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By larccroft

312K 3K 2K

Dylan O'Brien (actor, musician) Thomas (Maze Runner) Mitch Rapp (American Assassin) Stuart Twombly (The Inter... More

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12.1K 86 130
By larccroft

This chapter contains sexual content. If you are uncomfortable reading intimate actions, go back to a fluff or gif

warnings: NSFW, cheating

I'm gonna try 3rd person

"Do I really have to come? None of your co-workers know me." Y/n whined as Tyler zipped up her dress and rested his head on her shoulder "I want you to be there. Plus, the cast have wanted to meet you forever. So, yes, you're coming." He said and Y/n groaned a little.

"Fine." She sighed and he smiled widely, pulling away from her and grabbing his phone and wallet. Y/n looked at her rose gold dress in the full length mirror and sighed again

She did want to go to this premier, she was just a little self conscious. She had watched Teen Wolf before and the actresses in there are gorgeous. Tyler always reassured that she was more beautiful.

!! Disclaimer: you are all gorgeous !!

The only person she would actually know there would be Dylan - and, of course, Tyler. Dylan was Tyler's best friend, so he was around a lot and eventually, her and y/n became fairly close.

She felt Tyler's hand smack her ass and she playfully glared at him "You should wear dresses more often." He smirked, watching as she grabbed her white purse. "Do I get a reward tonight?" He asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to him. She laughed slightly and draped her arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the back of his neck "Maybe..." She teased, patting his chest before moving away. He wrapped his arm around her waist as they left their house.


The car was parked and y/n nerves were starting to get the best of her. "Hey, they'll love you. Come on." Tyler reassured, thanking the driver and helping her out of the car. Flashing lights surrounding them as they faced the paparazzi. Tyler wasn't exactly open about their relationship, so they would probably be all over Twitter.

Different questions were thrown at Tyler, some even at y/n as they walked down the red aisle. Y/n took a shaky breathe and wrapped her arms around one of Tyler's, hoping she matched the fan's beauty standards.


The premier went smoothly, and it was honestly quite fun. Holland invited the cast and y/n to her house so, obviously, they went.

Y/n was in the kitchen, resting against the breakfast bar, swirling around the ice in her drink "You know, you'll get a ton of followers on Twitter now." A voice said behind her and she turned to see Dylan O'Brien. she smiled "Yeah. I'll get a ton of hate, too." She said as he sat on the stool next to her. "Probably. Tyler will say something though." He said, grabbing a drink and she hummed. "Where is he?"

"Talking to Shelley." Dylan replied and she sighed. Shelley is really pretty. Y/n's [your colour hair] was brushed out of her face "Don't compare yourself to the girls. If anything, you're prettier." Dylan admitted and she smiled "I should go find Tyler." She said and Dylan nodded before she left him at the bar, her heart pounding in her chest for some reason. She smoothed out her dress and took a breath, walking through the house.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw a random girl she didn't know grab her boyfriend's hand and drag him into one of the rooms. Her heart sank as images flashed in her head of what could of been happening in that room. Tears welled in her eyes as she turned around to run out the house but knocked into someone. She mumbled a quick apology and made her way out the house, her heals clacking against the marble floor.

Y/n sat on Holland's door step, a cigarette in her manicured hand to sooth the pain in her heart. [sorry if you disagree with smoking] "You got a lighter?" A familiar voice said but she didn't bother looking, she just reached into her purse, pulling out her lighter. His hand took it from her's as he sat down next to her. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked but she shook my head no. She knew it was too good to be true. "Come on, let's leave." He said and she finally looked at him "They're your friends, Dylan. Don't leave because of me. I'll be fine." She lied, the bracelet Tyler had got her making an annoying noise with any movement of my hand. "I see them almost every day, y/n. You're obviously upset, so if you aren't gonna talk to me about it, at least let me take you home." He insisted, standing up and extending his hand to her. She smiled weakly at him and slipped her hand into his, being pulled up.

The drive with Dylan was quiet, low music playing through his radio. Y/n sighed quietly, resting her head against the window, trying to forget what she had saw. I know what you're thinking, he probably wasn't even doing what she thinks. But she was way too paranoid to have a normal mind set.


Y/n unlocked the door to her house and let Dylan in, locking the door behind her. She laid her purse down on the table beside the door and switched her phone to silent just in case Tyler decided to call. She watched Dylan make his way into the living room, since he had been here before, he knew his way around.

She tried to calm herself so she didn't break down as she followed him. "Don't you have something better to do then babysit me?" she asked "Nope. Plus, I don't like seeing you sad," He answered, walking towards her. "Go her changed into something less stunning, then I'll come up."

Her heart jumped but she played it off and nodded, kicking her heels off at the door and walking up the stairs

Once her bedroom door shut, some tears escaped her eyes but she wiped them away immediately. She had always taught myself never to cry over a boy. She changed into some shorts and a large top from her brother. She finished brushing her hair when a knock was at the door. She opened it and Dylan stood there, a bag of microwave popcorn in his hand. She smiled and grabbed his hand, bringing him in and kicking the door closed.

They both were in bed watching scary movies as y/n snuggled up to Dylan. She wasn't tired, just needed comfort - which is what she received when his arm wrapped around her. She played with the tag on her shirt as the movie screams started to drown away "You're bored, huh?" Dylan asked and she nodded "Horror movies just annoy me, so I tend to avoid them." She admitted. Dylan reached over and clicked off the movie, looking down at her "Talk to me."

Y/n sighed "I know it's probably nothing, but Tyler went in a room with a girl. She was pretty and they were smiling at each other. I guess I thought the worst." She told him and his grip around her tightened "I've known Tyler for a while, and I don't think he would hurt you like that - drunk or not. But, you do what you feel is right." He said and she gave him a look "did you just therapies me?"


Y/n smiled and sat up. A silence fell as they stared at each other. "I'm sorry." she whispered quietly to myself before she pressed her lips to his. He tensed up and carefully pushed her back "You're just acting up, y/n. Don't do something you'll regret." He warned "I'm positive i won't regret this," She stated "Please just kiss me back."

Dylan sighed, as if he was disappointed in himself, before he pushed y/n down onto the bed and hovered over her. He was mostly contemplating weather or not to continue this, which she got. She ran one of her hands through his dark hair and smiled up at him "Please."

His soft lips were placed onto her's and she instantly kissed back, her hand cupping his cheek. She felt herself become aroused as the kiss started to heat up. Dylan pulled away for a second, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head. She bit her lip, looking at his body that he hid most of the time. He dove back down and buried his face in her neck, sucking and biting at the skin. His hand slowly began lifting her oversized shirt up "Are you sure about this?" He asked in her ear. She managed to roll then over so she was sat on his lap. She pulled her top off, revealing her bare chest "I'm sure." She smiled. She thought she would get a chance to be dominant, but it didn't take long until her back was pressed against the mattress again. He left a trail of kisses down her body and she lifted her hips when he hooked his fingers in her shorts and started to drag them down. He left a kiss on her inner left thigh before repeating the action on her clothed sex. "Please do something." She begged. He smiled up at her and slowly pulled down her underwear. He came back up so he was level with her face and kissed her again as sbe unlooped his belt. His hand made it's way down until his finger came in contact with her clit. She moaned loudly as he started to draw quick circles on the sensitive bud. She reached down and started palming him through his jeans, he groaned in response. "I need you, Dylan. Now." Y/n said. He pulled his pants and boxers down and she moaned at the sight of him. "Are you sure about this, y/n?" He asked "God, yes. Please." she responded. He kissed her forehead before she cried out in pleasure when he slid himself in. She wrapped her legs around his waist and nodded at him. He started slowly thrusting into her and she moaned at every movement he made as waves of bliss took over her body.

"Faster." Y/n begged and Dylan's hips began snapping faster. She grabbed the pillow her head was rested on and arched her back, the knot in her stomach building up rather quickly. "fuck..." dylan groaned, his high also approaching. in the blink of an eye, y/n's juices leaked out of her body as dylan pulled out and released on her stomach.

the both of them fell onto the bed, panting. there was a loud banging at the front door and both of them shared a look. y/n grabbed dylan's shirt and underwear, dressing herself before making her way down the stairs. she checked herself in the mirror beside the door and cringed slightly. her hair was a mess, her lipstick was smudged. she did her best to ignore her aching legs as she brushed her hair out with her fingers and wiped away the excess lipstick. the banging sounded again "Okay!" y/n shouted, unlocking the door and pulling it open to see tyler. she stuttered a little, not really knowing what to say.

"where have you been?" her boyfriend asked "I- I left and tried to go to sleep." y/n lied

she heard the her bedroom door open so she walked outside and shut the door "who was that?" tyler asked
"[friend's name]. i invited her round since i wasn't feeling too well." she lied again "i can tell when you're lying, y/n." tyler said "well, who was that girl you were with?" y/n asked and tyler scoffed "oh my god. you're not serious, right? y/n, she's the party organiser, did you forget that your birthday is coming up?"

y/n's heart dropped as she watched him push open the door.


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