Willow's Tree

By FlamingLeeAndre

104K 5.4K 479

[Previously known as Horny Dogs AKA Wolves] Willow's routine days take a sudden turn when she discovers a str... More

Author's Note
More Notes + Where to Next?


1.7K 96 3
By FlamingLeeAndre

There was no choice but to put on the dress, of course. I was naked and didn't want to resist, not that I would win in the end, so I agreed to wear it.

Karen and Helen were even going to force me into wearing black heels as well, but I've never worn them in my life, and I reminded them about my baby and what would happen if I accidently tripped.

They decided to lay off of the heels and gave me black flats instead, to which I was grateful. But that wasn't it. They were going to do my hair as well, and it really did start to feel like the junior high dance all over again.

Instead of Olly and Rebecca though, I had two new friends, Helen and Karen. While they were doing my hair, my thoughts went back to my normal friends. It was the summer time of course, so I hope they didn't call my cell, including Isaac. It was at home the whole time and they would've probably worried since I didn't answer.

Trey said if I turned into a werewolf, I would miss my human loved ones. And it was true. I've been with my three friends for practically my whole life and they were the support I had in place of my parents. Could I easily abandon them for Trey?

Would they be sad about it?

But something told me Olly and Rebecca would easily give me up so I could be happy with Trey. Isaac too, though he'd probably be reluctant and distrustful of Trey at first. But in the end, he'd let me choose Trey over him as well.

When I see them again, I'm going to tell them I love them.

And now the only decision would be...when will I let Trey turn me?

I blinked and felt something jab into my eyelid.

"Geez, Willow, hold still. You've been doing fine until now."

My eyes widened when I saw Helen holding a black stick that I remember was used to make eyelashes longer. Makeup.

"What are you two doing?" I asked, staring between the both of them. Karen was holding a stick of concealer and some sort of powder towards my cheek.

They glanced at each other with humor before continuing as if I didn't say a thing. Instead of struggling and possibly getting my eye poked out, I sat completely stiff and still. When they finished, I glared.

"What's going on?" I said in a menacing tone.

Helen grinned as Karen put away all the makeup. "Can't you guess?"

I groaned. "Please don't tell me it's a dance."

At that, the two of them laughed. "No. Not a dance. But something like that. We're going to a celebration."

"Celebration?" I repeated as Karen kneeled at my foot and felt around my ankle. She rubbed lightly and twisted it.

She looked up at me. "Does that hurt?"

I shook my head. "It feels weird though."

"Hm..." She stood back up and held out her hand as I stood up on my own. Karen told me to test out walking and I did. There was a small limp, but other than that, I could walk fine. "Good."

And they each took a hand as I walked down the hall and towards the stairs that led to the first floor. "Celebration for winning the war?" I asked.

"When a pack wins a war, we don't generally celebrate. Usually because wars always result in death, but fortunately, we didn't lose anyone because of the Elder Coco." Karen explained. "But still, it isn't traditional to celebrate, so no. We're not going to a celebration for winning the war."

Then I was clueless as to what we were going to do. "Does Trey know about this?"

Helen pursed her lips. "Sort of. But he probably doesn't know exactly."

Okay...I was starting to get nervous.

They continued to guide me and when we reached the stairs, they both easily lifted me by under the arms and I felt like I floated down the steps before they set me back on my feet. I blinked from shock before we continued on, as if nothing special happened.

The two led me to a room that had double doors, signaling it was probably big. When they opened it, it was filled with the women of the packs. They were all dressed in nice clothes as well, but most of them wore skirts or dress pants. I was the only one in a dress.

I immediately stiffened and Helen and Karen laughed before practically dragging me to the center where everyone stared at me.

"What is this for?" I whispered through gritted teeth.

"It's your celebration." Helen whispered back, while giggling before Karen fully explained in a normal voice.

"Usually, we throw a celebration for those who end up being successful during mating season. Because that means we'll get a new addition to our pack. But in your case, Willow, we'll be getting two new members..." Karen smiled and I looked at the crowd and saw that most of the female werewolves were smiling at me as well. "The baby and you."

I gulped and knew I was probably supposed to say something. But I was speechless. They were welcoming me into their family when I originally didn't have one. My parents were barely in my life.

"I..." I eventually opened my mouth and looked around, seeing that they were staring at me with warm eyes. "I don't know what to say."

Helen giggled. "We knew you would say something like that." She threw an arm around my waist. "And it's fine, really. There's no need for you to say anything."

Slowly, I nodded my head. "Thank you." I simply said, and that seemed to be enough to satisfy everyone.

"Now, should we call in your present?" Karen said and I stared as she and Helen went to the double doors and opened them.

Standing there was a half-naked Trey who looked fresh out of the shower. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and simply had a small towel around his shoulders. His black dress pants weren't even buttoned, revealing the dark navy blue boxers he had on.

He was rubbing his wet hair with the towel, but when his eyes landed on me, his hand slowly descended down to rest at his side.

"Willow?" he said breathlessly.

I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"What is he doing, looking like that?" Karen said incredulously.

Drew shrugged. "He was suspicious and when we told him where we were taking him, he just headed straight here.

I blinked when I didn't notice the huge crowd behind Trey. It looked like the men of the packs. They were all trying to get a look inside the room, and most of their eyes landed on me, staring. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably.

"Hm..." Dominic said, looking me up and down. "Not too bad. How unfortunate that she's already yours." He muttered the last part, but I'm pretty sure we all heard.

Trey turned and bared his teeth at Dominic, and Helen jabbed him painfully in the side with her elbow while also kicking him in the shin. The alpha hissed in a breath and clutched the areas where Helen hit him.

I now had my proof that Dominic really was a flirt. But Helen didn't look hurt at all by his words.

Trey moved, making my attention go to him and he walked until he stood right in front of me. I stared up at him as he raised a hand to skim down my neck, making me shiver again.

"I'm speechless." He simply said.

And I chuckled. "Yeah. I know how you feel."

The corner of his mouth twitched, but other than that, he still stared at me with the look. And I knew exactly what it meant. But Karen came in between us and took me gently by my shoulder, backing us up as Drew clutched Trey's shoulder.

"You can't do a thing to her just yet, Trey." Drew chuckled. "From what we know, you two haven't gone on one decent date the whole time you've been together."

"And so, we've made a special date for you." Karen continued. "But you need to get dressed first." She said specifically to Trey.

"A date?" I said surprised. "Is this how you usually celebrate pregnancies?"

"No." Karen smiled. "But we thought this would be a better way of congratulating you." And then she turned to Drew and shooed him away and he dragged Trey along. Trey was still staring at me even when the door was closing until he was out of sight.

As I waited, I asked them what was the usual for pregnant members. Apparently, they just get to sit in their room all day on the celebration day and are pampered the whole time. And I thanked God I didn't have to do the same.

All of the women came up to me and personally congratulated me themselves. To which I thanked. To my surprise, many of them were even warm about it, like we had known each other for a while now.

Of course, there were those who were uncomfortable about actually coming up to talk to me, but I empathized with them. After all, I was uncomfortable as well, but tried not to show it in front of them.

Eventually, Trey came back and I was also shocked to see how well dressed he was. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt below a suit. His tie was striped a light blue and black. His hair was slicked back from his face and I felt a sense of nostalgia from when I first found out that he was actually Dog.

We were in the class and I had taken a handful of his hair and shoved it aside from his face so I could see all of him.

I couldn't help but smile at that, and he raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly what I was thinking. He held out a hand and I took it as I limped towards him, but of course, he swept me right off my feet and carried me like always.

He led me to the back door of the dorm and I saw that there were flowers scattered along the path created by candles. They led into the forest and I looked back over Trey's shoulder to see that everyone was crowding the single door that they just stepped out of.

Helen and Karen were grinning like fools and I couldn't help but smile at them.

Then I turned back to Trey. "Did they do all this?"

He nodded his head. "But unfortunately, I have no idea what's at the end of this path."

We continued into the forest and reached a small area clear of trees. There was a table at the side with plates of sweets on it and a canopy bed at the edge. The moon was up in the sky and still full. The moonlight shimmered against the covering of the bed, making it seem to glow.

I blushed when I saw it. "That's all you guys ever think about." I muttered with a smile on my face.

Trey laughed before he brought me over to the table and I looked to see that ever single dessert had cinnamon on it. I immediately licked my lips and Trey watched me with a suppressed smile on his face.

"They know my taste." I looked at him to see him licking his lips while looking down my body.

"I think this is all the cinnamon I'll need." He whispered and I just shook my head with a smile on my face.

"This is my night to be spoiled, remember? And I want a bit of every single thing on here."

Trey rolled his eyes playfully. "Fine." And then he went over to the bed and set me on it. It was surprisingly very soft, and I knew exactly what they wanted me and Trey to do on it. But outdoors?

Trey carried over the table and brought it inside the canopy, right next to the bed. He sat on the edge and motioned to the food. I smirked before pointing to the bread and cinnamon butter. Trey decided to go along with my demand and spread the butter on the bread before holding it out to my lips.

I couldn't resist the smile as I opened my lips and he placed the slice into my mouth enough that I could get a decent bite. When I bit off a piece, I released a sigh of bliss as the butter melted on my mouth.

"Good?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

I nodded my head. "Very." And then I pointed to the snicker doodle cookie and Trey chuckled before complying.

He broke off a piece and placed it in my mouth. As I chewed, he decided to take a bite as well. I watched his face as he tasted the cookie and he just shrugged in the end.

"I don't know what the big deal is."

I scoffed. "It's everything." I said, snatching the cookie from his hand and nibbling on it, savoring the cinnamon.

Trey simply smirked before opening his mouth and letting his tongue slightly hang from his lip. "This tastes way better."

I blushed and stared down at my cookie. "Why would I want artificial cinnamon from your tongue when I can have the real thing here?"

He pushed me down on the bed and snatched the cookie from my hand and tossed it on the table of food. I gasped when he came and licked off crumbs from my lips and smirked down at me. "I wasn't talking about the cinnamon. I was talking about myself."

And then he kissed me. I immediately went breathless as he nipped my lips while doing so. I pulled back and he just moved down my neck. "I-I'm still eating."

"You can eat me." He whispered and I shivered, but it was far from the night. Since it was the summer time, the nights were warm and there was Trey beside me. He's always been my night warmer. "Tell me the truth." He bit my neck, making me jolt. "Would you rather eat the cinnamon...?" He lifted his head and stared down at me, his lips moist. "Or me?"

I had to catch my breath first before I could answer. And even then, I gulped first. "What if I said the cinnamon?"

His lips just spread into a wider smirk. "Then I can have fun making you want only me."

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