To Finally Be Loved

By CottonMiller

362 9 0

Symphony has fallen in love with Dixie ever since she laid her eyes on her. However, Dixie seems to be in a r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

78 2 0
By CottonMiller

“Hold still!” Symphony shouted as she tried to dry off a very wet Dixie.

“I am! You’re just too rough with that towel,” Dixie complained as she finally got out of the hybrid’s grip.

“Well, at least your dry now. But do you want a new bow? I can get you one,” Symphony reassured, which Dixie shook her head no.

“I’m great without the bow for a while. It was getting on my nerves anyways,” Dixie replied as she looked at Symphony and shot her a wink, who blushed heavily and turned away.

“Okay, if you say so,” Symphony said as she sat next to Dixie in front of the lit fireplace.

“So... ‘Symphony’, right?” Dixie asked as she looked over at the teen, who nodded and smiled,

“Pretty name,” Dixie said as she wrapped her injured paw around the girl, who blushed.

“Thank you. Yours isn’t half bad either,” It was now Dixie’s turn to blush as she pulled the chipmunk siren closer to her.

“Thank you again so much for helping me. Even though I refused it at first,” Dixie chuckled.

“It’s what kind people do,” Symphony replied, loving the warmth that radiated off the canine, “I wanna ask… What happened for you to end up like this…?” Symphony asked

Dixie then frowned and looked at Symphony with a slightly concerned expression, “Are you sure you wanna hear about that, darling? Cause it’s kinda sad and it kinda gets me mad,” 

“I’m sure,” Symphony reassured and Dixie let out a sigh.

“Well, back at the carnival, I was a part of a band called the “Singin Strays” where dogs who didn’t have an owner could join. I was the lead singer and life was good. And I used to have a crush,”

Symphony’s eyes widened a bit at that and a slight scowl crossed her face, “Oh…” She mumbled softly, “Who was it?”

Dixie growled, “Cash. He was the leader who formed the band. And of course, he felt the same way and we got together after a little incident happened. But then, Cash finally got adopted… A little girl walked by with her parents while we were singing and wanted Cash to come home with them...” Dixie continued.

“Which meant… he wasn’t apart of the band anymore…?” Symphony guessed. 

“Nope… He basically abandoned the band to be with humans again… I thought the band meant everything to him! And I was his girlfriend! So he broke up with me! And after that, the rest of the band went back to going out on the streets again since without Cash, there was no band. Everyone left the carnival, except me. I loved the band and I wanted to stay. In case new strays happened to run up on the carnival and would want to join. But of course, no one came. Cash did come a few times with his new family, but I couldn’t look at him anymore. So that’s how I got my life basically ruined by someone I loved the most,” 

“Oh, Dixie, I’m so sorry. But at least he’s happy now,” Symphony reassured,

Dixie just scoffed and scowled, “Yeah, happier with them than with me,” 

“Look, Cash is an idiot for doing that to you. If I was him, I would stay~” Symphony purred, Dixie blushing from the comment. 

“Really?” Dixie asked. Symphony nodded, “What if it was your family? Would you go then?” Dixie asked again.

“Of course not. Even if it was, I would visit them often. But I would always want to stay with you since I would never abandon anyone~”

Amber eyes looked deeply into golden brown ones and a spark flew between the two. Symphony’s soft smile was sending the same shivers up Dixie’s spine and Dixie was just too adorable for Symphony to resist. Dixie pulled Symphony in closer as the two leaned in. And closer. And even closer and we’re just about to close the gap between the two of them until they heard a sound that scared them back into reality.

“Am I interrupting something?” Campana’s voice called out behind them. They both turned around to see Campana in a towel, her normal clothes hung over one of her arms and her hair still dripping wet from just coming out of what they assumed was the shower. The thing they noticed though was the enormous blush that crossed the young girl’s face. 

“Um, no,” Symphony said, blushing as heavily as Dixie and Campana.

“Yeah, uh, Symphony said she got something in her eye and I just wanted to check…” ‘Those beautiful, beautiful eyes…’

Campana just raised an eyebrow and looked over at the other chipmunk and siren hybrid, “Can we talk, Symh?”

“Um… Sure…” Symphony stuttered and walked over to Campana where they left to go to the bathroom together, leaving Dixie alone with her thoughts on what just happened. 

“What were you doing? You were gonna kiss Dixie and you knew you were!” Campana complained, shooting a glare at her older cousin.

“And if I did, why would that be a problem? It would be only a kiss,” Symphony nervously replied, her blush growing. Well, if that was even possible.

“Because if you kiss, you fall in love. And when you fall in love, you'll be her girlfriend. And after a long time, you'll get married. And when that happens, you'll breed with her!" Campana explained.

Symphony raised an eyebrow, "You don't want me to have sex with Dixie?" 

"Cause then you'll have offspring that's even weirder than we are! A dog, chipmunk and siren hybrid,"

"Why does that even matter?" 

"Symphony, we're already having a hard time fitting in just because we're different. Imagine how much harder your kids would have it if you have them," 

Symphony sighed with frustration, "Then what am I supposed to do? Find some sort of talking chipmunk from who knows where and fall in love with her or him instead?”

“Symphony, you’re a hybrid. And by the looks of it, Dixie is a purebred,”

Symphony shrugged, “So? Why does that matter?” 

“Your children would be dog, chipmunk and siren hybrids! Symh, we already have trouble fitting in just because we’re different. Do you want your kids to go through that as well?” 

“Campana, stop worrying. Plus, if I did fall in love with Dixie, I doubt she’d feel the same way. She just broke up with her boyfriend back at the carnival and I don’t think she’s looking for a relationship right now,”

Campana sighed and frowned, “Okay, if you say so. I was just giving you a warning because I care about you so much,” 

“I know… But let me choose who I date~” Campana nodded as the two walked out of the bathroom and back to Dixie, “We’re back!”

Dixie just chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s about time. I’m getting a bit tired. Got anywhere I can sleep tonight?” Dixie questioned Symphony, who nodded as she blushed. 

“Well, you can always sleep with me in my bed if my parents don’t mind,” Both Campana and Dixie gave a look of pure shock at this.

Silence filled the living room after that one request. Dixie just stared directly at Symphony with a very hard blush on her face and Symphony just stared right back at her with a calm yet confused expression. 

Finally the awkward silence was broken by the very same person who made the atmosphere awkward in the first place, “I mean, if you don’t want to, it--”

“Nonono, It’s fine. Really. Thanks for the offer,” Dixie quickly replied.

However, Campana was still shocked about what Symphony just questioned. And was even more shocked that Dixie accepted it! She knew that Symphony was starting to like Dixie. And she could even say that Dixie might have the same emotions, so the thought of them sharing a bed, all night, alone, sent slight shivers down her spine. Would the two get together? And if they did, would the two do anything? 

Yes, Symphony was a bit older than them. She was 16 and was old enough to get into adult acts with her partner if she ever developed one. And how could she not? Symphony was a very beautiful girl, with a heart of gold and a very kind spirit. It would be almost impossible for anyone not to fall for her. 

She was still thinking these thoughts until she heard a voice, “Girls! Dinner is ready!” Connie’s voice called from the kitchen. 

Campana, almost immediately, jumped up and ran to the kitchen right when Connie said that, making the two other girls laugh. Campana loved food like Eleanor did. Especially Connie, Eleanor, or Niss’s cooking. 

“Well, you came down here fast,” Brittany commented with a giggle. So did Connie and Campana.

“I haven’t eaten anything all day,” Campana resorted as Dixie and Symphony walked in the kitchen, Symphony still helping Dixie walk on her sore paw. 

“How are you doing, Dixie?” Connie asked in a soft voice.

“Fine. Thank you, Ms. Lover,” Dixie thanked, smiling softly as Symphony went to sit at the table. 

“Please, call me ‘Connie’,” Connie smiled warmly.

‘Now I see where Symh gets that smile from,’ Dixie thought as she smiled back up at the siren.

“Mom, is it okay if Dixie sleeps with me tonight? She needs a place to sleep,” Symphony asked as Brittany sat a plate of food in front of her.

“Well, as long as Dixie doesn’t make a mess, cause any trouble or stops you from sleeping, sure, she can sleep with you,” Brittany replied as Symphony beamed with happiness.

“Thank you!” Both her and Dixie said in unison.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s eat before you girls go to bed,” Connie reminded as all the ladies started to eat their food.

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