100% Marinette

By marichat-fur-life

4.8K 104 30

Marinette is a model and she 100% in love with Adrien, but she is to scared to tell him. One day she finds ou... More

Kiss list
Surprise !
Sleep over
A guest at the table
10 reasons

A for adrien

359 9 3
By marichat-fur-life

Marinette is standing in the kitchen, only wearing her nightgown. She puts Some soap on her hands.  As she rubs her fingers together, she thinks about what she will wear tonight.  She bought a super cute glitter dress with Alya at a vintage shop, but maybe that is a bit too much for a school party.  She thinks about the card for Adrien. Did he find her card?  Hopefully he didn't see Camille.  Her stomach starts to turn like crazy.  What should she say to him when she sees him later?  Maybe she should wear something a little less eye-catching, such as jeans and her striped ONLY top.

"Is the paint coming off? " Her mother asks as she walks into the kitchen. "You should keep it. A tattoo of your heroic act!"  Red paint does not match my dress! "Mom, how old were you when you had your first kiss?" Her mother sat down on the counter. "Pfff, i think About fourteen. It was with a boy on Vacatiom, I don't even know his name anymore! He was very nice, cute blond curls. Wait a minute, do you have any plans for tonight? "  "No!" Marinette shouts.  "My daughter is going to kiss" her mother is smiling. Marinette takes a towel and dries her hands.
Her mother looks at her.  " i wont ask" "I just received a call from your agency"
"Something like that.  But I also got mad.  Think that lady is now sitting behind her desk with squeaky ears.  You are thirteen!  I don't understand that you have not received better guidance.  If you don't want to wear fur, they have to listen to you." With her eyes, Marinette follows the soap bubbles that flow down the drain.  "There goes my modeling career." Her mother gives marinette a kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry" Then marinette's phone beeps.

MARINETTE!! Your HEROIC act is on youtube! What are u wearing tonight?? Furr dress? Haha love you xx A

Alya just texted me, im on YouTube! Marinette says. while her mother walks to her laptop, Marinette takes of the last scraps of paint on her nails. Prom starts at seven, but she agreed with Alya and Cloe to be there around eight. She has a whole list of things she Still has too do. Washing hair spray out her hair, scrubbing her face, painting her nails, choosing a dress or maybe a ute top. only two hours left, thats not enough. she hears a big scream coming from the living room. "You are on the newes!!" her mother screams. Marinette runs to the living room and leans over the laptop. It says "Photo model paints fur coat red"
"There is a photo!" Her mother clicks on the image. A large photo of marinette appears on the screen in the fur coat soaked in red paint. "Good pose!" Her mother says. "You have to call dad"
"I have to shower."
"you will be on the news of course. maybe someone famous will recognise you!"
"I have a prom to got too, remember? "
"Should I ask if the neighbors want to watch it with us?"
"The party starts at eight o'clock!"
"Cant you stay a little longer? Fahionable late? And you should always let boys wait" her mother winks. She can wait half An hour, as long as she arrives at half past eight.

At seven o'clock, Marinette is in the glitter dress, inspecting her ballerina schoes in the mirror. She turns a circle in front of the mirror. Should she put her hair in a ponytail or loose? she opens her drawer to look for a hair band. Does she have silver earrings? Or should she not wear earrings at all? She looks in the mirror one more time. The black lines of eyes are actually a bit too thick. Maybe her mother should do it for her. These tights are too thin, she could put her purple tights on? Party's stress her out. Then she hears her mother screaming. "Marinette, come down. NOW! You are on the news!" Marinette throws her tights on her bed, sweeps down the stairs and runs Toearegs the living room. She sees hersteld on the telivision. "Remarkable news from "fashionland" Yes, there she is, look what a beautiful lady" They show pictures from her portfolio.
"How did they get those photo's?" Marinette stammers. Then a video from the fashion show starts. "A spicy lady, that Girl. And she is only thirteen years old! It is highly unusual for models to demonstrate against fur on the catwalk. We have seen designers who are committed to the use of fur. For example, Stella McCartney took action in Paris together with PETA. But we still see a lot of fur on the catwalk. Great designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Dior and also our own Viktor & Rolf are not afraid of a dead animal. Well-known Dutchmen such as Georgina Verbaan also regularly campaign with the Fur for Animals. And with success: the Gaastra clothing brand has decided to no longer use fur as a result of the campaigns." the news reporter Leans over the table. "will Marinette still receive commissions after her beastly action or has she ruined it?" He laughs loudly at his own joke. "Well, in the fashion industrie they like people that listen. But she is beautiful and well known. After the show we spoke with the designer and he was not amused. He has worked on this collection for two years and you can understand that it is not really pleasant if your top piece is destroyed with red paint. On the other hand, she is the talk of the town, everyone in the fashion industrie is full of it. I was at a small fashion party last night and there I spoke to someone from the British Vogue and they were very impressed with his collection. He could not have gotten better publicity. Maybe he should send that girl a nice bag or a pair of nice heels to thank her!" He winks at the camera.

Marinette looked Stupefied at the screen. "A bag or heels" "Then give them my shoe size," her mother laughs as she flops down on the couch next to Marinette. "You See, It was a great idea!" Marinette can't quite believe it yet. Her mother takes the remote control, "Maybe James cordon Said something about it?" That would be totally cool, James is so nice."
"You have to call Dad! " her mother responds. Marinette takes her phone.

Marinette nestles against a pillow on the couch and rubs her eyes. Her action were on the news! She looks at the clock. Shit, it's 9:15 Pm ! She has fallen asleep. She jumps up from the couch. "Mom, hurry up, let's go."
She looks at her dress in the mirror, Her purple tights are still on her bed! When her mother looks the other way, she quickly grabs the Miss Dior bottle from her mother's bag and sprays a cloud of perfume into her hair and sees a new message from Cloé:

MARINETTE! WHERE ARE YOU! I am already starting with my kiss investigation, starting with the A for Adrien, haha ​​C.

The A for adrien!? Her phone fel out her hands, she quickly took it off the floor and reads the message with shaking hands a few more times Shit, she has to stop her!

Shockend, she texts back a message and deletes it again. Maybe she'd better text Alya? No, she just has to go there. "Mom, we really have to go. Her mother keeps on talking and tells Marinette that they are going. Damn, why is Cloë going after Adrien? But Adrien received a card from her. If he read it, he must be waiting for her. But what if he hasn't read it or just likes Cloë beter. What would Cloé wear again? A red top with bare back? Her phone beeps again.

Come quickly! We have to save Laura, she is very busy, hahahahah A.

Marinette flies to her mother and pulls on her sleeve. "I'm going to grab my tights and then we have to go!"

At half past nine, Marinette runs across the street to the prom entrance. At the entrance, she runs through the door, but she gets stopped by two broad doormen.
"Hello young lady, can I see your ticket?" one of the men asks. "Yes, ticket" Marinette says. She pulls open the flap of her bag and scrambles trough her things. "It's prom, at my school."
"I get that, But we really have to see a ticket, lady" The doorman quietly looks ahead.
"Take it easy, We are not in a hurry"
"But I am!" Marinette squats down and topples her bag. "Where's that damn ticket?"
"Are you sure you brought it?" the man asks. Marinette stuffs everything in her bag and jumps back up. "Listen to me, I know all teachers and all classrooms. I'm in 1C."
"That may be so, but I don't know those teachers" Begging, Marinette looks at the doorman.
"May I please go inside, it's important!" The doorman folds his arms together. "Rules are rules lady"
"Well, you're not in the party mood either" Fee once again looks in the pockets of her coat. Only lip gloss. Where's that ticket? Then she sees her mentor, Mis bustier, pass by.
"Mis Bustier! You must help me!"
"Marinette, I was already looking for you!"
Mis Bustier walks to the door and gives Marinette an exuberant pat on the back.
"They wont let me inside" Marinette grumbles.
Mis bustier holds out her hand and pulls Marinette in.
"Thank you, I am eternally grateful to you."
Marinette looks around. Where is the dance floor?
"Do I have to go upstairs?"
"Yes, walk with me. The party is already in full swing, Crazy R&B music, maybe I will also try to do such a little bub-dance"

Marinette rushes up the stairs, she takes of her coat and pulls her bun loose. She grabs the lip gloss and applies an extra layer on her lips. She quickly looks at her dress in the mirror. She quickly looks at her phone. Damn it, it's almost 10 Pm now. She runs to the dance floor. No Adrien. she looks around. More than an hour too late. Of course he is no longer here, she must look for him.

Marinette wiggles her way through the crowd of dancing schoolmates. She sees lila dancing exaggeratedly on stage in a denim dress. Stupid child, she thinks. Kim from her class is standing on his hands in the middle of the dance floor. A large circle of screaming girls encourages him. Irritated, she balances on the tips of her toes to see if she can find Adrien anywhere. Behind a glittering pole she sees Cloë dancing. She knows where Adrien is hanging out. As she gets closer, she discovers two boy's hands on Cloë's butt. Confused, she recoils and follows the boy's arms with her eyes. He is wearing a gray T-shirt, blond hair....

The floor suddenly seems to sink under her feet, it is Adrien! She jerks around. She must do something. Can she call Cloë? Pull her along and say something important? Carefully she looks around again. Only then will she really have a heart failure. Adrien and Cloë kissing! Her head explodes. How can Cloë do that? And Adrien? What did he want with that stupid list? What a jerk. She closed her eyes to hold back her tears. Leaning against the wall, she tries to calm down again. Maybe she saw it wrong? Again she peeks at Cloë and Adrien. They aren't kissing anymore. Did she make it up? Suddenly Adrien looks at her over Cloë's shoulder. Marinette feels her body shake, it seems as if the dance floor is starting to turn like a mad hurricane. She grabs the edge of the table. Schocked, she stares at Adrien. He keeps looking at her. "You Bitch" she mumbles. She turns around and runs to Alya.

"You see" Alya says. Cloé, Alya and Marinette are sitting on the curb in front of the party.
"What do you mean?" Fee shouts as she wipes a tear from her cheek with the sleeve of her coat. Alya puts her arm around Marinette. "I knew you were in love with Adrien. I told Cloë that too, but she didn't believe it"
Cloë stares at the ground. "Do you think it's crazy? " Marinette stares at Cloë. Everyone knows that Adrien is in love with you, but you never do anything with it. He even went to your room! And then nothing happened.
"Then why didn't you ask me?" Marinette asks.
"Well, I never talk to you about things like that. You always get a little uncomfortable when we talk about boys"
Cloë stares confused at Marinette.
"But Alya asked you."
"Nice too know that you are talking about me behind my back"
Alya gives Marinette a tissue. "Dont you remember at the sleep over? I asked you then, but you said you didn't like Adrien.
"I'm sorry Marinette" Cloë says. Marinette puts her head on her knees. She doesn't feel like listening too Cloë's apologise. "Never mind, Clo, I'm tired. This day was already exhausting and now this. Im going home, I don't feel like talking anymore"
Cloë gets up and walks away. She takes her bike and walks back to Marinette and Alya. "Maybe it's comforting that I kissed Adrien for only three seconds. As soon as he saw you, he ran away."
"What?" Marinette looks up. Alya looks at marinette
"See, he likes you."
"But why did he kiss Cloë?" Fee sighed annoyed.

"That is a very weird way to show that you like someone" Cloé rolls her eyes. "Well, actually I kissed him more than he kissed me. I started and he did not kiss back willingly. Maybe he was overwhelmed by me. Or he was just polite" Cloë says. "Im not in the mood for a "polite" boy" Marinette shouts. Alya puts her hand on Marinette's knee. "Why don't you go to Adrien? Then you can ask him why he did that. I mean, he's a boy. Boys are vague, you know."
"Im Also not in the mood for Adrien anymore" Marinette hisses. "You can "chat" with him, right? (😏) And ask what was going on? Maybe he has a reason for it" Alya looks carefully at marinette. Marinette gets up from the sidewalk and zips her coat shut. "I'm going to sleep" Cloë stands Up and stands next to her and takes her hand. "Sorry Marinette, really." "Never mind" Marinette still can't hold back her tears. "Shall I find Adrien for you?" Cloë asks. "No, I'm really going. If he sees me like this, it won't work out at all"
"Are you Guys going home too? Alya, can you bring me home? "
"Just jump on the back, then we will ride past your house. Can we come up with a plan for you and Adrien along the way?" Cloë gives Marinette a kiss on her cheek.
Marinette smiles and gives Cloë a hug back.


Wauw its been a minute, but here it is, only 1 chapter left!

- Meike 🐱🐞

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