A3! ~ oneshots!

By flufflynene

15.2K 244 89

A3- Act addict actors. I'll be writing one shots for every character. I am now accepting requests, so if you... More

Izumi x Itaru
Izumi x Juza
Izumi x Omi
Izumi x Azuma
Izumi x Hisoka
Izumi x Tasuku
Reader x Taichi
Happy birthday Misumi!

Izumi x Kazunari

1K 22 7
By flufflynene

My favorite member out of the summer troupe! Don't know how this story will go at first but time to think I guess. Also I started writing updates on what I'm going to do on my profile in the "conversations" so if you wanna check out when the next story will be out, you can check there! Anyways hope you enjoy!

"Stop asking me if I have any friends that are girls!" Tenma shouts out.

"But ten-tennnn, you should have plenty of girlfriends since you act with a bunch of girls!" Kazunari said leaning against Tenma. "Get off me!" Tenma gives Kazunari a little push "Doesn't mean that I act with a bunch of girls, means that they are suddenly my 'best friends'". Tenma said. "Also get out of my room!" Tenma shouts out pushing the laughing Kazunari halfway out the room.

"What's the hack doing?" Yuki said entering the room looking at Tenma pushing Kazunari out.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?" Tenma yelled out.

"Oh!" Yuki exclaimed in surprise, "Oh so now we are HAVING A LITTLE YELLING COMPETITION NOW HUH?" Yuki shouts back getting close to Tenma and Kazunari. Kazunari stops Yuki. "Nah Yuki." Kazunari said. "Oh! Yuki since your here do you have any-" Kazunari stops himself talking because Yuki out of all of a sudden walked up to him covering his mouth with his hand. "Before you say what your going to say, my answer is no." Yuki whispered out in Kazunari's ear.

"Since when did you start whispering?" Tenma snickered. "What kind of question is that?" Yuki asks giving Tenma the stare. "Just never seen you doing it." "Yeah, and only idiots will ask that kind of question."

"What did you say?" Anger exploded out of Tenma.

"Woah woah woah!" Kazunari grabs both of them and push them both together so the side of their arms are touching. "HEY!" Both Yuki and Tenma shouted out.

"No fighting!" Now, be good boys and apologize." Kazunari said calmly. Tenma and Yuki both stared at each other in disgust, after a few minutes Tenma blabbed out "Fine, I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry." Yuki said.

"What- you know what I'm done. I'm getting out of here and Kazu you should also get out."

"But." Kazunari whined.

"No no no," Yuki said "I stopped you from talking because I knew you were going to ask me if I have any girlfriends so you can bring them to your lame mixers!"

"Woaahh! How'd you know?" Kazunari questioned.

"Because your you." Yuki said "Also CAN YOU PLEASE LET GO OF US?" Kazunari was still holding on tight to both Tenma and Yuki so that they can make up.

"Oh my bad!" Kazunari lets go of both of them and Tenma gives out a huge sigh of relief as he puts his arms up in the air mumbling to himself "I'm free!" As he storms out of the room.

"Hack." Yuki mumbled.

Yuki looks back at the frowning Kazunari standing by the door. Yuki rolls his eyes and crossed his arms. He sighs and walks up to Kazunari. "Maybe you should ask Izumi since she's the only girl in this place." Kazunari starts showing a small grin on his face, but then removed it right away with a frown.

"I..she already went with me last time when I asked."

"Then ask her again." Yuki said "Beg her if you have to this time, you guys did had fun last time right? You both came home pretty late."

"Well, we could have stayed a bit more, but some guy was filtering with her which made me mad and so we left."

"Ah," Yuki snapped his fingers "The jealous guy eh?"

"I was not jealous!" Kazunari yelled out.

"Your acting like your jealous now."

The feeling of anger is now controlling Kazunari's body. "I-"

"Man, just ask her again. I already deal with one hack, I don't want to deal with an other." Yuki said with a facepalm.


"JUST ASK HER!" Yuki yelled out. "Or just don't go to your lame mixers."

Kazunari puts his hands up to his chest and mocked defeat "I could never miss a mixer!"

Yuki then takes Kazunari's arm and shoves him out the door. "Whatever, I'm not good with this girl stuff. Heck, your older than me! I've got work to do, go ask the others if they have anyone to help you out since your so scared."

Kazunari opens his mouth to say something but as he's about to speak, Yuki slams the door right in front of his face.

*Now to Izumi*

"Hmm, I think this piece goes here!" Muku points out to Izumi on where she should put the puzzle piece at. 450 pieces of puzzles were layed all over on the floor in the living room. "We just started a few minutes ago Muku, how do you already know where this puzzle piece goes?" Izumi asks.

"I may have already finished this puzzle eight times."

"Eight times?"

"Yeah, but I usually finish them with the others. Last time Banri helped me."

"Well I find it impressive that you remember where most of the puzzle pieces go."

"All." Muku said. Izumi was now confused on to what Muku said.

"You mean, you know where ALL those pieces go?" Izumi asks. Muku starts laughing. "Haha! I find it pretty easy as well!"

Their day continued by Muku telling Izumi exactly where the puzzle pieces goes in each spot. After Izumi finished hanging out with Muku, she goes out in the courtyard to relax a bit while watching Omi and Tasuku having a soccer match.

Moments past and suddenly Kazunari walks up and sits down right next to Izumi. Kazunari greets Izumi with a smile, "Heya Izumi!"

"Hi Kazu, how's it going?" Izumi asks. "Good good, well technically not that good so that's why I'm here to ask you something." Kazunari said. "And what's that?" Izumi asks.

Kazunari clears out his throat. "Well you remember that one time where we both went to a mixer party?"

"Because you asked me too."

"Well yeah, so there's an another one that's tonight and..uh." Kazunari stops talking and stares at Izumi's eyes.

"Uh Kazu? You want someone to go to a mixer with you?" Izumi asks.

"How'd you know?"

"Hehe, I just have a good thing of guessing on what you are going to say."

"Oh yeah? Guess what I'm thinking about now!" Kazunari shuts his eyes tight. Izumi giggles out "Ahahaha! Kazu I didn't say that I'm a mind reader you know."

Kazunari opens his eyes and covers his face to hide the red from his face. He then looks up and laughs in a nervous tone "Haha, oops." Kazunari then puts his hand behind his neck scratching it. "Soooo, would you like to go to a mixer with me? Again."

A brief moment of silence occurred, during the silence Kazunari feels like his body is on fire, he tries to ignore the fact that he's really nervous. Izumi smiles and asks "Why me again though?"

"Because why not! Your totes adorabs and everyone last time at the party loved you!"

"Yeah..haha don't remind me."

"So will you?" Kazunari gets up and stands on one knee looking like he's about to propose. He looks like he's going to propose in that position! What the- I guess he really wants me to go again.

"Fine, I guess I'll go with you again Kazu."

"YES!" Kazunari shouts out jumping with joy. "My second date with you!" Izumi blushes a bit. "Last time was NOT a date Kazunari! This one isn't either!" Izumi said.

"It's a date in my book!" Kazunari said still jumping with joy. "I can't believe that-"

"WATCH OUT!" Tasuku yells out.

A soccer ball was coming straight to hit Kazunari. As Kazunari does his little dance of joy he ignored Tasuku's warning and then suddenly feels a huge pain in his chest.

"OOWWWWWWWW!" Kazunari fell down on the ground with the soccer ball by his side.

"Kazunari!" Izumi sits down beside him holding her hand out to him. He grabs it and sits up staring at Izumi in the eyes while also being in pain. "Are you okay?" Izumi asks.

"Y-y-ye- no!" Kazunari whines out "Owwww! That hurt!"

Both Omi and Tasuku came up from behind running to see Kazunari on the ground.

"Hey sorry bud." Tasuku said. Izumi stands up while grabbing Kazunari's hand again lifting him off the ground to stand on his feet.

"I can't believe that angle was completely off!" Omi said. "I didn't even mean for the soccer ball to hit in this direction, especially you Kazunari. I'm so sorry."

Kazunari removes the frown off his face and shows off a smile. "Awwwww it's fine! I'm all better now see?" Kazunari jumps around doing his little joy dances. Izumi giggles as she sees Kazunari doing his little dances.

"I think we should be done playing for today Omi." Tasuku said.

"No it's fine! You guys can still play. Me and Kazunari were just about to go inside anyway."

"We were?" Kazunari asks.

"YES! We were Kazu!" Izumi grabs Kazunari's arm and makes him go with her inside the dorms. Izumi looks back and says "Sorry for all of this! You guys can continue playing!"


"Izumiiiiii?" Kazunari said in a teasing tone.

"Yes?" Izumi said. "How far is this place anyways?" Kazunari laughs. "Haha, you'll see!" I don't remember the mixer place to be this far, I feel like we even past by the place. The cold chilly night makes Izumi shiver. Damn, maybe I should have brought my jacket. Didn't except it to be this cold.

"You want my jacket?" Kazunari asks. "Oh no it's fine, I wouldn't want you to be cold." Izumi said.

Izumi stares at the darkness in front of her. As she's walking with Kazunari she feels something on her shoulders. A jacket.

"Doesn't matter if I'm cold, the most important thing is keeping the lady warm and cozy!" Kazunari said patting Izumi on the head.

Izumi blushes a bit and bites her lip. "Thanks." Izumi mumbled.

Minutes past and Izumi gets a weird strange feeling that she and Kazunari aren't actually going to the mixer place. She looks by her side and sees Kazunari skipping. She can't help it but smile by the way he's skipping. Izumi turns her face to look in front of her. She then feels fingers interlocking with hers. "What the?" She looks down and sees Kazunari's hand holding her hand.

"Come on! Lets skip together! It'll be fun." Kazunari said laughing at Izumi's reaction to his hand meeting her hand. "I don't skip, isn't that a little bit embarrassing though?" Izumi asks trying to remove his hand from hers.

"No, I usually do it all the time! I don't really care on what people think about it." Izumi successfully pulled her hand away from his hand. "Aww! Why'd you do that?" Kazunari asked.

"Because you were holding my hand looking like some kind of couple!"

"I wanted you to skip with me!"

"I can do it by myself!"

"Aw, but your missing out an huge opportunity!" Kazunari holds out his hand to Izumi's side. Izumi stares at the hand and then looks back at him. She rolls her eyes and grabs his hand- fingers interlocking. Kazunari looks down at the hands holding and blushes heavily. The feeling of excitement occurred to him, he held Izumi's hand even more tighter and smiles back at her.

Just then, Kazunari started skipping at a really fast pace leaving Izumi stumbling to keep up. "Kazunari, slow down would you? Your forcing me to run at a speed that I don't even go at! Plus I don't think your suppose to be that fast when you skip."

"But if we skip at a fast pace, we'd get to the place faster!"

"Hold up, WHERE exactly are we going?" Izumi asks slowing her and Kazunari down catching her breath. Kazunari chuckles, "You'll see, come on! We're almost there, but since your complaining, we can skip at a slow pace okay?" Izumi nods by his words and started skipping again with Kazunari, still holding tight to his hand.

The feeling of embarrassment occurred over to Izumi. Peoples eyes staring at her as she's skipping down the sidewalk with Kazunari. Kazunari doesn't care though. Izumi looks by her side at Kazunari and smiles by the way on how he's actually enjoying this. She looks back forward on the path and then feels a tight pull on her arm forcing her to stop. She looks at Kazunari who's staring out of a window of a fancy looking restaurant. "We're here!" Kazunari said. "WHAT?" Izumi said releasing her hand from Kazunari's hand making Kazunari whine a bit.

"The mixer party is in a restaurant? I thought it would be in your college! Now it makes sense on why we were going the wrong path.."

"Come on Izumi, you do so much for us so I decided to go take you out in a nice dinner instead."

"What about the mixer? Isn't it starting right now? And why did you lie to me?"

Kazunari looks down to hide the angry look on his face. The real reason why Kazunari lied about going to the mixer was because he found out that the guy who was flittering with Izumi last time, was also going to be at the party. He didn't want that to happen again since he was jealous when he saw them. It also made Izumi really uncomfortable.

"It's.. r-remember last time we went and that one dude was talking to you?"

"Yeah, I thanked you for that actually because you stopped him."

"Um well, there was an other reason.." Kazunari crosses his arms and faces towards the restaurant window avoiding eye contact with Izumi. He takes a deep breath and looks down on the ground. His face red from all the anger that's been controlling him. Izumi looks down at the angry Kazunari, she takes a step closer to him so she can be exactly by his side. Izumi places a hand on Kazunari's shoulder making Kazunari look up and look up into Izumi's eyes.

"Hey," Izumi speaks in a soft tone "Its fine if you don't want to say it, I'm actually glad that you brought me all the way over here just to have dinner with you."

Kazunari's face lights up with joy. "Really? Yes I knew it would work!"

Izumi snickers. "This is probably going to be the last time that you tricked me."

"Time to start planning then!" Kazunari said laughing along with Izumi. Izumi then feels a tight pull on her arm. "Come on! I'm starving." Kazunari says as he drags Izumi along who was still laughing.

Izumi and Kazunari both entered the restaurant with Izumi being amazed. This restaurant is huge! I guess walking all the way down here with Kazu was a good idea. Izumi thinks to herself for a while until the voice of Kazunari's interrupted her.

"Reservation for two please. Better hurry up on it, my girlfriend doesn't like waiting!"

Izumi shakes her head. "What?" She gives a little flick on Kazunari's arm. Kazunari looks back at her and smiles. "Just go with it," Kazunari whispers "I know my ways."

This made Izumi's face redder than any tomatoes. Just what are you planning Kazunari?

Izumi and Kazunari were both lead to outside, their table out in the cold, cool air with a bunch of chandeliers hanging above it. It looks so beautiful!

Both of them goes and takes a seat. Izumi is amazed by the beautiful view by her side. Kazunari notices her reaction and smiles. How can some view be so beautiful? She looks at Kazunari. Her eyes widen when she sees how much more handsome he was, the light showing his beautiful skin, the light reflecting on his blond hair. Izumi could see herself though his glowing green eyes. Kazunari stares back into Izumi's eyes. He notices her eyes are widen opened, just staring at him, which made his smile grew bigger.

He takes a deep breath and slowly started leaning on the table to meet Izumi's lips. Izumi noticed this right away. Why is he leaning in across the table to me? Doesn't that hurt or something? Wait- is he going to give me a kiss? I-. She stops herself from thinking. Just then, she puts a finger right on Kazunari's lips, stopping him. She hears a small groan coming from Kazunari. Kazunari takes this as defeat and leans back feeling embarrassed. However, both of their eyes are still locked on each other. Both faces red from blushing.

Izumi takes a few moments to calm herself down from what Kazunari just did. She folds her hands and takes a deep breath. "Kazunari, first of all your five years younger then me. Plus I told you that I'm not your girlfriend. And this is not a date!"

Kazunari looks down on the floor for a brief second but then looks back up into Izumi's eyes and smiles. "It might not be a date for you Izumi, but it is for me!" Izumi face palmed herself with her hand. "Just don't ever try kissing me again!" Izumi said. "But hey, I made you blush! Did I made your heart flutter?" Izumi now puts her other hand in her face, covering her face with both hands now. He did made me blush, damn he's good at this kind of stuff.

A soft giggle comes out from Izumi. "Just don't make it happen again!"

"So I DID make your heart flutter a bit."

"Just- Just stop talking and eat your food."

The cold windy night went on as Izumi and Kazunari eats their dinner. Of course, even in a fancy restaurant Izumi still ordered curry. At the end of dinner Kazunari insisted to pay for dinner, since he was the one who organized this. As they finished they both walked out of the restaurant walking to the dorms. Walking side by side, both of them had some really interesting conversations, making them laugh the whole way back. This night made Izumi think about how Kazunari really is, on how he's such a funny, flirting man.

When they both reached the dorms, Izumi spotted something up in the trees. Kazunari noticed it to and they both decided to walk up to the tree to see what it was.

"Your seeing what I'm seeing right?" Kazunari asks.

"Yeah..don't know what it is though.. here stay here and I'll check it out." Izumi said.

"Are you sure? It could be a monster up there!"

Izumi laughs at that comment. "Pretty sure there's no such thing as monsters!" Izumi walks up to the tree, looking up trying to see what it is up there.

"Just saying!"

As Izumi looks up, she at first doesn't hear anything. However later on she then hears talking up in the trees. "What the? Something is up there.."

As the dying leafs fell off the tree by the strong wind Izumi starts seeing two legs on the tree. "Wait wait wait, someONE is up there." As more leafs fell down she now gets a much more clearer shot of the person. Kazunari now also sees the person as well.

"Sankaku, Sankaku!" A wild Misumi said. Misumi was singing a song about triangles while eating onigirls.

"What the? MISUMI? GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Izumi yelled out.

"Sankak-," Misumi looks down from the tree and sees Izumi. "Oh hi Izumi!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop climbing trees! It's too dangerous and you can fall off!"

"Woahhhhh," Kazunari said. "You gotta show me how to do that!"

"Not you to Kazu!"

Misumi laughs. "It's fun up here! You can see all the triangles from here!"

"But- you can fall off!"

"No I won't!"

Izumi lets out a sigh. "Okay fine, I give up. I'll just get my white flag in my room so I can actually show you that I surrendered."

"YOU HAVE A WHITE FLAG IN YOUR ROOM?" Kazunari yells out.

"Why are you screa- oh." She realized that's she told Kazunari to stay back and just let her walk up to the tree. "YOU CAN COME OVER HERE YOU KNOW."

"OKAY!" Kazunari runs up to Izumi and looks up from the tree and sees the singing Misumi staring down at them playing with onigirls. "Heyyyya Kazu!"

"Oh no." Izumi said.

"Hey why is Izumi wearing your jacket Kazu!?" Misumi shouts out because he's far up on the tree.

"Wait I'm still wearing your jacket?" Izumi looks and sees that she's still wearing Kazunari's jacket. She felt a blush coming up on her face. "I-I um.. I didn't noticed that I was wearing this all along when you gave it to me..."

"You seemed to be really comfortable when I gave it to you!" Kazunari said.

"Uh..yeah I guess I was." Izumi takes off the jacket and gives it back to Kazunari. "Here. Thanks for this," Izumi said. "Wait weren't you cold all along? Oh no! I feel so bad now! I'm sorry!" Kazunari steps up so he's really close to Izumi. He puts his finger on Izumi lips just the way Izumi did to him in the restaurant. He's standing right in front of Izumi. Faces inches off from touching each other. Why is he so close to me? Oh no please don't tell me he's going to give me a kiss! "Uh Kazu? What are you doing?" She pulls back so Kazunari's finger doesn't touch her lips. Either way both faces are still inches away.

"You don't have to worry about me you know. I gave you my jacket because I- Uh... care about you. I mean everyone in the dorms cares about you so I- uh hah..." Kazunari's face turns red. He gulps. "I- I just wasn't cold okay? AH IM SORRY!" Kazunari backs up from Izumi hitting the tree. "Ow." Kazunari whines.

"You okay Kazu?" Izumi takes a step closer to Kazunari. "You have something to tell me?"

"Uhhhhhhhh, yeah? I guess." Kazunari said. "Ok look, you want to know the reason why we didn't actually went to the mixer?" Izumi nodded. "Well, like I said, that guy who was flittering with you.. well I found out that he was going to be there. Last time I was also really angry and jealous. I just- I didn't want that to happen again. So I decided to lie just to.. hang out with you."

Izumi's stomach clenched. Her face all red and sweaty by the words Kazunari said. "So that's why you organized this.."

"Well I didn't really organized this at first." Kazunari said. "You see earlier I was asking few of the guys in the dorms if they have any girl friends so I can bring them to the mixer. But none of them had any, and Yuki recommended to me to ask you. However I didn't want to since I asked you last time. At the end though I thought about it and planned it all out. I was just really glad that you said that you would go out with me."

"What would have happened if I said no?" Izumi asks. "Well I would have just kept on begging you then!" Kazunari said making Izumi laugh. Izumi takes an other step forward meeting Kazunari's eyes.

"Well, thank you Kazunari, I had fun."

"Soooo, are you down to do this sometime again?"

"Haha, totally."

"Really?" Kazunari asks jumping with joy.


"KISS ALREADY!" Misumi shouted out.

"Wha-" Izumi and Kazunari both look up. Both now feeling really embarrassed because they both forgot that Misumi was also here. Well, not exactly in front of them, just hanging around on top of the tree.

"Did you hear everything?" Izumi asks.

"Ya! It was so beautiful I wanted to cry! You go Kazuuu!" Misumi shouted.

Kazunari laughs in a nervous tone.

"Well just..just don't tell Masumi okay? Or anyone else in the dorms." Izumi said.

"OKAYYYYYY!" Misumi shouted looking forward looking for triangles.

Izumi laughs. As she's about to look at Kazunari she feels him pull himself into her. Giving her a hug. Izumi accepted this and also put her arms around him. Both blushing heavily.

After a few moments of silence Kazunari pulls away with a huge smile on his face. Izumi's smile grew wider on her face.

"Oh no! Rain!" Misumi shouted out. Izumi looks back up on the tree, watching Misumi quickly getting off the tree, running in the dorms.

Izumi felt a raindrop right on her face. She wipes it away and stares at Kazunari.

"Come on, lets go inside."

5th story done! Decided to wait a bit more so I can publish this on Valentine's Day. 5 oneshots down- 15 more to go! (Well at least when act 2 comes out which is only 4 new characters) I'll probably start writing group stories though.

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