Spy Story

By DownShadoWorld

93.9K 3.4K 549

Alec and Magnus are two agents of the secret services, Alec of those of America while Magnus of those of Engl... More



1.5K 64 16
By DownShadoWorld

"MAX, BEING THE BIRTHDAY BOY DOESN'T EXEMPT YOU FROM CLEANING". Clary screaming as she entered the kitchen, to check that the boys were doing their job. After deciding that it was time to go to sleep, Clary had forced all present to help clean up before retiring to their rooms.

Clary became a worse war machine than in the missions when it came to cleaning. He had entrusted Magnus Alec and Kit with the dining room, where Max had now joined, and sent the rest of them to different rooms. Alec was throwing all the glasses and plastic plates into a black bag, laughing at the puffs he was hunting Max. Suddenly a blow to the head took him away from his thoughts bringing his attention to the direction of the trajectory.

"I didn't throw that." Magnus said innocently, pointing to the glass that was now at Alec's feet. Alec looked at him menacingly as Kit and Max laughed.

"Hey Max". Ty's voice stopped the laughter, bringing Max's attention to Ty, and also that of Kit, who looked at him like a beaten dog.

"Clary says you have to go there to do your duty. She must keep an eye on you". Ty said, not moving his gaze to Max.

"MY LIFE IS HELL". Max said in a cry of pain, which triggered the laughter of those present, except for Kit who kept watching Ty laugh. Ty was about to follow Max into the kitchen when he was stopped by the voice of Kit who called him.

Ty stopped for a few seconds on the threshold, before advancing as if it were nothing. Alec saw Kit lower his head with his eyes focused on the floor, clutching his broom in his hands and making his knuckles turn white. Alec turned to look at Magnus, who as if he understood his intentions was looking at him, and as if they were talking to each other with the eyes he nodded. Alec and Magnus approached Kit who didn't stop staring at the floor, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hey Kit can we talk?" Alec said, pointing to the dining room door. Kit looked up and looked between the two boys, letting go of the broom, and following them up to the gym.

Alec and Magnus sat down cross-legged on the ground, with Kit in front sitting the same way. Kit's hands were tight and tight in a fist. Unlike Ty, Kit showed his nervousness in a different way, it was almost as if he was angry at being nervous.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Kit asked, his eyes turned down and his fists clenched. Alec looked at Magnus worry expression about Kit's condition. He had never seen him so upset, and when he sometimes was, it was always because of Ty.

"What happened when you went out with the others?" Alec wisely chose those words, not wanting to trigger a bad reaction to Ty's name. Kit raised his head and looked at Alec with a frightening emptiness in his eyes.

"Nothing happened". Kit said not looking away from Alec's eyes for a second. Kit was really a good liar, Alec knew it, but he also knew that a more expert eye like his would easily notice the way his knuckles became increasingly white, and how his cheek was slightly pulled whole, an obvious sign that he was biting the inside of his mouth.

"Kit you know very well that nobody can lie to me". Alec said putting on the same emptiness expression as Kit did.

"You could have done it if your feelings weren't involved in this, and if I didn't have ears". Alec said referring to the words he had heard from Kit when they entered the house. Magnus was amazed at the change in Alec's approach to Kit, he had become much colder, he didn't look like he was someone he cared for. It reminded him so much of the Alec he had known the first time, he hadn't seen him like this for a long time, al least with him.

"I wouldn't boast about the fact that you know when others lie to you Alec. You made a big mistake in the past trusting too much a person". Kit said between his teeth, trying voluntarily to end the conversation. Someone who didn't know Alec, could believe that those words had left him indifferent since Alec remained motionless with the same look, in fact in Kit's eyes there was a bit of disbelief in seeing that Alec hadn't react.

But Magnus could see the glint of surprise that marked his eyes. For Magnus, Alec was visibly hurt, and he didn't know if it was something that others could see, or he was the only one to understand. Since they were close, Magnus did imperceptibly slide the little finger on that of Alec's hand. He felt the surprise that Alec felt with that touch, but still Alec returned it, lightly gripping Magnus's finger with his own.

"I know what you're doing, Kit. You're trying to divert attention to something that doesn't concern you... I did the same thing at your age. But different from you, I had the fact that I understood that older people had more experience than me... you should learn it too". Alec said so calmly, that anyone could believe that he wasn't bursting inside. Magnus squeezed Alec's finger even closer with his, and received a close response, which calmed him. Kit's eyes changed for a few seconds, then returned to watching Alec with the same expression.

"I told you, nothing happened." This time Kit hadn't committed himself to lying well, his voice could capture frustration and anger.

"You know in some ways your character is the same as mine 12 years ago. It can be said that I am still like that, but for a few months..." Alec turned to look at Magnus, and his expression returned to expressing emotions. He was looking at him with a light in his eyes, which made Magnus's heart beat faster.

"... I'm trying to commit myself to being a better person for a person who deserves everything in this world..." Alec said turning back to Kit, whose eyes swayed more and more, trying to indulge in feelings, but it was clear that Kit was struggling not to collapse.

"... I also didn't want to tell what was happening inside me, when, it happened... well you know, you also provoked me on thid..." Alec breathed deeply, and returned again to stare at Kit with an empty expression.

"... but I'm trying to change ... for the first time I really want to do it without anyone imposing it on me. I'm telling you all this to make you understand, that sometimes opening up with someone doesn't hurt". Alec said, and when he saw Kit wanting to start talking right away, he interrupted him by continuing to talk.

"This isn't because I am saying that you have to talk about it. I told you, I'm in your same situation, I can't even talk freely about everything. But if you want to talk to someone we're here." Alec finished, looking at Kit who was staring into his eyes, left speechless by Alec's last sentence. He seemed to be in a fight with himself undecided about what to do, while Alec and Magnus calmly waited for an answer.

"After I attacked you on the first thing that hurts you most, and you didn't react at all, are you still here to offer me your help?". Kit asked, shifting his gaze into the void, and finally showing emotions on his face.

"You know the secret to be a good liar, is to have an anchor to hold on to when a person wants to hurt you. But also being aware, that the only person you can never be a good liar with, is the same person who helps you be a liar". Alec said softly, bringing his hand close to Magnus's, to hold it in his, feeling the warmth of his grip and the strength he gave him. Kit looked between the two boys, loosening their fists and relaxing their shoulders.

"As you know we had decided to take Max to our favorite game room." Kit began to tell by bringing the attention of Alec and Magnus on his self.

"We wanted to entertain him and distract him before bringing him here. Everything was going great as long as I notice that Ty didn't stop staring at a guy, and I start to feel a little bit strange. I don't know what was taking into me". Kit stopped for a few seconds, taking a deep breath. Alec and Magnus looked at each other in disbelief that Kit didn't understand what was that for.

"I tried to pretend nothing happened, but sometimes I glanced at him sideways, and I always found him staring at that guy. I think Max noticed my sudden lack of words, and asked Ty who was the guy he was watching". Kit said, and seized by a moment of frenzy he got up and started walking back and forth in front of Magnus and Alec.

"Ty at the beginning kept saying he was nobody, but you know how Max is, he wants to know everything about everyone. So in the end he manages to pull from his mouth that Ty had gone out with that boy for a week, and had given him his first kiss". Kit stopped clenching his fists, turning his knuckles white again. The anger he felt could be seen from a kilometer away, as well as the jealousy.

"I hadn't spoken for the whole talk, and in the end I asked a question with a tone that was a little too rude, saying why they didn't go out then. Max looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if I was acting strangely, while Ty simply replied as if it were nothing, that the boy had cheated on him". Kit clenched his fists even more, and kept pacing back and forth.

"I don't know what got into me, I don't know what anger made me get away from them to go to that guy, with the voices of Ty and Max asking me what I was doing". Kit then sat down, and brought his hands to his hair in frustration.

"I don't know how it happened, it was all so confusing, I just know that once I got close to the boy I punched him straight in the face making him collapse on the ground. I know that Max and Kit were trying to stop me, but it was useless, that guy and I had already started fighting". Alec and Magnus looked at each other in amazement, but only because they didn't expect Kit to fail to understand the reason for his actions.

"Eventually they came to separate us and throw out us, and from there I don't remember how many things Ty screamed in my face. I was stunned I had received only two strong punches in the stomach for distraction. I just know he's really pissed off, and I don't know what to do". Kit brought his hands to his face, nervously passing them over. He was destroyed, it was obvious, and Ty was the only one who could bring him back as before.

"Are you saying that you don't know why you did, what you did?" Magnus spoke for the first time, making Kit look up, his eyes shining with tears, but they hadn't started to flow.

"Well I think because he's my best friend, and that was the guy who cheated on him. I would have done the same for Max". Kit said noticing Alec's eyebrow raised.

"Even if Max is your best friend I don't think you would do the same thing." Alec said raising his eyebrow even more, while Kit gasped.

"Why shouldn't I do it? If someone cheats and kisses my best friend then I have to do something". The same sweet smile was formed on Magnus and Alec's lips, which Kit couldn't understand.

"So if someone kissed Ty, you would punch him? Same for Max?". Alec said smiling, and Kit looked at him in amazement, realizing his words.

"I-I didn't mean..."

"But you did. So I ask you again. Are you sure you don't know why you beat the guy who cheated on Ty, and who gave him his first kiss?" Magnus interrupted Kit, who with those words gasped as he stared at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"I don't know what came over me, I just know that anger began to flow in me along with the blood". Kit said, biting his lower lip.

"Just anger? Not a hint of jealousy because you wanted to be the one to give Ty his first kiss?". Magnus ventured, making Kit's head raising, with eyes full of disbelief. Alec didn't want to intervene, he wanted to see how far his boyfriend wanted to go.

"Wh...are you serious?" Kit asked with wide eyes, while he was biting his lip with is teeth.

"I would like to ask you the same question." Magnus said letting go of the hand he had intertwined with Alec's to bring it into his hair.

"But I prefer to do another one." Magnus said, looking at Kit and taking a sigh for the speech that was about to begin.

"Would you tell me that whenever you are near Ty you didn't feel like bursting with happiness?". Magnus asked, bringing his hands to join in front of his face.

"Of course but..."

"Would you tell me that every time your hands touch, or when you fight and you find yourself too close to him, your heart doesn't start beating like a high-speed train?" Magnus interrupted Kit, who was looking at him with surprise in his eyes, while Alec didn't stop looking at his side of the face as he could reflect those words with what he felt for Magnus.

"Would you like to tell me that when you are away from him, all you think about isn't what Ty is doing right now?" Magnus said, and Alec couldn't disagree with that either, he was always thinking of Magnus when he wasn't with him.


"You want to tell me that when you two fight, you don't feel like the world is collapsing on you. Or do you immediately become jealous when you see him with someone else?" Magnus interrupted Kit once more, and Alec thought that even if they hadn't had a fight yet, he would have been destroyed fighting with Magnus, and yes he was jealous of every person close to him.

"Where are you trying to get to?". Kit asked, lowering his head, his voice broken by the pain he was feeling.

"I'm trying to make you understand what you feel for Ty." Magnus said making Kit's head snap up, his eyes shining, his eyes incredulous.

"I'm trying to make you understand that you did what you did, because you love him." Magnus said those words, looking into Kit's wide eyes. At those words, minutes of silence followed in the room, allowing Kit to process those words.

"You love him and for this when you see him you burst with joy. This is why when your hands touch, or you are too close, your heart beats at an absurd speed. That's why when you fight you feel like dying, and when you saw that boy you jumped on him, because you were jealous and angry. You love Ty, and you know it. But you are afraid of being rejected if you tell him what you feel". Alec watched Magnus with his eyes open, realizing only now that for all that talk, Magnus's eyes had remained fixed on Alec's.

'What does this mean?' Alec thought, not knowing what to do. Did Magnus feel what he was telling to Kit? Did Magnus love him as he love him? Alec wanted to say something but from Magnus's eyes he realized that now wasn't the right time. The boys turned back to Kit who had lost expression on his face as he gaped at a spot on the floor. All of a sudden, realizing all the emotions, he jumped to his feet, followed by Alec and Magnus.

"I love him". Kit whispered with a smile that marked his face, then returned to look at Magnus and Alec in front of him.

"I love him". He repeated, and immediately snapped forward, embracing the two boys, who were a little surprised and returned after a few seconds.

"Thank you for helping me, you don't know how grateful I am. I'm sorry for what I told you in the beginning Alec, I didn't want to bring back old memories". Kit said when he walked away from the boys really sorry.

"Don't worry, Kit, we all have our demons to deal with." Alec said, smiling softly, and Kit gave a jerk forward, but was immediately stopped by Magnus's hand on his chest.

"Where do you think you're going?". Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow, while Kit looked at him with an obvious expression on his face.

"To Ty, wasn't it obvious?". Magnus shook his head, and raised both eyebrows.

"Really? He didn't listen to you first, you think he will do it now. " Alec and Magnus were looking at Kit as if he were stupid, but they both knew why he was in that condition.

"Listen, let us do it. You go to the cinema room and wait". Magnus said and Kit watched the two before nodding. The three boys came out of the gym, and parted ways. Alec and Magnus didn't say a word on the way to the kitchen, but Alec could feel the tension in the space between them. When they returned to the kitchen they found only Clary, Ty and Jace, who were laughing and joking.

"Hey guys, can we steal Ty for a minute?". Alec asked turning the boy towards them with a questioning look.

"We need your help, we've been discussing for half an hour." Magnus quickly explained, not raising that look from Ty's face, which agreed to stand up and greet the other guys. While they were leaving the kitchen, Jace turned a questioning glance at Alec, who mimed only with his lips an 'I'll explain later' to him, before leaving.

"Then what should I help you with?". Ty asked as Magnus and Alec looked at each other in panic.

"In the cinema hall..." Alec stopped to look at Magnus.

"... there's a movie we're discussing on..." Magnus continued looking at Alec with raised eyebrows.

"... we have different opinions, and we need your help." Alec said looking at Magnus who had an expression on his face as if to say 'really?'.

"So you want me to help you solve your discussion on this movie?" Ty asked genuinely confused when he arrived at the door of the cinema room, turning to the boys. Alec and Magnus looked at each other as if to say 'and now?', before turning their gaze to Ty.

"Ty you should notice a trap when it shows up in front of you." Alec said with a smile as he reached for the door and Magnus pushed Ty inside.

"What the fuck?". Ty raised his voice, and Alec hurried to lock the door, seeing that Kit had the other key. Alec leaned against the door, looking at Magnus, who had an amused expression on his face.

"We did our job here." Alec said laughing and moving away from the door, approaching Magnus. There was still one thing they had to talk about, they both knew it, and Alec's heart was still beating hard from the disbelief that the words Magnus first spoke were really related to him.

"We should..." the sound of a phone stopped Alec, and Magnus take it to see the message that had been sent.

"It's Ragnor, he says if I can go and help him in the garden." Magnus said and raised his head slightly towards Alec, who was looking at him with a little disappointment. Magnus approached and placed a soft kiss on Alec's lips.

"We will talk later. Okay?". Magnus whispered on Alec's lips, and Alec nodded, looking straight in his eye. Magnus smiles at him and went away to the entrance of the house. He took his jacket, and put it on before he went outside. The winter air made even Magnus's bones cold, and now he began to wonder why Ragnor was out at this hour. He went to the garden and noticed the outline of his best friend standing with his back to him.

"Wow Clary just sent you to freeze." Magnus said starting to reach him, but stopping a few steps notice something strange.

"You, you aren't Ragnor". Magnus said noticing the difference in height of the boy in front of him, who had a shovel in his hand. He heard a cold and macabre laugh coming from the boy's lips in front of him.

"Who are you?". Magnus asked starting to take a few steps back. He was a secret agent, but that shovel could have really hurt. Another laugh came from the boy who turned slowly, showing a snow-white face and sharp bones.

"Oh Magnus Bane, you'll have time to get to know me better". The boy who could have been Thirty, spoke turning around, still with the shovel in his hands.

"But if you want a clue..." The boy stopped looking at Magnus with empty eyes.

"I'm the nightmare of your dear Alexander". The blood in Magnus's veins froze, he didn't understand what was going on, but that phrase made him shiver all over his body.

Reality hit him too fast, like the shovel being slammed against his head, which made him collapse on the ground. All he could see was the darkness, and the pain in his head. He knew only one thing, something too big to understand was going to radically change his relationship with Alec.

oh oh😯

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