Someone Special (Male Reader...

By Rubyfanguy12

399K 6.1K 9.7K

(This story was written before SCP-166's File was changed on the website) SCP-166 (The Teenage Succubus): SCP... More

The SCP Foundation
Containment Breach
Splitting Up
The Escape
Living a Better Life
🍋 A New Addition 🍋
Figuring Things Out
Getting in the Facility
Storming the Castle
Sins of the Father
Special Thanks

An Experimental Play Date

44.3K 630 2K
By Rubyfanguy12


I woke up the next morning to the sound of a loud ass buzzer. I slept pretty well, minus the bed. I had a good dream about Serena and I hanging out and reading books. The lights came on quickly in my tiny cell. The bed wasn't at all comfortable, really shitty, 2 out of 10 if you ask me. A knock came to my door.

"Who is it?" I called out, curious to who it was.

"It's Connor. I brought you breakfast and some new clothes to wear." I looked down, picking my shirt up to my nose. I sniffed it and much to my surprise, it reeked. Did I smell like that yesterday? Surely not. The door opened to Connor in his usual armored soldier attire, holding a tray. On the tray, was a bowl of Cheerios, and a glass with a large pint of milk on the side. under the bowl, was a smaller sized orange jumpsuit. He walked in.

"What's up? Question, were you sent by CyberLife by any chance?" I asked him, making a small reference to a certain game I got for free on a certain month. Thank you PlayStation Plus.


"Don't.... worry about it." He didn't get it.....But that's okay.. Uncultured swine..

"Whatever. I brought you some Cheerios and some milk for breakfast. I also brought you your own official jumpsuit for testing." Connor said, setting the tray down on the desk across from my bed. He lifted the bowl, taking the jumpsuit out from under it. He handed it to me.


"I'll turn around." He turned his back to me as I took off my own clothes and put on the jumpsuit. It wasn't horrible. It wasn't that comfortable either. But what do you expect from a secret testing facility? I got up from my bed and sat down at the table. I opened the pint of milk and poured it in my bowl of cereal and my glass. I started eating.

"So the plan for today is more walking around, checking on things, which you will be helping me with. Then, later in the afternoon, we will be testing with SCP-166 again.... Also, the test with SCP-173 has been moved to today instead of tomorrow, so it looking forward to seeing how that goes."



"Call her Serena. That's her name. Please call her that."

"Sorry, kid, but I don't listen to the ramblings of a minor to a classified entity." He shrugged as I sighed heavily.

"You guys treat the creatures here like trash, you know that?" I asked him, taking another bite.

"Well, we treat the people here like that too, but I don't hear them complaining."

"That's because you basically kill them by putting them in your experiments."

"You're not wrong kid... You're not wrong. Hurry up and eat, we got shit to do." I sighed again, eating a bit faster. When I got done, he and I left the shit in the room as we went out in the hallway. We went to the right this time, instead of the left, being the longer part of the hallway we were in. We passed through a door into what seemed to be a general lounge for the employees for this sector. Connor went into the closet towards the back of the lounge, coming out with a mop and a bucket of soapy water.

"Okay. You're going to mop the floor as I eat my breakfast." Connor said, walking over and pulling some milk out of the fridge and grabbing some cereal out of the cabinet above him. He already had a bowl out in front of him.

"Wait Wait Wait. You expect me to do regular house chores while you eat breakfast?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah. I still need to eat my breakfast as well as you do. Plus, this place needs to be cleaned up a bit. I'll help out with the counters and table once I'm done eating. Either way, it's not like you can do anything in the meantime. The test with.... Serena... isn't until later today, so this is something to pass the time I guess." I only sighed in annoyance and started mopping the place up. After about 30 minutes or so, he finally got done with his cereal. He got up, picked his bowl and spoon up, and went to the sink to clean them off. Afterwards, he put everything away in their usual place and got some wipes to wipe down the table and counter of anything. Another 30 minutes of cleaning later, the room looked basically spotless. All of the cleaning supplies were put away and I was already done with today... fuck the test... I'm already tired... Suddenly, a call came to Connor's walkie. I wasn't able to make out what the words were. He picked up his walkie and asked whoever was on there to repeat what they said. They did so in his ear.

"Understood, I'll bring him immediately." He said looking at me. He put the walkie back on his belt and walked over to me.


"It's your lucky day. They decided to run the test with you early today."

"YESSSSSSS!" I yell in excitement. I quickly ran out of the room after pressing the button to the door. I ran down the hallway as fast as I could, taking a left at the corner. I stood and waited for Connor to come by with the card to open the door. I heard his footsteps get closer and closer to me. When he got to me, he sighed.

"Jeez, kid. Can you act any less excited?"

"Nope! I am totally stoked about seeing Serena again." I said as he scanned the card over the scanner. I pressed the button and ran down the hall to the next door. He went into the next room and grabbed a gas mask from inside, coming to me. I put it on and went in. After the long walk to her cell, we walked up to the door in which the control room was held. He and I walked in the room. I quickly zipped to the window and saw Serena reading a book, unaware of my presence. The scientists were at their normal spots. Chief Elazar stood there, waiting for our arrival.

"You ready to do some testing.. For science...?" She asked.

"God you sound like someone familiar from a video game... oh well.. Can I go into her cell this time?" I asked her immediately after she finished speaking.

"I talked to Dr. Bright. He said after the results of your last experiment, you are allowed in, as long as she does not come out."

"YESSSSS! Today just got a billion and one times better." I said to myself. I went to the door of the control room, awaiting its opening.

"You ready?"

"Yep!" I said cheerfully. Elazar pressed the button, opening the first door. I walked through before the door closed back up. I walked along the tiny corridor, looking through the glass. Then, the next door opened... to her cell. She must've been so entranced in her book, that she didn't notice the door even open. I peeked in with just my head. She sat against the bookcase. I realized that it was safe and walked in. The feel of the room changed... it didn't feel right... it felt... lonely.. The door quickly shut behind me with a loud metallic sound. Serena suddenly jumped and lifted her head in shock of the loud noise that rang throughout her room. Her eyes quickly locked onto mine. I simply gave her a warm smile.

"H-Hey Serena." I said, scratching my right arm with my left. It was a bit embarrassing to be in the same room with a naked girl, but this was technically for science...

She dropped her book on the ground and stood up quickly without saying anything.

"I guess this is kinda weird.. Having a guy in the same room with you that doesn't wanna do anything to you, huh?" I scratched the back of my neck. She nodded, looking down a bit.

"Don't worry. Remember... We're friends.. I meant what I said yesterday. I won't do anything to harm you." I smiled. She looked up at me.



"C-Can... I....... hug you?" She said with a shy expression.

"W-W-What?!" A naked girl wants to hug me? God, if you're real, then this must be a sign.

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" She turned around, putting her hands on her face. She hasn't had much personal interaction with boys yet, even with me yesterday. She doesn't really know what to do around me, since I don't go psycho on her. I sighed with a smile. She may be a succubus, but she definitely doesn't act like one from what I know.

"Sure... I-If you'd like..." I said walking closer to her. She turned around and showed her slightly red face. She walked towards me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. Her arms went around my neck. My face went totally red. I cannot believe this is happening. I could feel her smaller sized chest against mine... She wasn't flat... but she wasn't like... big. I'd say she was a larger sized A-Cup at best. Jeez, why am I even talking about that... Anyway, we embraced for a minute or two. I could feel the years of confinement and loneliness within her hug. I held her tighter as I felt wetness on my back. Was she.... crying? After another minute, we let each other go as she dried her tears up with her fingers.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Mhm. Sorry, I just got kind of emotional there... I... don't know why." She smiled at me.

"It's alright. I can understand why..."

"Yeah..." She looked down, but then looked back at me.

"Hey wanna read some books? Most of them are religious books and magazines though."

"It's cool. Sure!" I said as she and I went over to her book case and looked through some books and magazines. We picked a few out and talked about some neat things in them and had a great time.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked her.


"Why are you always naked?" My face went a bit red when I asked her that question.

"Well, I can't wear most clothing for more than 45 minutes or I'll start getting really bad pain everywhere. I get like, rashes and sores."

"Ohhhh.. That makes SO MUCH more sense." My brain finally clicked on her answer.

"Is it weird that I don't wear clothing?"

"Well yes, but actually no."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it is weird for girls to randomly be naked. You're just a special case since you literally can't wear clothing without getting sores. Plus, it's kinda weird for me cause I've never seen a girl my age naked before.... And being in the same room with one is really...." After saying that, an idea came to my head, but I still had to think about it.


"Yeah..." I sighed. She giggled a little bit.

"I hope I'm not an inconvenience for you."

"Oh, no. I'm getting used to it..."

"That's good."

"I... have an idea. It may be dumb as hel-heck, but I wanna try it. It'll involve clothing. Can you handle it?" I asked her. The idea from earlier finally got to me.

"It depends on the clothing. If it's heavy, then the sores and rashes will come quicker."

"It'll only take a couple minutes." I explained. She put her hand to her chin and thought.

"Sure. I trust you." She tilted her head with a smile.

"Good." I stood up and went to where the window to the control room was.

"Can you open the door? I need to speak with you guys for a second." I spoke. Elazar nodded as I walked to the slowly opening door. I walked through and then went through the other door as the one behind me closed.

"How was being in the same room as her?" One of the scientists asked me.

"I.. It felt... isolated... I felt the feeling of being alone with no one to share feelings with... a void almost..." I answered as she wrote on her clipboard.

"What do you wish to speak about, kid?" Elazar asked me.

"I have an idea. This might sound dumb, but I want to run a test with clothing on her."

"We've already done clothing tests." A scientist jutted in.

"Maybe not what I'm thinking about."

"What are you thinking about?" Connor asked me

"Hear me out.... What if when she wears clothing, her 'powers' get suppressed by magnitude and radius?"

"What?" Elazar was unclear.

"My hypothesis is, if she is to wear certain clothing for a brief period of time, then her aphrodisiac powers would be suppressed to those around her for that same amount of time."

"I've never thought about that...."

"And Connor can be our guinea pig."

"What?!" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"You can feel her presence from here, can you?"

"Yes.... I was trained to hold back the feeling, but I can."

"Exactly, What if we get different types of clothing and let her try them on for a small period of time, then see how he reacts?" I suggested.

"You're smarter than you look, kid. I'll give you that." Chief Elazar pushed up her glasses.

"Why thank you, Chief." I said with a smug smile.

"You, get some different types of clothing. Modern clothing, science clothing, whatever, make sure they're all different weights." She ordered one of the scientists. The scientist quickly scurried out of the room.

"I hope you know what you're doing, boy."

"Have faith in me, aight?"

"Now, can you explain how the hell you are able to just walk in without wanting to fuck her senseless?"  Connor asked.

"I... Uhhh.. I don't know.... I don't know if it's just me, or just my age group. I'm the only child test subject, correct?" I looked up at Chief Elazar.

"Affirmative. You're the only child subject in Site-19."

"Alright, so we can't rule out that I'm the only one immune..."

"I still don't understand how you can just not feel it."

"I mean, I get a little bit horny due to her just being naked and all, but like, I don't feel like an absolute urge to do anything weird with her. I still don't know much about her." I explained.

"So how is she?" Elazar asked me.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Like, her body type, personality, how she speaks.. things like that..." She elaborated on the subject to make it clearer.

"Hmmmm Well, for one thing, she doesn't act like any succubus I've seen in anime or games. Most of the one's I've seen worship the devil and are cum-thirsty Thot demons." I started. Connor started laughing.

"That was a good one." He said, playfully punching my shoulder.

"She's more innocent and very kind. I feel like she doesn't like being a succubus. She hates her powers and what it does to people. She wants to live a normal life as a girl... I feel it.... I wish she didn't have those powers so she can go out and explore the world for herself instead of being stuck in here."

*Connor's POV*
I saw it in the boy's eyes. He had the same look as I did when I wanted Iris out of confinement back at Site-17. When I looked at him... I replaced his face with mine... and it fit perfectly to what I was before. I wish I could help him, but it would go against the rules, and I could get killed. Site-19 is immeasurably more guarded than Site-17. Not only that, how would we get her out with all of the male employees circling about? I felt bad for him...

"I see, so are you saying she doesn't have ill intentions?" Elazar asked.

"Precisely! She hates being a succubus. When I walked into the that room, I felt dread, isolation, and insecurity... Why would she ask for a bible and several religious novels? When I hugged her... I sensed sadness, regret, and overall... Hatred.. killing is a sin in the commandments. She can't help what she does. When you guys send your stupid adult test subjects in, they get murdered by guards in front of her... she's hated herself worse and worse every time you bring a new subject in.. thinking it's her fault. She really hates being stuck in there by herself."

"Interesting... Did you know that In return for her cooperation in her own confinement, she was allowed a 12-hour excursion away from Site-17 to an adjacent uninhabited island no more than once per month, well before the incident?"

"Really?! Can they not do it now, since the incident?"

"No... too risky."

"Alright. Now back to the earlier questions. It's kinda coincidental, but I love her body type. Her hair is really pretty, though a bit too long. Her bust is small, which is a thing I'm into, I guess. And she's just a really kind girl, which is what matters most to me." I shrugged. Suddenly, the scientist came in with several different kinds of clothing. She handed it all to me.

"Alright. Good, now for this to work, you're going to have to stand close to either the door or the window, Connor." I said to him.


"What are you, chicken? Come on and do it, soldier boy."

"Why you little..." The door opened up and I walked through it, the door closing just before Connor got to me. I could hear his heavy and quick breathing. He sure as hell could feel her presence where he was standing.

"Just stay there and hold it, Connor!" The other door opened up and I was once again in Serena's cell. She was back to reading her normal books.

"I'm back, Serena. You ready?" I sat the clothing down on her bed. I didn't understand why she has a bed when cloth messes with her skin... she looked up at me and put her book away, standing up.


"Alright.... You guys ready?!" I yelled out to the people in the control room.

"Affirmative, ready when you are." Elazar spoke through the microphone.

"Yes Ma'am. Alright.. Let's start off with some light and soft material...." I searched through the bundle of clothing to find a normal white t-shirt. I handed it to her and she put it on. I looked throughout the bundle again. It was weird. There were a bunch of different shit in there. From modern clothing to lab stuff. How did that scientist get all of this shit. Then I found a pair of pink panties... I looked away and handed it to her as well. She also put it on. Then I found some Pajama pants, in which I gave to her to put on.

"Anything?!" I yelled to them.

*Chief Elazar's POV*
After hearing the boy's question, I looked over at O'Brian. He seemed to calm down a bit. She's only wearing basic loungewear and it seems that the cutoff of her power has decreased in distance and intensity. Interesting...

"How do you feel, O'Brian?" I asked him.

"I feel.. less horny, actually. Like I still feel it, but not as bad as before." He said.

"Try something heavier." I said through the microphone. I watched the boy take off her clothes again. Connor went back to his heavy breathing.

"Fuck I hate this feeling! Can you hurry it up!" He asked me, trying to hold in the urge the best he could. The boy then helped Serena put on a heavy coat and some jeans. After she got them on, I looked over at Connor to see his status.

"How about now?" I asked him.

"I... don't feel anything. Like I don't feel anything at all. Holy shit! That's... His idea worked. How the hell?"

"It seems we have something new to add to her bio, thanks to him. You may step away from the door, O'Brian." I told him. He walked away and took a deep breath in and out.

"God that was horrible." He complained.

"Oh suck it up."

"Agh!" She grunted in a bit of pain, which got my attention immediately.

"What's wrong? You okay?" I asked her.

"Can I please take take this off? It really hurts." She asked me in a desperate manner. I looked at the window to see in to the control room.

"Are we good!?" I yelled to Elazar.

"Your hypothesis was correct, kid. You are good." She said back through the mic

"Go ahead.. take them off." I said calmly as I helped her take off her clothes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No no no! It's okay. I just can't have on heavy clothing for too long or it will hurt pretty bad. Did you get what you needed? Did your idea work?"

"Yep! Went perfectly."

"That's good. What was the idea, if I may ask?"

"I was thinking, if you were to wear clothing, then your succubus powers would be suppressed depending on how heavy the clothing is. We tried the lightest and the heaviest clothing we had. It all worked out."

"Really?! That's amazing!" She smiled happily, giggling a bit.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you have a bed with sheets when you can't have cloth on your skin?"

"Well, for starters, it's a comfortable place to sit when I wanna read. Another reason is, I love the smell of fresh sheets, so that's a good thing to have in the room. The main reason is... I wanna feel like a normal girl..." She explained, she held her head down in shame, thinking she wasn't normal.

"Hey..." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Huh?" She looked up at me.

"You are normal. You are just like me, and everyone else in the world our age. Don't you forget that. On the outside, you may have these powers, but on the inside, you are a pure-hearted girl with a great mind." I gave her a warm smile. I saw the tears starting to form in her eyes. She quickly hugged me tightly. I slowly hugged her back.



"Thank you..." She started crying again...

"Shhh shhh, there there.. you don't have to thank me. I like spending time with you like this because I care about you." I said, rubbing her back. She quickly pulled away and held her hand over her chest to where her heart was.

"My.. chest feels f-funny." Her face went a bit red.


"I don't know, but... suddenly my heart started beating harder and faster, and I'm getting a warm sensation around my body." I was confused about what she was talking about.... until it clicked. Oh my god... she likes me ... I played it off cool.

"Yeah... uh... that's because.. we're such good friends and you're starting to open up to me more." I tried to keep it from her. In all honesty, I knew she liked me a lot, I was her first friend and all I've done for her was be nice and help her out. I also liked her a lot too, she was cute, very kind and sweet, and just a really cool friend.

"Yeah.. that must be it." She sighed with relief

"Kid, our time is up!" Connor said into the mic.

"Dang it!" I was a bit pissed.

"Hey... it's okay... you can come over tomorrow and we can talk again." She smiled.

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow then." I started walking to the door before she quickly hugged me from behind.

"Thanks again... for everything." She let go as I turned around.. the door opened behind me, but I didn't go through. I quickly leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek. I then ran through the door, then the door to the control room, which then closed behind me.

*Serena's POV*
My eyes widened in shock. His lips touched my cheek.. I held my hand where his lips just were. It... was a weird feeling. My heart pumped faster and my face was heating up. I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed for what he did. It was really confusing. I didn't understand what I was feeling, but it felt nice.... I kind of wanted..... more.. I wanted to talk to him about it too.

I got into the control room and sighed, catching my breath.

"Well done, kid. You added something to her bio, something we didn't think would happen, but it did." Connor said.

"How did you come up with that idea anyway?" Elazar asked me.

"Well, I feel like her power is like a wave, or a particle, or a ray of some kind."

"Like the electromagnetic spectrum kind of wave?"

"Kinda. Like it radiates off of her in all directions at all times. Now, I went back in my mind and thought about alpha particles and beta particles and gamma rays."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Let him speak, O'Brian."

"Alpha particles can be blocked by a few pieces of paper. Beta particles pass through paper but are stopped by aluminum foil. Gamma rays are the most difficult to stop and require concrete, lead, or other heavy shielding to block them, which is why you have her in confinement where guys don't feel it unless they pass through the door that leads into here."

"So what you're saying is, that her aphrodisiac effect radiates off of her like particles and the clothing is what blocks it."

"The weight or density of the clothing controls how much it penetrates."

"O'Brian, you might have brought a upcoming employee. Good work."

"Thanks, I-" suddenly the lights flickered in the facility. The sounds of multiple gunshots were heard from the distance, then... the lights went out.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Elazar panicked, radioing in the people from SCP-173's area... no response.

"Shit! What's happening?" Connor pulled out his gun and his flashlight. I heard Serena scream In fear when the lights went out. Something was definitely wrong.

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