Blood Ties (My hero academia...

By MigyTheWorld

97.5K 1.7K 974

Izumi Midoriya was born with a unique quirk called Blood Master which ables her to controll and manipulate bl... More

Just another day
I will be a hero
The symbol of peace have arrived
I am no.9
Training with All Might
Blood for All
New stories (not a chapter)
Lets beat some robot a**
The blood sucker vs the blood master (filler chapter)
Its my time to shine
The first step
The darkest time (Filler)
A bloody explosion
An Explosive day (Kasumi filler)
Class prez
USJ PART 2: Flare Unchained
Aftermath and girls day out
You got the wrong girl (Izumi Filler)

Author breaks the wall (Authors filler)

1.9K 38 34
By MigyTheWorld

No PoV

"Mom I'm going back to the dorm see ya friday!" A 19 year old looking teen with slightly tanned skin called out.

"Ok be careful on your way!" A woman voice called out to him.

"Hey why do I feel like someone is narrating my every move?" Oh s**t he found me out.

Suddenly a blood red portal appeared right infront of him as a boy who slightly resembles him came out of the portal holding a sword.

"Hello there author." The boy said with a smile.

"... Wait... your Migy, HOW THE HECK ARE YOU HERE I JUST MADE YOU UP!?" The now revealed creator said in shock as he clung to his giant bag.

"Calm down father-" he was cut of.

"Please dont call me father." He said with a panicked tone.

"Fine, Author then, please do not be afraid, I am a friend." He said with a smile.

"I know your a friend, I created you, and thats the problem, I created you, your just a work of my imagination, so how in the actual heck do you even exist?" The confused author asked his creation.

"Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction." The other teen said in response.

"Oh dont get all philosophical with me." The author said as he regain his composure.

"So what do you want, I'm kinda in a hurry." The creator said as he picked his bags up.

"You've been neglecting your stories, I just wanna check and make sure you have intentions of finishing them." Migy said as he gave a smile.

"-sigh- I have every intention of finishing them." The creator revealed.

"Then why are the other stories in Hiatus?" Migy asked.

"It cant be helped, those stories are starting to get bland, I need some time to refurbish the stories to make them fun again." The creator said in a calm manner.

"Then what about the other stories that are not in Hiatus but are taking a long time to finish?" He asked.

"Cant be help, inspiration is a fickle mistress sometimes first she is there the next thing you know your she is gone." The creator said in response.

"So your saying if your inspired you'll continue the stories?" He smiled.

"Yup!" The creator said with a smile.

"Then lets go on an adventure on one of your stories... Blood ties should be good, come on!" Migy said as he grabbed his blade and made a portal.

"I dunno, I have a ton of research to do, and I still need to study for exams, and I also- WAHHH!" The creator did not finish as he was pushed inside the portal.

"That should inspire him." Migy said as he smiled and opened another portal to somewhere.

With the author

"Nghhh... huh... WHAT THE HELL!?" The author yelled in shock as he awoke on a very familiar place the USJ.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" He yelled in a panic.

"Hey did you guys hear something?" A voice called out notifying him that there are people here as well, the creator quickly picked up his bag and ran somewhere to hide, however his feet were entangled by a tape like material.

"Hey guys I got someone suspicious over here!" A boy with black hair called out.

"W-wait I am not suspicious, I promise!" He began.

"Haaah? Who are you anyway!?" A long haired blond girl yelled.

"Kasumi-chan dont scream at him, he looks just as confused as we are, Sero-kun can you free him please." A familiar long haired greenette said.

"Thank you." The creator said as he picked up his bag.

"So do you have a name?" The green haired girl asked.

"Yeah its... Levi Ackerman 'hope you dont mind capt. Levi.'" The author said giving them a fake name.

"Ackerman, are you a foreigner?" They asked.

"Yeah... I am from the states." He told them.

"Ok so... why are you here?" A girl with brown hair asked.

"I... dunno myself, I was just walking back to my dorm and the next thing I knew I was lying unconscious here." He said.

"Mhhh... maybe a villain tried to kidnap you... what quirk do you have?" The greenette askes.

"Oh I'm quirkless." He revealed.

"Oh... I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything." The greenette said in a panic.

"No big beal... so can you guys show me the exit, I don't really know where else to go." He said.

"Sure were done with training anyway, ok everyone get the others and tell them to get back on the bus, I will take Ackerman-kun here and go see Aizawa-sensei." The green haired girl sad as she took the black haired boy to her teacher.

With Aizawa

"Sensei!" The boice of a familiar green haired hirl called the attention of her teacher.

"Izumi... whats wrong, who is he?" Aizawa asked.

"He got lost inside sensei, something about a portal and being unconscious, ah Acherman-kun this is our teacher-" she was interrupted.

"Aizawa Shouta, aka Eraser head, quirk erasure, age is somewhere between 30 to 35." The creator said with a smile.

"Who are you and how do you know so much information about me?" Aizawa asked.

"My name is Levi Acherman... I'm just a passing bye... rider." The creator said with a smile.

"Rider?" Both of them asked.

"Yup you heared me right... Izumi Midoriya." He said to the green haired girl.

"Waaahh you even know my name." Izumi said sounding impressed.

"Your coming with me boy." Aizawa said as he glared at the teen.

"You dont scare me Aizawa." He said as he looked at him with a kind smile.

At the main campus

The creator was now sitting in the principals office, he was having tea with the principal of the school Nezu.

"This is very delicious Nezu-san, what is this earl-gray?" The creator asked.

"Oh my You certainly know your tea." Nezu said with a smile.

"Nezu your suppose to interrogate him, not have tea with him." Aizawa said.

"Now now, does it really matter, he hasn't really done anything wrong, so I dont see the problem in letting him off." Nezu said with a smile.

"Thank you Nezu, I need to go now, it was nice having tea with you." The creator said as he slung his bag back on.

"See you around Levi-kun, bye-bye." Nezu waved as the creator walkes out of the office and was met with 4 people, namely: Izumi, Kasumi, Ochako, and Tenya.

"Hey did they let you out Acherman-san?" Ochako asked.

"Yeah thanks for asking Ochako." The creator said with a smile.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Kasumi askes.

"Get outta here Ofcourse." The creator said as he began to walk away.

"Hey lets all go with him, classes are done anyway." Izumi said with a smile.

"Inam sorry but I need to go home and study!" Iida said.

"And I have to meet up with my parents soon, sorry." Ochako said.

"Thats ok, well Kasumi you up for it?" Izumi asked.

"Sure." Kasumi said.

"Thanks you guys." The creator said witha smile.

2 hours later

"Man that was good, I never knew cafe Startos had such good homemade ice cream, also its been almost 2 hours but it feels like we were just in UA like 2 seconds ago." The creator said.

"What are you talking about?" Izumi asked.

"Nothing... I guess it was just my imagination." He said as he looked at his phone and saw nothing there.

Suddenly a loud explosion could be heared and 2 Noumu's suddenly appeared causing havoc everywhere, being the only heroes present Izumi and Kasumi lept into action as the creator ushered the civilians to safety.

"RUN EVERYONE, GO THIS WAY HURRY!" He yelled as people ran past him in a panic.

Suddenly another explosion was heard and an evern bigger Noumu emerged from the flames, it began smashing buildings and caused so much carnage, however there was noone to help this time, Izumi and Kasumi are currently preoccupied with 2 other Noumu's while the heroes are gonna take another 20 mins. to respond.

'Why is this happening, I created the version of this world, I made the characters, I imagined what they are like, so why, WHY AM I SO POWERLESS TO DO SOMETHING!' The creator internally yelled as he contemplated his weakness.

"No... I will not let the people I imagined to get hurt, I will protect the world I imagined to be, Kohei Horikoshi may be the real author of this world but in this AU... I reign supreme and if I say I am Kamen rider Zi-O you know damn well thats who I am going to be!" The creator said as a belt like object appeared on his waist.

Ziku Driver: ZIKU DRIVER!

He then takes out to watch like objects seemingly out of nowhere one was a small white played one, and the other was a bulky gold colour.

Ride watch: Zi-o

Ride watch: GRAND ZI-O

He then placed both ride watches in their slots, as different mash up of sounds filled the air and a bunch of statues including a gold tower suddenly emerged from the ground.

"HENSHIN!" The author yelled as he flipped the driver.

"Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade~ Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade~ W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive~
Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build~ IWAE! KAMEN RIDER Grand Zi-O!" The jingle said as the creator was now transformed to the king of all riders, Grand Zi-O

Izumi and Kasumi then appeared out of nowhere and began to yell.

"IWAE! For the one who will sit on the throne of all Riders has come!" Izumi began

"Along with the power to call all known riders and his name is-" Kasumi added.

"KAMEN RIDER GRAN ZI-O!" They both said in unison.

"Ummm... whats gotten into both of you?" The creator asked confused.

"We dunno." They both sad.

"It doesn't matter you take care of the small ones and I'll take big bad and ugly over here." The creator said aa he did not take his eyes on the giant.

"We're counting on you." Izumi said.

"Dont screw up, your majesty." Kasumi said as they both charged at their opponents.

"Ok like Souma Haruto likes to say, its show time." He said as he changed at the giant Noumu.

He then placed a panel on his arm and the no. '2012' appeared and sword that looks like a folded rocket emerged from out of nowhere, he then proceeded to slash and smash the Noumu overwhelming it completely.

"Ok lets see how you like this!" He then pressed a pannel on his leg as a man clad in orange armour appeared out of nowhere and began attacking the Noumu, and like before he pressed another panel this time on his chest then a man clad in vampire like armour also began attacking, The three armour warriors began to attack the Noumu causing it to take a knee, the creator then took this chance and pressed the buttons on his belt.

Ziku Driver: Finish time GRAND ZI-O ALL 20 time break!

Suddenly a bunch of gates suddenly appeared out of nowhere and one by one a bunch of masked warriors kicked the noumu until Zi-O delivered the final kick causing the Noumu to explode.

"That should do." He said as he undid his transformation and the belt along with the ride watches disappeared.

"It was fun while it lasted." The creator said with a smile.

"Heeeey!" A cheerful voice called out.

The author then looked behind him and saw Kasumi and Izumi running towards him.


"Calm down Izumi." Kasumi said.

"Well its been fun... but it would seem I have to go now." He said with a smile.

"Where?" Both of them asked.

"Home." The creator said as a portal with a white colour pattern appeared out of nowhere.

"Heya guys!" A familiar dimension hopper appeared out of nowhere.

"CROSS!?" Izumi and Kasumi yelled in unison.

"Yup I am here to bring him home." Cross pointed to his creator.

"So he is from another world?" Izumi asked.

"Actually he is a lower god tasked with fixing higher lever problems, but he was over working himself so the others decided to give him a day off here." Cross said with a smile.

Both Kasumi and Izumi were shocked and quickly bowed down in respect.



"Guys dont bow, I am your friend now, I had fun with both of you, Actually it was the most fun I had in a few months considering how busy I am nowadays, so thank you from the bottom of my heart." The creator said as he smiled and entered the portal.

"See you guys around!" Cross said as the portal suddenly vanished.

"... We met a god today..." Kasumi said.

"I... think I need to lie down." Izumi said as they faintes to the ground.

With cross and the creator

"Well are you inspired?" Cross asked.

"Hmmm... nope... but hey if I ever feel like it I will always make a story out of this, not like anyone is hoing to believe me, but thanks Cross I appreciate it." The creator said.

"Ok see ya around!" Cross said as he vanished in a portal.

"Hey you... yeah you the one typing this."

"Hey there other me."

"So feel like finishing those now?"

"You know as much as I do that these stories take time."

"Haha your right, well we better go, also dont forget to explain this to tge readers ok."

"Sure thing good luck to both of us."


"Ok so now that the other me is gone I will explain some things, 1. Dont worry the wall is not broken, I just gave some of my characters the ability to see past those walls, so no need to remind me to fix it, 2. Well there is no really a second reminder soooo... final remarks gooo!

Thanks other self, hope you guys like the little segway, and dont worry I have a few days of break and I will try to let out ofher chapters.

See you guys soon

"Catch phrase me go!"

Thats all folks!

MigyTheWorld out PEACE!

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