By billieachess

298K 7.6K 17.3K

the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... More



2.4K 92 99
By billieachess

Billie's POV
Sunday, February 7th

Hope has been having nightmares every night since Maddy came back. She thinks that I haven't noticed, but I have. It breaks my heart every time she wakes up crying or every time she screams in her sleep. I just want to help her, but I can't.

Friday whenever I was sick, Maddy was talking to Hope, which is why it took her so long to come back to her house. How do I know? One of my friends from last year texted me.

~ Flashback ~

I laughed as I watched The Office. I heard my phone go off and I reached over for it, my eyebrows furrowing when I saw who texted me.


Aren't you and Hope Lewis dating?


There's some girl talking to her
I think she was asking to get back together with her or something
Just thought you should know




That text alone was enough to make my blood boil. I already knew it was Maddy. Who does she think she is trying to get back with Hope? Did I not teach her a lesson?

~ End of Flashback ~

I only asked Hope what took her so long to see if she would tell me. I could tell by the way that she hesitated for a second that she had debated on telling me. I guess I get why she didn't but that's not important.

Right now, Hope was on her way to check out Josh's new house with Aiden.

I, on the other hand, was on my way to teach a bitch a lesson.

I knew that Maddy was at the movies right now because of her instagram story. Her movie was about to be over.

I waited around the corner of the theater as I waited for her to come out. I smirked as I heard her say. "Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I snuck up behind her and grabbed her wrist, snatching her around the building to where nobody could see us. I pinned her up against the wall, making sure she couldn't move anywhere.

"What the fuck?!" She questioned, trying to escape my grip but to no avail.

"You know, I really don't appreciate you fucking with my girl." I started.

"Now listen here, bitch. I'm saying this one time and one time only. Don't you ever fucking go near my girl again. Don't fucking touch her, don't speak to her, don't even fucking think about her. Because I swear to fucking God if I ever find out you did, I will fucking kill you, bitch. I don't fucking care."

"She's not gonna be your girl for long." She smirked.

I quickly reached into my pocket, pulling out my pocket knife and opened it, pressing it to her throat lightly. Her cocky expression quickly turned into a nervous one. "She doesn't fucking like you, you dumb bitch. You've fucking traumatized her! Why the fuck would she get back with you? Are you really that fucking brain dead?" I spat.

"It's not my fault she's a little baby." She said weakly.

I pressed the knife into her throat, drawing a little bit of blood. "You best watch what the fuck you say. You really don't know who you're fucking with. Again, I will fucking kill you. This is my fucking babygirl that we're talking about. I don't like seeing her hurt. I will kill anybody that hurts her, you understand that? Now, if anyone finds out about this conversation... well I think you can guess what happens." I chuckled as I grabbed her head and slammed it into the concrete wall, knocking her unconscious.

She slumped down as I released my grip on her, watching as she fell to the ground. She'll probably only be knocked out for a few hours or so.

Dumb bitch.

Did she really think that she could make a move a move on my girl and get away with it? That's some clown shit if I've ever seen some.

I made my way to my sexy ass Dragon, starting it after dialing Finneas, my phone automatically connecting to my car. It rang three times before he answered. "Wassup?"

"Nothing. Can I come over? You've yet to let me see the new apartment."

Finneas and Claudia had just moved into their own apartment recently. Finneas had promised to give me a tour of it, but he has yet to fulfill that promise.

"Yeah, sure. Is Hope with you?" He asked as I heard shuffling in the background.

"Nah, she's on her way to her older brother's new house actually." I explained.

"Oh that's cool. Alright, I'll send the you the address." He said.

"Okay, see you when I get there."

"See ya." The call ended and a few seconds later, he texted me the address. I put it into my GPS, following the directions to his apartment.


"Hi." I greeted with a smile, giving Claudia a hug when she opened the door.

"Hi!" She grinned. She gestured to the inside of the apartment. "Welcome to the apartment. Make yourself at home."

I stepped inside and looked around. It was actually a really nice apartment. It was really modern and they had done a great job at decorating it.

I looked down and saw Peaches running towards me. I grinned and bent down, scratching behind her ear. "Hi, Peaches. It's been way too long since I've seen you."

She just panted as a response. I continued scratching her for a few minutes before getting up when I saw Finneas come into the main room. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my face on his chest. "Hi."

He wrapped his arms around me as well. "Hey, Bil."

"Are you still gonna come over to the house a lot?" I asked in a mumble.

He chuckled. "Of course. We've got to continue making songs somehow."

I grinned. "Good. Now give me that apartment tour you promised me."


It was nearing ten pm as I got into bed. Just as I was about to text Hope, my phone went off with her ringtone. I opened the message.

Angel Baby ☁️🤍

I'm staying at Josh's tonight
Can we FaceTime?

Sure baby

Angel Baby ☁️🤍 would like to FaceTime!
Accept or Decline

"Hi, bubba." She greeted, smiling largely.

"Hey, angel. Are you going to bed?" I asked.

She nodded, a pout coming to her face. "I forgot that I can't sleep without you, though."

"Baby," I frowned. "I could drive over there, if you want me to. Granted I'd be getting there at like one am, but I'd still do it." I offered.

She shook her head. "No. I just... could you play the uke?"

I smiled softly. "Of course, my love. Give me a second." I set my phone down and quickly walked over to the other side of my room where my ukulele was.

I grabbed it and walked back to my bed. I grabbed my phone and set it up to where she would be able to see me. Once it was set up, I sat down crisscrossed and held my ukulele, getting ready to play it.

I watched as she smiled, setting her phone up to where I could still see her. She was laid down on her side, one of her hands under her pillow supporting her head.

I began playing the strings to a song that I'd wrote a couple years ago.

"Wait a minute. Let me finish. I know you don't care, but can you listen?" I began singing softly. "I came committed. Guess I overdid it. Wore my heart out on a chain around my neck, but now it's missing."

I looked up to see Hope slowly falling asleep. I smiled softly, continuing the song. "So I think better go. I never really know how to please you. You're looking at me like I'm see through. I guess I'm gonna go. I just never know how you feel. Do you even feel anything?"

I finished the song, looking up to see Hope fast asleep, snoring lightly. I smiled as I sat my ukulele down beside my bed. "Goodnight, angel."


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