Treat You Better

By Justin_Fantasies

7.8K 201 23

On the outside he's just a normal college boy who happens to like guys, but on the inside he's broken. Alway... More

✰ Treat You Better ✰
✰ Prologue ✰
✰ Chapter One ✰
✰ Chapter Two ✰
✰ Chapter Three ✰
✰ Chapter Five ✰
✰ Chapter Six ✰
✰ Chapter Seven ✰
✰ Chapter Eight(smut)✰
✰ Chapter Nine ✰
✰ Chapter Ten ✰
✰ Chapter Eleven ✰
✰ Chapter Twelve ✰
✰ Chapter Thirteen ✰
✰Chapter Fourteen✰
✰Chapter Fifteen✰
✰Chapter Sixteen✰
✰ Chapter Seventeen(smut) ✰
✰ Chapter Eighteen ✰
✰ Chapter Nineteen ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty(smut) ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*One ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Two ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Three ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Four ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Five ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Six ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Seven ✰
✰ Chapter Twenty*Eight ✰
✰ Epilogue ✰
✰ Bonus Chapter (The Wedding)✰

✰ Chapter Four ✰

258 6 2
By Justin_Fantasies

✧ Stubborn ✧ November 18th, 2020✧

Pulling up to the address Mel gave me, I'm shocked.

Well that answers my question as to why Hunter stays with Zayn if he hates him. I turn off the car and get out, I walk up to the door and ring the bell waiting patiently

"Yes?" A voice spoke

I look to see a little girl with brown hair and eyes like Zayn's

"Hi sweetie is Zayn here?" I ask her

She looks at me then nods

"He's in the fashion room" She tells me

Fashion room?

"Zoey, did you answer the door again!?" A woman asks coming from what I'm assuming is the kitchen

"Yes mommy it's for Zaynie" Zoey sings then skips off

"What have I told you—" She pauses "Justin?"

I smile at the woman who I know as one of my mother's bosses

"Mrs. Travis, hi" I greet her

"Oh my gosh you're grown since the summer" She squeals hugging me

"I know" I chuckle

"What brings you here?" She asks confused

"Well I met Zayn in school today. I didn't know he was your son" I admit

"Did something happen? He seemed down" She asks

"Just a disagreement with his boyfriend" I shrug

"Ugh!" She groans "I keep telling Zayn to get rid of that boy but he won't listen."

Okay something serious it going on here with Hunter and Zayn, even his mom doesn't like the guy?

Wait why do I care?

"Is he here?" I ask

She nods "Just go up stairs and go to the room all the way down the hall on the left side"

I nod following her directions. Once I get upstairs, I can hear music playing already so I follow it to a room but what I found isn't what I was expecting.

Zayn in a corner, with his knees bent up and his arms around them hugging himself and bawling his eyes out.

"Zayn!" I try to shout over the music but it's too loud.

I walk over to the dock and turn it off causing his head to pop up

"Justin" He gasps standing up "W-what are you doing here?"

"Are you okay?" I ask him

He sniffs and nods "I'll be fine"

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask

He shakes his head

I don't know why, but I feel like he needs to be comforted and after what Melanie told me he for sure needs to get away from Hunter

"Where's Hunter?" I ask

"He's not here" Zayn whispers

I nod thinking "So what were you doing before?"

"Crying" He says bluntly

"Before that" I huff

"Oh...I was working on some things"

"You a designer?"

He nods


"You wanna see?" He asks cautiously

"Sure" I nod with a shrug

He seems to perk up and runs over to the table pulling out all his sketches

"So I'm taking fashion classes along with Mel and my other best friend Tina and we have to design stuff for the showcase at the end of the year"

"Like a fashion show?" I ask

"Exactly, some people are designing shoes, others dresses but I wanna do a little of everything" He says passing me a paper

"This is the shoe that I might get endorsed if the buyers like it" He says shyly

I look down at the paper

"You made this?" I ask in shock

"Mhm" He nods

"Wow that's cool, do you have any guy designs?" I ask

"Seriously?" He asks


"Nothing, usually no one except my friends care about my work" He says softly

"Well we're friends right?" I ask

He nods with a smile

"I'm sorry about Hunter today" He sighs

"Don't worry about it" I shrug

"You sure?"

"Yeah nothing I can't handle trust me"

"So what brought you here?" He asks

"I wanted to talk to you"


"Melanie told me about what Hunter does to you Zayn" I admit

He looks down and sniffs again

"He doesn't mean it" He whispers

"Yes, he does Zayn" I tell him firmly

His head snaps up to me "How would you know?"

"Because I had a girlfriend like him Zayn, he knows you have a big heart and you'd do anything for him so he takes advantage of that fact. When you don't do what he says then he hurts you but apologizes so you think he doesn't mean it. Zayn that ain't right"

"Get out" He spats

"Why? Because I'm right?"

"No because you don't know anything!" He shouts

"I know you don't deserve to be treated like a rag doll or a toy" I shout back

"Why's that?" He sasses

"You're too precious for that Zayn" I sigh calmly

The fuck? Where did that come from?

"You don't mean that" He scoffs

"I do Zayn, I do."

"You don't even know me" He argues

"Then let me get to know you" I shrug

He looks at me

"Hunter will hurt you" He defends

"Let him" I chuckle

"Justin no! Just stay away from me please"

I sigh "Fine"

I walk out of the room and out of the house.

Zayn is so stubborn, he can't see that Hunter is ripping him apart and it pisses me off.

Why? I don't know because I've never felt the need to act on my bisexuality but something is pulling me to Zayn and I don't want it to stop. 

I sink back to the ground crying my eyes out

I know Justin is only trying to help but I can't let him. I can let anyone get hurt because of Hunter's anger.

"Zayn? Honey why did Justin leave?"

"He had to go home" I sniff

"You okay?"

"Yeah mom" I nod

"Okay dinner's almost ready"

"I'm not hungry" I tell her

She sighs "Zayn"

This is a battle my mom and I go through every night, she wants me to eat but I don't. If I eat, I get fat and if I get fat, Hunter will leave me.

One time he told me that's why he turned gay is because women get to fat. He said once they get comfortable or pregnant, they stop caring about their bodies and since men can't get pregnant he doesn't have to worry

"Mom I'll eat later okay" I huff

"Fine but we're talking about this in the morning" She snaps leaving the room

I groan feeling a headache coming on. I walk over to my phone to see Hunter texted me

'why was the McCann kid at your house!'

I freeze reading his text. How does he know that? Is he watching me!?

'He came to check on me'


'I had a rough day'

'are you screwing him!?'

'What!? Hunter no! I love you. Only you'

'if you're lying Zayn I swear'

'I'm not baby I promise'

'fine. I won't be over tonight the guys and I are going out to party but you better come pick me up in the morning'

'Okay Hunter'


'Bye I love you'

He doesn't say it back which hurts but he's probably busy with his friends. How did he know Justin was here though?

I lay on my bed after dinner thinking about what happened at Zayn's house today since I can't get what he said out of my head

"Hunter will hurt you"

"Just stay away from me please"

He sounded scared but I can't tell if it was for me or himself. If Hunter is hurting Zayn worse than what I saw today then I'm going to get him out of it.

Zayn gives me feelings and tingles that no other guy I've been attracted to has before. I would classify myself as bi-sexual or bi-curious because I am attracted to guys but I've only ever felt a really strong connection with girls. Zayn Travis is a totally different ball game.

He's like the typical damsel in distress just waiting for the prince to come rescue her or in this case him. I told mom how I went to her boss's house and she was surprised they had a son in the same school as me but thought of it as a wonderful thing.

Sometimes I think about how things would be if Jason was here because I miss him but I also miss my other siblings too. I wish we didn't have to leave Canada but hopefully my dad will let them come to LA and spend time with me.

I felt my eyes getting heavy so I strip down to my boxers and climb under the covers. I quickly send Mel and my little sister a good night text then let myself drift off.



Double update cause I was too sick to yesterday...More Tomorrow

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