Him, Me

By Morjane_5SOS

432 16 6

"I love you to." He mumbled in my hair. More

Chapter 1 ❤️
Chapter 2 ❤️
Chapter 3 ❤️
Chapter 4 ❤️
Chapter 5 ❤️
Chapter 6 ❤️
Chapter 7 ❤️
Chapter 8 ❤️
Chapter 9 ❤️
Chapter 11 ❤️
Chapter 12 ❤️

Chapter 10 ❤️

19 2 1
By Morjane_5SOS

The next morning I got woke up to the sound of my phone going off because of a text.

Luke: Hey babe! I have some really good news! Meet me at mine in 20 mins! XX Luke, the sexiest penguin alive...

That guy really had balls to send me a text message at 9:12 A.M and tell me to meet him in 20 minutes at his house. Did he even know how much time I needed to take a shower, do my hair, get dressed and do my make-up? Apperently, he didn't.

Laura: Hello Luke. Good morning. How are you? I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. ;) I need more time to get ready! There is no way I will make it in 20 mins. Actually, there is no way I'm going to your house in 20 mins. I need to sleep dude. XX Laura, the girl you are madly in love with.

There. That should shut him up. I needed to get some sleep, I went to sleep at 2 A.M yesterday because I was helping my brother go through some college applications. He wasen't sure how to fill in the papers, seeing he doesn't really pay attention to what we tell him the majority of the time.

Luke: Pleeeeaaaase!!! This is mega important Laura! XX Luke, the sexiest penguin alive.

Laura: No. I'm so tired, there is no way I'm coming over in 20 mins. Besides your plane is at 5 P.M so we can meet-up at 3 P.M if you want to tell me this very important thing. Xx Laura

And with that, I put my phone on my bed side table and fell asleep.


I woke-up because of my phone ringing. It was Luke, of course. I picked my phone up and answered.

"Hello," I said yanning.

"Hello! Are you ready now? It's been 2 hours since you texted me."

"Yeah. That's called sleeping." I say sarcasticly. I got up and went to my closet, deciding not to take a shower. I was going to the airport to drop Luke off and go back home, snuggle up in bed and read a book or watch a movie or two. That's what I did when I was sad. Yeah, I know, it's the typical white girl thing to do. I was going to tell Luke to come over to my house in 20 mins so we could get at the airport on time when he said: "Listen up here Laura. I have been trying to tell you this since this morning but you didn't want to meet-up nor listen to me, so, I am going to tell you right now. We are not leaving today, we are leaving in one week," he started saying. As soon as the words 'We are leaving in a week' escaped his lips, I was beyond happy. Overjoyed would be a good word to describe what I was feeling right now. 'How' was the first question that came through my mind as he talked. "However, we are going to be recording more often during the day because we didn't leave today. At least I get to stay with you one more week!" He continued, exitement in his voice. "How? Why?" Where the only words I could say right now. "Well, apprently, we had a few issues with our tour bus abd they had to get those problems fixed because they were quite big problems. I'm leaving next Saturday." He continued telling me. "Listen Luke, I'm sorry I didn't let you meet-up with me earlier, we could've spent the day together if I knew! I'm going to get ready. We can meet-up at mine in half an hour if that's okay with you," I offered. "Sure. Should I bring popcorn and ice cream?" He asked as I could hear him getting up from his bed I think. "Okay. Don't bring movies though, we have plenty." I told him. And with that, we hung-up.

I quickly went through my closet and got a grey Abercombie&Fitch sweatpants, a grey sweatshirt with written on it: 'So he calls me and is like "I still love you" and I'm like "But your not Luke Hemmings"' and some mix-no-match socks.
I got downstairs and started to take several blankets and finding different movies.

"Laura, what the hell are you doing?" Yep. You guessed it. That was my brother.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I snapped back shooting him a glare. I was still a little cross at the way he talked to me yesterday.

"Listen, I'm sorry on how I acted yesterday. I actually broke-up with Courtney two days ago and I'm still a confused." He blurted out. It all made sense now.

"Oh I'm sorry Ben," I said rushing over to him. Then, I gave him a bone crushing hug. "Why did you break-up?"
"She was cheating on me," He started before his eyes turned into a deep shade of brown. "With Connor fucking Brands." He spat. Oh no. Courtney was going to be in some deep shit here. Connor Brands was my brother's enemie. They were best friends once, even treated each other like brothers, before she came into the picture. Lola. She was dating my brother for about two months when my brother learnt from rumors spreading around school (Yes, I was at school because back in Los Angeles, I was in High School) that she was cheating on my brother with Connor. No need to mention that Connor was Ben's biggest rival in football. Not only was Connor was from Winterworks High but he was also the captain of the football team. My brother was the captain of Automnside High. The both teams were the best of Hollywood. Yeah, in Hollywood they were High Schools who played football. Seems crazy, but true. So that's basically why my brother and Connor hate each other so much. "Well, Luke is coming over in 10 mins for a movie afternoo and you are not allowed to disturb us even if we make a lot of noise." I warned him. "Even if you guys are having sex?" He smirked at me. "What?! Ewww, no never! That's disgusting!" I said in disgust whilste rolling my eyes.

A few minutes later, Luke arrived, a bag full of junk food. Not that I was complaining! It was filled with: Popcorn, Candy, Ice Cream--more specifically: Cookies 'n Cream, our favorite and Mint Chocolat Chip--and Drinks like Ice Tea, Coca Cola (even though I hated it, he only took one can, just for him) and Fanta.

"Is everything I brought alright?" He asked me opening the can of Coca Cola whilst I was reaching for the movies. "Yeah, it's perfect." I smiled in his direction. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked, plopping down on the couch next to him amd handing him the different DVDs. "'Monster Inc' looks like a good start," he handed me the movie so I could enter it in the DVD compartement of the TV. "Okay," I simply said sitting back down next to him, snuggling up. The movie started.

"Your so cute," Luke said to me half-way through the movie. "Thanks," I said blushing. "Aww your blushing!" He giggled. I also giggled. Everytime he giggled or laughed or even just smiled, I felt the need to do the same thing. I was watching the movie but I felt Luke's eyes on me. "If your done checking me out, I suggest you watch the movie," I smirked. He started getting red, it was so cute. "I still can't believe Laura Hamry is my girlfriend!" He said like if the movie wasen't playing, that meant loudly. "Hang in there buddy boy." I told him. He tilted his head and kissed me. His lips were so plump and soft against mine. His hands started to roam my waist and rub circles with his thumb. I could never get enough of this boy. We started having a very heated make-out session when my brother interupted us: "Excuse me. I hope I'm not interupting anything here," he said nonshalantly. "Actually you were," I said sending him one of those really bitchy fake smiles. And with that I crashed my lips onto Luke's. Surprised in the beggining, he hesitated but then started to kiss me with such passion. Our tongs were roaming each other's mouths. He tasted like Watermelon bubblegum. My favorite. Once we pulled away, my brother was looking at us. "Is there something you would like to say?" I asked. "Yes there is. Why are you kissing some random boy in my living room?" He sounded irritated. How could he not know who Luke was? Was he some kind of crazy guy and had a memory that would go away quickly? "This isn't 'some random guy'. This is Luke. My boyfriend. I told you about him like 30 mins ago telling you he was comming." I responded. "Oh yeah! The guys you always talk about. I know him your always like 'Oh Luke's so hot, Luke's so nice, Luke's so generous' and my favorite one of all 'Luke's such a good kisser!'" He said mimiking my voice. By now, Luke was looking at me with a full smirk on and my brother was in the kitchen preparing a sandwich, acting as if he hadn't told Luke a shit load of information. "Such a good kisser you say?" Luke said, smirking to me, "Don't get you hopes up pretty boy," I said turning my head back to the movie. After a few other movies, we decided to watch 'Mean Girls'. I loved this movie. It was such a shitty movie, but I still loved it.

After a few minutes of watching the movie, I fell asleep, Luke's arms wrapped thightly and softly around me. It was official, I was in love with Luke Hemmings.

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