Curves and Burns 2

By xflawlesss

97.6K 3.5K 1K

Forgive them even if they are not sorry. Love is a whole new woman this time around and finds true love in th... More

New Beginnings
Loving You Tonight
Dead Wrong
Not An Update
Bed Peace
Whose Calling the Shots
Just One Night...

Guh Tuck that Little Butt

10.9K 347 57
By xflawlesss


This past weekend sucked ass. My mother let me off of punishment but she cut me off of my allowance. So now I really have to get a job before I go broke. My older brother Justice don't mind giving me money but momma don't want him too. 

School is starting next week and I really need to go clothes shopping plus I'm not on the small side so my clothes can be pricey. "Ness come here" I heard Justice yelling from downstairs. I dragged my body out of bed to see what he wanted. 

"What Jus" I said sitting down on the couch next to him. "What time I got to take you and Nisha to orientation today?" he asked looking at his phone. Nisha and I were seniors so our last orientation of high school finally came. I was more than ready to be done with high school and to move the hell away from Tallahassee. 

"It's at four but I don't think I'm going cause I don't have nothing cute to wear and momma won't take me shopping" I hate getting teary eyed in front of Jus because he always want to come save the day but I hate the fact that I can't do things for him in return. 

Justice went upstairs and my mom joined me in the living room. "Goodmorning Ness" she said grabbing the mail out the door. "Morning" I said dryly.

"I see someone still has an attitude" My mom said going through the mail. Justice came running down the stairs with his wallet. "Go put on some clothes we going shopping" 

"She not going shopping with that attitude she got" mom said looking at me with slit eyes. "We not going shopping for her, I need something to wear tonight for this party and I need to pick up my watch from the jewelry store" I smirked at Justice because I knew he picked up his watch last week and he hates going shopping for hisself on Saturday. He feels like everyone is their on Saturday and one of his friends will copy off him if they see what he is buying. 

Momma mumbled something to herself but we ignored and I went to get dressed. 

Less than an hour later we were pulling up to the crowded mall and I didn't want everyone to see me either. My hair was in a ponytail and I had on sweats. "You know I don't make much but I got you today just don't spend over three hundred and I throw you some cash soon so you can go school shopping"

See this is why I love Justice so much. He had a harder life then me though. My mother used to be in a abusive relationship and Justice being the wonderful son he is always tried to fight the man off my mother. For some reason she would always go back to him though. The man would even try to beat us too but Justice always took my beatings for me. The man never let momma buy Justice anything and he even would lock Justice out the house at night. But momma finally came to her senses and let that man go. Thank God. 

Now Justice works under his friend De'andre making a nice amount of money. He pays all the bills and takes care of us the best he can. 

"Look I need to run to the bathroom and I'll meet you in Forever 21 alright" I nodded my head at Justice and made my way to the store. 

Everything inside looked so pretty and cute but I knew their was nothing in my size. I don't even like their plus size clothes because there always either too big for me and the regular clothes are too small.

I was looking at some tank tops until I heard some girls giggling. They went to my school and looked like they were trying to flirt with some guy who walked in. 

Of course the guy would be Justice. He ignored them and made his way over to me. 

We stayed in the store for almost an hour and came up with nothing. I was ready to cry because their aren't many stores that sell clothes my size. "Calm down Ness we gone keep looking just try this on" Justice said handing me a purple sun dress. 

I tried it on and kinda liked the way it looked. Except for my tummy I hated how the dress clung to that area. I stepped out the dressing room to get Justice's opinion but didn't see him right away. 

"Girl shut up, she do look like Barney" I heard the girls from my school whispering and laughing when they say me come out. Justice came just in time to see me run in dressing room crying. I know he tried to run after me because I could hear a store clerk telling him he couldn't go back here. 


"Teddy can we please just go out this one night. Come on Honesty is coming up next week and I want us to have some us time before she comes" I wined trying to get him to change his mind. 

Lately Teddy been working all during the day and consistently going to little gatherings or going out for drinks with his coworkers. Now I know his job demands for him all the time but damn we was the last time we spent time together. Every other day it's something and I'm sick of it. On top of that finding jobs out here have been extremely hard and it feels like no one wants to hire me. 

The only plus to this whole situation is me losing six pounds from working out non stop. Taye is the only I am around besides Ted. She keeps asking me to go out with her but I always decline. It just don't feel right going out without my husband especially in the Miami streets. But right now I may just have to take her up on that offer because Teddy keeps ignoring me. 

"Beauty I keep telling you right now I can't really decline going out with my coworkers. I need to get in good with them if I want to secure my spot at this job. You see this house, the car we driving, how we living? None of this stuff is cheap and I want to spoil you and Honesty. So just bare with me for a while and I promise we will start going out more" Teddy said putting on his Ferragoma loafers. 

Although I was mad I had to step back and look at my baby. He still looked the same as when we were kids just a little taller with more facial hair. The black and dark red suit he was wearing looked good on him and he looked just like money. His body was more toned and this new look he been wearing only brings out the sexy side of him. I think my mouth was starting to water looking at him. 

"Plus I know you been missing daddy dick" he said smacking my ass. That smack knocked me right out of my thoughts but only want him more. Fuck it I'll just ask Taye if she still want to go out. 

Thirty minutes later I was jumping out the shower and rushing to get dressed. Taye told me she would come get me in a hour and I barely could find anything to wear. "Where you going?" Teddy asked stepping in the walk in closet scaring the shit out of me. 

"Out. Why are you still here?" I asked grabbing a few dresses I bought from Bebe. "I left but then I remembered I didn't have my wallet and came back. But I'm glad I did cause I want to know where my wife sneaking off too"

I ignored him and continued to lotion my body. Teddy watched me hungrily as I bent over to make sure my legs were completely lotioned. I decided to put on this white jump suit since Taye said the place we were going to was classy.

"Bae where you going though" Teddy asked as I slipped in the bathroom to finish getting dresed. Twenty minutes later Taye was pulling up to the house and Ted was still here trying to figure out where I was going. 

"You know you gone be late for this work meeting or whatever thing you suppose to be at" I said applying some more Mac Candy Yum lipstick. "Man I dont even care about that, I just want to know where my girl going looking this damn good and what nigga I'ma have to beat ass" he said grabbing his gun. 

I started laughing looking at Ted hold his gun like a wanna be thug. "First off Im going to need you to put that away before you hurt somebody or yourself and second I'm going out with that girl Taye I told you about. We just going to this one club called the Mynt Lounge" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Behave yourself" he said kissing me on the lips. I left and hopped in the car with Taye ready to go. 


"I don't give a fuck who that nigga you better tell him who the fuck Solo is!" I ranted to my mans Ant about whats been going on. Living in Miami been hectic for the last two years. It's always some wanna be down south ass thug tryna try you or some Spanish taco eating nigga thinking they Al Pacino from Scarface. Niggas don't want this work with Mr. New York!

Solo walked through Mynt liked he owned the damn place. Although he only been residing in Miami for two short years his name rung bells around the city and is causing him to catch heat from all the big time king pins. 

"Solo my man! What brings you here tonight?" Easton the owner of Mynt asked. Easton's name used to be big in the drug world until he decided to turn his drug money into legit money. Now he stays lowkey but still associates himself with all the big timers. "Just coming out to chill you know, aint been out in a while" Solo said giving him dap. 

Solo and his crew followed Easton inside where they knew he would put them in VIP with everybody who was somebody in Miami. "You guys want anything to drink its on the house" Easton said leaving the gentleman to party. Solomon's crew decided to have some fun since it was rare their boss let them just enjoy themselves but Ant stayed back with his boss just scooping out the place. 

"Man when the last time you just laid back and chilled with the fellas and or even got a few numbers" Ant said trying to shake his best friend and boss. Every since he met Solo they were like thick as thieves. No one could break the brothers bond they created in juvenile at the age of eleven. Now they were twenty-eight and on top of the world. But Ant worried about Solo, his mind was so much on the money that he barely gave himself enough time to shit. 

"You know how I play it fam. Stack first, ball later" Solo said ordering a bottle D'usse. "Man we been stacking since we were boys its time for us to enjoy the money we made. You know Danielle been wanting to have kids and I think I'm ready to" Solo looked at his dear friend and smiled he was happy he wanted to settle down but he knew it wasn't that simple to just stop being on top. 

Before Solo could respond he spotted two fine ass girls walking to the bathroom. 


"Come with me to the bathroom" Taye said nudging Lovely. They had been at Mynt for a few minutes and were having a nice time. "Everyone here is so skinny girl, I feel so big" I said to Taye as she stood in front of the mirror fixing her makeup. 

A few girls gave me stares but I ignored them. "Yeah Miami girls are all into looking good and fit. But your only looking at the upper class girls. Most of these bitches then had multiple surgeries which make up their fake asses, tits, lips, stomachs, or noses. Just ignore it" Taye said grabbing her so they could exit out the bathroom.

"You dance?" Taye asked. "Not really" I answered already seeing the look in Taye's eyes I know she wanted to dance. "Well look lets get a few shots and make our way to the dance floor"

Taye took about three or four shots of Goose and decided to only stick with two. I don't want to get two drunk out here. 

We made it to the dance floor and danced to ILoveMakonnen's song Tuesday. "Got the club going up! Ayee, on a Tuesday. Got your girl in the cut and she choosey!" I sang along as Taye twerked on me. Taye could dance really good and by the stares we was getting she had a lot of guys being choosey. 

As we danced some more a guy tapped Taye on the shoulders and they talked for a few. "Want to go to VIP?" she asked. "Yeah I guess" I answered not knowing what to expect from it. 

The mystery guy lead us to VIP on the second floor were it looked like people were having their own private exclusive party. I can tell Taye and I looked a little out of place from all the stares we were getting. Most of the girls in VIP were skinny with huge fake boobs and asses. Taye and I were super thick and nothing on us looked fake except our hair. 

"Ladies I'm Ant and this my mans Solo" Ant said introducing him and his friend. Oh great I suppose I'm supposed to be a wing man. "I just want to know where the two of yall came from, yall don't look like yall from around here" Solo said looking at me with lust. I tried to look away but could feel his eyes still burning a hole threw me. 

"Well I'm from Tallahassee and my girl here from Detroit" she said speaking for us. "Yall aint got no little boyfriends" Ant asked licking his lips. I saw the thirst in his eyes and Taye's and stopped myself from laughing. The chemistry was obvious. "I'm single" Taye answered. 

"What you can't speak?" Solo asked giving me those eyes again. "Yeah I can speak. I don't have a little boyfriend but I do have a husband" I said proudly.  

Solo gave me a disgusted look and went back to his phone. The rest of the time we where there Ant and Taye flirted. I sat bored waiting to go home. A few guys in VIP tried to talk to me but I kept telling them I was taken. 

"I just want to know how can someone as fine as you be out in a club without your man. He not worried about you or what he not taking care of home" Solo asked sitting across from me. I finally got to take a look at this man and everything about him screamed run and run fast girl. He reminded me a lot of James. 

Tall, somewhere around six'two with light brown eyes that were hypnotizing if you looked at him for too long. The Burberry button shirt he wore clung to his muscles and hid the tattoos I could see poking out on his neck and hands. His wardrobe looked expensive and the chain he wore around his neck looked like money. 

"My man is not worried about me because he knows I can handle myself when I go out and trust me he taking care of home real good" I said smirking at him. "You know if you was my woman..." Solo began but I cut him off. "See their go your first mistake I'm not your woman" I said giving him attitude. 

"Not yet anyway" he said smirking at me. "Ayee Ant we need to get up out of here. See you around" he said winking at me. "I doubt it" I said rolling my eyes. 

Taye came back over to me stumbling and I knew it was time for us to go. "Can you drive?" she said handing me her keys. I took them and had a bouncer walk us to the car, I guess she can spend a night at our house. 


After going through the waterworks with Justice he called his friend Eliza up to the mall to help me find something to wear. Eliza used to be real big but she lost a lot of weight over the years, and she can dress her ass off. 

Instead of staying at the mall Eliza took me to a few boutiques to find something to wear. We ended up finding me a pair of cute high waisted shorts with a YSL top to go with it, and matching sandals. When we got back to my house she did my hair and and even put a little make up on me. 

"Girl if you ever have any trouble finding something to wear just call me. I used to have the same problems but then I started to look at other stores besides the ones in the mall they dont always cater to our kind. Plus Nessa you not big just hipty" She said giving me a hug and her number. 

I was so happy Justice had a friend like her or else I would have been miserable. "Thanks Jus" I said giving him a hug. "You good sis but let me take a nap before I take you to your orientation aight" I agreeded and went to go shower. 

An hour later we were picking up Nisha so we could head out. I havent really talked to her since the other day and don't plan on it. "Hey Ness" Nisha said getting in the car. I looked out the window ignoring her. 

She tried to talk to me the whole time but I only acted like she didnt exsist. We pulled up to the school and Justice stopped us before we got out. "Ayee before yall go into that school talk and squash this beef its petty" he said thumping both of us. 

We got out the car and just looked at each other. "Look Ness I'm sorry but you should be too" Nisha started and I looked at her like she was crazy I had nothing to be sorry for. "You always uptight and catching attitudes. You never want to just hang out or have fun its like somebody stuck a broom up your ass" 

"Well maybe I wouldnt act that way if my cousin actually cared about my feelings and not just dick. I'm always covering for you or catching heat for you. You never look out for me anymore or have my back. We not close like we used to be..." I said getting teary eyed. Nisha was too and I knew it was time for us to stop fighting. 

"I'm sorry sis I'll do better I promise" Nisha said giving me a hug. I hugged her back and promised to do better too. 

I guess were making a start...

***Sorry for the overdue update I had major WRITERS BLOCK. Hope you guys enjoy***


xoxo Trice. 

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