Oleh NocturnalPixieStix

30.2K 694 672

Ahhh reading you guys' comments and stuff really warms my heart and almost makes me wanna continue this book... Lebih Banyak

~íntrσductíσn αnd ínfσ~
~chαptєr 1~
~chαptєr 2~
~chαptєr 3~
~chαptєr 4~
~chαptєr 5~
~chαptєr 6~
~chαptєr 7~

~chαptєr 8~

1.3K 44 26
Oleh NocturnalPixieStix


They all attacked you at once.

≿----- ❈ -----≾

You weren't dumb. When they all ran at you, you weren't expecting hugs and praise. Each of them had every intention to pummel you into the ground. Or, at least get rid of one opponent. You spun around, towards the person who had come behind you and enclosed you into this circle.

You attempted to push them out of the boundary, just like you did to the guy with the claws. They rose their hand at you and you flinched, raising your hands from pure instinct. Instead of this person attacking you, a large thump came from behind you.

You were confused and attempted to turn around. When your eyesight began transcending into something more fuzzy and unfocused, you made a hasty realization. The frail guy, -who's left arm was now beefed up and large- had hit you on the back of the head.

You held your body up, which was somewhat of a formidable feat. There were plenty of nerve endings in your head and functions that kept you alive, so getting a blow like that was difficult to endure, especially with your quirk. You held your head and your legs shook a little, but you were still standing.

Using your healing ability wouldn't be the best idea right now, considering you could become pessimistic afterward and your stamina would be all but depleted. You had no choice but to use your primary quirk and your fighting ability to fend them off.

You stood up straight after taking that moment to collect yourself. It would be okay, anyway. You moved over and twitched a little. NR didn't make you a fighter immediately. You had to learn. NR did give your punches force, though, and could electrocute your opponent if you learned to.

These were upperclassmen, not villains. While you were kind of sure they were breaking rules, their aim wasn't to kill you. Your stance eased some.

The familiar feeling of NR coursing through your arms at a quickened pace excited you. You backed away from the "fragile" boy and towards one of the people on the side. She grinned at you as if challenging you to strike her.

You approached the girl, carefully at first before running at her with your fist forward. Small blue sparks crackled around your knuckles. They'd played dirty by cornering you so you played foul by throwing your punch straight to her gut. The fair-skinned girl doubled. You kept your stance tight, in case she got back up. When she didn't move, instead of leaving her, you picked her up and slid her out of bounds. She got up and walked away. Your eyebrows scrunched in unbridled confusion but turned back around. The frail guy had snuck up on you, his arm raised. You jumped back, a gasp slipping from your lips.

He let go of his quirk and his arm became thin again. You took the opportunity and ran at him, sweeping his legs from under him. He had attempted to thicken his body parts when you came but ended up being a few seconds too late. Instead, he delivered a powerful punch to your stomach.

A couple of tears welled up in your eyes. You huffed and held your abdomen, backing up from him. He advanced, but you spun around him with NR enhancing your speed. You kneed him in the back of his knees. The redhead seemed to have some kind of time limit when he thickened and unthickened his limbs, so you decided to take advantage of that.

You held him down as you tried to formulate some kind of method. You knew he would be able to use his quirk and throw you off soon, so you had to hurry. You used NR in your arms and grabbed him by the ankle. Spinning his extraordinarily light body around, you whirled him out of bounds.

He attempted to thicken his legs, to keep him inside the boundary but ended up doing so a couple of seconds too late, further anchoring him outside of the bounds. You supposed the group that had cornered you was planning on attacking you together, but after seeing you take the redhead boy's hard-hit let you take them on one by one, to be fair.

Now that you had gotten rid of two of them, their chances of winning whittled down, so they decided to take you on collectively again. The remaining three rushed at you, quirks ready. You landed a punch on one guy's cheek, earning a kick to the chest from the last girl.

You bent over some, but it was far from the worst-hit you ever took. You latched onto the girl's arm and tried your hardest to use NR to spark electricity on her. She gave you a weird look and harshly shook her body, your frown due to your failure sailing straight over her head.

"Ugh!" You groaned but got back up on your feet. Luck must've been on your side today because a larger guy appeared out of thin air and grabbed the girl in a chokehold. You backed away, shooting an apologetic look towards her.

Just as you walked back into someone's chest, Power Loader yelled. "Time's up!" You could hear pounding footsteps as people walked towards the resting area, where towels and water were laid out for them.

Suddenly, you could see two figures approach you. Mirio and Tamaki had hurried over to you. Mirio looked excited, and Tamaki looked a little troubled. "You did great out there, (L/n)-chan!" He praised, one of his hands coming to rest on your shoulder. You smiled up at him. "Thanks!" Tamaki stepped forward a little. "B-but, nobody hurt you too bad, r-right?" The bluenette asked shyly, his eyebrows scrunched a little in concern. "I'm okay, Tama-chan!" You responded heartily, nudging his shoulder.

Tamaki blushed and hugged himself. "T-tama-chan...?" Mirio smiled at his best friend before turning towards you again. "We have to go get ready for our turn, but your classmates look like they wanna talk to you!" He gestured over to a section of the Battle Center, and you turned around, confused.

There was your class in all it's glory, most of them looking excited and in awe. Your cheeks reddened a little. You didn't know they'd be here! Mirio handed you a towel with a smile, and you flattened your gym uniform's collar to wrap it around your neck. "See you later, guys!" You waved and they both waved back in their respective styles.

You jogged over to your classmates -and Aizawa, who looked half awake and half asleep- with a grin. Mina hopped up and guided you by the shoulders towards the middle of where everyone was sitting. "Soooo, (Y/n)-chan~." Mina cooed, her smirk getting bigger with each syllable. "What's up, Mina-chan?" You responded; a little confused but content anyway.

A few of your classmates had turned away from the conversation, chatting to a friend or two or pointedly ignoring everything else. Most of the girls and some of the boys were engaging, though, in what was undoubtedly gossip.

"Those two guys were so quick to rush over to you, riiight?" Mina continued, tugging at the towel you got from Mirio as if to enunciate her point. Hagakure -who seemed just as excited as Mina was if her body language was any indication- nodded and giggled, lightly jabbing you with her elbow in a teasing way.

"Yup! I mean, those seniors did kind of do a number on me, hehe..." You giggled a little bit, a little confused as to where they were taking this. "So don't you think that...they like you?!" Mina yelled excitedly, shaking you by your shoulders.

You spoke as best as you could while being rocked, your words coming out in stutters. "T-they d-did what a g-good f-friend would d-do!" You greedily breathed in once Mina stopped. Mina huffed, before jumping to her feet.

"(Y/n) and her senior boys sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She yelled into the air. You blushed fiercely, tugging her back down by the wrist. "Mina!" You hissed, embarrassed more than anything. Mina didn't look apologetic at all, and Hagakure gave her a cheery high-five.

You stood up to get away from her teasing, instead heading over to sit by the back of your group. You plopped down next to a boy with split red and white-colored hair. "Hi! I'm (L/n) (Y/n), what's your name?" You asked cheerily, hoping to forget about Mina's teasing by talking to someone new.

The boy glares at you some before going back to his apathetic stare. "Todoroki Shoto." He responded flatly, and you feel like you need to apologize a little. "Sorry if I disturbed you," You muttered your sorry, a bead of sweat sliding down your cheek.

Todoroki nodded and looked away from you, but you weren't ready to give up just yet. "So...do you want to eat lunch together tomorrow? I haven't ever seen you at one of our tables.." You pondered at the end, a thoughtful look overcoming your face.

"No." He simply responded and didn't provide any further explanation. You got a little nervous. "Not to pry but...why not?" You asked gingerly, pinching at the edge of your shirt in what could only be described as a nervous tick. Todoroki scowled a little, before speaking up. "I didn't come here to make friends."

You understood what the candy cane haired boy meant. In truth, you'd all come here to be heroes. However, your grandmother was a therapist and psychologist. That being said, one of the first things your grandmother ever taught you was that social interaction was a must. It was just how humans were designed. It was also the reason you stood up for Izuku and that little boy the day at the park. Hero or not, you were all human.

You were somebody who believed in justice pretty heavily already, but if you had just watched that day you would be isolating yourself, instead of doing what you had wanted: to interfere. "Okay," You relented, but you weren't quite ready to give up so easily just yet.


About ten minutes ago, Aizawa had announced that your Hero Training class was to start soon. As for now, everyone was just relaxing and prattling. You pulled out your wallet. You'd lost a small bet with Kaminari about who would make it back to the classroom last. He'd been right, and so you passed over a couple of yen.

You were sitting in a seated circle with him, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima. "You were lucky this time," You said good-naturedly, grinning at him. The blonde snuck his arm around your shoulders in what he thought was a sneaky maneuver, but you just rolled your eyes and let him.

"Oooh~ (Y/n)-chan, what's that?" Mina asked, snatching your wallet and holding it up to the light for everyone to see. "My wallet?" You asked, your face showcasing your confusion but your grin remained. "Not just your wallet, silly!" Mina pulled out a picture from your wallet.

More specifically, it was the picture of you and Izuku in your hero onesies, (Mentioned at the end of chapter 1) curled up and sleeping after a nice sleepover. "Oh, yeah!" You held no embarrassment from keeping such a precious picture. "I remember that day pretty well," You commented, smiling fondly at the picture.

Mina grinned back, a tease on her pink lips. Abruptly, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to the aforementioned green-haired boy. You shot an apologetic look towards the remaining three boys, but they gave you thumbs up and continued chatting. You heard the word "vines" at least once.

"Oh hi (Y/n)-chan," Izuku looked up from his notebook and greeted you happily. "Hey, Izu-chan," You greeted back and the greenette perked up a little at the nickname. Mina's smile spread. "Hey Midoriya, can I see your wallet really quick?" She spoke with a seemingly innocent tone. The freckled boy turned to you with a bit of a questioning look.

You shrugged with a sheepish smile and scratched your cheek. Izuku obliged to horned girl's request and handed his own wallet over. Mina pulled out the exact same picture. "Aha! Are you sure nothing special is going on between you two?~" She cooed extra loudly. Your cheeks reddened and Izuku's face exploded into the vibrant color. "Mina!" You sibilated again, handing Izuku his wallet back and pulling her back to the group.

You liked pranks, but you knew Mina was doing this with every intention to fluster you. You looked back and mouthed an 'I'll talk to you later' to the blushy greenette, just as All Might burst through the door, with his very loud presence. "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" He exclaimed, despite the very not normal way he entered.

You jumped a little, the tiny hairs on your neck standing up a little as your fighting instincts kicked in some. Shaking off the blue sparks from your hands that had begun to form, you looked up at your new heroics 101 teacher. 'Wow! All Might, in the flesh!'

Excited chattering broke out in the presence of the number one hero, and you were all lucky he'd let you "bask in his greatness". Aizawa would never, and you knew that. "Welcome to the most important class at U.A., Heroing 101!" The loud blonde man marched in, and after Present Mic's English lesson, you were grateful he wasn't yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good!" He brandished a card with the word "BATTLE" on it. "Let's get started!" A few more whispers broke out, but not nearly as much as when he first entered. You were sure you'd heard Izuku among them. Speaking of the curly green-haired boy, you were surprised he wasn't a puddle on the floor right now due to All Might's presence.

"But the most important part of being a hero is-! LOOKING GOOD!" He had continued talking, and you tried hard to listen but you were admittedly caught up with looking at the costume cases sliding out of the wall. "Wow...!" Was all you could muster under your breath, but truthfully you were excited. You'd tossed and turned over the design of your hero costume. At first, you couldn't even think of many ways it could improve your quirk. That was your first design, the one you scrapped because it was too appearance orientated.

After consulting your mom, your next one was a breath of fresh air in comparison and you quite liked the way it came out. "Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" You jumped out of your seat quick, eager to see your first hero costume. Ah, you couldn't wait to show Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire!

Everyone headed down to the locker rooms you'd quite frankly become familiar with at this point and you split into your respective girls' and boys' groups. You opened your locker tenderly, your heart beating out of your chest in sheer excitement. In any hero conferences you'd seen, the heroes had almost always said costumes could make or break the start to your career.

You pulled open the suitcase with an easy click, your eyes dilating at your costume inside. A giddy feeling raced across your body as you pulled it out and marveled at it. The costume was complicated and came in a few different parts.

There was a note that came in the suitcase, explaining all your support gadgets. The note read:

The lights on both your torso belt and waist belt flash two different colors to indicate how much of your quirk you're using. Your request mentioned that you wanted more control over your 'Nerve Healing', and so, we've made items that should help accommodate you. This light feature occurs when you are using your Nerve Healing and will shine a steady blue color if you're in the clear.

If you're using too much of your Nerve Healing, the lights will begin to flash bright red before settling into a deeper red to indicate that you are using it too much, and in that case, be prepared for quirk repercussions.

Your kneepads provide protection for your knees but are otherwise not special. Your boots are almost the same, but their extra function is to aid your mobility some. The bottoms are made with a strong grip, which will aid your mobility and useful in some scenarios. However, note that they cannot fully support your weight upside down.

There is a wristband provided, and it has a simple function. Instead of aiding your Nerve Healing, it is made to aid your 'Nerve Rush'. It will display the percentage of the amount of Nerve Rush you're using. You also have leg and arm braces, that are made of lightweight metal and designed to look like metal for aesthetic. They will provide steadiness in your upper arms and legs, which will assist your kicks and punches and steady your movements.

On your LED belt are two small pouches, which contain antidepressants and a small roll of bandages. The antidepressants are to suppress your negative behavior after using your Nerve Healing, and the bandages are for wounds and injuries. Meant to be worn under your shorts are cut out tights, which also have some design (A metal heart and a couple of nerves to symbolize your nerve orientated quirk.).

There is also a gas mask included, that will be useful for some missions and environments. Please put it on carefully with the strap attached at the back.

If you have any questions or concerns, please come to our classroom or bring it up with your teacher.

"Wow.." You mumbled. Your first hero costume! You knew you'd probably make changes to it soon, but you were elated. You changed into your costume, enjoying how weightless and smooth it was. They'd made almost all of it skin tight, but you had asked for something easy to move in as well, so it made the mark. You could already feel the slight structure the braces gave you.

While you'd have to test out most of your costume's functions in battle, you were pleased anyway. Maybe you'd visit them to thank them! As you pulled on your last boot, you were satisfied. Most of the girls were either done or just finishing up like you, so you all began walking towards the exit.

Compliments fell from all the girls' lips as you admired each other's new looks. The boys had done the same but with less chatter, and you all mingled into one group, erupting from the dark tunnel that led to your destination.

You'd just begun to ogle each other's costumes when All Might spoke up. He'd explained how the battles were going to work, although it was noticeable about his lack of knowledge. You snickered a little, as you could easily imagine your new blonde teacher just accepting the job without hesitation.

"Before I begin, here is a note from Principal Nezu to you, Young (L/n)!" He exclaimed, handing you the letter and flashing a bright and blinding smile. You smiled back and unfolded it as you tuned out your teacher listing the teams.

'Good morning, (L/n)! I will do my best to make this hasty, as I'm aware you have a class to attend. While you are just as much of a student as any of your peers, due to your other responsibilities regarding The Big Three, etc, you will have activities where you may play a special role. Usually, you'll be doing the same things as your classmates, but on a special occasion like today, you'll be doing something a teensy bit different. You will hide in the buildings your peers are engaging in. Whoever finds you first, will gain extra points! You are allowed to run from your peers, and they must engage some sort of physical contact for it to count. The fewer times you get captured, the more points you get, so try your best! Next time, it will be your teacher to explain this. Good luck, dear! -Your principal, Nezu'

His chipper way of talking made your mood brighten a little, and you folded the paper up with a smile. "First up! Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako versus Bakugo Katsuki and Iida Tenya! Young (L/n)?" All Might announced the first teams and gestured for you to come to the front, while your classmates looked perplexed.

"Young (L/n) here will be playing a special role today!" As All Might explained what you'd be doing, your classmates got to ogle your costume and you smiled at the thumbs up Kirishima gave you. "She will be hiding from you, and either team will need to attempt to find her! Not only will you need to find her, but you must touch her in order for it to count as capture. If you lose the overall match, no need to fret! The extra points you get for capturing her may just carry you over."

All Might pat your shoulder and flashed his pearly whites to the class again. "Young (L/n) here will be getting points for how many teams she can evade, so everyone, try your absolute best! Let's get started! Young (L/n), head in first, followed by the Villain Team and finally, The Hero Team!!" All Might finished his explanation, and you had worked up some anticipation after the excitement of it all.

Like your new teacher said, you moved to the entrance of the mock building while the rest of the class moved to a separate area to view the entire thing. "Ready? GO!" All Might called, and your feet were pounding against the ground. You could almost moan at how satisfying it felt to finally have your costume, and get to do activities like this!

Regardless, if you wanted to successfully hide, you'd need to focus. You slide into the building and immediately began looking around. You didn't want to go all the way to the top or bottom, as those were obvious. You still had a minute left before the Villain team entered, so you began thinking. There wasn't an immediate way you could use your quirk off of the top of your head to hide.

'My best bet's finding a normal hiding spot, and thinking about how my quirk can assist me from there!' You finalized, running up to the second floor and slipping into a large (and fake) supply closet. You bit your lip. Usually, in hide and seek, these were normal hiding spots, so you didn't exactly feel safe where you were.

"VILLAIN TEAM...! GO!" All Might boomed in your headset and you cursed. Maybe it'd be safer to be on the move? If someone found you here, you'd have little time to run. You heard loud footsteps outside and knew it was too late to relocate.

"Go get Spasm while I find that shitty nerd Deku and be quick!" You heard Katsuki yell at Iida before running off, explosions propelling him forward. In other words, he wasn't being subtle at all. After his words, you could hear the clunking of metal which could've only been Iida's costume, pounding against the floor.

He was searching the rooms, starting with the one next to you. Your thoughts went a mile a minute for a moment before you calmed yourself. Now, your most solid bet was to surprise him. Iida was a very thorough person, so you had no doubt he'd find you. You just had to catch him off guard to escape capture!

The clunking footsteps got closer, and you pressed yourself into the space behind the door. If Bakugo was the one actively looking for you, you'd be nervous about this plan because he'd surely slam the door on you and give you an injury.

As you predicted, when he'd gotten to the supply closet door, he gently opened it and came marching in. You made to move around him and he spotted you, glasses glinting as mild surprise was written on his face.

"(L/n)-chan?" He said, his startled face melting into one of determined politeness. "I apologize, but I must capture you now," When he made a move to grab you, you ducked under his arms and ran. Naturally, with his speed quirk, he was running right after you, and catching up quick too, 'Please let his armor slow him down!' Whether he was slowed down or not, he'd been on your tail for thirty seconds already!

'I feel like I might regret this, but..' You tried to reason with yourself. If you run into the fight that was happening down there -if the noise was any proof-, it could get Iida off of your tail. You'd just have to be careful not to get caught by anyone else.

You saw a glimpse of pink and realized it was Ochako, heading upstairs to get the weapon. Well, nobody said you weren't allowed to give a team any hints. Plus, it'd hopefully get him away from you. "Iida-chan? Uraraka-san just went upstairs to get the bomb!" You mentioned to him in a casually frantic way, but you were more so frantic about getting him away.

"What?! Excuse me!" Iida pardoned himself as if you both were having some kind of peaceful conversation, and headed upstairs to protect the bomb. You watched as he went, but kept running, forgetting to run facing forward.


'Wait, if Iida's gone, why am I still running into the fight-?' Was your split-second thought before you made it right into where they were fighting. They were across from each other, and you'd erupted onto Midoriya's side. You made your way to the middle -it'd be wrong to assume that Izuku wouldn't attempt to get you- but quickly recoiled upon seeing the green-haired boy's injuries.

'Wait...that noise...!' You shrieked in realization, rounding on the ash-blonde boy. "What did you do to him?!" Katsuki opened his mouth to respond, his face looking as angry as usual. Izuku looked too damaged for that to be some normal blast. His green eyes were half-lidded and you ran over to him.

You propped his head on your knee. You mumbled apologies because he could've made it on his own, but you just had to help him, at least a little. "Stay still, okay?" You placed your hands on his shoulders and poured N.H into him; if the blue sparks shifting around were anything to go by.

The more you used it, the livelier he looked and the more tired and sad you looked. Suddenly, a fraction of Izuku's eyes turned red and he flinched. You were confused until you looked down and realized that your belts were flashing their red lights. You stopped using N.H. and took a vexatious breath.

Unbeknownst to you, Bakugo behind you was becoming more and more upset and in turn, aggressive. Unluckily for him, he was already on thin ice, and All Might scolding him about his gauntlet blast wouldn't be so easily forgotten. "Get the fuck outta my way!!" He growled at you and moved past you towards Izuku, who had jumped to his feet.

"You got this! Maybe.." You called out, but you'd used your quirk enough that you were frowning, and your encouragement was short-lived and lackluster.

When you used N.H. and your behavior became influenced, it was very easy to hear it in your voice.

Regardless, Izuku looked grateful, and their fight continued. You sluggishly walked a little ways away and made your way next to a random room.

Right as you sat down on the wall; "THE HERO TEAM...WIIINS!" All might announced in everyone's earpieces. You were glad that it was over because even though the more you used N.H. the more your endurance for using it would rise, you still felt emotionally debilitated.

Instead of focusing on healing Izuku's injuries, you'd just given him extra energy to keep going. The green-haired boy was escorted on a stretcher, and Iida and Uraraka helped you get back to where the rest of your class was. "Thanks, guys.." You give them a tired half-smile, as you guys walked.

"It is our duty as your classmates to help you when you require assistance!" Iida chimed, and Uraraka nodded happily. "Yeah!! By the way, I love your costume (L/n)-chan!" You smiled and returned the compliment, and you guys made your way back.


"The hero team won, but the real question is; who caught Young (L/n)?" All Might questioned your class, and Momo raised her hand. "It was Midoriya, correct? (L/n) and Midoriya didn't notice, but when she held his shoulders, his team had technically captured her."

All Might seemed a little unnerved for a moment before nodding with his usual smile. "Correct! I did not mention this, but even if Young (L/n) is the one to engage in a form of contact, it will count!"


The rounds passed by with ease, and most teams hadn't succeeded in capturing you. By now, you were tired and you went to unwind in the infirmary for a little.

When you woke up, you were still in your hero costume -minus your gas mask that you grabbed off of a bedside table- and you could see Recovery Girl at her desk. She turned around and handed you some candy. "Here dearie, eat these. You have visitors."

"I do?!" You downed the candy quickly and hopped out of your hospital bed. "Careful dear!" Recovery Girl scolded lightly and you nodded at her before pulling the infirmary door open. Immediately, you were embraced.

"Ahhhh! We were so worried about our little kouhai!" Nejire squeals as she hugs you. You squeeze her back before letting her go. "Yup! After the fight, your friend made your face beet red! Was she your crush?? Or was she talking to you about your crush?! Was it her quirk?" Nejire began bombarding you with questions, and you instantly realized who she was talking about.

You groaned and shook your head. Mirio -whose presence you were unaware of alongside Tamaki's because they let Nejire speak- chuckled and nodded. "Your friends definitely have a sense of humor!" He said good-naturedly, but you just wanted to forget the whole thing.

"Ahh!" Nejire squealed again and you were confused until she spoke again. "Look at your costume! Do you know who made it? C'mon, do a spin for us!" You did as she asked and were pleasantly surprised by the cheering she made. "Doesn't it look great Tamaki?!" The periwinkle haired girl nudged him forward and he stuttered.

"I-I like it," He meekly said, and you smiled happily. "I can't wait to see you guys' hero costumes too!" You chimed cheerily. The bell rung, though, and you knew what that meant. "Ah! I gotta go back to homeroom now, but we should go on a picnic or something this weekend!" You waved at them as you jogged out of the nurse's office.

You slowed your pace down a little, but you didn't want to go too slow anyway. Aizawa wasn't lenient whatsoever, and you didn't want to be late. Those were your intentions, anyway, until you saw a vending machine.

"Yes." You stared at the vending machine in wonderment, your mouth salivating as you longed for a snack or drink from the legendary machine.

"Huh?" Someone behind you gasped in an over-exaggerated manner. "Is a class 1-A idiot really drooling at food like an animal? And while they should be in class no less?!"

Your first thought was- 'This guy must be the class president of 1-B or something!' but the gigantic, taunting and cocky grin on this blonde's face gave it away. He wasn't the class president or upset with your tardiness. He just wanted to look down on you...?

"Oh, hi! Um, what's your name? I'm (L/n) (Y/n).." You held out a hand for him and he smacked it away as he sneered at you.

"Now you class 1-A idiots have the time to talk to someone as lowly as me?!" His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He had some kind of resentment you were sure.

Well, you guessed you'd have to be the forward one.

You walked closer and snaked an arm around the blonde. He looked like his soul flew out of his body. "C'mon Lemon-san, let's walk together to my class since you keep mentioning it," Monoma struggled a little but you had a firm grip on him.

You kind of wanted to be friends and if he was going to be all I-hate-you, you'd just have to be aggressively loving. Not in a harmful way, you'd just pour love into him because he was clearly lacking some attention.

Monoma huffed, clearly displeased with his current predicament. He resigned in your hold but didn't give up with his verbal onslaught. "Wow, an actual class 1-A student's giving me the time of day! And to drag me off to their classroom!"

You pat him on the shoulder but otherwise ignored his words. Instead, you cocked your head at him with a slight grin. "Are you gonna tell me your name?" You requested again and that cocky look that appeared on his face almost every time he talked made its' presence known.

"Of course, the almighty Class 1-A students could never bother learning someone else's name!!" You shook your head with patience only your mother could teach you. "Nope!" You turned a corner as you both were fast approaching your class.

"We've just never met before," You spoke, caressing your chin with your other hand in thought. The blonde paused for a second, before speaking again. "It's Monoma Neito, not like a class 1-A loser like you could remember-!"

"Nice to meet you, Noma-kun!" You chirped, sliding open the door of your class. You were giddy and nervous and excited at the same time.

"(L/n)." You spun around towards your teacher and hopped from foot to foot.

"Hi, Aizawa-sensei! What did (Y/n) escape from? The angry teacher! See you later Noma-kun, and have a nice day!" You began pushing Monoma out by his shoulders.

"Okay, bye!" You continued, finally pushing the bewildered Monoma and shutting the classroom door.

Without turning around, you marched to your seat, avoiding the red glaring eyes of your teacher as cold sweat dripped down your face.


"Kaminari, I swear!" You huffed but you had a small smile on your face. "I'm not a stalker and I didn't follow you!" Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows at you. "Don't be embarrassed babe~! I already knew you were in love with me," He explained, smirk stretched across his face as he "subtly" reaches for your hand.


He tripped on a stray Panda Express cup.

You stood there for a minute before pulling the boy (who now had a bump on his forehead) up with a solemn face. "C'mon, Kaminari," You sighed, stifling your small giggles. "If you wanted to hold hands, just ask!" You held his hand and he gave a goofy looking thumbs up with a prominent blush but seemed to need to gather his thoughts.

You internally shrugged and guided you both towards the school. You spun around the corner with Kaminari who was looking more clear-headed by the minute. He opened his mouth to talk again before you both went silent in shock at what you were seeing.

There were tons and tons and TONS of people in front of your school. It was an entire crowd, and most of them had cameras, microphones, and notepads. "Reporters...?" You mumbled, confused.

Kaminari pulled you close to him. "If you're scared I'll hold you, babe," You gasped and your eyes sparkled in the sunlight. "Really?!" Since he gave the okay, you leisurely hopped onto his back, as he stumbled around a bit before regaining his balance. His face reddened with a blush that almost overtook his entire face.

Despite that, he didn't say anything and marched into the crowd of reporters, attempting to appear confident for you, even though his legs shook just a little bit. It was understandable though. Even though none of the reporters had spotted you quite yet, you could clearly see them aggressively trying to interview your peers.

As Kaminari was struggling to get through the crowd and answering questions for the both of you, you began peering around. You were sure there was a reason that all the reporters had flocked over to the school. It could be the fact that the new semester just started, and the hype of U.A. in general. You couldn't decide whether it was normal or strange. Regardless, Kaminari had just dove through the last stream of reporters and you clung onto him like a koala, hoping not to get lost in limbs.

You attempted to climb down carefully and landed on the ground. "Okay, let's get to class!" You beckoned Kaminari, who followed with a pink face. His eyes were glued to your lower body, but you didn't think much of it, instead chalking it up to the fact he had to shovel through a crowd. You were unsure regardless but walked along, knowing that the -kind of traumatic- experience of shoveling through the crowd was a topic to laugh at later and not talk about right now.

When you arrived at the classroom with your blonde companion, you made your way over to Izuku, bouncing on the balls of your feet. "Morning!" You chimed happily, pulling out a can of melon soda from your bag. You sipped on the drink, enjoying the taste before recoiling a little. Your greenette friend was being pretty quiet..

You averted your eyes towards him. "What's wrong, Izuku...?" The greenette boy was red in the face and attempting to point something out to you. "Y-your.." He began to point something out. "What the FUCK?!" The ash-blonde boy who'd just shrieked out was now behind you, freaking out over something. You didn't think much of it at first- he probably wasn't even talking about you.

That was what you thought until you felt a very harsh tug on your skirt. Your melon soda spilled on your button-up shirt and you groaned. It probably wouldn't stain, but still. "What was that for?" You asked incredulously, a kind of peeved look on your face.

"Maybe if you didn't show off your fucking UNDERWEAR I wouldn't have touched you, dumbass!" He spit and your face scrunched up. "My.." You slowly put the pieces together. You'd gotten on Kaminari's back, which -if what Katsuki was saying was true- had flipped at least some of your skirt. It was probably also the reason for Kaminari's staring and blush. You groaned, rubbing your hand down your face.

"S-sorry.." You muttered, heading to the bathroom to get rid of the melon soda spill before it could leave a mark. After getting the spill out and drying it with the hand drier, you headed back to class.

"Sorry, sensei." You apologized to Aizawa as you fidgeted some, but your teacher just waved you off. "Go sit down." You obliged, and plopped in your seat, stiffly avoiding eyes with Izuku, Bakugo, and Kaminari.

Aizawa had kindly -despite his attitude- listed down the list of classes you had today. He pointed to it lazily. "I won't be doing this again. Tomorrow you'll receive your own schedules." He finished before leaving with his banana yellow sleeping bag.

Your first class was, surprisingly, a cooking lesson. Soon enough, Present Mic and Recovery girl sauntered in, both of them wearing frilly pink aprons to most of the class's amusement. "Good morning dearies," The older woman began, standing on her tippy toes to place the ingredients they brought on the podium.

"OH YEAHHH! On sunny days like this, you gotta PAAAARTAY!" Present Mic loudly greeted, a whisk in hand. "Today, we'll be teaching you easy meals to make in case of an emergency." Recovery Girl continued. Present Mic whipped out a bunch of aprons. "Well.. if everyone's ready, LET'S GET THIS STARTED!"

And then he threw all of the aprons in the air.


Any of (Y/n)'s speech that's affected by her quirk will be underlined!

Also, there'll be an update on the costume soon and I had to rush so I'm sorry! (Y/n) has no definite look (although if someone gave her a hairclip or something it would become part of her design) I just added hair and eye color for anyone who wanted to see it!

If you have any questions please ask <33 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ -Pixie

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