When all papers have been burned, look at your name and say this three times with confidence:

''Fires power and fires might
Protects me every day and night.''

Allow the candles to burn down to nothing and extinguish themselves. By the way, you can use birthday candles or smaller candles so the process will be quicker if you wish.

(Note: Use only fireproof candle holders.) You now have a Fire Circle of protection around you!


Ancient Blaze

You need:

A torch, candle, lighter
A pentagram


Draw a pentagram (elemental), place torch/candle at fire point: stone for earth, cup of water for water, sand for air, and one of your belonging item on spirit (etc, piece of cloth, hair..)

Set your target, area (*only one path) and cast chant:

"La' khe un' na birta
le un' na brisingr
mor khe naa la omios
un' tale na varya freor


Blue Fire

You need:

Ethyl Alcohol 70%
candle blue
must be a necromancer level 2


Smother Ethyl Alcohol on paper light the candle close your eyes pick up the paper with the Alcohol over the candle so it lights on fire be careful your eyes must be closed concentrate on the color blue.

Once you feel worm and smell smoke open your eyes and there should be a blue fire.
Now be careful you are dealing with fire so have at least water near by. 


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