Chapter 2: Unexpected turn of events

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As time past by during the day, the more anxiety you get. You can't concentrate during your classes and your friends keep looking at you with a worried look. When the school ended you keep wandering around the school's building. One of your friends, Ricky, walks up to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What's up? You have been lost in your thoughts all day today. I know you're an airhead but this time it's way over the top." He says and looks around you. You know you can trust Ricky and decide to tell him what happened to you during the night. He just gapes at you.

"Didn't you call the police?" he asks.

"And tell them what? That there's a Michael Myers wannabe in my apartment in the middle of the night and he will be gone when you arrive anyways so you won't believe me?" you say and he nervously chuckles.

"Uh... well, now when you put it that way... But what do you want to do about it? If it is a wannabe, he might want to hurt you." Ricky states and that thought have occurred in your mind. You shrug your shoulders.

"I was terrified this night because I wasn't prepared but I think I should be better off this time." You say but you don't feel any more confident.

"Hm... Let me accompany you then. At least the chance of making it out alive is higher." He says and makes you feel calm. You are glad to have a friend like him.

"Come on, it's dark soon, we should go now." You say and you two hurry to get to the park.

When you arrive there, the street lights are already on and the shadows are growing darker and bigger. You are standing very close to Ricky, who is standing in a defending position. A sound like a twig snapped in two is heard behind you. You quickly turn around and in a second Ricky is bleeding. You cover your mouth with your hands, you try to scream but nothing comes out. Ricky choughs up blood as he slowly falls to his knees.

"R-Run, (Y/N) ..." he stuttered before someone punches him hard in the face. You back off a few steps before falling backward, landing on your back on the ground. You see the same man from before, he's sitting on top of Ricky and hits him with both fists. Your ability to process the death of your friend is not working and you keep watching how more and more of Ricky becomes more and more of a mashed goo. There is blood everywhere, even on your own clothes and when the man turns his gaze to you, you feel small and weak. The Michael Myers wannabe must be at least 2 meters tall and the janitor outfit contours the muscles underneath. He sure is intimidating, all covered in blood. He walks closer to you; a knife comes out of nowhere into his hand and he's pointing it at you. You rise up slowly, turn around and run as fast as you can.

You don't get very far though. You bump into someone only after a few meters of running and fall back hard on the ground. You look up and see a handsome man, dressed in a dark blue suit. His eyes glow red for a split second before it turns to be light brown. He smiles at you as he observes you. His eyes linger on the blood you have received from Ricky's death and holds out a hand. You take it quickly and look behind you. Michael has disappeared but what's left of your friend is still on the ground. The pool of blood makes you sick.

"Are you alright? What happened here?" The stranger asks and tries to help you. You burst out in tears, you just lost one of your friends and a crazy lunatic is following you. Without thinking you hug the man and let your anxiety and stress pour out. The man hugs you back as he calls the police. After a few minutes, you feel a bit better and apologize to the man for your behavior.

"Oh, please. You did nothing wrong, dear. But do tell me, what happened to the person over there?" he says and for the first time you see who the man resemblance. He looks like Hannibal Lecter, from the TV show! But he looks younger and his eyes look much kinder. You can't believe it is Hannibal Lecter in front of you and decide to ignore the fact that he might be a real cannibal. You tell him about the night's event, who you suspect the man might be and how your friend got murdered. The man looks at you with genuine interest. When you are done he puts a hand on your shoulder.

"This must be hard for you. You know, I am a psychiatrist. If you would like we can talk about it, for free of course. I don't want to charge you with anything after what happened." He says and gives you a card. It's a phone number and it says that his name is Hector Lane.

"Um... Thank you, Mr. Lane..." you say and look at the man. He is still smiling, gentle and soft, but his eyes are showing something else, something you can't describe right now.

"Please, I just happened to be here at the right time. Oh, the police have arrived. Let's go and talk to them." He says and both of you become a part of the police's investigation.

"Oh, man... What an unexpected turn of events... I thought I would die and Ricky would run and call the police but... it's the opposite." you think for yourself as you answer hundreds of questions. After an hour of interrogation, you are finally free to go home. As you leave the crime scene, the suited man walks over to you.

"Is it okay if I accompany you on your way home? I am going this direction anyways." He says and you can't help but wonder if his name is fake. You silently nod and you walk together in silence. You are glad to have his company, Michael can still be around. The sound of people slowly fades away as you come closer to your apartment building.

"Before we part ways, mind telling me your name?" the man says when you try to discretely open the door.
"Um... yeah, of course. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I want to thank you again, I really appreciate your kindness." You say and blush a little. The man makes you feel both warm inside and creeped out.

"Anytime, dear. But be careful next time you head out. You have my number, don't beafraid to give me a call. Have a good night." He says and waves goodbye before continuing to stroll down the street. You look after him until he can't be seen anymore before dragging yourself to your apartment. Still traumatized you decide to take a shower. Maybe it can help you cool down. After showering you decide to watch a relaxing movie. After you put the movie on, you are fastasleep on the couch.

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