
By amymichellexx

925 14 9

Icy skin and deep red eyes, I was turned into a vampire for one reason and it was to kill a lead singer of an... More

Tequila & LSD
More Tequila While Tripping
Next Morning


140 4 1
By amymichellexx

"Shay, you need to fucking focus!" Jonathan yells and throws one of the side tables across the room, getting my attention right away. A side table smashed on the floor now in many pieces. "Why are you reading so much?"

"Yes, Jonathan? How about calm your tits man? Why not read? We don't sleep so I have lots of hours to do so." I look up from my book at his blonde silver hair and his red eyes from where I sit on the dingsy red couch. "What do I need to focus on? I was enjoying focusing on my book." I say in the smart ass way that annoys the hell out of him. It's fun to bug him. He's hurt I don't want to be with him. I admit that the last kiss we shared was good but felt so wrong at the same time.

Lana walks in and leans against the door, sending flirtatious looks my way behind Jon's back to distract me- to annoy him.

"I have your first big job picked out darling. Been trying to tell you that for the past five minutes!" He says, pushing a picture in front of me onto my book and there is a black and blue haired man before my eyes. I stare at him, "What am I supposed to do? Seduce him?" Something comes over me looking at this photo; do I know this guy? He looks familiar. "Do you know the concert I was leaving from, when you bit me, Jon...?" I look up at him curiously. He shakes his head no. "The band tee had what logo?"

"Simple red with wording I think. Do whatever it takes to kill him, Sweetheart," he simply says. Jon is not very fucking helpful. I roll my eyes.

Was I wearing a band tee of who Jon wants me to kill? I just don't remember that night at all. The LSD probably isn't helping that I was on that night.

"It's up to you with how you do it. Normally you just have to sneak up and suck the person's blood..." He laughs evilly.

I stare at my leader who is basically in love with me. "Don't call me fucking sweetheart for one," I snap at him, leaning over the desk now; my red eyes staring right into his almost black eyes. He needs to feed badly. My book is placed neatly on the desk. My hand resting on top. No need for bookmarks for vampires, I can remember where I left off each time. It's great! "Or I will have to kill you too. Then I'll be in charge."

"This is why you are the girl for the job," he chuckles, "You're touchy and don't take anything you don't like. Too bad you don't want to be the leader next to me, in this Clan... you hold so much potential Shay." He snarls his words.

I stare at him, "We are bad chemistry... it will never happen man! Hope you can remember that one kiss to help you through me rejecting you," I smirk at him with a snarky expression. "What is this guy's name?" I stare at the picture again, this man attracts me oddly to him with that smile. Jonathan pulls the photo out of my hands rudely. "What the hell Jon? Grabby MC Grabby much!" I hiss.

"His name is Joshua Ramsay, but he prefers to be called Josh. He's a famous musician in some international popular band and also loves to cook, he runs a cooking show online now. Get in his life. Ask to guest on the cooking show or something. Do your thing. If you can get to the other members too-- Even better says Amanda."

I smirk devilishly, "Will do," I take the folder on this Ramsay character back from Jonathan rudely like he grabbed from me earlier. I walk toward the door ready for anything. I was taught to never ask the reason I have to kill a certain person. "I'll start tomorrow man."

Jon flashes to me quickly, turning me and holding my face between his hands. He presses our lips together quickly. I could feel his tongue trying to ask for my permission in my mouth. I push him a few feet away with all my strength. He lands flat on his ass. I gag a little at the taste his tongue left. He has no idea still that Lana is at the door. Don't know how he doesn't realize her behind me--- she's small but not that small to hide behind my taller figure. I laugh to myself at his cluelessness.

I stare at him angrily, not saying anything. Lana dumbfounded that just happened. I flash the peace sign as Lana turns to open the door---I follow behind Lana.
I slam the door shut behind me very loud without a single word uttered to Jonny boy. We walk out of the building past my car that has been parked in the same spot since I was turned four months ago--- the venue I was at only two blocks away. Vampires don't need cars when you have superhuman speed and strength. Lucky that Jon made my car abandoned so I don't have to pay the multiple tickets that are under the windshield wipers. I stop for a second and see a warning that it's going to be towed soon. Oh, today it looks like reading the date on the notice.

I shrug my shoulders continuing on home with Lana- she's my roommate. I slip my hand in hers and stop, pulling her in for a kiss. I press my lips to Lana's and look down at her, she's a lot shorter than I am. I kiss her again, my hands on her hips and pulling her close. "Urg why does Jon take helping me as an open invitation to try to get with me? I hate it."

"Oh I bet it sucks," Lana says sweetly. "Do you like my kisses better?" She brushes my lip with her finger.

"Oh yes," I melt a little at her delicate touch, pushing my hair out of my face now. I smile. "I'm happy I met you!"

"I am too Shay."

We run into the laneway of our building seconds later, and we're in our apartment just as quick. Locking the door behind us of course even though we'd just kill someone if they tried to break in. Called self defense if the doors are locked.

I like being able to move fast enough that no one can see me. I wonder if humans see a blur when we pass by them.

I walk into my apartment and sit at the computer in the exposed brick living room. Lana goes to her bedroom, disappearing for the night probably like usual. No idea what she does behind the door for so long since we don't need sleep. I look up at the murals all over the walls as a style for my apartment. A few custom ones just for me, from past friends from my human life as Sarah. I miss my old friends. I've checked in with my human bestie, and it looks like she's doing fine. She's married and pregnant now. Wonder if she misses me or she just forgot about me. I hope I don't see her until I'm 100% able to control my vampire urges. I miss her so much.

It's time to do some research of my own on this guy named Josh Ramsay. I press the power button and I start up Google 10 minutes later-typing in his name. Wonder who uploaded that first photo, I laugh to myself. Wonder if he uploaded it- it is a selfie. Do I know this Josh Ramsay guy? His face is so familiar. Especially the black and blue seems so familiar. Wish fucking Jon had more answers about the night he changed me. But he doesn't want to help a sister out. He doesn't want to see me as a sister. He'd rather lover. I gag at the thought.

Lots pop up on this guy- a pretty popular band that will be missed indefinitely if I have to kill them all. Many interviews and videos galore. No shortage of things for fans to watch. No way to get away innocently with this job if they are in the public eye and known this much by people around the world. Fuck... Does Jonathan want me to get locked up? Maybe... I did turn him down after I got him all hot n bothered when he first brought me out to feed. Who knows, maybe he wants me to get locked up so he can play save me before they realize I'm a vampire and he thinks I'll fall in love with him. Probably fucking thinks I'll have emotions come over me when I see his face and just kiss him when he breaks me out of jail.

"Not gonna happen Jon. Stop trying," I say in my head directing the thoughts to wherever Jon is. I don't hear a response--- must be too far for him to hear me.

My night has begun. I pour a glass of red wine and sip it slowly. I'm able to eat or drink anything I want to. I still need blood once in a while so I don't go ferally savage. I tested it all out and I realized I just get heartburn that I can tolerate from some human foods. Nothing like the gut quenching, burning pain that comes from the thirst for human blood. When my eyes go black as night. They are a ember red colour when fed.

I don't want to have to kill humans for feeding myself all the damn time. Just when I desperately need blood. A promise made for myself--- go after humans that are gonna hurt a beautiful animal or an animal that is hurt. So the animal doesn't suffer long.

I find a list of random facts on Josh and I click the link. Looks like a fan made list. Fans know all the random facts they can know. When celebrities share certain ones, they get saved and shared. Life of the fans. I read his apparent birthday date and it's today the facts say. June 11. I wonder how old he is today. Oh, I continue reading and find his birth year.

1985... that would make him 35 years old today.

I smile evilly at all the ways I can trick him into trusting me. I put my headphones on so I'm not to disturb Lana with the talking of these interviews one after another. Finish one and there is a new one starting usually after a stupid fucking ad or two.

I grab the bottle of red wine and pour another drink for myself a half hour later--- I feel Lana come over to me and wrap her arms around me--- kissing my cheek sweetly. "I'll have a glass!"

Later that night, Lana is hanging on the living room couch and I'm next to her, arm around her shoulders. I look at her and smile, "You are a beautiful girl!" I kiss her lightly on the lips. "Do you wanna come with me tonight? Be my wing woman."

"You sure Jon would like that?" Lana questions innocently, her big doe eyes looking up at me from where we sit drinking our wine.

"I don't give a fuck what he thinks. I want you there. I don't want to be alone..."

She nods, "let's coordinate outfits."

"That sounds great! Can I ask you something?" I look at her curiously.

"For sure Shay!"

"What do you do in that bedroom for a whole night...?" I ask, brushing a strand of hair behind her right ear. "We don't need sleep..."

"Um..." she stands up and pulls me up with her hand, "it's easier to show you than tell you. Follow me..."

We walk into her bedroom, there is a bed along the window and a camera set up to her computer it looks like. I stare at it all, trying to put it together, "Are you a vampire cam girl?!?" I say as a light bulb goes off in my head.

She nods, "Lots of humans out there that have a thing for vampires I've learned," she chuckles. "So I make extra cash this way."

"Never would have thought of you as a cam girl," I wink at her, "sounds hot though!"

If she could, she'd be blushing right now but you kind of need blood in your body to blush. I kiss her lips softly, my hand on her cheek and my other hand on the side of her hip. "Human me wasn't into being a cam girl...vampire self is 100%" She looks up at me, "Jon can't know, that'd be too weird," she says quietly.

"Your secret is safe with me," I smile sweetly, kissing her forehead as she's comfortably wrapped in my arms. I bring her chin up so she's looking in my deep red eyes and she attacks my lips with a passionate kiss. Her lips were so soft against my own. I melt a little at her touch.

A few hours pass by of pure erotic bliss and we're laying on the couch cuddling. Sarah didn't know of this want until Shay took over our body--- I still feel Sarah deep inside my vampire body. Her personality shines through my tough persona once in a while. Sarah always imagined herself marrying a man and having a game plan of buying a house, get a doggo, and have three beautiful kids. I think that might still be wanted deep down. We'll see if it deep down in the wants of Shay. I don't know if vampires can get pregnant even.

I look at the contents of the folder on Josh spread all over my desk, with new additions added that I have personally found on him. Lana sits up as I start to get up to change into something a little more sexy. Eyes flash to see the time the clock reads in my kitchen and it says midnight. "Get dressed Lana..."

"I'm going to stay here instead Shay," she smiles walking to her bedroom. She leans against the door frame and smirks at me in a very hot way--- still naked. "I had too much wine and my stomach is flipping about," she says, making a simple excuse.

"Oh okay darling," I pull on my favourite blue dress, it comes up to the middle of my thighs and I strap 6-inch heels onto my feet. Got to fit in with the crowd. I gather all the stuff on Ramsay and stuff it in a drawer. I've been listening to their music while I've been searching about him on the interweb. Music isn't half bad--- really catchy lyrics and they sure know how to harmonize together. I don't know if it was the band I was listening to at that concert. That night is just a blur of tripping balls.

I walk to Lana's room where she is still leaning against the door frame. Dressed now in pjs though. "Ow ow, you are looking fine!!" She eyes up my body dressed in the tight blue bodycon dress and smirks at the heels. "He is not going to know what hit him when he sees you Shay, Holy shit gurl!! You just have to kill him..."

"Thanks Lana, and I got to get him comfortable before I strike." I hug and give her a kiss before leaving the apartment, a quick wave goodbye.

Just as I leave the apartment and walk down to the elevator--- I hear a beep in my pocket. My human phone. Jon said he'll get me an iPhone when he can. I don't really care, I like my crappy little phone. It does it's job. Never been a material girl.

I opened it to a text from Jon, but lots of texts from friends Sarah knew and loved dearly. Many work calls and texts. Vampire life is lonely until you get good around human blood. I'm getting better but certain people's blood types drive my senses nuts. I hope I can have control tonight and do it smartly. I haven't met Josh yet. I hope his blood doesn't drive me crazy. I want to play it cool at the start.

Jonathan: He's walking down West Broadway, go find him. Hard not to see him--- Dressed for a party it looks like. Go get him.

Shay: I got it Jon, good thing I'm dressed for a mf party! Leave me alone to do my job man! I don't want to get distracted by my phone. Bye!

I look at the texts from my old work and feel a little sadness due to missing working with my coworker family.

Work 4 months ago: Where are you Sarah? Shift started an hour ago?

Another one after that reads;

Work: Thanks for leaving us hanging for so long- It's been 4 months. We just assume you are done with us. We pray every night in hopes that you're alive.

Kind of alive. If you count being a vampire as alive. My blood doesn't pulse through my body anymore and my fangs are coming in perfectly finally.

Jon: Picture please.

I text a quick reply...

Shay: Sorry man, not happening. What will you use it for anyway???

I send him a close up of the blue fabric of the dress and nothing else following the text. I laugh waiting for a response if I get one.

I take off running, in the direction of downtown Vancouver from my apartment building. Not too far away luckily. I'm glad vampires don't sweat though, don't have to worry about smelling like bo anymore.

I start a human pace walk down the street once I get on West Broadway. I keep my eyes looking and watching for this Josh character walking down West Boardway. I see a tall man dressed to impress--- black hair with silver bangs walking into a building on this side of the street. Leather jacket and skin tight black pants. That outfit is certainly giving him a rocker vibe.

I cross the road and follow him into the bar & grill. I stop and stand back--- not wanting to get too close for the fact that he smells of amazingly iron-rich blood, that's pulsing through his tall lanky body.

Silver bangs though? I saw all blue and black hair in my google searching. But it looks like him other than that. I hear him laugh at a joke that the hostess says, and he turns to face me--- taking a double glance. He smiles sweetly with sparkly eyes.

I turn my eyes from him and he smiles more, turning back to the blond hostess as she walks back to the waiter station podium. Did he just smirk looking at me? Is he saying to join him? "Table for seven you beautiful lady," Josh flirts with her, "my friends should be here soon. Oh, we have reservations under Marianas."

The waitress looks miserable but says with a fake smile, "That would have helped knowing that right away."

I smirk laughing in my head as I stare at the back of his head--- I guess he dyes his hair a lot. He is really making this job easy for me though. I lean against the wall to the right of him and feel him bump into me by mistake. I made it happen on purpose secretly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He turns smiling and his smile turns into a longing smirk. His eyes wide; saw the cleavage and his eyes went out like a loony tunes character. "What's your name?" He leans against the wall waiting for his table to be ready.

I look at him sweetly, "I'm Shay," I stick out my hand for a shake but he holds it, giving the top of my hand a sweet kiss like a gentleman. He looks up at me from the motion of bending over to kiss my hand sweetly and stands straight up again. Towering over my shorter figure. "And you are...?"

He looks at me surprised that I don't know him with that question. "I'm Josh," he smiles and I smirk in my head. Can't show weakness. Not showing my feelings outside my inner thoughts. Old me would rate him as 10 out of 10 want to bang! I see five guys walk in and Josh high fives each of them. "Um, would you like to join us since the restaurant is pretty full?" He looks at me with his big blue eyes like he's hoping for a yes.

"Sure, I'd love to join you guys." I notice the man with the mohawk staring at me oddly. I look at him back with a 'take a picture it'll last longer' facial expression. He doesn't like me at all by that look I'm getting from his eyes. Don't blame him at all.

The waitress walks over to us, "Hey Sarah!" The waitress says loudly to me. This is my old job. Fuck. How didn't I recognize it?

"Sorry, my name is Shay. Not Sarah. I just moved here," I tell a white lie. Little white lie--- never hurt anybody.

" are a doppelganger to my old coworker Sarah," The waitress smiles. "I miss her."

"Oh cool, always wanted to see if I had one, was on my bucket list," I chuckle pretending to be like a human as much as I can right now. Forcing my eyes to blink normally. The coloured lens hiding my red eyes with an unnatural purple and it rocks.

"Your eyes..." Mohawk says simply looking at me hardcore, questioning my eyes.

I raise my eyebrow, "What about my eyes?" I look at him. I was born with them, well reborn also needs blood to survive. Human food does not last long for me, tastes good but hungry again in an hour or so. They would definitely guess that I am a vampire if they saw my true colour I think.

"They're just... interesting. Purple is pretty rare. Like they belong in a movie." Mohawk smiles warmly but still on guard.

The hostess walks us toward a booth and I slide into the end of one of the benches. I see Josh look at me and I notice the colour of his eyes, I lose myself for a split second. He slides in beside me. How could I do that? Jonathan noticed for sure. He probably has someone following me knowing him. I'll play it off if asked. Why would I get lost in his baby blue eyes?!


I mentally hit my head against the wall while smiling sweetly on the outside.

I sit completely straight. I glance at each of the guys and back at the waitress, "I'll have the Country Breakfast please." All the guys stare at me. "What? I've been to this bar & grill before, been here in Vancouver for a month. Haven't seen this waitress here before or my doppelganger though. Late night breakfast meals rule!"

"Sarah has been MIA for 4 months now sadly, hope she's safe," the waitress tears up a little.

"Bet she's just living her best life right now!" I reassure the waitress that I actually knew and loved working with. She's a beautiful being. I hate to lie to her.

Josh smirks at me and looks at the waitress, "Same thing as her with a coffee, please and thank you," he smiles at her then glances at the other guys. "And a coffee pot for him," he laughs, pointing at Mohawk. I like the nickname Mohawk for him. It's fitting.

"So Josh, are you going to introduce me or will I introduce myself to your friends?" I ask politely and Josh just looks at me longingly not hearing what I'm saying. I object my eyes from looking in his, "I'm Shay," I smile at his friends.

"Mike," Mohawk nods at me with a smile that shines bright like the sun. He is still going to be Mohawk. Mohawk Mike.

"That's Matt," Josh points at the awkward, fluffy haired guy sitting across from me.

I smile at him, "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Matt says nodding at me, looking at me weirdly.

I turn my eyes to the guy with the fro, smiling. "I'm Ian," he says, smiling a goofy happy smile. Ian takes a sip of the coffee that the waitress brought over. "And I wish I was able to be an octagon right now. You don't happen to have some Bailey's on you, do you?"

"Ask the waitress for a shot of Baileys," I suggest.

"Not too early?" Ian questions.

"Baileys goes with coffee, it's a breakfast drink. Breakfast necessity and it's also 1am now..." I explain. "I'll have a shot of Baileys in my coffee with you!"

Ian stands up and goes to the wait staff station. Waiting patiently for the waitress to come out from the kitchen to ask for a bottle of Baileys. He leans against the wall waiting.

"So, are you guys in a band or something?" I ask simply, wanting to see if these are the right guys that are on my vampire hit list. They all laugh at my question.

"Yeah we are," Josh smiles, sipping on his coffee. "We love to rock and roll!" I feel his arm snake around my waist and his other hand flashes a rock n roll hand sign.

I ignore it, "Oh that's cool. What genre?" I ask twirling my hair for the job, looking at all them.

"Little pop, little punk, and a lot of rock and roll!" Josh says the last loudly and everyone in the restaurant is staring at our table. All eyes on us.

I'm surprised my thirst hasn't gotten the best of me with them because damn do they all smell fucking great! I ignore the burning of my throat. I notice Josh's arm protectively around my body more now. If only he knew the true me--- he wouldn't be protective and would not be sitting with me at all.

The guys get into a topic about music and the next tour, I just sit there slipping my coffee with Bailey's in the corner, out of the conversation completely.

Trying to calm myself as Josh leans and whispers in my ear, I breathe in his scent slowly, I can do this. I won't go savage in public, I can't. "After we finish eating, we're going to go clubbing and I'd like you to come with?" Josh asks nervously, putting a couple fries in his mouth than a shot of tequila to chase. Followed by a salted lime.

"I got all the time in the world, I'd love to join the party." A few drinks in and I'll sneak him away from his friends and do the deed that is to kill him. As the beautiful goddess that goes by Amanda ordered me to do.

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