Yes daddy! (Larry&Ziall story)


413K 8.5K 1.9K

This is the story about two humans stuck in the hands of to vampire/aliens. Will the humans accept their fate... More

Yes daddy! (Larry&Ziall story)
Chapter 1 (Louis)
Chapter 2 (Louis)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
not an update
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Insanity AN
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Hi guys! AN
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Hey guys Part 31

Chapter 19

9.9K 286 51

(Niall's p.o.v)
The next morning was strange to say at least. Zayn was so nice to me and he fed me my bottle in bed gently and then got me dressed in a small sailor suit with feet. I didn't like it too much but Zayn found me adorable and just "had to" squeeze me half to death. After I was fed and dressed I was carried to Zayn's art studio. The studio was painted in plain colours with soft lightning but still a messy hasty atmosphere. I had never been in there before but it was messy, to say at least. There were paintings everywhere and paint EVERYWHERE! Paint on the floor! The walls! The ceiling (how did he get paint on the ceiling?) Zayn said that he liked the mess around him, it soothed him.

Then he had showed me my corner. You heard me right. He had put together a corner for me on the room with a small light blue table, blocks of papers, crayons, water paints, paint brushes, finger paint and so much more! I couldn't even name it all. I was sat down on the soft chair in front of the table and I looked at everything in amazement. I then looked up at Da-Zayn and he kissed my forehead softly.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly.

"Thank you.." I breathed and looked at the papers and paint. I used to have a small pack of crayons, that I shared with my little sister but nowhere near this much!

"Can Daddy have a hug?" He asked and I reached my arms up instantly. He kneeled down until he was in my height and hugged me to his chest. I smiled a little and felt all fussy and warm in his arms it was wonderful but strange at the same time. I actually liked being hugged by him. He had told me he loved me after all and I had called him Daddy last night. I barely remember that, only that I was so scared and Daddy saved me.

Slowly but surely he released me from his arms with a promise to be right back. He exited the room and left me on my own. I looked back down on my stack of papers and pulled out one. I took up some squishy pink think and dragged it against the paper, nothing happened and I pouted. What's wrong with this? Is it maybe white coloured? I put the squishy thing down and took another paper, a red one. I took up the squishy thing again and rubbed it on the red paper, no white came out, very strange.. I slowly put the squishy thing away and took up a crayon instead. At least I know how to deal with crayons. I began drawing mindlessly on the white paper, watching the colour make flowers, grass and a sky.

After a few more minutes the door opened and Zayn came in with another boy in his arms. I turned around to get a better look at the obvious human boy, wait. That's Louis! What's Louis doing here? Why didn't Zayn tell me? Louis peeked up from Zayn's shoulder and looked down at me. He gave me a tiny smile and waved a little.

"Louis Daddy is working so Louis going to stay here for a few hours." Zayn said softly and pulled another little chair over to my table. He sat Louis down on the chair and stroked his hair. "So you two play nice, okay?"

"Okay." Louis said quietly and reached for a paper. Zayn stroked his hair and walked to his own wooden structure with a half done painting on. I frowned a little and looked down at my paper, Daddy didn't stroke my hair! I looked up at Louis, what was so special with him? He was wearing suspender jeans with a baby blue shirt underneath and his hair was done into a wispy mess across his forehead. He had a blue dummy bobbing between his lips and I frowned. He looked like such a baby! Louis noticed me staring at looked at me with his blue innocent eyes.

"Wanna paint wif me?" He asked behind his dummy and smiled at me.

I shook my head and went back to my painting. I didn't want to paint with Louis, why would I? He's just a stupid baby. I continued to paint mindlessly and ignored Louis completely. He pouted a little but I didn't care. After an hour or two of painting Zayn came over and kneeled down between me and Louis. He looked at our drawings and smiled.

"Those are really pretty, boys! Niall I really like the grass, and Lou, look at that car! It looks super quick!" He said and picked me up, letting me sit on his knee. Louis giggled and blushed a little. "Who's up for a little snack?"

Louis nodded and Zayn got up, holding me with one arm and holding Louis hand with his other hand. He walked down to the kitchen with us and Louis looked around a lot, taking in the autumn coloured hallway, living room and the country themed kitchen. I was sat down on the counter and Louis was lifted into my highchair. Zayn walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't move, don't fall down and hurt yourself, okay?" He whispered and I nodded. Zayn walked to the fridge to prepare our snacks and I glared at the back of Louis stupid head. He was lightly kicking his legs and looking at the hologram window that we had. I still didn't understand hologram but I didn't want to ask anymore, it worked at least. And it was showing off a beautiful frozen forest so it made me happy, even if I still was sceptical of being out in the snow.

Zayn came with two small plates of applesauce. He picked me up and carried me to the table. He sat down next to Louis with me in his lap. I curled into Zayn and put my legs up on his thigh. He cooed at me and gave Louis his applesauce. He then gently began feeding me little spoons of the sauce. I ate calmly and was a little annoyed with how slow Zayn was feeding me but endured it. Louis didn't get fed, haha! And he was making a mess of himself with applesauce all over his hands, chin and the rest of his face.

When we both were done eating I was carried to the livingroom and sat down on a newly bought playmat. It was really soft and there was no bars around it so I really liked the mat. Zayn ruffled my hair and walked back to the kitchen to deal with Louis. I sat quietly on the mat and looked around. Jane was left upstairs in Daddy's bed and I missed her. Jane always played with me when Daddy was busy. Now I was alone on my playmat and I could hear Louis laughter and giggles from the kitchen. I just don't get why Louis is happy? Does he actually like the diapers, helplessness, the vampires?

Zayn came out with a freshly washed Louis in his arms. The human was plonked down next to me on the playmat and Zayn kissed my forehead before going up to his artroom, or whatever it is called. I looked after him and barely noticed Louis reached for a soft plush ball that was next to him until he poked me with it. I glared at him quietly and he bit his lip.

"It's not too bad." He whispered and hugged the ball in his hands. "What village are you from?"

"Iwland, SV12." I answered quietly and fiddled with my hands, hating the humiliating slur.

"SV12?" Louis asked and frowned.

"Souf village numbeh' 12." I said with a sigh.

"Oh, well, England, Doncaster." Louis said and gave me the ball. "How bad was yours?"

"Bad." I answered shortly, I didn't feel like sharing life stories with him.

"My village was positive to the vampires. My biggest wish was to be taken." Louis said and laid down on his stomach, reaching for yet another toy. "And Daddy came and took me home. My Daddy is very nice. Uncle Zayn is nice too."

"Daddy made me hand'capped." I slurred quietly. Louis looked at me and I opened my mouth to show the little plastic thing I had against the roof of my mouth. His eyes widened and he sat up. Curious fingers trailed into my mouth and pressed against the thing. It didn't hurt when I pressed at it anymore, just felt a bit dry and scratchy. Louis bit his lip and ran his finger along the edge, lightly touching the roof of my mouth. His fingers were soft and weird but I kinda liked it. His fingers slid out and I closed my mouth slowly and blushed. My blush copied onto his cheeks and I giggled. Louis looked kinda cute actually, all rosy and fluffy haired. I carefully reached my hand up to put his hair. I shuffled closer and carefully stroked the soft strands of wispy brown hair. It was soft to my touch and I loved it. Louis hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He was a few centimeters taller than me and I shuffled up his lap where he was sitting on his knees. I straddled his lap and continued playing and exploring his hair. Louis was cute, really cute, I can understand why he was taken as a baby.

"Your hands feel good." Louis breathed and put his head on my chest, his arms sneaked around my waist and held me close. "I like it."

"I like it too, your hair is soft." I whispered and continued to play in his thick hair.

"Boys?" A voice said from the other side of the room and Louis looked up quickly. Zayn was standing behind the couch and looking down at us with a raised eyebrow. Louis quickly pushed me off his lap and I fell back with a squeak but managed to balance myself. Louis scooted to the other end of the playmat. "Lou, it's okay, I'm not mad." Zayn continued and walked over to us, he picked me up and sat me on the couch, then sat Louis next to me. He kneeled down in front of us and started talking again. "You don't have to think that touching is wrong. It's alright, and it's adorable."

Louis looked a little teary and curled up. Zayn sat down between us and sat us in his lap so we sat on a leg each with our legs between his. I leaned against Zayn whilst Louis just sat there looking guilty.

"How do I cheer you up, hm?" Zayn asked and hugged us both. "Make a bottle, cookies and a movie would help?"

Louis did brighten up at the sound of cookies. The only time I had gotten a cookie was when I was about five and we were given a box of them on Human day. We were sat down on the couch and Daddy crouched down in front of me.

"Baby you can't have a cookie sadly since you are only allowed fluids for the next week, okay?" He said and my shoulders sagged a bit. "But I will flavour your bottle like apple pie, is that okay?"

I nodded quietly and Daddy got up. He walked over to the kitchen and Louis looked over at me with a little frown. I undid a button on my onesie and showed him a taped surgery cut on my upper belly. It was close to my chest and it was round with a big clear tape over it. His eyes widened and I buttoned my onesie quietly.

"Got sick and got sudewy." I said quietly.

"What's that?" He asked and tilted his head a little.

"S when dey open you up, with a knife." I said and rubbed my tummy a little. "Didn't huwt, I was 'sleep."

"Oh." He whispered and picked up his abounded dummy from the couch. He popped it into his mouth and sucked on it quietly. I leaned back against the sofa and waited for Zayn, which didn't take long. He was back soon with two bottles and two cookies on a plate. He gave the cookies Nd one of the bottles to Louis. He sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap and turned on the TV. He found an animated movie for us to watch and began feeding me my bottle. It was delicious and not what I usually would get. I could taste warm apples and cinnamon. The bottle made me feel warm and I closed my eyes, oblivious to what happened on screen. I could hear Louis giggle from time to time but was too busy with my bottle to care. Before I knew it I was asleep, curled up in Zayn's arms.

When I woke up an hour later Zayn hadn't moved. He was still sitting with me on the couch and holding me. I sucked on the soft fabric in my mouth mindlessly and rested against Zayn's chest. Wait, fabric? I opened my arms and found out that I was sucking on a little piece on the sleeve of Zayn's plaid shirt. I spit it out quickly and made a 'ew' sound. Zayn chuckled at me and stroked my hair. I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"That's a very scary look and was your idea, sleepy head." He mumbled and I blushed. "I just put my arm over your chest since you kept pulling on my fingers in your sleep."

Thank god I hadn't put his fingers in my mouth! That would be disgusting! I frowned and looked away from him, spotting Louis beautifully asleep against the side of the couch with his mouth open and his head tipped to the side, his little hands had hid between his thighs and he was curled up. I used to sleep like that too, to keep my hands warm during winter. I turned my gaze away from him and spotted the TV where the animated movie was running. It was about a lot of bigs cats, no no cats, lions! Yes lions, Zayn had showed me lions once. He said that they used to be kept in cages but were released now.

"Is your nappy wet?" Daddy asked me and I whimpered quietly. I shook my head quietly and was moved to a better position on his lap. He gently began to rub my stomach and I whimpered, batting at his hand. Of course it didn't work, it never works and the pressure just got worse. Soon enough the pee began to trickle into the nappy and I teared up.

When I was done peeing Daddy picked me up and carried me to the nursery to get me changed into a new fresh nappy. I knew Louis had a nappy too, I had felt it underneath me when I was sat on his lap. That made me feel just a little better about the situation. I wiped at my wet eyes and tried to stay calm whilst I was changed.

"Why I gotta have nappy?" I asked quietly as I was picked up and carried downstairs.

"Because you are a baby." Zayn said and hugged me to his chest. "Babies can't use the big boys toilet."

I huffed angrily and was sat down on the couch again. I laid down on my side and stretched out so a daddy couldn't sit next to me. When he walked upstairs again I smiled in triumph.

I watched the movie until Louis woke up with a stretch. I crawled over to him and squeezed down next to him. He giggled and turned around to face me, wrapping his wiry arms around my body. I wrapped my arms around him too and smiled.

"You sleep long." I said and he blushed a little.

"I'm up now!" He said. "Can we do somefing fun?"

He had a really small baby slur coming on, it almost sounded normal in my ears now and it was definitely cute! I nodded and Louis sat up, looking down at me.

"I wanna paint 'gain." He said and got up from the couch.

"Daddy's up, no distu'bin." I said and sat up, watching Lou. Truth was I'd rather be with Lou then Daddy.

"Oh." Louis said and thought a little. He walked over to the toy chest and looked around. "What's this?"

He pulled out my xylophone and put it on the playmat. Zayn had told me it's name a few days ago. Louis took the little drumstick and carefully hit the light blue bar. It made a clinging noise and he giggled. Louis then stood up and skipped over to the couch. He put his arms around me and picked me up. I squeaked and bit my lip, gripping his denim straps. My feet nudged the floor and he gently sat me down on my butt. He then released me and walked back to the xylophone. I crawled after him and sat down next to him by the xylophone. He played a few notes and I giggled.

For lunch we had hamburgers, or Louis and Daddy had hamburgers and I had a bottle, it was purple though and tasted like blueberries so I was still happy. After lunch we played some more and drew a little. When it was time for Louis to go home I was really sad.

"Wanna stay." Louis whined but clutched Uncle Harry's jacket. "Please Daddy? Stay a little?"

"No Lou come on, we can come back and play another day." Uncle Harry said and stroked his hair.

Louis pouted and looked at me. I pouted to and looked at Daddy. He shook his head calmly.

"It's time for Louis to go home." Zayn said softly and I squirmed angrily.

Louis wrenched out of his Daddy's grip and came to pick me up. Louis was pretty strong from working in his village and he hiked me up on his hip and "ran away" into the house. It was more like jogging since I was pretty heavy for him. I clutched onto Louis with both arms and legs to help the weight a little. He got up to the nursery and carried me to the crib. He laid me down on my tummy and I crawled in under the crib. He followed me in and we squeezed together tightly.

"I don't wanna go home." Louis whispered and clutched my hand awkwardly. He was so close to me that I could hear his breathing clearly. We could both fit in and lay there on our sides and I managed to squeeze in my right arm around Louis and hold him close.

"Don't want you to go 'way." I whispered and put my forehead against his.

"We can stay here forever and they will never find us!" Louis giggled and I smiled happily.

"Fohevah." I whispered happily. "Like that."

The nursery door creaked open and we both stilled and hushed each other.

"Oh where have my Louis gone?" Uncle Harry sighed sadly. "I can't find him Zayn! He's lost!"

"Oh no!" Zayn said sadly and sat down in the rocking chair. "I guess well have that sleepover all by our selves!"

I frowned a little, sleepover? They were having a sleepover. I looked questioningly at Louis who shrugged in response and hugged my hand.

"With all the candy and fun games!" Uncle Harry said and sat down on the floor. "With Tyler too! He's going to be so disappointed!"

"Tyler?" Louis whispered and then his eyes widened. I frowned again, who was Tyler?

"Hey Shh!" Uncle Harry said and laid down. "I think I heard a noise!

He looked in under the crib and spotted us. He smiled at us both and then gently eased Louis out. Louis whined and reached for me. Louis was out aside and Uncle Harry pulled me out too.

"What's this?" Zayn gasped and walked over to us. "That's two babies that I haven't seen before."

He sat down and pulled me into his lap. I pouted at him and he pulled at my lip and then squished my cheek.

"Wait this is my baby!" He said with a smile and I pouted more, rubbing my innocent cheek that hadn't done anything wrong. He placed a smacking kiss onto my other cheek and I made a grumpy noise. "I haven't seen you in a hundred years!"

He hugged me to his chest and chuckled softly, kissing my head. Louis was getting the same treatment as me over in his Daddy's lap.

"So what do you two say about a sleepover this weekend, hm? Is it a good idea?" Uncle Harry asked and Louis squealed happily.

"With Tyler!" He said and bounced in his Daddy's lap. "Yeah, great idea!"

I nodded a little and leaned against Zayn, watching Lou a little. He was so happy all the time! I wish I was that happy. I looked up at Zayn a little and then back at Lou.

After Louis and his Daddy had left Zayn curled up in the sofa with me and held me close. I allowed him to cuddle me and stayed silent. I hadn't said a word since Louis left and Zayn wasn't pushing me to do so.

"I'm happy that you and Louis get along." Zayn mumbled softly and stroked my hair out of my face. "Do you like Louis?" I nodded quietly and looked up at him. I did like Louis, a lot. Kinda how my mum loved my Dad.

"Louis is happy." I whispered. "I wanna be happy."

"Louis is happy because he trusts his Daddy to make the right choices for him." Zayn said softly. "You don't trust me, you don't like me, sweetie, not as much as you need to do to be happy. You aren't letting go of your former life, that's why you are sad and grumpy all the time. You can't accept what's happening to you. I understand that and respect that you might need some time to trust me."

I looked at him for a long time, I wanted him to take care of me in one way but still leave me alone. I wanted to go home but not really. Of course I miss my family but they didn't really take care of me the way Zayn did.

"Let's do this in baby steps sweetie." Zayn mumbled and broke my line of thought. "First of, can you call me Daddy?"

"Daddy." I whispered and looked up at him. Daddy smiled proudly at me and I smiled back.

Quick AN, please comment more, it really means a lot to me :) And why this part is so late is because I had problems with uploading by the site and had to download the adamant app instead! Oh yeah, picture of Jane is attached to this part hope you like it!

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