*Discontinued* Bound By The...

By The_Revenant_King

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6 strangers are suddenly thrusted together by the hand of fate. Can they survive as a new pack hand-picked by... More



878 73 39
By The_Revenant_King

"Hey, Sombra." Roman smiled as he stumbled into the room looking for his friend. "Mi Sombra? Mi Amor?" Roman whined a bit as he stood there pouting. "MI AMOR!"

"What?!" Roman sniffled as he watched his friend sit up with a glare. He narrowed his eyes seeing how upset Roman was and frowned. "Salang?"

"You didn't answer me?" His friend rolled his eyes as he patted the bed letting Roman scramble up.

"Ro, you know I get cranky when I'm tired. I was sleeping. I just didn't want to answer you." Roman chuckled a bit as he threw himself into his friend hearing him gasp at the sudden action.

"I wanted to be with you, Sombra."

"But you're always with me, Wangja." Roman snuggled in close melting into his mate's scent who sighed and held him close with a small smile himself. "You know, Wangja. You're very clingy."

"I'm 5. What did you expect, Sombra?" His mate laughed as he let his eyes close just loving the calm feeling Roman always gave him. "Amor? We'll always be together right?" His mate's eyes snapped open at the sudden question as Roman tensed in his arms. "I mean... I know were young... and Eric kept saying that it's impossible... and your 7..."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Roman frowned as he tried to hold the tears in. 

"Eric said the younger ones always get adopted first."

"Oh... I see." Roman nodded as he just laid there.

"He said we'd end up separated and that we'd never see each other again. He said I have to face the fact that we can't be mates because we can't stay to..."

"Roman, I told you before... Even if one of us gets adopted that doesn't change what we are to each other. We'll always have each other." Roman pushed himself up with tears in his eyes catching his mate by surprise. "Wangja, what is it that really bothering you?"

"Mrs. Loretta said theres someone who wants to adopt me." His friend just sat there with no change inexpression as Roman broke down. "BUT I DON'T TO GO! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" They took his hand suddenly shocking him out of his tantrum as the two just sat there staring into each other's eyes.

"Roman, I will NEVER leave you. We may not be right there for each other... but I AM your mate. Don't lose your chance at a home because of me. I am and always will be your mate."


"ROMAN!" Roman jumped up with a start finding brother on his bed holding his franken-stuffed bear. Remus's eyes shifted and Roman tensed as he huffed. "You were calling out again. Who the hell is this Sombra?"

"Who?" Remus frowned as Roman rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sighed. "Sorry, I don't... I don't remember."

"You keep dreaming about them, Roman. I really think you should..."

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T REMEMBER!" Roman growled making Remus flinch slightly before sighing and shaking his head.

"You get so angry them to."

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Remus rolled his eyes as he jumped off the bed and left leaving Roman there to deal with his mind alone. "I don't..." Roman frowned as he laid back and placed a hand to his chest. "Why do I feel so... empty?"

"Roman, mom says get your ass downstairs or else she's going to throw her shoe at you." Roman groaned as he rolled himself off the bed dramatically as if he had died and whined. "Don't blame me if your face ends up smelling like a foot."

"Gross." Roman rolled his eyes as he got up and brushed himself off. He walked into the kitchen finding his mom standing there with this look in her eyes and Roman paled. Uh oh...

"Roman? Do you have something to tell me?" Roman bit his lip as he looked away. His mom held up a sheet of paper and Remus's eyes went wide. It was his form from school. Every wolf has to fill one out once they turn 18. It's a sort of... governmental thing. Basically it informs the council if any new packs had formed... any possible mates... as well as any... "Why is Lobo solitario selected?"


"No Remus!" The elder brother flinched ducking his head as his eyes darted to see Roman glaring at her. 

"Don't yell at him, Mom. It's not his fault. And it's not mine... I lied ok?" His mom's eyes went wide as Roman hugged himself slightly. "I couldn't... I just didn't feel comfortable with anyone. I didn't fit in anywhere. They... Besides, not everyone finds a pack in highschool mom."

"No... But you said you did." His mom sighed sadly as she let the sheet fall back on to the table. "I was worried about you is all. I thought maybe you got kicked out or... worse. I don't want any of my kids going rogue." Roman smiled sadly as he shook his head. "You sure your ok?"

"He had that dream again." Roman growled making Remus frown and shifted back with anxiety. "Roman, when you scream out for someone FIVE nights in a row. I'm going to say something."


"Someone he called Sombra." His mother's eyes darkened as tears came to her eyes.

"Your shadow." Remus's eyes went wide as Roman narrowed his eyes in confusion. "I didn't know started up again. Roman..."

"I don't know who you're talking about." His mother nodded as Roman looked between the two. "I barely remember the dreams. It's not important."

"Roman, It's ok to miss him."

"I. Don't. Know. Who this HIM is!" Roman yelled as he rolled his eyes and plopped down at the table. "Now can we hurry up and eat breakfast or something. I still have school."

"Yeah..." Remus stood there staring at his brother as their mother turned back to cooking. His eyes narrowed as he tried to sift through his thoughts.

"I'm heading out." Remus called out as he went for his jacket. 

"Where?" Roman chuckled as he shot his brother a look. "You're a freaking shut-in."

"The library to look something." Remus deflated as the front door shut behind him. Romana may have forgotten but Remus never did. He was 8 when they brought Roman home. The poor boy was crying for weeks calling out for his friend. Mom always called him Roman's shadow. Sombra... shadow. Remus growled as he hit his head in annoyance to himself. HE SHOULD HAVE FUCKING REALIZED! Roman was calling out for his shadow, god damn it! Remus shook as tears started to fall from his eyes as they shifted sporadically. Remus was done. He was going to look up this shadow person and he was going to get his brother to be fucking happy for once!

Remus stopped short screaming out in rage making many people quickly walk away from him as he stood there frozen. His eyes darted about noticing all the looks and suddenly everything crashed. All the people... all the dirty looks. This was why he stayed indoors. He couldn't take the way everyone stared at him. He spun around before his mind could catch up when a pair of people caught his attention. A man with light blue eyes and pastel hair and another man with dark blue eyes with hair that matches. The light blue one smiled as Remus froze on the spot. There was no anger or fear in them. Just joy... Someone other than his family was looking at him and was happy he was there. Remus frowned in confusion as the man walked over and held his hand out.

"I'm Patton. I believe I was sent to find you." Remus's eyes lit up as he looked over to see the other one eye him up and down. Not angerly either... more inquisitively. "What's your name?"

"Remus..." Patton's smile got even brighter as Remus took his hand. "Remus Price."

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