Vicious Love (WILL BE DELETED...

By More_Melly

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You find a note on the counter and pick it up. "Meet me in the park when darkness surrounds you." You stare a... More

Chapter 1: Followed
Chapter 2: Unexpected turn of events

Chapter 3: Picnic Gone Wrong

552 16 19
By More_Melly

The following day you wake up around 11 o'clock. The last two days have been rough, almost unrealistic but yet it still happened and you can't change the fact that Ricky is still dead. You feel the need to talk to someone who will understand how you're feeling and think of Hannibal Lect- Hector Lane... You still believe that the name is fake but of everything you have been through so far, that man is the least dangerous right now. You leave the couch to get yourself some decent clothes, eat some breakfast and dial the given number.

"Hector Lane speaking, what is your concern?" the voice says and you forgot that his voice is making you feel weird like you are walking on clouds.

"H-Hello... It's me, (Y/N) if you still remember..." you answer and you can hear him chuckle.

"Of course, I remember you (Y/N) ... Do you want to share your thoughts with me?" he says and you nod but remembers that he can't see you and answer yes.

"Great, I don't have any plans for today and it's perfect weather to be outside. Tell me, would you like to go on a picnic? To make it... less formal." He says and you blush slightly when he mentions the word picnic. Did he just ask you for a date?

"Y-Yes, I would love to! I mean, it's a very nice idea..." you say and scratch your head. You aren't used to having a picnic with someone you just met, on top of what with the event that has occurred.

"I'm happy to hear that! How about I come over to you and we can walk together to find a nice spot? I can bring the lunch if you bring something to drink." he says enthusiastically. You know that trusting him to cook food for you is a bad idea and decide to turn it around.

"Um... I have a great idea for lunch, mind if we swap?" you say and try to sound as nice as possible. It is silent for a moment when you hear him chuckle again.

"Okay, I'm good with that. The picnic is for you after all. I can bring a blanket for us to sit on." He says and tells you he will come by in an hour before hanging up.

"Shit! I don't know what to cook! Fuck, fuck fuck, why did I drag myself into this? I already have enough trouble..." you slap yourself before trying to make the best out of the situation. You decide to make some fancy sandwiches with your favorite toppings and some more common ingredients in case Hector doesn't eat what you eat. You also do a chocolate dessert and assemble everything in a stylish way. It's making you hungry by looking at it but remind yourself it's for the picnic. In the last 15 minutes, you dress into something fitting. A white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers are the only outfit you think is fitting for the moment. You also have a thin black jacket on top of the shirt. It is perfect weather as he said, not too hot or cold. You put the lunchboxes in a bag along with some cutlery. You walk out of your apartment and wait outside. After a minute you see Hector walking towards you. He is dressed in a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, black pants, and leather shoes. You feel amazed by how handsome he is. He smiles widely when he gets closer and you look into each other's eyes for a second before you look away.

"Shall we go then?" he says and you nod. You are happy it is Saturday and that you will spend the time with someone who knows what you have been through. There is no way anyone in school would believe you if you told them on Monday. You walk closer to the scene the night before and you get flashbacks. Although you see no visible evidence of Ricky's mashed body you still remember the awful smell and horrible sight and you freeze on the spot. You almost drop the bag when Hector grabs it. He puts the things down before trying to break your trauma.

"(Y/N), listen to me. It has already happened and nothing can hurt you right now. Can you hear me?" he says and shakes your shoulder. You snap out of it and feel a bit upset and ashamed.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again... I think I haven't processed it enough." You say and pick up your bag. Why did you have to be frozen every time you get scared? You curse yourself before getting back your composure.

"Let us avoid this place for now. Follow me, I know a place in the forest that is tranquil. I think it will put both of our minds at ease. There's a lake there too if you want to wet your feet." He says and pats you on the back. You nod and smile shyly. You begin walking towards the thick forest and you talk about other things on the way. You learn that Hector likes classical music, that he loves to cook and read books. You tell him about your studies, your passion for drawing and watching movies. It doesn't take long before you get a liking to him, he is understanding and knows when to reply to you.

"Look, here we are already! The time sure flies when you have fun." He says and you help each other setting up the picnic. You enjoy the view and the sound of the woods as well as Hector's company. It is a long time since you felt this relaxed and pleased.

"I brought some different kinds of drinks. I was unsure of what you would bring for lunch and decided to go a little of everything." He says and puts a bottle after bottle of different drinks. You wonder how much money this man has, who brings 15 different drinks for a picnic?!

"W-Wow... I didn't know either... Well, it ended up with sandwiches, if you don't mind." You say and show him the lunchbox you did for him. A slight shift of color shows on his pale cheeks when he takes a look. You nervously wait for his response.
"It is... It looks very delicious, (Y/N). I'm glad I gave you the responsibility to bring the lunch." He says and looks out on the lake. Does he... like it? You assume he likes it for now and joins to look at the view. The lake is sparkling like crystal in the sunlight and you get the feeling of seeing it elsewhere before.

"So, how have you been feeling lately?" he suddenly asks and you jump a little by the unexpected question. Yes, how have you been feeling lately? You think about it for a moment before opening your mouth to answer but a splash in the water interrupts you.

"What was that?" you say and rise to your feet immediately. You are still afraid that Michael is still around and your caution is back on. Hector also stands up and walks towards the lake. He bends over to take a closer look and a huge silhouette grabs him and pulls him down into the water.
"HANNIBAL!" you shout, not aware of what you just said and rush to see if he is still submerged under the water. He crawls up to the small beach and you help him get further away from the lake. He choughs and sits up. No sign of wounds as you can see and you feel relieved. You can't lose another human being.

"What... did you... call me?" he says, his voice isn't angry, it is curious. You gulp. Right, his name is Hector...

"Sorry, I didn't think..." you say but he puts a finger on your lips.

"No, you are right. Hannibal is my real name, but I could never imagine you knew who I am. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been with me, now would you?" he says and you forgot that he was attacked a second ago. His dark brown hair looks brighter now when it is wet and the shirt is see-through, his muscles are visible and you can't help but keep staring.

"I... uh..." you try to find words but you are completely stunned. So he is THE Hannibal Lecter...

"Are you the REAL Hannibal Lecter?" you say, slowly backing up away from him. He is fast though and grabs your wrist. He holds it firmly and he inches his face closer to yours. He smirks.

"So, if I am?" he says and now your noses touched. He is staring intensely and you feel smaller for each second.

"I can't... I don't know what to say..." you say and look away only to see someone standing in the water. You gasp and Hannibal turns to look as well.

"Oh, I almost forgot. This is Jason's territory... No wonder he wanted to drown me earlier." He says and let go of you. The person becomes more visible when they are out of the water and you know instantly who it is. Jason Voorhees. The mask, the clothes, everything match.

You can hear him breathe heavily as Michael does. And speaking of the devil... Michael appears behind you.

"What the-?!" you exclaim and crawl backward as fast as you can. Now you can see the three infamous killers in front of you. All of them looking in your direction.

"Are you scared, (Y/N)? Don't be, we aren't here to kill you." Hannibal says and a malicious smile spreads across his face.

"T-Then what do you want from me?!" you shout back and try to find your phone when you remember that you left it back home. Damn, shit, fuck me, you curse yourself for the second time and rise to your feet. To your surprise, Michael actually responds.

"Your name is (Y/N), right? It's like Hannibal says, we don't want you dead. We want you to help us." He says and you could not imagine what on earth they want you to help them with. You keep quiet and try to find an escape.

"You can keep running, we will still be following you." Michael says and walks closer. Oh, man, he's tall! You look up into his eyes and he shows you a picture. You also know who that is. Freddy Kreuger.

"What do you want me to do with him?" You ask, regretting instantly that you asked and brace for the answer.

"We want you to kill him."

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