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Aura cleansing

Hot Bath

Have a hot bath with 3 tablespoons of sea salt or ? cup of baking soda. As you relax in the bath, imagine the water is penetrating all the layers of your aura, drawing out all the negativity and leaving it bright and cleansed.

Hot Shower

As the water washes down over your body, imagine the negative energy in your aura being washed and drained away. You should start to feel the brightness as the aura begins its cleansing.

Walking in the Rain (my favorite)

As in the shower, walking in the rain and imagining the negative energy in your aura being washed away brings wonderful results.

Smudging the aura

Use a smudge stick around your aura. If you can ask someone to do this for you it is more beneficial as they can walk completely around you. Smudging is an ancient native American tradition which involves the burning of a sage or sweetgrass wand. Many cultures now use this method. The idea is that the smoke draws out the negative energy, and as the smoke clears it takes away the negativity and neutralizes and purifies the aura.

Brushing the aura

White feathers can also be used to brush the aura in a similar way to the smudge stick. This can easily be done by flicking the feather all around your body in outward motions to brush away the negativity. The fingers can also be used in the same way, rather like a comb, brushing away the negative into the atmosphere. Imagine that all the little bits of negativity that you are brushing away is being swept into a container of any kind. When the container is full, imagine it going deep into outer space and emptied. This will then be neutralized within that time frame.

Positive breathing

Deep breathing is another good way of cleansing the aura. Choose a nice quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Seat yourself comfortably. Take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. After a couple of minutes of deep breathing, imagine that you have a ball of pure white light above your head. Imagine this light becomes brighter, and you may even start to see gold within the light. Imagine this light growing larger and brighter and then bring it down slowly towards your head, allowing it to penetrate the aura and feeling the brightness and lightness of this beautiful light as it works its way down your body. You may feel a little light headed as the light moves through your body. This is normal and it will pass.

Envision the light as it continues to move down your body and through the soles of your feet. Imagine then that you have roots beneath your feet and the negative energy is flowing down through these roots deep into the earth. The energy that has been drawn away will then be neutralized in mother earth.

Now imagine the roots turn bright white, they may even sparkle with flecks of silver and gold. This is the pure clean energy you now imagine as it moves back up through the roots, up through the soles of your feet and into every part of your body, radiating outwards so that your whole aura is filled with this pure white light. When the light reaches the top of your head, allow it to move upwards into the material world.

You should now feel totally revitalized. All the negativity in your energy field is sucked up as the light moves over your aura.


Cleansing salt

Salt is one of the most powerful tools available-from healing to purifying to spectacular spells.

Used historically as currency-this wonderful mineral can work in money drawing spells.

For cleaning of negativity sea salt can be added to bath water with simple visualization of washing the negativity away from the body.

Salt has always been used as protection against psychic attacks, and to disable unwanted psychic phenomena.

Ordinary salt may be sprinkled across thresholds and around the perimeter of dwellings, inside and out;

Salt mixed with sand is used for forming magic circles;

Rock salt crystals can be added to "medicine pouches", carried in pockets or worn in a small bag about the neck.

Sprinkling salt around someone's bed protects from unwanted night time visitors and reduces the likelihood of unwanted spontaneous OBEs.


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