Three Reasons

By novelistic_mind

136K 6.1K 485

Hunter is a very successful and wealthy man that is enjoying his life as a well known bachelor. He is known o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

6K 281 22
By novelistic_mind

Hunter checked his watch. It was almost time to leave and Reagan was still in the bathroom. He always wondered why it took women so long to get ready. He looked once the bathroom door finally clicked open. His breath caught at the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Her makeup was flawless and the dress she had on looked amazing on her. Her breasts looked very full and firm giving you no choice but to look there. The women he dated usually paid to get that size but she was all real. Being with her as many times as he had in such a short period of time he could tell. Nothing about this woman was fake from her body to the way she act towards him. Everything about her was one hundred percent real.
He had offered to buy her dress but she declined saying she had one already. Boy was he glad she had this dress. It hugged her body so so well. She gave a sly smile when he continued to stare.
 "I'm ready. I know how you men hate waiting." She joked.
 "If I'd known that you were going to come out looking this amazing I'd wait forever for you."
"Awe isn't that sweet, and thank you for the compliment."
 "Only speaking the truth." He watched her every move as she went to grab her hand purse off the bed. She placed her hand on his chest once she got in front of him.
  "Snap out of it Hunter baby before you drool all over yourself." She said tapping his chin as if to close his mouth. He sheepishly smiled and allowed her to exit the room first.
"Did I tell you how amazing you look?" Hunter said as they walked towards the restaurant.
  "Yes you did. And you look really amazing in this suit." She said smoothing her hands over a perfectly fitted suit.
 "Thank you."
"Ready to do this?" She asked as she found Rogers and locked eyes with him. She smiled at him as if she was being sneaky about it.
 "Let's do it." Hunter said feeling as if he was on a mission with her. Some Bonnie and Clyde shit. Reagan followed a step behind Hunter until they got to the table where Rogers was waiting. Hunter pulled out her seat allowing her to sit first.
 "Thank you babe."
  "You're welcome." Reagan knew these kind of men and how they played. He was the type that liked beautiful submissive women. He felt women were beneath men. He only seen them as sex objects.
"Mr. Rogers. Nice to be seeing you again." Hunter lied. He couldn't stand the sight of this man.
 "Same here." He said his eyes never leaving Reagan. "And who is this beautiful young lady?" He asked holding his hand out to her to shake.
 "This is..." He paused unsure if he should give her real name.
 "Meagan." She finished for him.
  "Yes Meagan." She could hear the humor in his voice. "It's a pleasure meeting you sir."
  "Please have a seat." They all sat and Roger's and Hunter picked up their menu but Reagan didn't. She was too busy giving Rogers flirtatious stares and he noticed it.
  "Aren't you going to order something to eat?" Mr. Rogers asked her.

   "I'm preparing for her." Hunter said and Reagan smiled sweetly over at him.
  "I love when my daddy order for me." She would have laughed when Hunter coughed caught off guard when she said that. Play the role Hunter. She thought to herself. He quickly recovered.
  "If I'd known that you were going to bring a date I would have brought one also." Rogers said.

   "Oh but this isn't a date. I have to keep my eye on this one. She likes to wander off." He gave her an annoyed look. He was good. She thought. She would given him a bravo clap if she wasn't playing her own role right now.
  "Sorry Daddy. I was working and..."
 "Just know your role." Hunter cut off.

   "Sorry Daddy." She ducked her head. Rogers snorted apparently liking what he was seeing.
  "Women. If you don't train them correctly..." Hunter didn't finish his sentence. He didn't have to for Rogers to understand what he was trying to say.
  "She sure did clean up nice for you though." Rogers said. It didn't take no time for him to take the bait.
 "She had no choice. She has to look presentable at all times when with me. She is flawless though isn't she?" He placed a finger under her chin making her look up.
"Yeah flawless." Rogers said staring at her. "How are they in bed though?"
  "I'm not sure if I understand." Hunter said but Reagan understood quite clear. He wanted to know how it was to be with a black woman sexually. Personally to her it had nothing to do with race but being the black woman that she was, her sex game was on point.
 "Well black women. I hear that they are good in bed." On the inside Hunter was boiling but on the outside he smirked. Nodding toward Reagan he said.
"Well she still needs more training but all in honesty. Sexually? She is the best I've ever had." Rogers chuckled in excitement.
 "Is that so?" Hunter just nodded his head. That part was at least true. She was the best he's ever had. Reagan smiled knowing he was speaking truth on that part.
 "Now down to business." Hunter said not liking the way Rogers was staring at Reagan at all.
Reagan just ate as they discussed business. Although Hunter had a beautiful submissive woman by his side this man was being difficult. She seen that she had to put a little more acting into her part. So she began stealing glances at Rogers and shyly smiling at him more.
He had excused himself to the men's room and she the ladies room. Once she exited the bathroom she found him standing there waiting like she knew he would be.
 "Hello sir." She said in the most soft voice that she could muster.
 "How about you leave this clown and come with me." She ducked her head.
  "I couldn't do that sir."

   "Why not?"

   "I'm loyal to my daddy. I couldn't leave him."
  "I'm a very rich man. You could have a better life with me."
 "I couldn't..." He grabbed her hand.
 "Call me master." Although he demanded it it was like he craved it also.
 "Yes master." He smiled.
 "Good girl." He gave her hand a tug.

"Now come." She didn't budge.
"I can't. I'm with Hunter."
  "He wouldn't mind sharing you."
  "He would mind. I can't disappoint him. I did that once and he'd..."
  "Listen I'm not as handsome as him but I can please you just the same." She cringed on the inside. Just the thought of this man touching her in that way made her want to throw up. No man could please her the way Hunter has.
 "I need a woman like you at my side. You wouldn't want for nothing." She gave a sly smile and covered the distance between them. They were the same height so she pressed her forehead gently against his.
"You can't give me what I want.”
"Try me." He challenged.
  "Your restaurant."

   "Back at this again huh?"
  "You're a very rich man remember? A restaurant won't burn your pockets would it? My loyalty is yours for this restaurant. Or are you lying? You're not as rich as you claim to be?" she could see that she bruised his ego with that. Now he had a point to prove. She had him right where she wanted him.

   "Are you worth my property?" With that she began to walk away but he grabbed her hand making her stop. "What will you give me?"
"Me of course. But Hunter knows nothing about this." She said needing to be reassured.
  "What's the point in that?" He said with a smirk.
  "Do not rube it in his face. I'll get rid of him you sign the papers then we leave. Deal?"
  "Let's do it." Smiling she left before him.
 "What were you two talking about?" Hunter asked once she sat down.
 "Kiss me." She said ignoring his question. Without hesitation he leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips and he began pulling back but she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him again this time lingering there."Excuse yourself to the men's room." She said pulling away just as Rogers got to them. Once he sat down Hunter stood.
   "Excuse me now. I must use the bathroom." Rogers watched Hunter until he disappeared in the men's room. Reagan looked over at him.

   "Do we have an agreement?"
  "If I sign over my property that Hunter wants then you would be my slave or whatever I want you to be?" He said with hope in his voice.
"Yes." She answered.
  "I want you tonight."

   "Tonight?" She repeated. Everything was going smoothly until now.
  "Once I sign those papers you are officially mine. You come home with me tonight."
  "I can't tonight. I don't want to disappoint my daddy. I don't want him to know."
  "What does it matter because once I sigh you no longer belong to him."

   "I can't just leave him here."
  "You can if you want him to have my property. My property for his property." He said with a mischievous grin.
 "Okay here's the deal. I come to you tonight but I leave with him."
 "How can I trust that you'll come?"

   "At this point you only have my word and I give you that." She grabbed Hunter's suitcase and pulled out the papers he needed to sigh and placed them in front of him. She can see the wheels turning in his head. Peer pressure was the name of the game.
  "It's your choice now. But I need you to make that decision before he gets back." She said waiting. Leaning back in her seat she crossed her legs and gave him the most sexiest look she could muster. It must have worked because he quickly began signing the papers. Hunter began making his way back as she placed the papers back in his case.

   "I'll see you tonight." She said in a hurry just as Hunter got there.

   "I think our business is done here." Rogers said and stood before Hunter could say anything.
 "It was nice doing business with you Hunter, Meagan." He excused himself and left out.
 "He left in such a hurry." Hunter said and looked at Reagan who was smiling. They were still sitting at the table.
 "That man is trouble." She said with a slight chuckle.
 "Tell me about it."
"I hope you can handle yourself because I think I just made some trouble for you."
 "What do you mean?" Opening his suitcase she handed him the signed papers. "You got him to sign? I can't believe this." He hugged her tight. "I love you woman." She gave a pause but quickly recovered. She knew that he was only saying it out of excitement.
  "What can I say; I'm just that good." She said popping her imaginary collar. "But I think I just signed with the devil himself."
"What do you mean?"
 "In order to get that sighed I promised to go to him tonight." That's not going to happen. Hunter thought to himself. The thought of another man touching her sexually made him angry. "He's going to be highly disappointed when I don't show." She continued. Hunter laughed.
 "I can handle him. Don't worry."
  "Something told me that you would be able to."
  "So what do you want to do now Meagan?" He asked using her fake name.
"Well now let's see Mr. Hunter." She began as she stood and made her way to the other side of the table taking Rogers seat. "I want you to get me drunk then take advantage of me."
 "I think that I can do that."
 "Well get to ordering then Mr. chop, chop."

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