To Finally Be Loved

By CottonMiller

387 9 0

Symphony has fallen in love with Dixie ever since she laid her eyes on her. However, Dixie seems to be in a r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

38 1 0
By CottonMiller

It turned out the Dixie had a sprained paw after all. The veterinarian said that it would take a couple of weeks for Dixie’s paw to fully heal. Which filled Symphony with joy to know that Dixie will be staying longer. And maybe when Connie and Brittany get a bit closer to Dixie, they’ll adopt her and make her stay! 

And maybe Symphony can take the girl on a date. Well, if her family would allow her to date the family dog. Plus, it wouldn’t be so weird for a hybrid of a chipmunk and siren to be dating a purebred dog. Connie was a siren who dated and married a chipmunk. So why not the same for her?

A few days have passed and so far, Symphony and Dixie have been really enjoying each other’s company. But then, their feelings for each other have grown till then. Yes, the two have had these feelings when they first met, but now, those two seem inseparable. They didn’t know why, but neither of them wanted to leave the other girl. They wanted to stay by each other’s side forever.

One night, Symphony couldn’t sleep, even with Dixie in the bed next to her. She was thinking so much that she can’t even shut her eyes. When was the perfect time to ask her parents if she would adopt Dixie? Would they say no? And if they did, where would Dixie go after her paw is fully healed? The pound? A shelter? She shivered at the thought. Dixie deserved to stay. She went through so much. It wasn’t fair to just throw her back onto the streets. 

Symphony sighed as she sat up in bed. She looked out the window to see that it was still dark out. Then looked down at the bed to see Dixie still sleeping peacefully next to her. The hybrid smiled warmly at her before going to open the window and climbing out of it.

She walked away from the house until it was no longer in sight. She sat down on the soft grass and looked up at the night sky, now realizing how beautiful it was. There were about a billion stars that filled the dark void, looking like a galaxy. She stared on in amazement until she felt a paw on her back that nearly scared her half to death.

“Sorry, Sugarcube. Didn’t mean to scare ya. I was just wondering where you were,” Dixie explained as she sat next to the chipmunk. 

“It’s okay,” Symphony quietly replied, still staring up at the stars.

“What are you doing out here, anyway?”

“Couldn’t sleep. Thinking too much,” Symphony simply said, still not looking the canine in the eyes.

“What were you thinking about?” Dixie said, not looking over at Symphony either. She was looking up as well, amazed by the sky’s beauty.


“Hm,” Dixie replied, Symphony lying her head on her shoulder.

Symphony then frowned and blushed. Maybe this is it. She knew Dixie for a while now and the two seemed close enough, The two were alone, the place seems quiet enough, Maybe it was time to tell Dixie her true feelings for her. Maybe Dixie felt the same way. But then there were some things that scared her. What if Dixie rejected her? Dixie was a purebred canine and Symphony was a siren and chipmunk hybrid. Plus, they were both girls. Considering Dixie having a boyfriend back at the carnival, she might not be into girls at all. Or at least show interest in Symphony. 

Symphony sighed, “Dixie? Can I ask you something?” 

“Um, sure,” Dixie said with a confused expression on her face.

“Um…” Symphony began as sweat beamed across her face in nervousness, “I... hope this isn’t a weird question, but… Do you like girls as well…?” 

Dixie’s eyes widened at the question, “Where did this come from?”

“I-I’m just wondering, that’s all… DO you like girls as well…? Or do you prefer boys?” She asked again, she wanted an answer from Dixie. But if the canine was uncomfortable with answering, she understood.

“... I do… But… Well, that depends on who the girl is…” Dixie replied hesitantly.

“Oh,” Symphony stated softly, staring at the dog very deeply and lovingly.

“Why would you ask?” Dixie questioned, looking over at the hybrid to catch her stare, only for the chipmunk to quickly turn away from her as soon as their eyes met. 

“Just wondering…” Symphony said, a blush rose on her face. 

"Mhm,” Dixie hummed with uncertainty, “There’s got to be more to the question,” Symphony just looked away from her, making Dixie sigh, “Look, darling. Whatever you tell me, I won’t get mad. I have more respect than that,” 

Symphony frowned after Dixie said this. Could she tell Dixie her feelings or not? She wouldn’t get mad, but that was only because she didn’t know what was wrong. Or maybe if she told her, Dixie would feel the same. There was a chance of Dixie liking her, after all.

Symphony took a deep breath and turned towards the canine, “Promise you won’t hate me?” Dixie nodded before Symphony took another deep breath. Just like Connie taught her whenever the hybrid got nervous, “Look, it’s been nice getting to know you and get closer to you these past couple of days. And getting to know how horrible Cash treated you only makes me realize how much I… I…” Symphony froze as Dixie’s blush rose. But with another deep breath, she finally continued, “How much I… care about you,”

Although there was a blush across her face, Dixie gave a small smile at the hybrid. She did expect that there was something between them, but she only assumed that it wouldn’t be anything more than just a great friendship. Plus, she had never tried this out with a female before. 

The canine wrapped her arm around the chipmunk, bringing her into a warm embrace, “I really care about you too~ More than I should, actually~ Maybe we can try this out. I know you’re an amazing person and I know you wouldn’t treat me like Cash did. But if it doesn’t work, I hope we can still be friends,” 

Symphony grinned as she snuggled up to her new girlfriend’s golden fur, taking in her scent and loving the feeling of finally being close to her, “Of course we can,” Dixie smiled brightly after hearing the hybrid’s response, pulling her in tighter to her. 

“Thank you, Sugarcube~ This means alot to me, you know,”

“Yeah, I know,” Symphony giggled. Dixie gave a chuckle as well and placed her head on top of hers. After a few hours of stargazing, they both went back inside to bed. They both blushed as they cuddled up to each other, quickly falling into a deep sleep.

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