Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fa...

By howtofangirl101

359K 11.2K 2.3K

Ever heard of a vampire Demi-god. Wouldn't have thought so since Arabelle is the very first one and this is h... More

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson/ Twilight FanFic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
AN: Sorry & New Story
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
AN: notification of update not sent out
Chapter 40
Sequel info
Back Again for a sequel
Beating Heart- Book 2

Chapter 37

5.3K 210 43
By howtofangirl101

Hey guys, sorry it took a bit longer than I expected.
MGMacnab has started to write a book called Golden Thoughts. It is sort of based on this story as it contains Arabelle, Hope and Adrian. Like this it's also a twilight/percy Jackson crossover and I really like it so far so check it out if you get time.

Chapter 37

When it started to go dark the wolves headed off to go and talk to this Sam guy who lead another larger pack than Jacob. The four of us headed back to the Cullen's house. Nothing really happened that night. Nico slept in his old room. Hope slept in my old room. Adrian slept in the other guest room. How many guest bedrooms do the Cullen's even have?

I spent the next six hours talking to some of the older vampires about their memories. Mostly the good ones from the hundreds of years that some of them had been alive. The few that weren't as happy were often had some sort of happiness near the end. It was nice to sort of get to know the people who are friends with the Cullen's even if it is just through the stories of their past.

"I'm going to head out to the woods, I'll be back by 10 for Sam's pack." I told Esme and Carlisle once it reached around 4 in the morning. It was still dark outside but I was fed up of being inside even if it had only been for six hours.

"Stay safe." Esme told me and I nodded in return.

"I will." I replied before heading out of the door and into the woods. I'm still not sure what it is about the woods no matter where they are. Maybe it's the peace and quiet or maybe it's just that it makes everything seem normal again.

Once I was only around fifty metres into the woods I paused and headed over to a random tree. I jumped up grabbing onto the branch and bringing myself up into it until I was sitting with my legs hanging down. Absentmindedly I swung my legs gently looking up at the still star filled night sky.

It was around fifteen minutes later when I heard noise. Immediately I tensed ready to climb either higher up into the tree or drop down to the ground. The steady sound of a heartbeat reached me and I relaxed sitting back normally. It was Nico.

A minute later Nico reached the spot where I was.

"How come your awake so early?" I asked Nico snapping his attention up to me.

"Nightmares." Nico answered and I nodded in understanding. "How come your out here?"

"I don't know really, I was just fed up of being inside and I like the woods here. In fact pretty much all woods so..." I replied trailing off towards the end unsure of how to explain it when I don't really know myself.

"Do you know if the other pack of shifters is coming today?" Nico asked me bringing himself up onto the branch.

"They should be arriving at around ten according to the message Jacob sent to Carlisle." I answered glancing back up to the sky. Faintly I could tell that clouds were beginning to form in the sky. It'll probably start snowing again in a few hours.

"Do you think they'll turn up?"

"Hopefully." Was all I said in reply. There's no guarantee that the wolves will turn up but hopefully they will. They could really help even by just being there. The two of us fell silent for a few minutes before I allowed myself to fall down off the branch. "Come on." I told him.

"Where are we going?" Nico asked as he landed on the floor and headed over to me.

"I have no idea."


Neither of us really spoke well we were walking. Both of us were comfortable in each others silence. After around ten minutes of just walking we came out into another clearing, but this one was different. It had a large pond right in the middle of it.

"Since when is there a pond in the woods?" Nico asked confused and I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I replied but still headed forwards over to the lake and sat down on the rocks surrounding it. Nico sat down on the slightly higher rock next to me. The pond itself was father big was a scatter of Lilly-pads across the other side. There was the occasional ripple of water from fish getting too close to the surface along with what I believe are tadpoles swimming around.

There aren't many sights I would describe as beautiful but even in the darkness of the early hours of the morning, this was one that I would.

"Do you have a middle name?" Nico asked suddenly. I was starting to get used to his questions this morning. Perhaps it was a way for him to take his mind off the nightmare.

"Phoenix." I muttered. One thing I don't really like telling people is my middle name. I don't really have a reason behind it, I just don't.

"Like the bird?"

"Yeah, apparently my dad chose it since phoenix's are sun birds or something like that. I've never really looked into it." I replied glancing over to him before looking back to the pond.

"Arabelle Phoenix Cullen." Nico said almost as if testing out how it sounded. I smiled slightly at the sound of him saying my name which is completely stupid and sounds really teenage girly but I couldn't help it.

"What about you?" I asked Nico trying to steer the topic away from my middle name.

"I don't have one." Nico replied. Why can't I not have a middle name?

We both fell into comfortable silence again. Every now and again I could feel Nico's eyes on me which confused me. Did I have something on my face? How could I even have something on my face I don't eat human food? Unless it was mud, but I'm pretty sure I don't have mud on my face.

I lifted my hand up and brushed it along my cheek making it look like I was brushing a strand of hair out of my face. Nope, nothing on my face. Confused I sat there for a moment before a completely irrelevant thought came to my mind.

"Nico." I said breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Nico questioned as I turned to face him.

"If something does go wrong when we face the Volturi and the chances are that we're all going to die... Well if I ask you to find Adrian and Hope and shadow travel back to camp will you? I don't want the three of you to be anywhere near the Volturi but there's no way that that will ever happen so if something really bad happens or there's the chance that one of you will die, that's when I'll ask." I asked him slowly since I was unsure of how to put it.

"If you promise the same." Nico negotiated. I altered my gaze so I was looking slightly higher up straight into his dark brown almost pitch black eyes.

"I promise." I agreed not altering my gaze. Not that I particularly wanted to.

"In that case, I promise too." He replied. After a second I awkwardly dropped my eyes from his and looked up to the sky.

"The Sun's going to start rising in a few minutes." I commented. Daughter of Apollo thing. It can be quite helpful at times.

"We should probably head back." Nico said.

"True." I nodded. Now, there's one thing you should know about being a vampire. It helps your grace and speed but what it doesn't help is stopping you from slipping off a sloppy rock and into a pond. So of course that's exactly what happened. As I went to stand of I slipped off the rock and into the pond.

There was a moment of nothing then I hit the freezing cold water and was almost immediately submerged. After a second of shock I swam upwards breaking through the water. Reaching up with my hand I pushed the wet hair out of my face before swimming over to the rocks and lifting myself out of the water.

Once I was safely sitting in the rock by the pond i flickered my gaze over to Nico who was smiling in amusement. Ok, are there any more things I can fall into. I would happily do it for Nico to smile. Let's just ignore that I said that. I'm starting to sound way too much like a teenage girl.

"It's a good job I can't get ill." I commented while ringing the water out of my hair, not that it would do much good now.

"Only you would manage to fall into a pond while being a vampire."

"You know your just jealous of my skills." I teased.

"So jealous of the fact you 'skills' made you fall in a pond."

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