Chapter 3

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Symphony got out of her dirty clothes and changed into her light pink and light aqua PJs. Putting her hair up in a loose ponytail before she jumped into bed and wrapped herself up in the blanket, waiting for Dixie to join her.

She’s aware that the two just met, but she really was starting to feel an attraction for the canine. She loved her country accent, her amber eyes, and her shape. She loved everything about her so far. And she felt bad for what she had to go through back at the carnival.

But even if she did start to like Dixie, she didn’t think Dixie would like her back. For what Symphony thought, she was just an annoying girl begging to help someone else who clearly didn’t want it. But she knew deep in her heart that she did. She wanted friends and a home and someone to love. And she lost all of that when Cash left. 

Symphony growled at the thought. Cash. Poor Dixie. She didn’t deserve someone like that. Who just left the band for something he thought was better. Maybe he wasn’t happy with Dixie and just dated her for the fun of it. Now she really started to hate Cash. How selfish of him.

She was suddenly pulled away from her thoughts when she heard the door open, revealing Dixie, “Hey~” 

“Um, hey,” Symphony replied nervously with a blush on her face as Dixie basically limped towards the bed the hybrid was laying in.

“Are you going to have trouble getting up here?” Symphony asked.

“No, it’s fine,” Dixie reassured before she jumped up and on Symphony’s bed, feeling quite proud of herself to do that with an injured paw, “Told you~” She teased, making Symphony giggle.

“Maybe your paw is healing. Which is a good thing. Maybe you don’t need to go to the vet after all,” Symphony mentioned. But Dixie just gave her a shrug.

“Probably. But probably not…” Dixie admitted.

“Oh,” Symphony lightly croaked out, looking away from the beautiful, beautiful canine, “By the way, why did the other band members leave after Cash did?” 

Dixie groaned with frustration, “I told you. Without Cash, there is no band. So they went out on the streets again. I think they got adopted as well since I never really saw them out there again,” 

“Why couldn’t you get adopted? You’re amazing too,” Symphony asked, almost mad that out of everyone out of the Singin' Strays, Dixie was the only one who remained without a home and family of her own.

“Well, I wasn’t in the best shape when you girls found me. So that might just be the case,” Dixie said as she laid her head down and looked away from the half siren.

“I wouldn’t have cared! I would’ve taken you in anyway!” Symphony bellowed, but not enough to wake her parents up. 

And Dixie would’ve normally blushed at the compliment but just shrugged and sighed, “I don’t know, darling. I might as well enjoy being here before I get put on the streets again,” Dixie said, which made Symphony frown.

She completely forgot that Dixie wasn’t going to be here for long. She was going to get her paw fixed tomorrow and after that, be put out on the streets again. For what reason? To get better only to come up with something even worse than a sore paw? Symphony didn’t know, but it made her mad. She knew Dixie wanted to be adopted like everyone else and it frustrated her that no one was gonna make that wish come true.

“Yeah… We should get some rest… for tomorrow…” Symphony whispered, her eyes getting heavier from being really tired. 

“Yeah, we should,” Dixie cooed as she closed her amber orbs, “Good night,”

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