Loving You Tonight

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I woke up out of bed looking a mess. My hair was all over the place and I had a slight hangover. "Well look who is finally up, Beauty" Teddy said getting in bed and handing me a water bottle and Tylenol. 

"Thank you baby, I need it" I said taking the water and swallowing the pills. "So umm why is your friend on our couch passed out. What kind of night did you guys have?" Teddy asked suspiciously. I didn't care though because if he would have came home looking like me I would have grilled the shit out of him. 

"We had a few drinks last night and she got super drunk so I let her crash here. I didn't feel like dropping her off last night especially with liquor in my system" I said laying back down. 

Teddy cuddled up in bed with me and it felt good to be able to lay with him. "You ready for our little girl to come home tomorrow?" Teddy asked rubbing my back. Oh shit I completely forgot my baby was coming home. I still have not even got the bed for her room or the tablet I was going to surprise her with. 

"Damn baby I forgot can you run to the store and get a few things for me" I asked. "Naw baby I got to run some errands of my own for the job" he said getting out the bed. 

I just rolled my eyes and pulled the cover over my head. "Baby I'm sorry, you know I always have to be available to the job" he said trying to pull the covers off me. "Teddy leave me the hell alone" I yelled making him back off. 

Whatever I had it up to here with him and this leaving bullshit, I'll just go back to sleep and then go shopping. 


First day of school jitters suck ass. I feel like a freshmen all over again. I guess I'm just excited that I'll be graduating in a few months and done with highschool. For the past week things have been getting better too thanks to Justice. 

Nisha and I been cool and she apologized for her behavior. My moms been off my case and of course Justice been putting money in my pocket. He also got me hired at this store called Torrids in the mall and I'm super excited because they have really cute clothes that are my size. 

"Nessa bring yo biscuit head ass downstairs I need to get to work" Justice yelled from the kitchen. I finished putting on my earrings and took one extra look in the mirror. Although I decided to dress casual I was still cute. I put on a pair of collegiate Love Pink joggers with a Love Pink shirt to match and my black and white converse to finish the outfit off. The salon gave me fresh underbraid cornrows that went down to my back and the hoop earrings I wore set it off. I grabbed my Nike book bag and ran down the stairs. 

"Don't you look nice little one" Justice said rubbing my head. "Stop you gone mess up my hair. Where momma at?" I asked eating a banana. "I have no clue she left early this morning all dressed up"

We walked to the car and I sent Nisha a text message letting her know we were on our way.


"Last night was fun, I'm sorry I got too drunk" Taye said sitting up on the couch. "It's cool girl besides that creep trying to talk to me I had fun" I said making her some coffee. 

"Girl whatever that creep was Solo, although you got a man you should be honored he tried to hit on you. Solo don't just try to talk to just any girl, he go for the best of them" Taye said grabbing her coffee. "Ugh hello married women over here. I don't care about no damn Solo Dolo or whatever his name is. If he ain't Teddy then I don't care for him" I said snapping my fingers. 

Taye just laughed and shook her head. "I'm just letting you know stay away from him, he bad news in Miami. Plus whatever he wants he gets. But look I'ma get up out of here and take a shower. Thanks again for going out with me and letting me crash here" Taye said giving me a hug and leaving. 

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