"I'll never forget you" [Suga...

By The_Salty_One_

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Fujioka (y/n) never thought her third year of highschool would be one of the most eventful years of her life... More

Chapter One: Things Could Be Worse?
Chapter Two: Something New, Something Old
Chapter Three: Interesting Introductions
Chapter Four: Save Me From My Crazy Family
~Filling You In~ IMPORTANT
Chapter Five: I Don't Want To Lose You
Chapter Six: Personal Meaning
Chapter Eight: Waiting For You
! Speical News !
Chapter Nine: Sometimes Home Hurts
Chapter Ten: Timing Is Everything
Chapter Eleven: Helping Hands

Chapter Seven: Reunion

1.9K 61 59
By The_Salty_One_

"(y/n), you ready yet?" Grandpa yells up the staircase. I grab my backpack and duffle bag slinging them both over my shoulders. My hand now only having a small bruise on it is not a big hinderance to me.
Excitement and adrenaline is the only reason I am physically awake and moving at 4:00 in the morning.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I yell back heading down the stairs. Grandma is standing in the hallway fixing Grandpa's jacket before he opens the door.

"See you Sunday night Grandma." I say smiling and she hugs me.

"Have fun and look after yourself, eat three meals a day okay?" She tells me and I laugh,

"I will grandma, I promise." I reassure and head out to the car. Grandpa drives me down to the bus station and drops me off just outside.

"Thanks for dropping me off Grandpa."

"It's okay, look after yourself and don't forget to have fun (y/n)." He says and I smile.

"Yeah Grandpa, I will." I say earning one of Grandpa's rare wide smiles and hopping out of the car. He winds down the window and I grab my bag out of the backseat. 

"Bye Grandpa." I say waving.

"See you later, kid." He says driving off. I chuckle beginning to walk into the station letting the street lamps light my way. I yawn and snuggle into my scarf trying to keep warm in the early morning frost.

I get everything sorted and I'm on the bus with a little bit of time to spare. I sit down and put my bags next to me. The bus isn't packed so I don't feel guilty about taking an extra seat. Putting my headphones on I buckle down for the five hour trip to Sukagawa.

I made plans to meet up with Mrs Iwazami and Hajime at Sukagawa. Mrs Iwazumi was very happy to pick me up when I asked, even if she had to leave quite a bit earlier than someone should ever have to get up.

Luckily everyone of the Iwaizumi household are morning people.
Hajime has a horrible habit of waking me up before I feel like it, and also happens to have scars gifted to him from early morning me. I apologised afterwards but he's learnt his lesson and now only sends Oikawa in if he has no other choice but to wake me up.

I look out the window and watch the world begin to pass by. The rhythmic movement of the bus and the quiet chatter of other passengers begins to make my eyelids droop.
Before I pass out and forget, I set an alarm for 7 o'clock so I don't sleep through my stop and finally I let sleep take over.

~Time skip to 8:00 am~

I thank the driver, step off the bus and rub my eyes.
A beautiful, gorgeous, baby joined the bus ride and hour and a half into the trip and let's just say it sounded as happy as I was to be awake this early, but much, much louder. The only thing that was good about a screaming baby was the fact that I got to see the sunrise but that is nowhere as nice as sleep is.

Due to the lack of sleep I had on the ride, I was keeping my mouth shut so I don't insult anyone. When the Iwaizamis show up excitement will take over the saltiness but until then it's after for me to stay quiet.
I sluggishly move to the carpark entrance and take out my phone to text Iwa.

I'm finally here for whenever you able to pick me up.
Thanks again. I owe you one.

I hit send and yawn yet again.
'I'm gonna sleep for a year after this week's over' I think and lean against a wall, putting my duffle bag down next to me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, listening to some birds squawking in the distance. Their noises get louder and I open my eyes. I chuckle when I see crows land in front of me.

'Looks like Karasuno's following me.' I think smiling to myself. My mind drifts to a certain crow and my stomach begins to flutter with butterflies. His smile, his eyes, his kindness and how he reminds me of an angel. I don't think I could ever get sick of his face.

A vibration in my pocket snaps me out of my thoughts. I smile when I see the caller ID and answer it,

"Hey Iwa." I say cheerfully.

"Hey (nickname), how are you?" He asks and I start picking up my bags.

"Tired, but very excited to see you both." I say chuckling lightly.

"I thought you'd be. We're coming into the car park now." He says and I scan the place, soon spotting their car.

"My knight in shining armour!" I say heading towards their car. I see Iwa get out and my walk turns into a run. I drop my bag just before I slam into him and give him the biggest bear hug I can manage. He goes stiff for a second before relaxing and hugging me back.

"Hey Iwa!!" I churp and he chuckles.

"Hello to you too." He says letting go and ruffling my hair. I let go too and smile up at him before going over to Mrs Iwaizumi and hugging her as well.

"Hello (y/n)-chan. How are you darling?" She asks and I smile at her,

"I'm wonderful now I'm with you guys." I say and we all jump in the car. Hajime puts my duffle bag in the car boot and I take my backpack into the back seat. I make sure to pull my sleeves down to cover my slightly bruised knuckles.

'Just so I don't get any questions about it' I reason and go back to the catching up with the Iwaizumis.

"So, how is the new school (y/n)?" Mrs Iwaizumi asks pulling out of the car park.

"Good, I have good friends and my studies are above average. I'm also a manager for the males Volleyball team, so I'm really happy." I say, stifling a yawn at the end.

"Hajime! You didn't tell me (y/n) got into the team." She scolds her son,
"I told you to keep me up to date with my girl." I laugh at her new definition for me.

"Gomen, I thought I told you mum." Hajime apologises quietly.

"Well, congratulations (y/n). I'm sure your family is very proud you got in." She says looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, they are." I reply to her softly.

"I made sure Oikawa didn't know you coming to stay so he didn't stow away in the car when we came to get you." The ace says and I chuckle lightly.

"That does sound like an Oikawa move." I say getting more comfortable in the back seat. I yawn and grab my headphones putting one in my ear and putting the music on.

"I'm gonna catch some z's, wake me up when we stop." I say and they hum back to me. I rest my head on my hand and soon fall fast asleep.

~Time skip to Seijo~

"(y/n)... (y/n) wake up... (Y/N) FUJIOKA!!!" Mrs Iwaizumi yells in my ear and I bolt upright.

"Huhwhatwhosthere?!" I yell back, sticking my arms out ready to punch someone.

"Calm down (nickname). We're not going to kill you, we're just telling you we're home." Haijime says laughing at my half asleep state.
I feel my face heat up in embarrassment and I grab my bag, heading out into the fresh air.

"Ahhhh it feels so good to stretch after so long." I mumble.

"You got that right." Hajime says rolling his shoulders. I go and grab my other bag before we all head inside the house.

"Wow, I swear this place never changes." I say shocked at how similar it looks from the start of the year.

"It can't be exactly the same. Could it?" Mrs Iwaizumi asks crossing her arms and examining her house. I only smile and shrug my shoulders before following Hajime upstairs.

"You're in here." He says holding the door open to the spare room. I walk in with a smirk on my face,

"Such a gentleman Hajime, you are growing up." I tease and he blushes lightly. I laugh and dump my bags on the bed.

"I'll let you unpack, oh yeah, Oikawa planned on visiting sometime this afternoon so you might want to be prepared for that." He warns and I nod.

"What's the odds he hugs me and doesn't let go of me for ten minutes straight?" I say solemnly and he chuckles.

"Very very high." He says leaning on the doorframe.

"Thought so." I huff, sitting down on my bed.
He lingers in the doorway for a few seconds looking like he wants to say something. I stay quiet and wait for him to speak,

"Um, (y/n)... why have you got bruises on your hand. People don't usually get those type of bruises unless they've punched something, or someone." He states watching my face for a reaction. I purse my lips and curse his observation skills.

"Uh yeah, I had a little encounter with some people, and had to defend myself. It wasn't something big and I'm fine, so don't worry about it." I say, knowing he'd be able to tell if I lied.

"You know I'm here if you want to talk (nickname). But I won't pressure you into telling anything you don't want to." He says kindly and I smile.

"I know Haji, and I really appreciate that. But this was nothing and I'd rather forget it anyway." I say and he nods knowing the topic was closed.

"I'll leave you to it then." He says before disappearing into the hallway.

~Small Time skip~

After unpacking and getting distracted for a while, I bumble down the steps in search of one of my favourite things in the world: Food.
When I get down to the kitchen I spot Hajime in the backyard with a Volleyball in hand. Just the sight of a Volleyball makes excitement bloom inside me.
After a few seconds he throws sets it up, then digs it straight up then sets it again.
I watch him for a bit but my stomach rumbles and I set about my original task of getting a late lunch.

After I put together lunch I head outside and sit down watching Hajime who's still doing what he was doing before. I examine his technique and see him self improve as time passes. Eventually he stops and comes over to sit next to me. The ace tries to grab some of my food when I'm not looking and I swat his arm away,

"Nuh uh, my food get your own." I say glaring at him. He pouts a little and then puts his chin on his hand.

"So, spit it out (nickname). I saw you assessing me." He says raising an eyebrow at me and I swallow the last of my lunch. I smile at him knowing me to watch his technique and know how to improve it.

"Well~ you should try to keep your arms more level when you receive. You're left arm usually turns in more than your right, that leaves less of a platform for the ball to hit, and ultimately less control." I say and he nods, mulling over what I said.
"But it's only a little thing, you're still better than some player I know." I say thinking back to a certain tangerine who's receives need work.

"You haven't gotten less sharp have you. Our coach doesn't even pick up that little stuff as much as you do." He says grinning slightly.

"Just because I had a break from the game doesn't mean I lost brain cells Haji." I say getting up and ruffling his hair. I head back into the kitchen and deal with my dishes, pausing when I hear the doorbell ring multiple times.

"Here we go." Hajime says heading to the door. We both know the one person who rings the bell like that. I stay in the kitchen but head into an open space without any breakable items nearby.

'Better safe than sorry, I don't want to break anything like last time.' I think as I hear footsteps heading my way.

"Iwa-chan who did you go to pick up? Any why won't you tell me, you know I'll find out anyway." Oikawa wines walking down the hallway.

"She's right there. Stop complaining." Hajime says walking into the kitchen with a bland look on his face. As soon as Oikawa goes through the doorway his face lights up. Somehow sparkles appear out of thin air around him as he runs towards me, tackling me into a bear hug.

"(Y/N)-CHAN YOU'RE HERE!!!!" He yells gleefully,

"Yeah, and I'm deaf now too." I say struggling to breathe. I tap his back hurriedly and he releases his tight grip on me after a few seconds.

"Air!" I gasp and Haji hits him on the head.

"You idiot, are you trying to kill her?!" The ace scolds and Oikawa rubs his neck.

"Gomen, I can't help how strong I am." He says sticking out his tongue and we both glare at him.

"Anyway," I say clearing my throat,
"What are the plans for this afternoon? We going anywhere?" I ask changing the topic quickly so the setter doesn't attack me with more hugs and loud sentences about him missing me.
Oikawa purces his lips for a second before bursting into a bright smile,

"How about we go to the park. There's a new Ice-cream truck that I saw on the way here. I think you'd like it (y/n)-chan." He suggests and I nod.

"Sounds good to me. A walk would be nice after being cramped up all day traveling." I say and go and put my shoes on. I also slip on a jumper with longer sleeves just to make sure my hand is covered and Oikawa doesn't see anything.
The others follow suit, grabbing their shoes, and soon were walking outside with Oikawa leading the way.

"So, how's being a big third year Oikawa. You still causing all the drama in School or what?" I ask and he sulks.

"I don't cause drama (y/n)-chan. And for your information, being a third year is awesome. I have much more respect than last year. Even if Iwa-chan doesn't give me any." He says proudly and I grin at Hajime. It's comforting to know that their relationship never changes even when I'm gone.

"Haji gives you what you deserve Oikawa." I say and he frowns.

"Hmph, how come you call him by his first name and not me? I told you that you can call me Tōru but you never do." He pouts looking right at my eyes.

"Because Hajime is like my little brother and you're not. Plus I don't want people to think were dating." I state honestly, directing my gaze to the path ahead. Oikawa's quiet for a minute before responding,

"Okay, fine. I get that. But you can call me Tōru when it's just us at home right?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow at him. He gives me puppy eyes and my heart softens.

"I hate you, but okay. Only because you'd never shut up if I didn't say yes." I say and he grins, hugging me again quickly.

"Get off." I say chopping him in the stomach with my hand.

"Ow~ (y/n)-chan~" He says rubbing his stomach, Hajime just laughs. We keep walking for a few minutes, randomly talking about things along the way. Soon we get to the park.

The sunlight shines through the treetops and shades the green grass beautifully. Small groups and families casually walk around smiling and laughing. I also spot some couples walking together and sharing glances. It's cheesy but somehow makes me long for the same thing with my family or someone else close to me like that.

"You right (y/n) you look... melancholy?" Oikawa asks me quietly and I smile softly at him.

"I'm alright, just thinking about some stuff." I say and he gives me an unsure smile back.
I slap his back and run ahead towards the ice-cream truck in front of us,

"Last one there has to pay!" I call out getting a head start. The boys yell and quickly run after me, I laugh when I get there first Hajime coming next.

"Unfair! You got a head start (nickname)!" Oikawa pouts, I just grinn.

"Ya snooze ya lose man, pay up." I tease and Hajime snickers next to me as we line up for ice-cream.

"Hmmmm, what to get?" I mumble surveying my flavour options. I ended up getting (fav/flavor) Oikawa ended up paying.

"This is amazing! Haji have you tried this yet? Isn't it awesome?" I ask after tasting the ice-cream. Hajime smiles at me agreeing. We all walk over to a bench in the shade to enjoy our sweets and I look around and see a pair of kids playing soccer nearby.

"That kid has some skill." Oikawa states also watching the duo kick around the ball.

"I didn't know you knew anything about sports except Volleyball." I say and he puts his hand on his heart in mock shock.

"I'm offended. Do you think I'd be so ripped If I only played Volleyball?" He boasts and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know, Haji's got a pretty good six pack and from what I know he only does Volleyball." I counter.

"How do you even know he's ripped (y/n)-chan? Have you been checking him out or something?" Oikawa questions me with a little more seriousness than usual.

"You guys know I am right here." Hajime grumbles and I smile sheepishly at forgetting he was in fact there.

"Gomen Haji, I'm defending you at least." I say as we walk sit down on the bench.
"I'm not gonna let this guy disrespect your six pack just because you're younger than him." I tease, grinning and having more of my ice-cream.

Out the corner of my eye I see Hajime with a slight blush on his face. He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.

"Why do you have to say stuff like that (y/n)." He mumbles under his breath and I shrug.

"Because it's true." I say catching the melted ice-cream before it dripped off the cone.
I look down and see my shoelace is undone.

"Hold this for a sec." I say to Oikawa and bend down to re-tie them. I get halfway done when I hear a loud thud and a splat. I look over and see Haji's ice-cream on the ground and a soccer ball rolling on the grass. Looking up, I see that Haji was hit and his ice-cream has been smooshed down his shirt.

"Were so sorry. We didn't mean to kick it over here." The two little kids say running up to us and bowing. Hajime was trying to wipe the cream off but failing badly. One of the kids looks like he's about to cry.

"It'll be fine." He says trying to calm the kids down. I go and pick up heir ball and hand it back to them,

"Just be a bit more careful next time, okay?" I ask and they both nod quickly. I smile at them softly and they both head back to where they were before. I look over to Oikawa who's looking at Haji and snickering. I hit him on the arm,

"Shut up Oikawa, you wouldn't be happy if it happened to you." I scold.

"Yeah but you didn't see his face (nickname) It was priceless." He says laughing. I hold back a smile thinking of how he would have looked.

"Ugh, this isn't coming off. I think I might just go home and grab another shirt." Hajime grumbles getting up.

"Okay, did you want us to come with you?" I ask starting to get up.

"Nah, I won't be long." He says walking off. I sit back down next to Oikawa and he hands my ice-cream back.

"So how's the new school treating you?" Oikawa asks.

"It's good. I have a few friends already who are really nice and the schoolwork is pretty easy compared to Aoba." I say still focused on finishing my food before it melts entirely.

"You have a boyfriend yet?" He asks suddenly and I choke.

"Way to be blunt man." I say coughing.

"What?!? I figured without Iwa and myself to scare guys off you'd have one by now." He says shrugging his shoulders and looking as innocent as he can.

"Well the answer's no. I don't have one... yet." I mumble with a tiny blush creeping onto my face.

"Yet?" He questions, raising an eyebrow. I clear my throat and nod slightly, not trusting myself to speak just yet.

"So you have a crush? What's their name?" He asks, trying to get information out of me.

"I never said I had a crush." I say trying to keep my tone even.

"So you don't then?" He asks with a hint of what sounds like optimism. He locks eyes with me and I feel something like guilt begin to surface inside me.

"No, I-I kinda do. But h-he doesn't know." I say angry at myself for stuttering.
Oikawa's face shifts as if a wall has been put back up fortifying his facade.
But he keeps smiling.
That damn fake smile of his.

"What's his name~ Is he in your class? You've got to tell me who he is, I'm your friend right? Friends tell friends who they like." He rambles grinning at me. If I didn't know better I'd believe he was sincere, however his eyes tell me he isn't.

"I'm not telling you unless it gets official. So until then he shall be a mystery man." I say trying to lighten the mood. Something still lingers inside me wondering why he acted the way he did, but when it comes to Oikawa I always wonder that, so I decide to let this slide.

"Aww~ No fair, I bet Iwa-chan already knows~" He pouts and I sigh.

"Hajime doesn't know and even if he did that's my choice to tell him." I remind him and he runs a hand through his hair.

"Well Iwa knew about you moving to Karasuno and you didn't even tell me that so I thought I should just ask you about this before he found out. This way I won't have to annoy him to get answers like last time." He says overly proud of how he gets his information.

"For a third year you're very immature. You know that right." I huff and he ginns at me, more genuine than before,

"Ya huh." He beams and I roll my eyes, smirking slightly at his actions.

"Thank you for the food by the way. This was a good idea to come here." I say breaking the silence after a minute or two.

"Not a problem. You know when I walked past here I thought it would be a good place for a date with someone." He says looking off into space.

"Nice to know you're always thinking about dates." I mumble under my breath.

"How is your girlfriend anyway? Are you two still doing okay?" I ask remembering her from last year. He smiles at me sheepishly and rubs his neck. I raise an eyebrow and wait for an explanation. He laughs a little,

"Yeah, funny that. It didn't really work out between us. So ya know-"

"-You broke up." I cut in finishing his sentence.

"Yeah. I broke up with her a few weeks after you left." He admits.

"Can I... can I ask why you did it?" I ask cautiously, looking at him and looking for his reaction.

"I... I realized I didn't like her anymore and I didn't see the point in playing with her feelings." He says fiddling with his fingers.

I look to his face and see how he's let his guard down for me. He looks smaller and more like a child. Before thinking about it I reach out and rest my hand on his arm. He looks at me and I smile softly at him,

"You're a good guy Tōru. You'll find someone." I say reassuringly, he nods at me. I sigh and lean forward a little resting my head on my hand. I close my eyes and let the sunlight warm my skin. The lull of sleep slowly takes me over again.

"I'm waiting for her. And I'll keep waiting as long as I have to." I hear before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Hello wonderful human. I hope you all are doing okay atm with all that's going on in the world.

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, it feels a little bland but maybe that's just me.  My writing has been slacking off at the moment and when I do write it feels boring so that's fun. (Note the sarcasm)

Also I apologise for switching from Iwazami to Hajime in this chapter, I felt like because they've known each other for so long it would be fine. I also think it might have been a bit confusing how there was Hajime and Mrs Iwazami with the same name constantly. So thank you for rolling with that change.

For the next chapter he will be referred to as Hajime or Haji by (y/n) but as Iwa-chan by Oikawa. When (y/n)'s back in Karasuno and with the club it will go back to being Iwazami because it's more formal.

Okey, next chapter will be out soon.
Look after yourselves for me.

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