Can I Call You Mine

Af mofokz

36.4K 1.1K 1.1K

Best friends since the day they met in preschool but happens when one fails to confess his feelings and they... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Epilogue
Thank You❤️❤️
A/N New story

Chapter 8

1.7K 55 25
Af mofokz

Itachi walked in their bedroom with an amused smile on his face. "After three songs and two bedtime stories our little rain of terror is finally asleep. Kid drives a hard bargain." Deidara chuckled, “She takes after someone I know."

The long haired raven feels his lips twitch at that before giving his husband a sober look, “Hn.”  He took off his robe, laying it across the the beautifully carved storage chest at the foot of their king size bed before crawling behind Deidara to massage his back, hearing a contented sigh leaving his lover’s lips.

“What's on your mind Dara?" The Uchiha’s baritone voice asked whilst kissing the back of his head. He could feel the tension in the platinum locks holder’s shoulders, a sure indication that something was weighing on his mind.

Deidara sighed and looked at Itachi through the mirror. "I'm worried." Itachi paused his ministrations to glance at his husband in the mirror before turning him around to face him. "Is something wrong with the baby? Do we need to go to the doctor?"

Deidara rolled his eyes in amusement, "Honestly the way you conclude and fret about the wrong thing amazes me how you don't have white hair from  worrying so much is beyond me."

The raven relaxed and smiled with adoration. "Can you blame me? I care about you, Lilium and the baby very much. You’re my life,” he said leaning in for a kiss, only to be stopped by a hand. 

“That's sweet dear, but you'll end up getting gray hair, then you'll look like an old man and that's a deal breaker for me." Deidara teased, crossing his arms over his chest. 

“Is that so?" Itachi smirked and leaned in again to claim his kiss. "Though I think I can make an exception,” Deidara smiled into the kiss.

“Then what were you worried about?” The older male asked when he pulled back. Deidara bit his lip and wondered if he should actually share his concerns with him because in reality he could be overreacting and imagining things at the end of the day. "It's about Naruto."

The long haired raven raised an elegant eyebrow at him implying that he was listening. "He came over to catch up today and he’s pregnant."

“Naruto and Neji are having a baby? That's great. Though I can see a very grumpy and moody baby brother in our future." Itachi said placing his large hands over the home of his baby hoping for a greeting. 

Blue eyes looked at black with a curious confusion. "What do you mean?"

“Hn.  Well...Sasuke has always had this huge crush on the blonde fox."

Deidara giggled, “Hmm, that explains why he was so flushed when he saw Naruto today.” His giggles turned into chuckles.  “Honestly, I never thought you brother could blush like that. It's so human of him."

Itachi gave an incredulous look.

“What? Your brother is practically immune when it comes to other omegas!”  Deidara exclaimed pressing his hands over the paler’s where their fetus was sleeping. 

“He’s human, Dei.”

Deidara gasped. "He is? Come on. Most of the time I can’t tell him apart from a human and a robot." Gaining a chuckle from the Uchiha.

“Anyways. I'm not sure if everything is alright, but when I asked if Neji and him where happy he didn't seem like himself,” he said with a frown.

"Maybe they are hitting a rough patch. It's their first baby right?"

The blonde sighed.  “Babies,” he corrected causing the raven to raise a questioning brow.

“Not sure how right I am,” he quickly said, “But Naruto is a lot bigger than when I was at the same gestational month with Lilium and even now if I had to compare our bellies."

Itachi hummed to that. "If that's the case then I can see the intensity of their fear. We were scared when we first found out about Lilium, remember?”  Deidara shook his head at the happier memories, “Yeah...we were a mess. But I can't help but feel something is not right." Grimacing as the baby bounced on an organ, now awake.

Itachi kissed his husband’s forehead, helping him lay down into the bed, so that they could go to sleep. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about,” he said holding the pregnant man close. It's not that Itachi wasn't concerned about what Deidara had voiced, in fact making a mental note to investigate about it further himself; his heart twisting violently in his chest at the mere thought of Naruto suffering.  “I'm sure he’s okay.”  The raven assured his better half whilst rubbing circles in the small of his back with hopes to comfort him and lull their unborn child back to sleep.


Neji walked in the front door and took in a deep breath, making his way to the kitchen.  “Man, if I knew I'd come home to the wonderful smell of your cooking, I would of married you sooner!” He teased, startling Naruto.

“Ha! I should divorce you. I had no idea I'd be slaving over pots for you. This isn't what I signed up for."  Chuckling with an impish grin.

“Well, I’ll have you know that I'm a catch. Anybody would jump to cooking for me. Like who can say no to this face?” Posing as if he’s one of those models in a GQ magazine.

Naruto snorted just as the brunette’s phone beeped.  “Apparently Garra can." Pointing at Neji’s phone when it chimed that he just received a message. He barely got a chance to glance at the WhatsApp message before a pregnant Uzumaki plucked it out of his hands.

“Hey!” Neji protested. “Sticky fingers. You know that’s considered expropriation of my property. Give that back.” He demanded. His mild irritation quickly turning into panic when the tan fingers began flying across the screen.

“Naru, Stop that!” He cried, reaching his hand out for the phone but the blonde managed to dodge him. “What are you typing?” He sighed.

Naruto gave a sly and challenging look.  “Hmm...Are you going to hurt your possibly pregnant with twins best friend?"  He asked standing far away from his older friend, sidestepping every time he came too close.

That announcement seemed to catch the Hyuga off guard. "Twins?"

The blonde briefly looked up before focusing on the phone. "Deidara thinks I might be having twins. I set an appointment with the doctor for Wednesday." Neji nodded slowly, trying his best to let what he heard sink in while trying to reach for his phone only for Naruto to move away. "I'll come with you."

Naruto smiled and shook his head. "You don't need to." "I'm coming." The Uzumaki rolled his eyes. "Really I don't need an escort. I can take care of myself just fine,” he pointed out.

“Yes back then. But now you're vulnerable. So I'm coming." Naruto narrowed his gaze at the older man, before huffing in defeat. There was just no changing his stubborn friend's mind and he really didn't want to argue despite having this conversation a million times already. Neji tried to use the distraction to his advantage but failed to corner the laughing blonde.

“Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad.”  Naruto sent Neji an innocent grin, before hitting the send button as his friend stared in horrid panic, feeling his heart drop. The Uzumaki cackled in his head as revenge of his friend's stubborn insistence. “I just figured you might need a little help. A little shove in the right direction.” Naruto grinned cheerily, handing the detective’s phone back to him.

That didn't seem to settle well with the brunette. His stomach felt as though it was swarmed with butterflies of dread, he hurriedly looked at the screen to assess the damage that had been done.  His eyes went wide, dropping the phone on the table for a moment and slapped both hands over his ears with a dramatic look of outrage and betrayal to make an almost perfect replication of "The Scream" portrait. Across from him, Naruto smiled sweetly, like he hadn’t just doomed his best friend by trying to play cupid and hook him up with a guy he met only a couple of times at work but has never really spoken to.

“God dammit!” Neji glared at Naruto whilst sitting in a seat at the table not at all amused by the turn of events. His phone beeped again telling him he had received a new message. He tossed his phone onto the table top and slapped his hands over his burning cheeks. Flustered, Neji rubbed at his cheeks with the ball of his palms. “Nope! Not going to work tomorrow,” he mumbled.

Sending Neji a flat glare, “You act as if he'd bite your head off.”  Both listening to the phone sounding out soft pings, snuffing out whatever comment the brunette thought he might have had in mind. He glanced at his phone and froze in utter horror.

“Well?” Naruto anxiously asked.  Neji didn’t have to turn to know that Naruto’s glistening eyes were boring into his skull and a smirk gracing his soft features.

“Well what?” Neji responding with an eye roll, making the blonde laugh.

“Come on, don’t play dumb with me, Neji!  What did he say? Spill it. What did he say.”

Neji tilted his head back, refusing to look at his best friend. Knowing the silence would drive him mad.

“I've got all the time in the world my dear friend slash husband. And if you don't tell me, I can still grab your device and answer for you because that's what good friends and loving spouses do."

“Hmph, I think I need to re-visit my friend choices."  The long haired brunette grumbled, but could not help but smile as he sent a text message back to the person on the other end.

Garra - "I'd love that. Is Friday ok?"


Naruto was barely two when he lost his mother. Kushina having succumbed to a disease that was not kind to her. He was hardly at an age where he could make fond memories of her. This left Minato as a single father and to raise the young child as best as he could. Trying his hardest to fill in the gaps of an absent parent, playing the roles of both father and mother.  Occasionally having his wife's cousin Iruka and his half brother Kakashi look after him when he was working at the police station.

Naruto jumped on his race car bed, giggling when he jumped out of the way again when his father tried to get a hold of him. They had just finished having a bath and Naruto was trying his best to avoid bedtime, running around his room naked as the day he was born. He squealed when his father finally caught him. "Got you, you silly little bush baby. Now it's time to get you in your pajamas and it's of to bed for you." Minato kept a tight hold on the wiggling four year old. Playfully nibbling on the giggling child's belly and finally dressing the bundle of energy into his pajamas.

“But daddy I want to stay up with you." Naruto whined as his father tucked him in. Minato pretended to be thoughtful about his son’s request. "But if you stay up with me, then you'll be to sleepy at Sasuke's birthday party. You might fall asleep and then you'll miss out on all the fun stuff and even the cake." Naruto gasped with horror at that and Minato tried to remain serious while holding back a laugh. "And Sasuke will be so sad. So what will it be? Do you want to stay up and watch a boring movie with a boring old man like me or sleep so you can be rested and have fun at your best friend’s party?" The little spiked haired blonde snuggled deeper into his covers, causing his father to smirk. "Good call." He stood next to the bookshelf in his son's room. "So what story do you want me to read tonight?" He asked, eyeing the bedtime story collection in the child’s room.

Naruto hummed thoughtfully before his face pulled into a grin. "I don't want you to read me a story tonight daddy." Minato blinked, appearing bemused at the response, “You don't want me to read you a story?" He asked slowly.

Naruto nodded his head. "Aha. But can you tell me about mommy, please.”  The older male slowly nodded, still stumped at the sudden request.  Sitting down on the little bed, trying to process everything, eventually shrugging almost laconically. A bright smile played on his lips at the thought of his wife. "Your mother was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen." Naruto snuggled closer to his father as he recounted the tale of his wife's adventures.


Minato parked his car in front of the market with a huff. He turned of the engine and turned to his seven year old son seated at the back of the car, looking like Humpty Dumpty in his warm clothes. "Alright son. I'm going to head into that supermarket," he pointed at the building, “To get your grandma Tsunade's favorite snacks before we head over to visit with her. Do you think you can be good for me and stay in the car for me?"

"Will I get ramen?" Naruto batted his eyelashes with an innocent smile that Minato knew all to well. "You sneaky little negotiator." He said, playfully

pulling the little boy’s nose. "Alright if you're good I'll get you ramen." The older man cheered along with his son before making his way out the car. He looked at his son one last time to make sure he was okay.  “Don't open the door for any strangers. I'll be back soon." He said sternly then chuckled when his son gave him a salute. Even though he had a clear view from the store window, he closed and locked the doors before hurriedly walking into the building.

True to his word Minato didn't take long in the market and Naruto bounced on his seat as he watched his father approach from the rear windshield.  His joy turned to shock when two bullets hit his father's chest and he watched in horrifying fright as his father stumbled to the ground. The car with the perpetrator who shot his father was speeding away from the scene.

“Daddy!" The child left out a a blood curdling scream.


Iruka and Kakashi were drenched from the rain when they finally made it to the police station. Rushing into the station, they frantically looked around in search of their nephew. They had just finished up with their classes at the college when they received a phone call from a police officer regarding the incident.

They saw a group of officers and detectives arguing amongst themselves, frustrated and angry with the fact that someone had killed one of their own. They had managed to capture one of the suspects involved and were trying to find ways to get him to talk.

Behind them was a little figure seated sadly on a bench. Naruto looked a lot smaller than his usual self with his school backpack placed besides him and his hands meekly on his lap. Iruka broke down, crying as the child looked nothing like the energetic sunshine they knew; breaking their hearts. Kakashi squeezed his lover’s hand needing him to pull himself together to be strong for their kin.

When walking over to the child, Kakashi was pulled aside by an officer that recognized him as Minato's brother, wanting to fill him in on what happened. Iruka kneeled in front of the little boy who looked at his lap unseeingly. "Hay Buddy." He smiled sadly at the small figure, who didn't acknowledge his presence. His blue eyes still red and puffy from probably all the crying he must have done before they came here.

“I heard what happened sweetheart,” he whispered consoling, but was still ignored by the child.  He hesitantly placed his hand on the smaller’s back, his heart breaking even further the more his nephew ignored him.

He looked up when Kakashi stood by them and smiled sadly at his boyfriend. The white haired man sighed and scooped Naruto up into his strong arms where the startled boy started to cry after burying his face into the crook of his uncle’s neck.  Iruka's eyes pricked with wetness again at the sound of sobs.

"Let's go home." Kakashi said as Iruka picked up the backpack and all three walking out of the police station with heavy hearts.


Iruka pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he took in another deep breath to stay calm, reminding himself that Naruto was just a child still trying to find a way to cope with the tragedy even if two years had passed since his father's death.

"Naruto at the end of the day you can't solve your problems with violence; we’ve been over this so many times. Do you understand you'll be kicked out of school even if the principal is your grandma; she can only do so much to keep you there,” he stressed out, looking at the boy's face flushed red in anger.

Today Iruka had been called into Tsunade’s office because Naruto had been in a fight with one of his classmates. The brunette wasn't sure of the details, but from what he had heard was that the teacher had given the students an upcoming assignment to write a report on their parents career.

A classmate bullied Naruto at that very moment, loudly taunting him about the lack of his actual parents.  The shouting match later turned into a nasty fight with the children ending up in Tsunade's office.

Iruka eyed the bruises marrying the child's cheeks and the black and blue plastering over his left eye. "He started it. I told him to take it back but he didn't listen. And I was not going to let him bully me any longer."  Naruto cried, his azure eyes shedding crocodile tears.

"You should’ve just told your teacher."

“Big help that would’ve been!  All they would do is give him detention and he’d be back to bullying me again or either someone else. I had to teach him a lesson. Daddy would of done the same!” 

Iruka shook his head. "No Naruto. Your dad would never resort to violence to solve a problem. What's worse you even got Sasuke involved in this."

The two boys were inseparable every since they were very little, expectant mothers excited that their sons would be playmates.  Growing up with a sense of feeling responsible for each other and having each other’s backs no matter the situations they encountered. Best of matter what.

“I didn’t ask him to beat up anyone!” Naruto shouted at the older male. Sasuke had heard the teasing coming from the bully’s mouth and when he saw him push his best friend, he drew his fist without hesitation, blooding the boy’s nose, knocking out a tooth and gave him a black and blue shiner.

“That might be the case but you know how he gets in situations like these.  He becomes uncontrollable. That’s a reason why you should’ve gone to the teacher.”

The blonde’s ocean blues went wide as he stared at the brunette in disbelief.  “So this is my fault?” He cried with more tears glistening the corners of his eyes.

“Naruto, no I didn't mean..." Iruka immediately regretted what he just said, trying to reach out for the boy to only have his hands slapped away.  He watched him run to his room with frustrating tears glimmering in his eyes.

Kakashi looked in bewilderment at his lover and nephew from the front door. Slowly removing his shoes and placing his bag by the door. "What was that about?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice. Iruka sighed and looked away from the stairs, running his hand through his hair and down his face. "Naruto got into a fight at school."

“Again?" Iruka nodded his head and sat down tiredly on the couch. "Yeah."

Kakashi walked over to his exhausted fiancé, placing his hand soothingly on the tired brunette's back. "Do you think I should go talk to him?"

“Not now. Let him vent it out for a little while." The silver haired male nodded in acknowledgement.

“What are we doing wrong Kakashi?" Said man raised a questioning eyebrow at him. Rubbing Iruka's back encouragingly to speak his mind. "Only two years have gone by and we still can't get him out of his misery. Kakashi we can't seem to get back that happy go lucky kid we knew." Iruka began to sob into his hands. "If we're failing with Naruto, how sure can we be that we can take care of our own kid when the time comes." He sniffled.

Gathering the sobbing male into his arms, “Hopefully our child won’t have to suffer a tragedy like he’s been through.”

“Life can be so unfair. No child deserves the trauma that he’s experienced.” 

“As long as we stay strong and vigilant in loving him, things will get better for him.”

“I don’t know...”

“It will. I’m sure of it.”

Iruka nodded into his lover’s chest, feeling himself calming down.  “I think we should go talk to him now.”

Kakashi pressed his ear against the closed door before knocking and turning the knob.  “Naruto, can I please come in?”

“...I don’t care.”  A meek, ragged voice sounded in the room.

Kakashi entered the room but lingered in the door frame looking at the small child sitting on top of his bed with his back pressed against the wall hugging his stuffed white striped tiger.  His heart ached at seeing his nephew’s face stained with tears.

He sat on the bed next to him and pulled him into a hug, “I miss him too,” he whispered to the blonde in his arms, the two sitting in silence for several minutes.

“Life is challenging enough without people’s cruelty but when we see how ugly people can be it should makes us feel sorry for them.”  Kakashi said softly.

Naruto looked up at him with a confused expression on his face.

“Because they’ve allowed themselves to be defeated by their hardships, feeling that others should suffer at their hands but in the end, they end up being swallowed by their own demise.”

“I hate them.” Naruto said.

“Yeah me too, but if we’re not careful hate will make us weak and rob us of our freedom to be happy just like it did to them.”  The older man explained in a consoling voice, giving the boy a squeeze. “But we’re stronger then those people and you know something, your dad was strong like that too.” He smiled down at the shocked wide eyes staring up at him. “When your mother died, he was very sad and he even felt angry at the world some times because he missed her so much, but he never forgot to find something to be grateful for, or be joyful about.”  He said placing his hand over the child’s heart. “He knew that hate wasn’t worth ruining his life and it was better to walk away and ignore it because that’s what a strong person does.”

Naruto was thinking hard about what his uncle said.  “But I got Sasuke in trouble too.”

“You didn’t get him in trouble. True friends look out for each other, besides Sasuke...,” hesitating in thought, not surprised by the raven’s haste reaction, knowing that when it came to Naruto’s safety, it doesn’t take much to set the Uchiha off. “...Well Sasuke is Sasuke but next time, if there’s a next time, let your grandma Tsunade handle the situation; after all we all know how scary she can be.”  Whispering the last part with a shiver causing Naruto to laugh at the antics, knowing that they were all afraid of her wrath when she was in a bad mood.

Iruka walked in the room carrying a tray of cookies and hot chocolate.  He joined them on the bed glad to see their ball of sunshine smiling. “Uncle Iruka, I’m sorry about earlier.”  “It’s okay honey, the important thing is that we worked through it.”  The blonde nodded his head, “Yeah. I feel better. I want to call Sasuke and grandma later to apologize.”  “Okay. But how about we dig into these goodies first while they’re still hot.” “Sugoi! You’re the best! I love you guys so much!” Naruto shouted.  “We love you more.” The older males chimed in unison.


Deidara eyed the man across from him. Calmly taking a sip of his ginger tea and placing it on the kitchen counter. "You know if I knew that having Naruto live across from me would get you to visit here more often, I would’ve tracked him down and dragged him here a long time ago."

Sasuke scowled at his brother-in-law. "Naruto being here is not the reason I'm here. I came here to spend time with my family just like you asked. It's no big deal,” refusing to make eye contact with the long haired pregnant man and ignoring the raised amused eyebrow the other man sported.

“Un. Is that so?" He asked, amused with the situation at hand, not missing the slight change of colour on the young Uchiha’s cheeks. "I can't ever recall a time where I simply asked you to visit more often and you'd do exactly that. All I remember is you coming once and then claiming to be busy after that. So forgive me if I seem a little bewildered by all of this, it must be the hormones playing tricks on me." Waving a dismissive hand towards the bulge of his unborn child.  He held back a laugh that was threatening to escape, as Sasuke's face slowly became red.

Sasuke coughed choosing to change the subject in hopes of hiding his guilt. "So how is my little nephew or niece coming along?”

Deidara smiled fondly, a mischievous glint in his eyes that Sasuke found hard to dismiss. The pregnant male slowly got up and stood next to his brother-in-law. "Why don't you ask them yourself?" Taking hold of the paler’s hand and placing it on his belly. While feeling curiously, they kicked him, hard enough for Deidara to groan and rub the area where the fetus was suddenly active.

“Maybe one day you and Naruto will have little Sasukes and Narutos running around in the future."  

Pulling his hand away from the blonde's belly, the raven was startled by the unexpected remark, feeling his heart fluttering out of his chest with his knees shaking a little.  Deidara laughed at the wide onyx’s expression, before they were painted with disappointment.

“Hn. I don't see that happening." He said, sadness colouring his tone causing Deidara's eyes to softened as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Things have a way of working out, you know."

Sasuke eyed the long haired blonde as if he had lost his mind, utterly stumped and blown away by the gravity of the comment. "Are you encouraging me to break up Naruto and Neji's marriage?" He asked tentatively; as though the thought hadn’t crossed his mind.

Deidara rolled his eyes with a cluck of his tongue. "No stupid. It's just that the two of you would have made a perfect couple. It's a pity he's taken." He smiled warmly at the sullen looking man, thinking about how truthful his own words were.

Itachi walked into the kitchen, doing a double take at seeing his baby brother in his home once again, taking note of the frequent visits his brother has been making to their place. "Has the apocalypse started or something?" Deidara chuckled and walked over to his husband and kissed him lightly on the lips. "No. But I think Sasuke being here so often is the reason why the sun has been out lately."

The short haired raven huffed in annoyance as Itachi and his husband teased him relentlessly.


The two had been nervous with anticipation all day about the visit to Kakashi and Iruka’s house.  They had made arrangements to stop by after the doctors having reached the point where they needed to tell them the news, for one they were his parents and two he wouldn’t be able to camouflage his condition much longer.

Neji followed Naruto into the living room, taking a seat next to him on the couch after Naruto hugged his parents and he respectfully bowed to them.

“Let me make you some tea." Iruka said behind a seated Kakashi. Already making his way to the kitchen. "Mom you don't have to."

After two years of Minato’s murder and caring for the blonde the couple decided to adopt him.  Even though he missed his father, Naruto was ecstatic feeling he belonged after the tragedy and having parents made his life easier in many ways.  Over time he naturally began to address them as mother and father which they comfortably fell into.

The brunette smiled at his son. "I insist." He said and made his way to the kitchen not leaving any room for Naruto to protest. The blonde offered to help and Iruka welcomed the helping hand.

Neji suddenly felt more nervous being left alone with the older male, sitting directly across from him.  Kakashi had always carried an intimidating aura, hence it was rare that his students would misbehave.  The silver haired sensei was also intelligent and forthright, making him a professor to be feared.

“What movie are you watching?”  Neji asked, hoping the small talk would calm his nerves.

“Birds of Prey. Have you seen it yet?”

“No, but I hear it’s good. Do you like it so far?” Neji asked feeling the edge of stress leaving him.

“It’s interesting. It has a dark side to it.”

“Hm. I’ll have to rent it.”

“So how’s work been going since you’ve moved back?” He asked the brunette, noting a slight sign of restlessness easing from the young Hyuga.

“It’s good.  Some differences from New York but not too many.”

“Any interesting cases?” The Hatake asked in curiosity.

Neji was sure that the elder was just interested in making small talk but he had a feeling it was just his way of leading into a deeper issue.

“A few. But nothing earth shattering.” He wasn’t lying, the case against Sai still lacked evidence proving his suspicions.

Just as Kakashi was about to engage Neji in further conversation, Iruka and Naruto interrupted, "Tea is ready." Neji sighed in relief when the two walked in with a tray of tea, fruits, cookies and biscuits. Thanking whatever God was up there that seemed to care for him right now. bringing in the tray of tea and cookies.  “Did we miss anything interesting?” Iruka asked, whilst handing Neji and his husband a cup of tea.

“No. Just some small talk.” The head of house said nonchalant whilst sipping his tea.

Naruto sat down nervously beside Neji, feeling like he was back in high school and having to tell his father that he had gotten detention. Kakashi was an understanding and reasonable man but not one to be fooled easily, nothing ever getting past him.

Unconsciously shoving the biscuits into his mouth, his cravings blinding him to the pairs of eyes watching him, "You've seemed to have gained some weight."  Iruka pointed out smiling brightly at his son. "It's good. It shows that you’ve at least been taking care of yourself.”

Naruto gave an owlish stare before he realized his slip up, but he was hungry and nervous; not the greatest combo when pregnant.  The older males noticed their son stiffen. "Um, do you really think so?" The blonde asked tilting his head a little to the side as if in wonder but silently praying to whoever's listening that his parents didn’t notice that he was shaking on the inside.

"Maybe it's because you haven't seen me in a long while." He deflected and as if to prove his point he took a grape from the bowl popping it into his mouth. Weighing his words more carefully not wanting to lie to them.

Having taken on the motherly role from the time they started looking after him at a young age, Iruka knew the Uzumaki better then he knew himself and immediately sensed something off with his behavior, raising a red flag in his mind.

“It’s been six weeks, Naruto.” Kakashi said, continuing to sip on his tea, allowing silence to penetrate throughout the room, still brewing over the rumor that Iruka had told him about that he heard while he was shopping at the food market two days ago.

“Oh, Iruka-san! It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you. How have you and Kakashi been?”  Osumare greeted him with a hug.  The older woman was a retired counselor from the middle school that Naruto had attended. She and Tsunade worked closely together until she retired two years prior to the boy’s grandmother.

“We’re doing well. How about you? Retirement treating you well?” The brunette asked happy to see her.

“It is but I miss the kids.  Working with them to choose a successful path in life.”

“You were an excellent mentor. Very influential in so many lives.”

“Not everyone was lucky enough to have parents like you and Kakashi.  Naruto was always one of my favorite students.” Giving Iruka a genuine smile. “I’m glad that he had you two. Who knows what would’ve happened to him during those tragic circumstances.”

“Thank you. I would be lying if I didn’t say that we had our share of challenges but it was worth it.”

“I heard that he married recently.” She said looking through her purse in search of her phone that was ringing, missing the shocked expression on the brunette’s face. “I was surprised when Shingeo told me that he and the Hyuga had wed.  I really thought that Sasuke and him would’ve tied the knot. They always seemed inseparable.”

Iruka didn’t know what to say, the unexpected news of his son’s marriage was shocking. “Uh, Yes they were.” His response soft and reclusive.

“Hmm.” She smiled. “Life throws us many curveballs, doesn’t it?” She chucked.

“It certainly does.” Iruka said still in shock of the gossip about Naruto.

“I must be heading out, I need to pick up my grandson at the school. It was so good to see you.” She said gathering the few bags out of her cart.

“It was good seeing you again as well.”

“Salutations to Kakashi and Naruto.”

“I’ll be sure to pass them on. Take care.” He said watching her walk out of the market, a definite conversation to ensue with Itachi later.

Glancing at his husband, the older brunette knew that the inevitable was clearly in sight.  That the older man was stewing inside.  It would be a matter of minutes before the boys would be receiving glaring daggers from him.

“So how have you both been doing? Are your living arrangements working out alright?  He asked trying to break the ice per se that was forming in the room.

The blonde’s parents had offered him to come live with them once he had moved back but he declined with the explanation that he and Neji were living together as roommates.  Well technically they were in a way roommates.

Clearing his throat, “Umm, things are going...uh good.” Neji said quietly.

Naruto sat in silence, fidgeting under his father's gaze; sending silent pleas of help to the long haired brunette sitting beside him, knowing that the unavoidable consequences was clearly in sight.

Kakashi eyed the two boys curiously, “So son, it seems that you and Neji have been hanging around each other more lately.“ The older man hummed out the question.  “Is there something going on between the two of you that we should know about?”  His tone obvious that he already knew of something.

They both sat and just glanced at each other. Neji thought he was prepared to explain the situation in its entirety having rehearsed a simple speech but now it was as if the cat had his tongue.

The silence explained everything to Kakashi and Iruka.  Even though Neji and Naruto were adults and could make their own decisions, they felt slighted, being left out of the formalities of such a supposedly happy occasion in a person’s life, especially regarding your child.

“You'd be surprised of the things that’s been buzzing around in our little town lately."  Kakashi set stern eyes on the two sitting across from him, causing them to return a confused look.

“I ran into Osumare the other day at the market. Naruto, you remember her don’t you?”  Iruka asked, feeling it best to tell of the gossip then his husband.  Kakashi wasn’t one to listen or engage in the loose tongue, but when it came to talk involving himself or his family, he was quick to squash the slander and protect his family’s name and honor.

“Yes. She was my counselor in school.”

“Those years were some rough years for you. You spent a lot of time in her office.” The brunette acknowledged. “Anyway she told me something disturbing that she had heard from Shingeo. That the two of you were married.”

Now it dawned on the duo, it was the day that they had run into Sasuke at the ice cream shop.  The elderly man and his wife were sitting in the corner of the shop and witnessed Naruto get sick.  But honestly didn’t think the old man could hear very well considering that when they were in school, you had to practically yell at him for him to understand what you were saying.

Neji noticed the silver hair frown and opening his mouth to say something. He felt himself becoming a bit fearful, mentally counting the words in his head in preparation for how the hell he was going to answer whatever questions he was about to be bombarded with.

“You didn't think that it wasn’t important for you to come here first and ask for my son's hand properly?”  Kakashi inquired, finally finding his voice in a controlled manner, surprising everyone in the room. “We follow strict and honorable traditions in this household.”

Noticing the hidden daggers coming from the man sitting beside him, Iruka squeezed his husband’s hand to help continue to ground him.  Ever since his return from the market and having no choice but to share the bothersome conversation with him, the older male has been in a fury, seething with anger, something that rarely happens with him.

“First of all, what happened with Sai? We thought that you two were engaged.”  Iruka asked still holding Kakashi’s hand tightly. They both had always secretly hoped that Naruto would chose a path with his childhood friend Sasuke; regardless that they weren’t the biggest fans of their son’s pronounced fiancé, but he seemed happy with him, so they agreed to be supportive just like they had always done throughout his life.

"Naruto. Neji. All we want is to understand what is going on.  How did this happen without us knowing?” Kakashi asked, more so in a commanding tone, giving a pointed gaze at the gold bands adorning their wedding fingers. 

“I supposedly owe you both a explanation, but please understand that I never wanted for you to be involved."  Kakashi and Iruka shared a weary glance at that statement. “Naruto, as your parents, we will always be involved.”  Kakashi spoke more softly and sympathetic, sensing a foreboding apprehension radiating from his son.

Naruto finally gave into the urge of glancing at Neji, allowing their eyes to meet for a brief moment.  The brunette gave Naruto a tight smile, knowing that under the delicate circumstances their cover needed to be exposed. He placed his hand on Naruto’s back for support as the blonde took a deep breath before starting from the beginning.

He took his time explaining everything, not leaving nothing untold that has happened till today.  Iruka placed a finger on lips, concern and worry painted his face while Kakashi looked murderous. "I'm sorry mom and dad. I feel like a terrible person. I unknowingly allowed this to happen,’s all my fault!” Naruto sobbed.

Kakashi and Iruka both moved to sit on each side of the crying boy, pulling him into their arms so as to comfort him.  Each taking turns to kiss him on the head. "It's not your fault honey,” said the older brunette, rubbing his son's back soothingly.

“That’s right! None of this is your fault. I didn’t like that mut from the beginning. I knew there was something about him.  I sensed it and I should’ve put my foot down!”  Kakashi growled, clenching his fists as frustration rolled off of him.

Naruto turned his gaze to Neji with a watery smile and held his friend's hand. "Neji and Kiba convinced me to come back home. He’s even been trying to help me come to terms with everything."

Kakashi took a moment and smiled sheepishly at the young brunette, apologizing for the earlier accusations.

Naruto looked down onto his lap whilst closing his eyes, taking in another breath as if to strengthen himself, before he looked back up at the set of eyes that he has always found solidarity in no matter what circumstances he found himself facing.

“There’s one more thing.”  Naruto said sighing heavily, causing his parents to look even more concerned at him; cringing at what possibly more could’ve happened.

Naruto unzipped the baggy jacket he was wearing to reveal the obvious bump pushing against the sea foam green maternity top that he was finally forced to buy yesterday.  “I'm apparently pregnant with twins. The doctor confirmed it this morning.”

The two males sat with their jaws dropped opened, totally beyond shock, as a pregnant silence filled the air.

“Oh my goodness!” Iruka finally cried, tears streaming down his face, embracing Naruto again.  He placed a hand over the growing home of his grandchildren, sobbing at remembering how they had dreamed of having children of their own until he fell ill with a debilitating fever. After an eight day recovery in the hospital, the doctors delivered the devastating news that the illness had left him sterile, with the inability to conceive.  Shortly after that, the brunette fell into depression until the court rewarded them adoption of Naruto.

“I feel so old."  Kakashi moaned, looking at the sonogram picture displaying two defined shapes that were his grandchildren. "Of course you are!” Iruka laughed, leaning in and kissing his husband who kissed back before wiping the tears of joy still falling from his husband’s eyes.  “We’re having grand babies!” He said in excitement, kissing Kakashi again, the atmosphere around them lightening immensely.

Naruto watched his dads staring at the the photo, their smiles encompassing their faces.  He couldn’t help but feel silly for being afraid to tell them, they were understanding and accepting as he has always known. 

They spent the day together, with him only getting sick once from the smell of ramen; a definite confirmation that he was forced to give up the cuisine he loved so much.  Each of them jumping at the chance to predict a possibly happy future in spite of them trying their best to ignore the dark shadows at the back of their minds.


Neji sighed as he opened up the document on his computer again. He’d been trying to find anything that would gain him evidence on Sai, and the brunette was already beat. He rubbed his eyes, biting his lip before pushing his glasses back up on his nose, trying his best to focus and try to find clues that could help him put Sai behind bars.

A knock on the door made his head snap up from the device to look at the person standing by his office door.  A man with fair skin and striking emerald green eyes stood by the door. He was donning a set of navy scrubs and a white lab coat. "Finally decided to leave the dead alone." Neji teased smiling fondly at the short man as he walked in. Gaara rolled his eyes and sat on a chair in front of the brunette's desk, placing two brown bags on it before pushing his red hair back, revealing a tattoo with kanji for "Love" that was on the left side of his forehead. He was the precinct’s forensic science and autopsy technician.

“At least they are better company than you Hyuga." He stated gazing at the brunette with a smirk.

Neji winced, placing a hand over his heart as if he were shot, “Oooh you wound me,” making the red haired giggle. "So what do I owe for this surprising visit?"

“I brought lunch." The shorter man shrugged with a blush whilst gesturing at the paper bags.

“Are you wanting me fat?” Neji questioned, leaning back in the swivel chair, propping his feet up on his desk.

“Hay, if you don't want it don't eat it." Garra said sarcastically, reaching into one of the bags and taking out a sandwich. 

Neji raised his hands in defense, “I was only saying that because I also brought lunch."

Gaara noticed the bento box sitting at the corner of his desk.  His cheeks coloured just a little with red, embarrassed by the swift insult. “Oh, sorry.” 

Neji couldn’t help but chuckle at the man’s bashfulness.  Regardless that the redhead was quiet and reserved, falling more into the category as a introvert, they always seemed easily connected some how, getting along beautifully. “But we can make this a bring and share." Giving his crush a genuine smile.

Gaara laughed at the joke Neji shared with him, the brunette never failing to bring him more and more out of his shell when they were together.  As he was finishing his lunch and clearing the bags off of the detective’s desk, a photo laying on top of the open file caught his eye.

Picking up the file to get a closer look at the photo of the man with pale skin and raven hair that was paper clipped to some documents, his eyes lit up with recognition. "I remember this man." He said, pondering where he had seen him before. The redhead’s keen focus on the picture, aroused the curiosity of the brunette who was drinking at his coffee.

“Now I remember!” He said pointing at the photo.  “My sister was working on a woman's case a couple years ago. The woman was found dead in the woods with her car crushed under a tree. It started off as a missing case until a few days later a hiker found her car off the edge of a cliff. When the police broke the news to her lover, he oddly didn't show an signs of depression or sympathy.  I remember her telling me that the deceased was pregnant but the DNA results showed that the foetus wasn’t a match to the suspect.  Those results were her team’s primary reason for investigating him, hoping to link the death to a domestic crime but they couldn’t pin point any concrete evidence against him, so the case was declared an accident.”

Neji couldn't believe what he was hearing...

“I wonder if she could get me the logistics? It might help me get a possible lead.” He said, giving Garra a pen and pad.

“Yeah, I’m sure Temari won’t mind. She said that when she interviewed him, she got this eerie feeling about him. Shortly after the investigation he moved to America.” 

Neji’s stomach churned, suddenly feeling ill in light of the recent information, knowing how close Naruto was to a dangerous individual, sleeping next to him and making love to his dear friend.

“Are you okay?” The tattoo holder asked noticing the brunette’s pale face start to green.

Neji picked up the phone, dialing the numbers that Garra had scribbled on the sticky note. “I will be once I reopen this case.” He said staring into concerned peridot orbs.  “Hello, Temari?” Neji asked, still staring at Garra.  “Detective Hyuga Neji from Konoha’s precinct.  I was wondering if you could open a cold case for me?” 

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