Love You.. forever...❤️

By aami03

57.6K 2.3K 248

My another creation on ipkknd with entirely different plot and different pairings..plz support me like u did... More

Character Sketch 1-Raizadas
part 1
character sketch 2-Guptas
part 2
part 4
part 5 and 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14

part 3

3.2K 168 12
By aami03

"u both have become so big..." Gayatri commented cupping arnav and nk cheeks.
"Gayatri...Off course they would have grown up..It's been years..Remember they were nearly 1 months when we left Lucknow." Dev said side hugging gayatri.

Every one settled in for breakfast.arnav and nk liked dev and gayatri so much..They became so friendly with the first encounter itself.
Rishi came and took his seat.arnav and nk lowered their heads hiding from his gaze.but to their surprise rishi started his breakfast silently..

"Nannav..Is bade papa alright?He didn't scold us today..." Nk whispered to arnav.
"Shut up nandu..Be happy that paapa didn't say anything or else our stomach would have been filled up with his scolds even before having our breakfast.." arnav replied in a slow voice.

Manorama saw the 2 pranksters murmering something to each other and said," hello hi bye bye..What are u guys planning there?"
Nk:nothing mom..
Manohar:then have ur breakfast.
"Good morning everyone.." khushi and payal happily chirped coming towards the dining room along with anjali who passed a smile to everyone.
"Good morning bachoo" everyone greeted them and both settled for breakfast.

Payal and khushi didn't mind nk and arnav..They both were in their own world stuffing their plates with food.

" akki kaha hai?" Dadi asked.
"He got a call from Mishra about a new deal.." manohar said .

Ratna:yeh akki bhi na.. Everytime work.
Manorama:what to do bhabhi ..Our other 2 sons are not at all interested in helping their fathers.. There's only akki to help them..
Arnav and nk looked manorama who was staring at them angrily.They turned their gaze to ratna,even ratna didn't had anything to defend them.
Manohar:poor akki..He's working from morning till night ..A very famous doctor and a good business man at times..

Arnav and nk face lit up when they saw akash walking towards their buddy is there to support them.akash took his seat beside his brothers..It's a fixed seat for brothers. The 3 always sits together.

"Dad,the Mishra's called.they said they want new designs for thier upcoming show." Akash said looking his dad.
Rishi nodded his head and passed a smile .

Ratna: akki.will u plz stop ur  works atleast for now... hamesha kaam kaam..Think about some other things also..
Akash(smiles): what else should I think maa?Work and family are the most important things to me.
Dadi: akki..U can think about ur marriage..It's time for u to get married.

Akash chocked the juice and started coughing.nk and arnav patted his back to calm him.
Akash: dadi...Aap bhi na..
Ratna:aur nahi to kya..Amma ne sahi baat toh boli hai..U should get married.
Dev:haa akki.. ratna is right..Even ur dad and I  had  kids at this age of urs..We were so fast..Hai na rishi?
Dev winked at rishi..
Rishi:haa yaar..I think I should take akki's marriage matter seriously..
Akash:dad...Pls ...
Khushi:akki bhai..Do u love someone?Is there anyone..Then tell us na..
Khushi looked him with a teasing smile.
Akash:no no..Nothing like that..
Payal:then why can't u get married?
Nk:shut up u both..Our buddy don't have any girlfriend..He's a nice guy.
Arnav:yes..And don't interfere in between us..Even if he has someone,them surely he would say to us. ..Why should our buddy say that to u guys?

Nk and arnav showed their possessive side of being a brother..They can't share their buddy with anyone..

Payal:off course akki is a nice guy..Not like u both..Arrogant attitude jerks..

Gayatri: payal..Mind ur words..
Payal:maa it was them who started first.
Khushi:haa maa
Gayatri:shut up and have ur breakfast..
Ratna:don't scold them gayatri..Even our kids are at fault..
Khushi and payal looked ratna with thankful eyes.

"Anjali bitiya..Why r u silent?" Dadi asked looking anjali who is all silent ..Dadi is noticing her From the time they arrived..Anjali is silent not at all speaking with anyone..Just giving replies to others question. ..
Anjali smiled at dadi.
Anjali :nothing dadi..Just like that..
Dev: amma..My other 2 daughters are lioness while my anju is a silent cat...She talks only with her family.
Dadi:we r also ur family beta..Dev is like a son to me.
Gayatri:amma..It's just that she takes a bit time to mingle with everyone..But khushi and payal are very talkative..They loves to make friends.
Everyone smiled at her.while arnav and nk were in deep thoughts.."how come a silent sister have exactly opposite sisters?"
"Don't think too much..its possible..Even u both are hyper active while I'm the silent one." Akash whispered to his brothers . arnav and nk looked at him shocked with his answer..
"Don't be shocked..I can read ur minds" akash gave a sheepish smile while the 2 smiled widely.

"Chotte, nandu.." the conversation of brothers were broken with rishi's voice..The 3 turned their gaze to rishi.
Rishi:chotte.. Mishra groups are conducting a new fashion show.they have put up a deal with us for new designs in our textiles.its a great opportunity for us to market our products..And chotte..I want u to work on new designs.. Nandu,u should work on the photography department...
Arnav and nk face lit up with happiness...Akash passed a smile to rishi who nodded his head.
Manohar:but bhai..They both don't know anything till now about business..How can they?
Rishi:they will do it manohar..Don't worry.. arnav loves designing and nandu loves photography..Am I right guys?
Rishi said with gaze on arnav and nandu.both nodded their heads happily....It was true that even though both are MBA graduates ,they secretly held a passion for designing and photography.Rishi knew it from childhood the craze arnav and nk had in drawing and taking photos.But due to his and manohar's insistence both took MBA.Now he felt it right to let them be free in doing what they like..Let them do the job they love..Akash was right..
Everyone felt so happy when arnav and nk agreed for taking up the job.

Precap-"what.....No way..We can't work with those gupta sisters/attitude jerks" arnav-nk and khushi-payal said in horror to Rishi/Dev.

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