Tequila & LSD

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"Scotch on the rocks!" I lean on the club's bar in front of the bartender. Josh next to me, with a shot in hand waiting to take the shot with me. He is clearly drunk already, so are his band members but me... not so much. I need way more alcohol to feel drunk like a human.

The bartender slides a shot down the bar right into my hand. Josh looks at his shot and at mine, "Cheers?"

"What are we cheering for though?" I ask quietly. I don't want to cheer. I am being used as a weapon to kill him. Threatened that they will kill me if I disobey their orders.

"New beginnings," He says simply. I laugh to myself, if he only knew what was going to happen.

"How about... Cheers to tonight?" I ask, still leaning against the bar and Josh is really close to my face honestly. In my personal bubble close. I can feel his breath on my face--- his natural scent snaking up my nostrils and my throat burns with want for his blood. I breathe in and out slowly stopping my urge. We clink the shots together and down them quick. The bartender hands us a tray of tequila drinks for everyone and walks away to serve another customer. I pick a glass up and sip it ,"That's what I needed!"

"You know what tequila does? Makes your clothes fall off." Josh winks and we walk back over to the other guys standing just off of the dance floor. They all take a drink from the tray and we ditch it on a table somewhere. Out of our hands now.

Josh is swaying his hips to the live band. Everyone is doing their own type of dancing. Kind of funny to watch. I sip on the drink and I feel a hand slip into my hand. I look over to see Jonathan, "This seems like a group date of fun sweetheart...." Am I really seeing him here or is he doing a trick? I have no idea what is happening. "Hey Shay?" Jon changes to Josh holding my hand. "You okay?"

I nod pulling out my phone to a new text from Jon. I read it, 'That wasn't me in real body... but it was Josh holding your hand the whole time. I'm learning a new skill! I am your Superior.'

I can just see Jon's lips go from a smirk to a laugh in my head and I push my phone back into my handsfree clutch size purse around my waist by a fancy silver chain. I see Josh waiting for me to talk with his dark eyebrow up inquisitively. "Sorry man, I'm okay," I take a sip of my drink.

Everyone is looking at us. Are they getting superstitious of me and my intention of being with them? Now I know that Jon is watching me, or has someone undercover somewhere.

Josh strugs it off and goes back into a conversation with just his friends. They all need to just let loose and have fun. "Who wants to do some LSD and have fun?" I ask innocently.

George nods his head, "Fuck to the yeah!!!" He's in Vancouver for the summer I guess living at the band house with the guys. I saw that he was from Toronto when he pulled out his ID. I pass him a tab--- he sets a 15 minutes timer on his phone as he puts the hit under his tongue. "I apologize for anything I say for the next 8 to 12 hours," he laughs excitedly.

I look at my phone again, "you don't want to do that tab..."Jon texts me. "Trust me." He does have eyes on me at all times right now. I scan the room for a mysterious figure looking toward me and the group. Must be telling me not to do the tab because he tripped so fucking hard from biting me four months ago with it in my human body's system.

I dramatically close my phone and put it away in my purse. Yeah, that's how old my phone is... it's a flip razor phone. I want to try it so bad but he says not too. "Josh?
Did you wanna try it?"

"Only if you do it with me," Josh smiles. "Is it addictive?"

"It just opens your brain more, building more receptors throughout the trip... they say it helps depression and makes you creative." I explain popping a tab under my tongue, Josh takes one doing the same and I set an alarm for us, for 15 minutes. George's timer is already at seven minutes now. Doing it for the job Jon, I think to myself. I want to see what it's like to be high as I vampire. Maybe it will be different from Jon's trip. Better be I hope. "You five, don't ask us questions about the trip. It's too hard to explain and usually ends up making the trip go in a bad direction."

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