Letting Go

By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

76.3K 2.3K 227

She was the quiet Ravenclaw, but was always teased by Cho Chang. When Cho and her friends are teasing her one... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter 18
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter 21 (part 2)

Chapter One

7K 127 24
By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

"Not fair..." Breathlessly, a young girl of fifteen stopped her running as she placed her hands on her knees, eyes closed, and heart racing, she tried to calm herself before she opened her eyes and straightened up, still trying to catch her breath. 'I shouldn't have to run away from my own house mates!' She glared at the ground, but the emotion was false, she couldn't hate them, she knew she was withdrawn and quiet, even by Ravenclaw standards.


A laugh from behind drew blue crystallite like eyes. A girl was walking up to her, and she didn't particularly like her, but she didn't really dislike her. She talked with her, well...teased her was more like it, and badly too, but Kagome knew better than to run from her. She had her friends chase her down; and why? Just so she could throw some hurtful words at her, but that was better than what some of the other Ravenclaw's did. She'd rather be demoralized than damaged on a more physical level.

"Cho..." Kagome said carefully. She didn't understand why this girl who was normally easy going and nice, was always causing her problems, it was her that told the others in Ravenclaw to mess with her, and no one would argue with the Ravenclaw Princess.

"Aren't you going to ask me how my day is?" She smiled brightly.

Wondering curiously if she was, perhaps, in a good mood and not set on tormenting her, Kagome gave a small smile and asked, "How is your day?"

"Wonderful, I got to talk with one of the cutest guys in school, and that makes me happy..."

Kagome looked past Cho and frowned, a few of the other girls had caught up with Cho, and there weren't many people around that would try to intervene if they decided to mess with her, and she doubted if there were more if they would even spare her a look.

"Tell me Kagome," Cho continued, "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Kagome frowned, if she thought about it, no, she didn't, but surely that didn't matter, did it?

"Haha, you don't do you! Sorry, I forgot, you don't have time to be a girl."

"Such a loser..."

"Complete mishap! She belongs in Hufflepuff!"

"Even they would outcast her,"

The three girls behind Cho laughed, but Cho didn't, she smiled, and looked at Kagome, as if daring her to deny the claim.

She wasn't sure what exactly had caused her to say anything at all, she should have just turned and walked off, she should have just left it as it was...she should have...why didn't she...

"That isn't true!" Her voice was louder than she'd meant, and it drew in some curious looks.

"Oh, then why not prove it?" One of the girls said from behind Cho.

"Yeah, go kiss the guy you're crushing on,"

"Unless you don't have a crush..."

The three girls laughed again, and this time, Cho joined in. It was too much for Kagome, she turned, she took the hand of a guy, or so she hoped it was a guy. Her mind was completely fogged, she had always believed that she shouldn't let her emotions cloud her thoughts, and she had done just that. She leaned forward and her lips pressed gently but fervently to another's. It lasted a few moments, and then she broke it, turned, and looked at Cho. The girl who had always brought her such trouble had finally come to a loss of words. Staring shocked, gaping at what Kagome had just done.

Kagome turned and left for the Great Hall, thankful that the happenings that had just taken place, had done so right outside the large doors. She wasn't even aware of the eyes that were following her, wide with shock and stuck in a daze.


Blaise smirked as he walked besides his best friend, Draco Malfoy. They were heading towards the great hall, but were taking their time doing so since they both had free period after they ate.

"Anything planned to do during break this time?" Blaise asked, blue eyes shining with mischief. He liked messing with the Gryffs usually during his break but sometimes he did school work or just relaxed during his break. Though messing with the lions were one of his favorite pass times, they were just so easy to rile up.

Draco smirked, "Messing with the lions like usual...though we should probably finish the potions essay too...but that shouldn't take but a few minutes."

"Draco my friend." Blaise grinned, putting an arm around his shoulders as they made their down the last hallway to the Great Hall, "You know exactly what to..." just as he was about to say more, someone pulled on his hand.

His arm left Draco's shoulder as he turned to see who was pulling his hand, the next thing he felt was soft lips on his own, and long hair gently brushing against his cheek.

The kiss didn't last very long, but as the girl pulled back, blue locked on with blue before the girl moved away.

Blaise blinked as he watched the raven haired girl turned and ran away from him. Slowly turning to Draco who also had a look of shock on his face, "Hey...Draco...do you know who that is?"

Blaise knew to ask his friend this because he was the one who kept track of most people in the school, there were some people he didn't know but most he did.

Draco shook his head, "No..." His grey eyes narrowing, he usually kept tabs on a lot of people, but he didn't know her, "..I don't recognize her..."

"Did you see that?"

Draco looked to his left, a couple girls from mixed houses were talking in a group.

"She's brave, isn't that the guy Cho likes?"

Listening, he let himself pick up anything his ears deemed useful. Storing it away for later as he and a still shocked Blaise walked by the Ravenclaw table to their own table.

"She's going to get it later for that little stunt."

"If she had a backbone, Cho might not use her as a stress reliever."

"Bout she's pathetic, Kagome never does anything right!"

That was it, that was what he was waiting for, and bloody hell, it had taken the girls long enough to say something useful! "According to the gossip mongrels, her name is Kagome, if her tie was anything to go by, she's in Ravenclaw, and from what I heard, she's going to be in a lot of trouble with Chang for what she did."

"What the hell does it matter to Chang, it was me who was kissed, not her, and on another note, how did you figure out her name already?" Blaise, though perceptive, wasn't the type to listen in on gossip like his friend was, and it always baffled him how Draco could no nothing about something one second, and everything about something the next. He grabbed his book bag and pulled out his homework, hoping to get it started before the end of their break, sadly, his eyes were blinded by blue, it was all he could see, those gorgeous blue eyes. He closed his eyes and let his head fall forward, forehead, meet table.

"Pull yourself together, it was just a girl,"

"Yeah...right...It was just a girl, with beautiful electric blue eyes, and soft lips and...I don't even know her!"

Draco laughed, "Well, to answer your question, I know what I do about her, because unlike you, I listen, and apparently, Miss. Cho Chang has a thing for you."

"Look, none of that rhyming stuff, and since when has Chang liked me?"

"Who knows, but what does it matter, apparently she's peeved over this Kagome girls kiss, what are you going to do about it?" Draco placed the tip of his quill in a jar a raven black ink before he started on his twelve inch essay on bloodroot for potions.

"What am I...what?"

"You heard me you imp!" Draco laughed, "You are acting like a bloody Hufflepuff, what are you going to do about it?!"

"What am I supposed to do about it?"

Draco smirked, "Absolutely nothing, you are a Slytherin, what is there to do but sit back and watch?"

"What about the girl?"

Draco eyed his friend, "Not that I think you should be laying all your house elves on a girl whose name you just learned a few seconds ago, but if it matters so much, then leave it be, she'll be back. If not, well, it's not like she's in a different country, she's in Hogwarts, we are bound to run into her again sooner or later...right?"

Blaise looked curiously at his friend, nodding his head as he tried to push the thoughts of soft lips and blue eyes from his mind, if only long enough to finish his Potions Essay. 

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