Letting Go

By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

76.4K 2.3K 227

She was the quiet Ravenclaw, but was always teased by Cho Chang. When Cho and her friends are teasing her one... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
chapter 18
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter 21 (part 2)

Chapter Seventeen

2.7K 81 4
By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

Kagome stepped out of the way of a rather irate redhead, watching him storm past her as Hermione ran after him. "Everything alright, Hermione?"

The Golden Princess stopped and turned, huffing in annoyance, she shook her head and threw her hands up in the air. "I don't know...I honestly don't know! Ron and Harry got into a huge fight over Harry being a champion. You know, Ron seems sure that Harry put his name into the Goblet..."

"But he didn't?" Kagome asked, moving out of the way of a couple Gryffindors as they came making their way into the hall. She walked with Hermione beside her.

"Of course not!" Hermione rolled her eyes, "this whole thing is ridiculous!"

"What's got you wound up so tightly, Granger?"

Hermione seemed to turn red as she turned and rounded on a grinning Draco Malfoy, "I'm not interested in anything you have to say right now, Draco!" She turned away from him and stormed off.

Kagome paused, a bit miffed over Draco getting rid of the Gryffindor girl. A thought suddenly hit her and she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Draco, "Since when were the two of you on a first name basis?"

Grayish blue eyes snapped dangerously to Kagome who waved him off, used to such angry looks in Ravenclaw. "I don't care, I just wondered if she even noticed her slip of the tongue." She felt a hand on her back and suddenly the ground was moving towards her faster than she could reach out and stop it. Thankfully, Draco caught her before she hit the floor. Looking to see who had pushed her, he stared angrily into the brown eyes of a Ravenclaw boy he knew by the name of Terry Boot. "What in Merlin's name do you think you're doing, Boot!"

"She was in my way, I simply moved her."

"Maybe next time you could go around." Draco narrowed his eyes at the Ravenclaw.

"You going to make me, Malfoy?" Terry smirked, glancing at Kagome who bowed her head nervously. She was held in Draco's arms and she knew she was safe with him, but Terry Boot was one of the guys who had a thing for Cho. One of the guys who took out his frustrations on Kagome when she upset her, or when Cho couldn't afford to waste the effort of dealing with Kagome herself.

"What's wrong, Kagome, aren't we old friends?"

She felt tears burning in her eyes, "Terry...I've done nothing to Cho...nothing to warrant this..."

Terry leaned over so that he was a nose away, not caring one bit that Draco could hear him. "What if I just wanted to have some fun with you? You seem to be spreading yourself thin enough with all of these Slytherin's, why not share the love?"

That had clearly pushed her too far, as she knocked Draco's arms off of her and lunged forward, punching Terry square in the nose, then again in the jaw. Tears falling relentlessly as Draco tried to grab her and pull her off of the prat.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Another pair of arms helped Draco and he turned to see one of the Weasley twins pulling Kagome off of the Terry. She was kicking the air, her face red, her knuckles touched with blood.

"Boot, get lost!" Draco sneered at him.

"I'll be sure the Professor hears about this!"

A feeling of déjà vu hit Draco hard as he recalled saying something similar about his father in years prior. Shaking his head, he turned to Kagome who was choking on sobs, her shoulders shaking as both the Twins held her as if she were the Weaselette. Draco moved in front of her, brushing her bangs from her eyes, he shook his head and sighed, "Kagome, lets go to Professor Flitwick. If we can talk to him and explain what happened before Terry gets to him..."

"I wasn't wrong!"

"I don't think you were either, but the Professors won't see what you did as justifiable." He scoffed, "regulations and such."

One of the Twins rubbed her gently on the back before George tugged on Draco's sleeve. Pulling him aside, he questioned him for the details of what happened.

The Twins weren't blind to the happenings in school. They saw everything that was going on. From the interactions between the Slytherin Prince and their very own Gryffindor Princess, to the torture and bullying of the young Raven with the broken wings. They watched the students trample all over her wings, until she simply refused to try and fly. When Draco came back, he took Kagome's hand in his and excused himself far more polite than he'd ever been with Gryffindors before.


"You two coming up with more ways to cause trouble?" Hermione muttered as she walked back into the Gryffindor Common Room. Seeing Fred and George huddled in a corner and talking somberly in hushed tones.

"Not right now," Fred was the first to respond to her, he gave a cheeky grin, but it looked off as she noticed it hardly reached his eyes.

"You caught us on our down time,"

"Care to join us?"

She glanced around the Common room, seeing Seamus not too far away, and Parvati was sitting and talking to Ginny...when she didn't see Harry or Ron, she resigned herself to taking a seat with the twins. "So if you aren't trying to find a way past Dumbledore's age line, what horrible creation are your concocting?"

"If you must know," George frowned, "we were discussing a certain fair skinned Raven."

"Wait, stop. Stop, I'm not gossiping about Kagome. She gets enough of that from everyone else, I won't be part of it!"

Fred smirked, "don't misunderstand, Hermione. She's too cute to pick on."

"No, we'd never dream of causing the girl more trouble. Actually, we just came from an altercation between her and a Ravenclaw."

Hermione stood up and turned away suddenly, huffing menacingly as she shook her head, her hair flaring dangerously around her. "When will Cho grow up!"

"Wasn't Cho,"

"What?" She turned to George, "who then!?"

"Terry Boot, she had him straddled and was laying him out flat with her fists."

She slowly sat down and a sad frown found her lips and settled in her eyes, "why? What's he got against Kagome? Wait, she was hitting him?!"

The two shushed her as Parvati and Ginny turned towards the three of them. "Let's keep our voices down, Princess."

George placed an arm over her shoulder and settled a bit closer to her. "Terry basically told her that," he stopped, not sure how to properly word the next part. He looked to his brother.

"He wanted to mess around with her since he thinks she's spreading herself out to the guys in Slytherin house."

"That's horrible!" She stood again, but was quickly pulled back down by George. Fred settled on the other side of her and placed his arm over his brother, both holding her in place now.

"Hermione, as much time you spend in the Library, one might think you'd be more accustomed to speaking softly."

She had the decency to blush and bowed her head, "sorry." She thought silently about what they told her, before she realized exactly why they were huddled together. "You two are planning something, aren't you!" She hissed, looking back and forth between the two identical smirks. Mischievousness practically oozed off of them. Suddenly, she was reminded of one of her favorite childhood stories, a certain Cheshire Cat and it's dubiously naughty nature.

"Even if we were,"

"Not to say that we are," George added quickly.

Fred nodded, "but if we were, we wouldn't say anything to you,"

"You'd only try to stop us."

Sharing a smirk, the twins looked between one another, "...unless..."

Hermione frowned and stood up, the speed and force of which not only knocked their arms off her, but caused them to tumble away from her a bit. Turning around to face them, she sat down on the small table across from them and smirked, "I want to help."


Kagome stood stiffly in the office of one Potions Master, standing beside her was Draco and on the other side of the room was Terry Boot and Professor Flitwik. Professor Snape stood in front of all of them, arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at all of them.

"What seems to be the issue here." Severus Snape draw out, dark eyes boring into the Slytherin and the young woman who was pretty much adopted into the Slytherin House.

"There was a confrontation..." Draco spoke first, trying to get the information out before Terry could open his mouth with a lie.

"Boot here suggested that Kagome was opening her legs for all Slytherins and he wanted his turn." Kagome flinched beside Draco as she shrunk more into herself. She looked to be trying to make herself as small as possible.

"I did no such thing!" Terry yelled from next to Flitwick. He had been mostly healed already, but it looked like he had a small bruise forming on his nose.

"Silence." Snape snapped, narrowing his dark eyes at the male Ravenclaw. He knew for a fact Draco wouldn't lie to him. He knew better.

"Miss Higurashi would you like to tell me your side of the story." The potions master glanced at the small girl standing next to Draco.

"I had been in the hall with Draco when someone pushed me from behind. Boot pushed me saying I was in the way and he just moved me to get out of the way. Draco caught me before I face planted into the ground..." Kagome trailed off eyes glancing down to the stone floor.

"Boot is...friends with Cho..." Kagome paused glancing up at the Potions Professor before continuing, "...when he made a comment on wanting to have some fun...and spreading my legs for the Slytherins and I should share the love." She barely choked the words out as she scooted closer to her Slytherin friend. "After he said that...I hit him." Kagome confessed. She wasn't going to lie. She did hit him and she didn't regret it, "I am tired of everyone pushing me around. I am starting to hate school because of people like him and Cho. I shouldn't have to worry about someone hurting me all the time..."

Kagome trailed off, tears gathering in her eyes. The words just seemed to spew out of her mouth. She stopped when she felt Draco grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She snapped her mouth shut and bit her lip. She wanted to say so much more...

"What do you have to say Mister Boot..." Snape already knew the boy was going to lie to him from the enraged look on his face.

"I did nothing wrong. She just went crazy on me when I bumped into her. It was an accident." Terry spit out, glaring at Kagome. She shifted closer to Draco who sent a dark glare at Terry. "She is mental. She shouldn't be going to school here if she attacks people like that." Terry continued as he glanced at the Charms Professor than back at Professor Snape.

Draco glared at the Ravenclaw, "You have..." He was cut off by Snape who gave him a look that made him shut his mouth quickly.

"Now, Mister Boot." Professor Snape spoke, his voice was like ice as he looked at the young man, "I do not appreciate being lied to."

The room was silent for a moment after he spoke again, eyes going to the much smaller Professor, "Do you believe his story..."

Flitwick frowned, "I would like to believe him, but I don't see Miss Higurashi doing something so violent without being provoked..." He trailed off, glancing around the room with a sigh.

"Then Mister Boot, you will serve Detention with Flitwick for two weeks..." He then glanced over at Kagome who was still looking at the ground. "Miss Higurashi. You will have two days detention with me. You did attack another student..." He didn't want to give the young girl detention, but violence wasn't going to be rewarded...especially if you got caught. "Now that that is settled." He motioned to the door.

The Charms Professor lead Terry out of the room quickly. From the look on Terry's face, he was not happy with the outcome of this meeting at all.

Snape then turned to Draco and Kagome, "I think Mister Zabini is looking for you. The gossip mill has already started saying things about what has happened..." Draco nodded, about to drag Kagome out when the Professor spoke again, "Tonight and tomorrow, Seven sharp, do not be late to your detention, Miss Higurashi."

Kagome nodded then let herself be dragged out of the room. She had a feeling things were just beginning with the Ravenclaw house. She knew things were bad before, but now that she had fought back...Kagome had a bad feeling things were definitely going to get worse.

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