When All Else Fails (A Push o...

By ariel_paiement1

147 7 13

"When all else fails, throw a little magic at it" is the motto for most people on the technologically-advance... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter One

61 4 8
By ariel_paiement1

FANS WHIRRED OVERHEAD in the shadowed rafters and blew cold air over Vivian McGayen. She strode to the nearest computer terminal and plugged her holo into it. With a glance at the door, she turned her attention to the task at hand. Downloading the information she was supposed to be grabbing and finding the answers to her questions. Twenty minutes down here with only a single guard to keep an eye on her. That's what the McGayen name bought from the government. It was more than most got. Most never got a chance to see what really went on behind the scenes.

What she already knew? Well, that was more than enough to make her angry. What she was looking for had a good chance of making her even angrier. No, actually, she was already very, very angry. The walk in the park three days ago had accomplished that. All her life, this government had told her, told everyone, that God didn't exist. But they had lied. They had lied! She'd never fully trusted any of the thin faced weasels that made all the decisions for commoners like her. Still, they controlled everything. Didn't that give them a responsibility?

She glanced back at the guard, who smiled at her and turned his attention back to his personal holo. Naturally, he didn't care. He liked her. Most of them did. She was the heir to the McGayen legacy, after all, and she would be the one who took up her father's mantel to help install the buttons that gave people the abilities the government wanted them to have.

With a tap of her finger, she downloaded the information she was supposed to be looking for—retrieval orders for buttons whose owners were deceased and the coroner's reports for each—and moved on to what she wasn't supposed to look for. Where would it be? Her access allowed her into just about anything, and her father's access did allow everything. He'd given her his access card because he was too busy to get the reports himself and she couldn't download the button retrieval orders. Thanks to him, she'd find what she needed if it was in here.

Fifteen minutes later, she had it. She skimmed over the files, but her twenty minutes were almost up, so she hastily downloaded it all onto the holo to read and absorb later. The guard sauntered up to her with a smile. "Time's up, sweetheart. You have what you need?"

She plastered a smile onto her lips, her heart fluttering wildly. He knew. He knew. No, no. He couldn't know. He wasn't paying any attention to her while she was working. Thank goodness for government employees and union workers who didn't want to do anything. She pressed her holo to her chest with a more genuine smile. "I got everything, Mills. Thank you."

"Then let's get out of this place. Gives me the creeps."

"Yes, I suppose it does." She shivered and walked out ahead of the guard.

She'd done it. Finally, she had answers, and she'd see whether or not what she'd read in that little book in the park was true. If it was, she'd make sure she destroyed them for what they'd done. Anyone who did such heinous things to gain complete control over others should fall and fall hard. Whatever she found, she had to make sure to share it with Seb. Her best friend had all the same questions she did, and she had to make sure he had answers too. Otherwise, neither of them would ever put this behind them.

SEBASTIAN STEPPED OFF the lift with a weary groan. The faces around him all held placid smiles, perfect images of the poise and tolerance society loved so much these days. Not that he had anything against it, per se, but the lengths some people went to... Well, there just ought to be a limit. He glanced at his watch. Ten minutes to make it to his mother's. Ten minutes for something to go abominably wrong, knowing his luck. But, if he just avoided any situations that might require the use of his button, all would be well. As long as the button didn't have to get involved, life was generally not too bad. Good, even, on occasion.

He shoved through the crowd, ignoring the sidelong glances people gave him. Seriously, didn't any of them have more productive things to do besides standing in the way and glaring at anyone who wasn't equally keen on that? Union workers. He shook his head with a snort and rushed out the door onto the bustling city streets of Winchester. Nine minutes now. Good thing McGayen Inc was located on the city outskirts. If he ran, he could make it to the family estate, maybe even on time for once.

His mind wasn't really on the usual frustrations though. Viv had contacted him before work to ask if he could meet her to talk. He'd invited her to dinner with his mother. Supremacy knew she needed the company, and his mother adored Viv. Maybe his friend could cheer her up. That would be a miracle. But it also wasn't really the point. He wanted to have an excuse to go walking with Viv after dinner so she could explain the cryptic things she'd said over the holo's chat. He didn't have a good feeling about the tone in her voice messages, and he got the feeling something was very, very wrong. More wrong than his father running out on them, and more wrong than how controlling the government was over everything, though that wasn't something he could say aloud. It was more wrong, in fact, than his dysfunctional button that never did anything consistent.

He shook his head and continued his brisk walk. Well, even with the dark cloud of Vivian's messages hanging over his head, this day hadn't been so bad. Nothing had gone wrong yet, and he hadn't encountered any life-threatening situations. Actually, he hadn't encountered any of those for months now, and he hadn't had to use his button as a result. Which was good because using the button, even if it was meant to help most people, was as likely to get him killed as it was to help. Even though others looked at him strange when he refused to use his power or tell them what it was, he considered every day the button wasn't involved to be a good day. He smiled and began to whistle. His attention wandered over store fronts and alleyways as he walked. Maybe once he got out of the press, he'd cut through the back roads and through his mother's fields. He glanced down at his suit. Black. Should be fine. He might even ditch the infernal dress shoes pinching his toes.

The store fronts thinned out, and even the apartment buildings traded cramped quarters for more room and extravagance. That was the way of things around here. Get outside the northern limits and everything opened onto the old family estates or luxury apartments.

He continued to whistle as he walked along, hands in his pockets. Fewer people passed by him now, so when a young man bumped into him, he didn't just let it pass. He checked his pockets while the man—a buff guy with sleeves of tats and at least five rings in his left ear—apologized. The guy didn't sound the least bit sincere. He met the man's gaze with a strained smile. "No problem. Just pay better attention in the future."

Something sparked in the stranger's blue gaze. What had he said? Sebastian stepped back, a tingle shooting down his spine. That look didn't seem very friendly. He knew that look. People got it when they recognized someone they intended to harm. But he'd never seen the man before, so why would the guy want to hurt him?

"Sebastian Auclaire?"

He frowned. "I think you're confused."

"I've been looking for you."

Sebastian bolted back the way he'd come. Was this guy after him because of the questions he'd been asking Viv? Had someone overheard and tipped off the government? Wouldn't be the first time someone was taken out—publicly or otherwise—for treasonous conversation. Treasonous meaning anything that didn't completely agree with the government. He pushed himself harder and picked up the pace. But it wasn't fast enough. A hard body slammed into him, and they both went down in a tangle of limbs. His nose struck the edge of the sidewalk, and stars erupted on the edges of his vision. He wheezed, and the tang of iron spread over his lips. Every breath sent a blaze of pain down his side. At least one fractured rib. Firm hands wrapped around his shoulders and flipped him. He screamed in agony and hoped anyone would come to his rescue. No one did.

Strong fingers wrapped around his neck and began squeezing. His lungs burned with the lack of oxygen, and he scrabbled at his attacker's hands. The man didn't budge. What now? He was unarmed and couldn't move the wall of muscle on top of him, especially not in his current condition.

The button.

Maybe for once it would be useful? Random was better than nothing. And everyone else on this planet operated under the motto, If all else fails, throw some magic at it. He didn't subscribe to that motto, thanks to a childhood of mishaps with said magic. His button rarely did him any favors, but, hey. A one in a hundred chance to live was better than no chance. He jammed his fingers into it.

For a moment, nothing happened. He choked for air, his fingers falling away from the button. Well, that was that. He stared up at the sky. This was the end, apparently. A black dot swam in the sky overhead. Another spot from the head injury and lack of oxygen? It grew closer and closer in his blurring vision until it clarified. A giant bird swooped down and grabbed his attacker by the head. The man screamed and released him to scrabble at the bird's talons. Blood dripped down the man's face, and the bird released him only to rake at his face with sharp claws.

Sebastian heaved himself to his feet. Pain lanced through his ribs, neck, and hand. But he forced himself to flee toward his family's estate. That bird could disappear any moment, knowing his button. Too randomized to be sure. Best to run while he could. Or limp as fast as possible in his case.

WHEN SEBASTIAN ARRIVED at his mother's front door thirty minutes after he should have, he could barely see straight. His nose had stopped bleeding, at least, but his head wouldn't stop pounding, and he almost wished he had died now. Then again, dying would mean he didn't get the chance to tell Viv that, for once, the button did something useful. The door swung open, and his mother gasped. "Sebastian? What happened to you?"

He tried to crack a grin, though given his battered condition, it probably came off as more of a wince. "I was experimenting with kissing the pavement. She didn't appreciate the attempt very much and gave me a broken nose in return. Last time I try that."

She shook her head. "Get in here, boy. I'll get the doctor. Was it the button again?"

He winced and shuffled inside, clutching his ribs. "No, actually. For once, it wasn't the button. This time, it was a psycho off the streets who tried to kill me."

"What's going on?" Viv's voice drifted around the corner. "Seb—" She rounded the wall blocking their view of each other and cut off, her hand flying to her mouth. "Skies above. Seb, what happened?"

"Vivian," his mother interrupted. "I'm going to grab the holo and get a doctor over here. Help him to the love seat in the sitting room, would you?" She eyed him. "Doesn't look like he can manage the stairs."

He could've kissed her for sparing him any more time standing. Any minute now and he was going to topple.

"Of course." Viv rushed over and put his arm over her shoulders.

"This the only way I can get any kind of attention from you?" He shot Viv a tight smile.

"Of course not, you ninny. I pay plenty of attention to you."

"Just not the date kind. Hey, speaking of..." His head really hurt, but why pass up a good opportunity to remind her? "I'm still holding out for that date. You haven't answered me yet."

She snorted. "Ask me out again, and Dane may add a few more broken ribs. I told you I'd think about it, but you know neither of them want us together."

"Yeah. Remind me why Dane gets to decide who you're with? Last I checked, your father didn't care who you dated." He eased onto the couch with her help. "But if he's going to give me a broken rib, I guess I'll wait until these heal. I'd rather not add to it."

Viv laughed and gave his good shoulder a squeeze. "My father does care who I date. He's warned me away from you because you're bad news, according to him. But don't ask me why."

He groaned. "Bad news? Well, I did kiss the pavement this afternoon. So maybe that's the problem."

"You always joke at all the wrong times, Seb." Her expression turned serious, and she settled on her knees, leaning against the sofa with a sigh. "He thinks you're the reason I don't agree with the regime, and if he had his way, we wouldn't even be around each other. He's afraid that the family name won't be able to protect me for much longer."

That was news. Any desire he'd had to make jokes faded. Her father blamed him for Viv's radical thinking? He might not help, but he certainly wasn't the root. "He thinks your view on life is bad, and it's my fault?" He closed his eyes. "Your old man needs a reality check, no offense. And what do you mean it won't protect you much longer?"

"I can't tell you here." She reached out and twined their fingers together. "Sorry, Seb. If I said yes right now, we'd both end up in trouble. They don't want the match."


She just stared at him, and slowly the information made its way through his hazy thoughts. It shouldn't have taken so long to make sense. Did he have a concussion? He frowned then winced as it opened a cut on his forehead he hadn't noticed before.

His best friend sighed and rubbed his good arm, the only part of him that didn't seem to hurt right now. "Just rest and save those jokes for when the doctor knits those broken bones back together."

He opened his eyes and stared at her. "I can't rest. Someone tried to kill me, Viv. That's never happened before."

"We'll figure that out later." She smoothed his hair back and ran her fingers through it.

His headache didn't ease and neither did any of his other pains, but her touch felt soothing, and suddenly things didn't seem quite so bad. "Viv, why would someone want me dead?"

She continued stroking his hair. "Don't worry about it. Not now. Once you're back on your feet, we'll figure this out."

He nodded, but he didn't feel any better. She knew something. They both knew, at the very least, that something was very out of the ordinary. Lots of things had gone wrong in his life with a defective button, and he'd been in quite a few life-threatening situations by accident, but no one had ever tried to kill him. Who wanted him dead, and why? Was it all a misunderstanding, or did they really mean to kill him? If he was the target, life was about to get a whole lot more complicated.

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