My Fallen Angel (Daryl Dixon...

By MissBiancaSmith

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Esmeralda has had a lot to deal with in the past 2 months. Her half-brother Rick went into a coma and died, h... More

Prologue: Esme
Chapter One: New Guy?
Chapter Two: Promises.
Chapter Three: Goodbye Amy.
Chapter Four: One Gun and a Bullet.
Chapter Five: Dr. Jenner.
Chapter Six: A Millisecond
Chapter Seven: The Graveyard of Cars
Chapter Eight: Searching
Chapter Nine: True Scars
Chapter Ten: Tragedy
Chapter Eleven: Cruel World
Chapter Twelve: Safety?
Chapter Thirteen: This Group is Broken
Chapter Fourteen: Losing Everything
Chapter Fifteen: Lost and Lonely
Chapter Sixteen: Prisoners
Chapter Seventeen: Escalation
Chapter Eighteen: Grief with Miracles
Chapter Nineteen: Found and Taken
Chapter Twenty: Realization
Chapter Twenty One: We're Going to War
Chapter Twenty Two: Together
Chapter Twenty Three: Useless
Chapter Twenty Four: Follow the Tracks
Chapter Twenty Five: Train Cars and a Church
Chapter Twenty Six: Grief
Chapter Twenty Seven: To Fight or To Give up?
Chapter Twenty Eight: From a Friend
Chapter Twenty Nine: Surreal
Chapter Thirty: Luck Runs Out
Chapter Thirty One: Precarious State of Affairs
Chapter Thirty Two: New Ties and Communities
Chapter Thirty Three: Burning Morals Away
Chapter ThirtyFour: Nightmares Come True
Chapter Thirty Five: Shattered
Chapter Thirty Six: Kingdom of Isolation
Chapter Thirty Eight: Brightest Star and Shifting Stones
Chapter Thiry Nine: Wrath
Chapter Forty: Unsettled Peace...
Chapter Forty One: ... In Death.

Chapter Thirty Seven: The Start of it All!

35 1 0
By MissBiancaSmith

After taking what little weapons we had on us they lead us to a junkyard they seemed to have made our home. Rick seemed to still be in a good mood strangely. We were lead deeper into the junkyard and the people seemed to surround us in two tight circles, I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as they moved silently. I stood next to Michonne and looked to Rick when they finally stopped moving.

"Are you a collective or does one lead?" A woman with a strange accent asks. We didn't answer.

"This." Someone says pushing Rick forward. I step up to him glaring at the woman as she moves back to her spot. I look forward again as the other woman walks up to us.

"Hi. I'm Rick." My brother says.

"We own your lives." The woman says. "You want to buy them back."

"What the fuck not this again," I growl as Rick puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Have anything?" The woman asks.

"Well, you have one of my people," Rick says. "Gabriel, I want to see him first, then we can talk." The woman nods to someone and a couple of her people walk away. I follow them with my eyes as they bring Gabriel to us. He looks fine and healthy thankfully.

"The boat things you took got taken." The woman says gaining my attention again. "Saw them so we took the rest, and we took him."

"Well then you know we have nothing to buy back our lives with," Rick says. "And that's what you will have soon... Nothing. Because I and my people already belong to that group who took those supplies from the boat. They're called the saviors." Everyone's eyes were on Rick now. "They own our lives, and if you kill us, he'll be taking something from them, and they will come looking. You only have two options when it comes to the Saviors, either they kill you or they own you." Rick looks around at everyone and continues. "But there is a way out... Join us..." I look to the woman now, she was interested at least. "Join us in fighting them."

"No." She says and waves a finger around to rally her group. We watch as Gabriel is taken away. Next thing I know someone is trying to grab me from behind, I step forward and thrust my elbow into a man's nose, hearing the others fight as well, I kick the man away from me. I turn and punch a girl trying to get to Rosita as she struggles with someone.

"Everyone stop!" I can hear Rick shouting. I turn to him just as Gabriel shouts.

"Let us go, or I will kill her!" I raise an eyebrow at the used to be Father.

"Away from Tamiel now," The leader says as if she doesn't believe him. I almost didn't.

"The saviors they have other places, other communities," Gabriel speaks trying to convince them. "They have things... food, weapons, vehicles, fuel. Whatever you want, the Saviors have it."

The leader makes a signal and her people start to lay down their weapons backing off. "Away from Tamiel," She nods to Gabriel, he looks to Rick who nods, he puts down his weapon. "Your words now." She says to him.

"If you join us and we beat them together, you can have much of what's theirs," Gabriel says trying to convince them. "Fighting with us, you'll be rewarded, more than you can imagine."

"Want something now." The leader says. Her way of talking was starting to annoy me.

"Rick can do anything," Gabriel says nodding to my brother. I look to him wondering where he was going with this. "This group, they found me... here, so far from our home. What do you need? Just tell us... We'll get it for you. We'll show you what we can do. Now!" He yells. The leader makes a signal again with her hands.

"Tamiel, Brion... Show Rick up up up." She says. I look to Rick as he nods to Michonne and me.

"It's okay." He says as she takes his hand.

"Rick..." I catch him as he goes to walk with them.

"It's okay." He says again and leaves with them. I look to Michonne the same worry reflects in her eyes. At that moment we are pushed to a spot in the junkyard to wait.

"Where are they taking him?" Michonne asks and someone points up onto a dump pile, we watch as the leader, Rick and two others are seen climbing to the top. I can tell they are talking when Rick nods. I can't hear a word being said but I call out when I see the leader push Rick down somewhere.

"Rick!" I yell. "RICK!"

"What did you do?" Michonne calls to the leader. I follow her when she goes runs to a heap junk. We all look in pipes trying to find him.

"Rick!" Michonne calls.

"Brother!" I yell as I see him standing up.

"I'm all right." He says looking I guess at Michonne then to me. He trips on something and I hear the growls as I am guessing a walker is going after him.

"Rick!" I yell when I see it pass where I am looking. I can hear him yelling when in pain every time he tries to kill this thing that has spikes on him.

"The walls! Use them!" I hear Michonne call to him.

Rick pulls the junk onto the walker and uses something to kill it. I sigh in relief as I see him stand unharmed for the most part.

"You believe us now?" Rick yells. "Just tell us what you want and we'll get it."

Rick talks for her a while, I sigh in relief when finally he comes around the bend.

"We have a deal!" He announces as Michonne and I run to help him.

4 days Rick and Michonne were out looking for guns. In those days I kept myself busy by getting caught up with the people of Alexandria taking care of small colds and injuries making sure everyone took their vitamins hopefully so that they were all healthy to fight when the time came. I didn't want to think much, I missed my anchor, I missed Daryl. With Daryl gone I had to fight more every time the stones in my heart churned, I had shattered once, I missed my friends and I mourned them deeply, but I had to keep my wits about me if I was going to fight in this war. Rick and Michonne found 63 guns but the junkyard people still wanted more, it was frustrating. I didn't know where we were going to find more guns. I went out once with a couple of people to try and find more guns for the war but only found a 9mm SIG with 6 rounds. I was glad that I now had a gun but was even happier when I came across more throwing knives similar to the ones I had before. I found them scavaging in a SportsCenter that was already ransacked they were one of the only things left behind. Thankfully Tara told us of a place called Oceanside, she knew had more people and guns.

We met up then with Daryl and some people from Hilltop to go to the Oceanside. The ocean was beautiful, it was weird that this was my first time seeing it. I couldn't help but imagine what it would have been like if it was the old times. Rick, Lori, Carl, Shane and I had once wanted to visit the ocean, we had talked about going many times for the summer, but never got to it. I jump when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" Daryl asks when I jump.

"Yeah, just thinking about the old times..." I sigh.

"Hmm..." He looks out to the ocean as well.

"This is my first time to the ocean, Rick and I used to talk and plan to visit for the summer, but we never did... "


"I don't know," I say, turning when Rick calls us to him, I take Daryl's hand as we walk, I was happy to have him with me again. We get to Oceanside and come up with a plan to take over, I didn't want to do this or be here, but I came in case anyone got hurt.

When the time came and I flinch when the first bomb goes off. I stand with Carl and Gabriel as the 'prisoners' are brought to us. I thank the Lord and Lady as I find none of them or my people are hurt. I stand watch as the last of them are brought by Daryl and Rick.

"Get down over there, keep quiet." Daryl is telling one of the women as he helps her down with the others. I look to Rick as he starts to give orders.

"Now, we made a lot of noise." He says. "We want to wrap this up quickly, so you can send people to redirect anything coming this way. Tara said your forests are relatively clear, so we won't take any chances. No one needs to get hurt." He tells the women. "This is just about what you have, what we need."

"Nobody is taking anything!" We hear someone call, I look to see an older lady holding a gun to Tara's head. I frown and pull my gun. "You need to let everyone go and leave right now. Just walk away or this one dies."

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone," Rick says slowly walking to her. "But we're taking your weapons with us. That's not going to change. It's Natania, right? Put the gun down, and let's talk about what we can change."

"No." She answers. "Leave right now." I frown not wanting to lose another one of my people. I raise my hand to give Michonne the signal, she was hiding with a sniper in a tree behind us.

"No! Esme," Tara yells seeing me. "Michonne, don't!"

"We just want to be left alone," Natania says.

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone." Rick nods. "Just let go of her. Now. Or we will kill you."

"None of us want that," I say looking her in the eyes. "But we will, so we can survive."

"They want us to fight the Saviors." The girl next to Natania speaks finally.

"We tried that, we lost, too much." Natania shakes her head. "We're not gonna lose anymore. Not our guns, not our safety, not after everything we've done to get here."

"We're gonna win," Tara yells to the other women who were starting to whisper amongst themselves. "With your guns, with or without your help."

"Natania put the gun down," Rick tells her.

"You kill me, and you die," Tara says. "And my people take the guns, and nothing changes." The group starts to chatter more, some agreeing with it and others on the fence. The girl says something to Natania and she again shakes her head.

"It's not over!" She yells. "They've forgotten! You've all forgotten. Some of you actually want to fight them? After everything? We can lose our guns, but us leaving this place to fight? After everything? I have to remind you! Yes." I shook my head as this woman went on. "I am gonna do this, and then I'm gonna die. But it's that important. This is your life all of you! Remember what it looks like. Remember what they did to us! You need to see this! Open your eyes!" I was about to tell Rick to do something when we hear Michonne call to us.

"Rick, Walkers!" I turn to look around, there as a lot. I put my gun away and grab my knives.

"Everybody up!" Rick orders, "Get the children behind us!"

"They're coming!" I yell and feel Daryl take my hand, I turn and he pulls me behind him.

"First shift, join them on the line." A woman orders her people and some women move. "Knives out. Dead only! Dead only!" I turn to see someone helping Natania up, but I didn't have time to check her.

"Everyone shoots within 10 feet of the line. That's it!" My group starts shooting down the walkers, I only take out the ones as they get to close to us, I watch as the Oceanside women do the same. They had this figured out, I had to give them credit. I kill one that got close as I covered Daryl as he reloads his crossbow. I stepped behind when he taps me on the shoulder, indicating he was ready. This continues till all the walkers are dead. Once they were all down, Daryl and I walk to get my knives and his bolts, killing any that to the ground still alive. I felt pretty good as I turn around seeing Rick shaking hands with the women who gave the orders but I still feel bad as I watch my family take and pack all the guns. I tried to help Natania with the wound on her head but she wouldn't let me near her, so I stay with Daryl guarding the woman. We were going to bring back the weapons when we were done, I was happy about that, as it was the only way I could let this happen.

We get back to Alexandria pretty late and I was mentally tired and ready to just sleep cuddled up to Daryl for the first time in a long time. I smile gratefully when I see Rosita opening the gate, but frown when I don't see Sasha as well.

"Hey, are you okay?" Enid asks running to her.

"Where is Sasha?" Jesus asks when she doesn't answer. I frown more as she stays quiet.

"Roseita...?" I question stepping up to her.

"There is someone here..." She avoids me and turns leading us to our jail. When we get there I feel all my anger rise as I see who she has locked up and I feel Daryl next to me tense as well. Dwight stands and Daryl rushes forward but Rick and Jesus catch him. I try to get around but Michonne catches me.

"Slow down," Rick tells Daryl.

"Let him kick his ass!" I tell Rick as Michonne holds me back.

"He says he wants to help us," Rosita tells us.

"Bullshit! I'm going to fucking kill him!" I yell.

"ESMERALDA!" Rick yells still in front of Daryl. I look to him glaring but he turns to Dwight. "That true? You want to help?"

"I do." He answers. Rick nods.

"Okay," Rick says and pulls his gun cocking it and holds it to his head. "Get on your knees." He does as told but stares at Daryl and I. "Look at me." Rick orders and when he does he asks. "Why?"

"Cause I want it stopped." He answers. "I want Negan dead."

"So why don't you kill him?"

"Can't just be me. They're all Negan." He answers and I roll my eyes.

"That girl you murdered..." Tara speaks stepping forward. "She had a name. Her name was Denise and she was a doctor. She helped people."

"I wasn't aiming for her." He tells her, my anger flares as I lunge for him pushing him to the ground.

"Oh, we know who you were aiming for..." I glair as I go to grab my knife, Daryl comes out of nowhere picking him up by his collar and pointing his knife to his face. I step back still glaring and pull my knife out.

"Do it. Do it." Tara says.

"You wanna end it this way..." Dwight speaks. "Go ahead. I'm sorry, I am." I scoff. "I know you want to."

"Sorry, my ass..." I shake my head.

"He could just be here to see if you were here." Rick states and the grip on my knife gets tighter.

"We can't trust him." Michonne agrees.

"He owned me... But not anymore." Dwight explains. "What I did, I was doing for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here."

"Spare us the sob..." I start to talk but he interrupts me.

"Daryl escaped because of her!" He raises his voice. I look to Daryl seeing his reaction, a look of recognition crosses his face.

"Do it!" Tara says again.

"There's another choice..."

"Daryl, you knew her."

"Negan trusts me." I watch as Daryl thinks, I could tell he didn't know what to do. "We can work together, we can stop him. You knew me then, and you know me now."

"Shut up..." I say trying to let Daryl think. The decision was up to him, I would trust him, even if I wanted this fucker dead.

"You know I'm not lying." He ignores me. "I'm not."

"Do it!" Tara yells. "Do it!"

"Daryl..." I call him and he looks at me. "If you think this will work, we trust you."

"No! Do it!" Tara yells again as Daryl looks back to Dwight. He thinks a few more seconds then drops his knife.

"They have Sasha if she's even alive." Rosita finally speaks. I gap at her.

"Why didn't you say something?" I growl at her.

"He could be our only chance to get her back," Jesus speaks up.

"Because I don't trust him," Rosita answers me. "But I trust Daryl."

"Negan is coming soon," Dwight says. "Tomorrow, 3 trucks probably, 20 saviors and him." My heart churns as he explains this I stare at Daryl then to Rick, fear creeping higher at the thought of losing them. "I can slow them down. Bring some trees down in the road. Buy a little time for you guys to get ready. If you can take them out, that's where you start. You kill them I'll radio back to the Sanctuary."

"The Sanctuary?" Rick questions.

"Where Negan lives." Dwight answers. "That's what they call it, I can radio back to them that everything is okay, you drive the trucks back, and I can lead you right inside, and with the right plan we can wipe out the rest. Check to see if your friend's still alive." He looks to Rick then Daryl. "Then we get the workers on our side, build our numbers up, and go to out-post to out-post and end this." I looked around meeting everyone's eyes to see what they thought, Michonne and Jesus were hesitant, Rosita was watching Daryl's back, trusting his choice as I did, Tara was shaking her head, she wanted him dead, and I couldn't blame her.

"Keep talking," Rick says as I turn to look at him.

In the end, we took his plan, we let him go. I stood next to Daryl, my hand in his, as we watched him leave.

"We just started it..." Rick says as I look to him. "The whole thing."

"If he's lying I'm gonna kill him real slow," Daryl says, I squeeze his hand in agreement as I look back at the vehicle leaving. "When this is done, I don't give a damn if he is sorry, I will kill that son of a bitch."

"If he's lying, this is already over," Rick says and turns to leave. My heart falls at the thought of that as the gates close. I look up to the sky sending a prayer to the Lord and Lady when I feel Daryl try to turn and walk stoping as I don't follow. I sigh and look to him as I feel him stare at me.

"Sorry," I whisper and follow him.

"Hn." Is all I get. We walk in silence for a bit when I think about what Dwight said.

"So who was he talking about?" I ask.

"Sharry, his wife." He answers and I think back to his words and in a small way I understood him, I would have done anything Negan said when he had Daryl. I shudder at the thought but shake my head, it still didn't make his choices right, I wouldn't have killed for Negan, Daryl wouldn't have wanted that. "What's wrong?" Daryl pulls me out of my thoughts and I look to him then to Rick as we got to our house.

"Nothing," I answer, "So what's the rest of our plan?" I ask.

We send Jesus with Judith to Hilltop for her safety and to explain to Maggie the plan. We meet with the junkyard people and over the next few hours, we set up the bombs and stations. I would be with Michonne in our house on the roof with snipers she and one junkyard person would take one part of the roof me another smaller part.

I watch through binoculars as 3 trucks pull up. Eugene stands on one tries to get Rick and everyone to stand down. I can't hear what Rick says to him but I can hear Eugene's reply.

"I'm Negan." He says through the megaphone. I look to Michonne in shock and we both glare with anger and turn to see what is going on from there. I can see Rick take a few steps back and then turn back in shock and shake his head. He turns back to Eugene then looks to Rosita and gives the signal, nodding his head. I tense in reaction expecting to hear the explosion, but nothing goes off. I look to Rosita and see her press the button again, nothing. I tense when I look to Rick and see Janice with a gun to his head. The Junkyard people all had guns to my people's heads, we were betrayed, anger and worry rise in me again. I turn and crawl into the house through the window to get to Michonne. I get to the room where she is and find the door locked. I glare at it and try to elbow it open. At that moment I hear shooting and worry courses through me when I hear Michonne struggling.

"Michonne!" I yell and step back to kick the door, nothing. "DAMN IT!" I kick it again harder with all my weight behind it breaking it open finally. I see her fighting the Junkyard person she was about to push Michonne off the ledge, I run to the window and I launch myself through it, I grab the blond woman and push her over with all my might, I grab the ledge when I feel myself being grabbed but I can't hold on. Next thing I know I am falling with her, we scream. In a split second, I hear the sickening crunch as she hits the ground then feel the pain courses through my body as I and on top of her. I see Michonne staring over the edge at me, I try to reach for her for some reason.

"Esme." I think she calls, and I see her disappear from the edge. No, don't leave me I think as I start to lose conciseness.

"You can't die, not yet," I hear Glenn's voice say. How? You're dead. I think confused as my head swims. "You have to wake up, Esme." Abraham? Where are you? I feel someone shaking me. "Wake up Miss Eyes." He says again as I hear growling and gunshots all around me. I try to move, to open my eyes. "NOW ESME!" Glenn yells at me. I open my eyes and see the blond junkyard woman over me, she is a walker now. I roll away pain coursing through my body. She crawls to me and I grab my knife sitting up a bit just as she lunges on me. I groan as I get pushed to the ground again from her weight, I feel the knife sink into her skull. I sigh as I have to use all of my strength to push her off of me. I blink staring at the sky as I lose conciseness again. Can I join you now? I think as I realize I no longer hear fighting around me. "It's not your time darling." I sear I hear Hershel answer with a small chuckle.

"Esme." I open my eyes to see Rick and Carl. I can see Rick with a knife out, tears and worry in his eyes. I blink again trying to move. "Sis?" I hear him gasp.

"Ri... CK, Imm... Finn..." I try to say I'm fine but it comes out weird. "Mich.... Onne?"

"Carl, stay with her," Rick says and stands up, going into the house.

For 5 days I was bedridden as the others prepared for war, I was lucky to have survived that fall, the Junkyard woman broke my fall and that saved me from smashing my head on the road. Michonne was thankfully alive as well. We lost Sasha and a few other Alexandrian people in that fight. She was the 29th stone added to my heart. Days 6-10 the others finally allowed me to help with small chores, It wasn't till the 11th day when most of my pain and bruises were gone that I was allowed to do something I thought was useful. I rode with Daryl to send Dwight a message, after receiving a message back we move on. Meeting up with Carol, Morgan, and Tara we lead some walkers to be sent towards the Sanctuary, we meet at the next spot where some Saviors drive into an explosive death. We say bye to Carol, Morgon, and Tara and start to lead the heard to Sanctuary more. I shoot the barrels that will keep them coming as Daryl drives. After that, we meet with Rick and wait for Gabriel.

"We can wait some more," Daryl tells him as it gets closer to our time limit.

"We can't," Rick disagrees. I frown. "He stopped to get me."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Negan, he was on the ground. I stopped to kill him." Rick explains "Gabriel stipped to get me. We gotta start out."

"You alright?" Daryl asks.

"This isn't about me." Rick chuckles. "Let's go."

"Yeah. Babe?" Daryl calls to me when I hesitate. I turn and nod, he then whistles signaling the others that we are going. Jumping on the bike to go to the next outpost. We shoot the two standing guards and run in looking for guns.

"You signal if they're any inside," Rick tells our men. "We will be there."

"Come on let's find the guns," Daryl says and we move on checking each room as we go. We can't find the guns on the 1st floor.

"Ain't on this floor," Daryl tells Rick as we round the corner.

"The only option is up," Rick says.

"High ground, good cover."

"Yeah, I'd put them up there too,"

"Well, there's the stairs." I point to a door in front of us. I go to open it but find them locked, I sigh.

"Move," Daryl tells me starts to kick the doors. Once there open we slowly head up we check the next floor to find nothing, we can't get up the stairs so we climb an elevator shaft up to the 3rd floor. We split up from there, mostly I find empty rooms. I clear the rooms needed and start to make my way back to the others. I find Daryl first he is in a room staring at something in a closet. He doesn't even hear me coming.

"Daryl?" I try not to startle him but fail. He turns pointing the crossbow at me. I stand still till he realizes it's me, he lowers it.

"Sorry," He says looking down.

"It's okay," I nod walking to him and looking in the room. "What's wrong?" I ask seeing a can of dog food, a sandwich, and cuffs. It's only then that I see this is where they must have kept a prisoner, much like Daryl. I sigh and hug him. "Come on, we should catch up with Rick," I tell him pulling away.

"Hey," He says and grabs my hand. I look at him and he pulls me into a small kiss, I smile when he pulls away. "Thank you." He tells me.

"Go ahead, I got your back," I promise and we continue on.

When we get close to Rick we hear him talking to someone, the voice sounds familiar but I can't pin where I know it from. I try to pass to get into the room but Daryl pulls me back his finger up in front of his mouth telling me to be quiet.

"I'm the one holding the gun. That doesn't make me any worse than you Rick, It just makes me luckier, cause let's face it if it wasn't me, If it was you holding the gun, I would be brains out on the floor right now."

"You don't know that!" Rick tells him. I look to Daryl as he listens by the door, I push him but he doesn't budge.

"And you do?" The man questions. "Huh?"

"I know I wouldn't want to."

"Come on, is that the best you can do?"

"I'd, I'd, at least try to find another way."

"Why? Cause we knew each other for a couple of days back in the start?" That's when I figure out it's Morales.

"Look I know, I wouldn't... just..."

"You want to know what I think? I think you can't talk all you want. You can say all the words. Lori, Shane, Andrea, Glenn..." The stones in my heart shift as I hear their names. I push Daryl again and this time he moves into the room, I follow my gun still in my hand. "They're all dead, and somewhere along the way, Officer Friendly died along the way with them. Just like I did with them. That's what I know, Rick."

"Wait, NO!" Rick yells as I see the bolt fly killing Morales.

"You good?" Daryl asks.

"That... That was..." Rick tries.

"We know who it was." I sigh bending down and taking his hand.

"It don't matter. Not one little bit." Daryl says and takes the bolt out of his head, I frown trying to no cry.

"He was going to kill you brother," I sigh standing up as a tear fell. I was sad that, just like Shane, Morales changed as well, but then again we all have for better or worse was the only question left.

"You find them guns?" Daryl pulls me back from my thoughts.

"They aren't here." Rick answers.


"He called the Saviors back from the courtyard. We gotta get out before..." Rick was explaining we turn when I hear a door open.

"Fuck..." I growl out getting my gun ready again.

"They're here," Rick says as Daryl moves by the door.

We run as we try to find a way out, we stop and hide in a hallway as we take fire, I shoot till my gun is out.

"Damn it, I'm out of ammo!" I tell Daryl as I run behind.

"Stay behind me." He orders as he and Rick still shoot, shortly after he is out as well. "Hey! Hey!" He calls Rick. "Were out!" I see Daryl nod something to my brother and he turns to me. "On 3 we go."

"Right," I say and he nods to Rick again.

"1, 2, 3!" Daryl counts and I hear something pop. I run following him.

"Come on!" I hear my brother yell. We take out the 3 men that were shooting at us and I freeze next to Rick when I hear more voices.

"Teams of 4 sweep the offices!!!" I sigh in relief when I recognize Aaron's voice.

"Aaron!" Rick calls.

"Rick?" Aaron calls back.

"We're by the elevator!"

After securing the Outpost we kill the walkers and take the few guns. From there we regroup we find out Eric had sadly died becoming stone number 30. Aaron agrees to take Gracie to the Hilltop, She was a child that was in the Outpost, Rick had sadly killed her father. Finally, after regrouping we get everyone settled for their next assignment.

"Ready brother?" I ask him, he sighs and nods, we walk with Daryl to the bike.

"See you back home," Rick tells us as he goes to the Jeep.

"Sure you wanna talk to them assholes alone?" Daryl asks.

"Yeah, That's how it gets done."

"All right. If you're gone too long, we're gonna come looking for you."

"We mean it." I look pointedly at Rick.

"That's the plan." Rick agrees.

We all jump as a gunshot hits Rick's jeep, we pull our guns point to the tree, waiting. When we see nothing we take shelter, I turn to make sure Rick is okay. He nods to us and indicates for us to wait.

"Hey! Hey!" Rick tries to get this person's attention. "You're alone. You gotta be, there is not enough room for two of you behind that tree. And there is a herd coming. I'm just saying, hey I tell you what. We'll make you a deal, you drop your gun and come on out, and tell us what we need to know. You do that, You can take the car, you go, you live. How about it?"

"How can I trust you?" The man asks.

"Cause I'm giving you my word. There's not a lot that's worth much these days, but a man's word... that's gotta mean something, right?"

"O... Okay." This man agrees.

"Stay here," Daryl tells me as I kneel behind the concrete aiming at the man.

"Okay," I nod to him still watching the man slowly walk to us.

"What do you wanna know?" He asks.

"Did you ever have any M2 Browning 50 caliber guns here?" Rick asks

"We did for a while." He says.

"What happened to them?" Daryl asks in frustration.

"They got sent to another outpost yesterday."

"Which one?" I ask from my spot.

"It was Gavin's... It's west of here." He explains "Can, can I uh... Can I go?" He asks when no one says anything. Daryl shoots him.

"Oh!" I gasp standing up not expecting it. I look to Rick, he looks pissed.

"Which team is at Gavin's?" Daryl asks walking to the Jeep.

"I think it's the Kingdom's and Carol's team," I answer with worry.

"Let's go!" Daryl yells.

Daryl and I speed to the Outpost with Rick following in the jeep. When we get there we see a vehicle leaving with what we assume is the guns so Daryl speeds to catch up with it, I take a few shots at it before a man in the back shoots at us and we have to dodge, Daryl drops the bike and we roll to safety, I pick my head up to see Rick speed passed us.

"You okay?" Daryl asks holding his hand out to me.

"Fine," I answer taking his hand. "Is it ok?" I ask as he walks to the bike.

"Looks fine, let's go." He hops on and starts it.

We catch up to Rick as the Jeep takes damage. Daryl kills the man in the back and Rick drives to the side of the vehicle I see him jump in and watch the Jeep off the edge. The vehicle swerves and then runs off the edge as well. Daryl breaks by the edge and we jump off running to the edge.

"Rick!?!" I call worry staring at the tipped vehicle.

"Esme." Daryl points to tall grass that's moving.

"Hey." Rick smiles as he walks up to us.

"You okay?" I smile to him in relief. He nods catching his breath.

"We got the guns," Daryl states, I nod. "You look like shit." He says to Rick.

"Let's go see if this asshole is alive," He ignores Daryl's statement and catches up to the driver. "Your people back in the chemical plant... Did you win?"

"No one did." The man grunts.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Daryl questions his gun pointing the man's head.

"Everyone's dead." The man answers and coughs.

"Bullshit." Daryl's voice cracks and I worry for the Kingdom and Carol.

"There's no one else?" Rick asks. "You're the only one?"

"Me. The King, The Axe Man and a Short-haired Pycho Lady." The man gurgles out between bloody coughs. "You did this. My people... Your people... there all gone. Damn." I look to Daryl as he walks away. "And now... me, too."

"I got him," Rick tells me as the man dies. I nod and follow Daryl to the vehicle to help.

"Give me a hand with this," Daryl says when he sees Rick and me. Rick helps Daryl with a box as I pick up some of what fell out of the back, piling it up. "Hand me that," Daryl says as I pick up a bag. I give it to him and continue to pile up the stuff next to the truck. "We can use these now." I hear Daryl say to Rick.

"What?" Rick questions.

"Well, think about it, there ain't no Kingdom no more." I stop what I am doing and stare at Daryl, what was he saying?


"We know what we got to do." Daryl continues. "We blow open the Sanctuary, let the walkers flood in. They'll surrender. It'll be done. Hell, we could end this by sundown."

"They have workers in there, right?" Rick asks standing. "Families, too."

"Are there?" I ask troubled by the plan. Daryl thinks a bit.

"We'' hit the south side of the main building. The workers live on the north side. They'll be up the stairs before the walkers even get in."

"What if they don't?" Rick asks sighing. "There are people in there who aren't fighters. Doing this could change that." Rick shakes his head and continues."Make them pick up guns and stand by the Saviors and if the Saviors don't surrender, maybe everyone fights us. And we don't have the Kingdom anymore. We're not doing this."

"It's too big of a risk babe," I say shaking my head. Daryl stares at Rick and me with anger in his eyes.

"No, you aren't doing this." He says pushing Rick's shoulder. I take a step back as he angrily pushes by me. Rick runs to him turning him around.

"There's a plan, and everyone's sticking to it." Rick tries to reason with him.

"Not everyone," Daryl growls out. "There's a lot of our people that are dead, Rick. Things change, Man." He starts to walk away.

"Daryl, don't!" I call out to him.

"No." He turns around glaring at Rick and I. "Neagand and that other group, this is on them. If people die it's their fault, not ours."

"Daryl, we can't do this." Rick tries again when he turns.

"We got our own people to look after." He starts to walk away again.

"We are not doing this." Rick runs after him. "Hey, I'm not letting you do this!" He catches his shoulder, Daryl swings around punching Rick.

"Ohh!" Rick grunts falling to the ground.

"DARYL!" I gasp shocked and run to Rick, dropping next to him to check on him.

"This ain't your choice," Daryl says to Rick and me.

"Stay here," Rick tells me, then jumps up and tackles Daryl to the ground.

I watch them fight not knowing who to help or how to stop the fight.

"DARYL! RICK! Knock it off!" I yell as Rick throws the bag Daryl had away. Daryl catches Rick in a chokehold and pulls him down to his knees. "DARYL ENOUGH!" I yell running to them. I try to pull his arm away from Rick's neck. "Daryl!" I try to push him off of Rick. He pushes me away and I fall to the ground. "Uhh." I gasp and get up turning and freezing when I see the truck on fire.

"Daryl..." I hear my brother gasp and they too freeze for a sec.

"Get up!" Daryl yells at us and we run.

The car explodes and blast wave catches us throwing us to the ground. I cough getting up and looking to the boys as they sit up. They stare at the car on fire as the rest of the guns explode as well. I sigh standing up and brushing grass off of me, I turn and glare at them. They look up at me and both shrug, I shake my head and walk away from them back to the jeep, I try to start but it won't at all, so I walk to the bike and roll it to the Jeep. I can hear them talking as they make their way to me.

"Choke holds illegal, asshole." I hear Rick say, I smirk remembering back to the beginning.

"Mm-hmm, Yes it is." Daryl answers.

"Jeep won't start," I pipe up.

"Looks like I'm walking," Rick says.

"Yep." Daryl clips.

"Brother..." I worry.

"I'll be fine, I'll meet you when I'm done with the last play." He nods to me and I get on the bike with Daryl.

"You sure about doing it?" Daryl questions.

"Yeah, I am."

"Be careful!" I say to Rick as Daryl starts the bike, he nods and starts to walk. Daryl and I ride till we make it back to Alexandria. 

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