♤'Minjoon Smuts & Oneshots

By CherieChaengguk

112K 1.8K 266

;\MinJoon Smuts & Oneshots/; :α place full of bottom namjoon purposely its minjoon. so how can you find one... More

Before Proceeding.
1. Mad & Jealous
2. Hide, Crush, Seek ♡ √
3. Poem ♡ √
5. Blame My Life √
6. Animate √
7. Meanie!♡ √
❣♡️®-8. Laws And Enemies
♡-9. Love Story Differently
♡- 10. Animal From A Box
♡-11. Love After Work
❣♡️-12. Howdy!
♡-️13. Time For Love
♡-14." Such A Blind-ful Faith "
♡-15. Runaway Then Coming Back
♡-16. Unexpected Gift From The Rain
❣️♡️-17. Yellow Or Blue?
❣♡-️18. Hyung... Slow Down
♡-20. But I Didn't Do Anything!
♡-21. It's Just So Silent; It's Okay.
♡-22. " Hello?, Inspector Mills? "
♡- 23. [Meanie pt. 2] Pouty Baby
♡❣️- 24. Kiss And Make Out
♡❣️-25. " Do You Still Hate Me? "
♡- 30. Like A Balloon
♡- 31. Like A Balloon (2)
♡- 32. Cell In Love With You.

4. Death Request♡ √ ⚠

6.1K 98 7
By CherieChaengguk

So i wanna tell everyone that is a inspired (it doenst look like an inspiration but this story aint mine) story made by @joonerve so shoutout , i luv her stories and like the death request com was my favorite because it sended me shivers and i have read it a couple times so saranghae joonerve
Song Recommendation:
-Jamais Vu
-Magic Shop
(Guess why i added songs that doenst look fit at the story)
Heartbreaking part:
- The Truth Untold
- Let Go
- Hold Me Tight
- 2! 3!
- Jamais Vu
(Its clearly obvious that its all sad songs but i recommend let go or hold me tight)

:Mention of rape and suicidal actions
:Suicide, Kill, Gore, Heartbreaking end.

-Sensitivity of these mentioned warnings must need to skip the chapter and leave aside. (Be brave i tell you just skip the parts that you don't like oop-)


It was a dark night, every people concern and worried about about the hidden website that opens at the devils hour

Other people believed it as a rumor, skeptical says, being confused and weird about people who suddenly dies at the strike of 3am, but it can be anytime they said,

It composed of sudden suicidal, raped to death, hold up, and other things that believer can expect

Why would someone kill their only loved one?, well let Kim Namjoon explain it, he had alot of reason, if he hadn't seen a naked Taehyung and Jimin on their shared bedroom, he wouldn't have thinked of killing him not with his bare hands nor weapon itself.

He opened the website and a notice appeared

If you really desire to kill someone
please be noticed that it isnt our fault for your sudden event
that isnt meant to happen or will happen

Do you still desire to kill that person on your mind?

As Namjoon opened the door, he fell his bag as tears started to fell on his cheeks, he sobbed quietly, letting himself watch the scene and cry, Taehyung stopped thrusting inside Jimin, as Jimin started crying?, Jimin sat up and saw his baby crying , "Baby i can explain", Taehyung stood up and wore his clothes, Jimin wore his robe and hugged Namjoon, but Namjoon didnt hugged back, Taehyung left, leaving the two of the boys, "Joonie baby i can explain" Namjoon started crying, "Jimin just please tell me if i dont pleasure you enough because i gaved you all my body ,soul, heart so you can just find more better than me Jimin-ah" Jimin shook his head "No no no please Namjoon dont-" "Im sorry Jimin but were over" Namjoon ran away, waterfall tears running through his cheeks, biting his bottom lip to prevent from crying to much, leaving a crying and weak Jimin.

Namjoon sighed,

Do you still desire to kill that person on your mind?
Yes / No

Jimin deserves this, He gaved everything to Jimin, he loved him, he defended Jimin for himself even if he is wrong, but he broke his trust and doesnt know who he is anymore, Namjoon waited and a image appeared with application fill of Name, Age, Birthday
He filled the application.

How way would you let this desired person to die?:

He will commit suicide, as he cut his wrist, he will tell all the things that he have done to Namjoon

Namjoon evily smiled and proceeded, he looked at the time, he still has 12 minutes left, so he proceeded immediately and sighed in relieve, he closed his laptop and slept, he couldnt stop thinking about the way he will suffer and die, but concerned at the same time because he still loved Jimin.

He woke up by a message, he took his phone, Jeongguk texted him, Hey heard of the news that Jimin suicided himself at the school building? 11:40 am, Namjoon replied, What?! What happened why did he do this kind of thing!? Namjoon laughed evily, I know you still love him, i hope your ok 'Well im so happy' Namjoon thought and laughed

He walked at the school hallway, other people talking about Jimin's death, other people crying, including his 'new liver' ( i cant stop it i wanna put it there its lover btw ok ㅋㅋㅋ) Taehyung, he wanted to kill him, but he wanted to do it later, he saw Taehyung and Jeongguk, hugging and kissing?, he wondered, why in the world would this cheater betray Jimin, he shook his head and left, he passed Hoseok, who smiled and waved at him, as he also seemed crying?, Namjoon didnt know he knew Jimin..?, Things are starting to puzzle everything, did i misunderstanded Jimin?, he had to know the truth because if Jimin didnt really meant to cheat on Namjoon, he wouldnt be forgiving himself and just end his life to be with Jimin and say sorry.

School has finished and Namjoon come up of something, he wanted to investigate and really know the 'truth' ; Namjoon went to his neighbor, "Hi Ms. Pinty can i ask" Ms. Pinty smiled and nodded "Do you want to come inside, have something?" Namjoon shook his head and smiled "What is it Joonie?" Namjoon sighed "Do you know Jimin right... did you see a guy with him... can you tell me what happened?" She was thinking and everything puzzled, "Now i know this guy shouted at this named Jimin then he slapped him which he sobbed quietly, i wanted to call the police but i didnt wanted to because it might make the mess spreader so i continued to watch the scene, he told him something that..." "What is it?" Ms. Pinty remembered and looked at Namjoon "He wanted to have a force sex to this Jimin, but the guy sobbed and he didnt want to, but he told him something that if he doenst do it he will torture his boyfriend".

Now Namjoon has solved everything,
//Taehyung stopped thrusting Jimin, as Jimin started crying?,//
// "Baby i can explain" //,
//He saw Taehyung and Jeongguk, hugging and kissing?//,
//he passed Hoseok, who smiled and waved at him, as he also seemed crying?//, "
//"Now i know this guy shouted at this named Jimin then he slapped him which he sobbed quietly"//,
//" he told him something that..."//,
// "He wanted to have a force sex to this Jimin"//,
// if he doenst do it he will torture his boyfriend"//

It means... Jimin never cheated him..?

Namjoon ran away and went to his home, he locked the door as he cried loudly, "W-why..?, i was so fucking selfish.. J-Jimin.. im so sorry my oppa..." Namjoon cried weakly, lying on the floor, "J-Jimin im so so sorry, i still love you oppa.. i forgive you, even if you never hear me..." Namjoon cried loudly.

Jimin finished making his flower crown for his baby prince, Namjoon clapped happily, as Jimin slowly placed the flower crown on his head, "So beautiful baby" Jimin tickled Namjoon, He giggled cutely, attempting to stop Jimin but was defeated. "Give oppa a kiss first" Jimin pointed his lips, puckering , Namjoon giggled and tried to peck Jimins lips and was succeed, Jimin stopped and hugged Namjoon.

He lied down the floor slowly, closing his eyes, as tears streamed down his face.

Namjoon woke up on a grass with flowers?, He didnt remember on when he slept outside, he looked at the Sakura Tree, petals slowly falling, Namjoon adored the anime-like scene, it was like heaven, the flowers were colorful, beautiful tress, butterfly, and a figure?, his height was small, his hair were raven black, his eyes were pure black, "Baby? Is that you love?" Wait, no one has ever called him but.... Jimin?, Namjoon stood up, as he started to cry in lake, as he tried to hug Jimin but he only hugged the air, this is where tears streamed to waterfall, "J-Jimin.. O-oppa" Namjoon whispered slowly, voice cracking, "Yes my baby Namjoon", Namjoon didnt answer but just cried, Jimin sighed and sat on his kness "You did a very bad thing to your oppa Namjoon" Jimin said with his dominant voice, Namjoon flinched at the sudden tone and started to cry loudly, Jimin smiled, "Baby i know you killed me using that stupid website, you know oppa is watching you and im glad you knew the truth" Jimin soften his voice at the end of his sentence, Namjoon was speechless, weak, and desperate to say anything, he was full of guilty, he shouldn't have been selfish, "Jimin take me with you i dont want down there anymore" Jimin shook his head "No angel, i know you can find someone better than me" Jimin cupped his cheeks, as he kissed his forehead, "I promise y-you i will be single u-until d-d-death!" Namjoon said, crack voice appearing, Jimin chuckled. "Really think you can do that?, for oppa?" Namjoon pouted, "of course for oppa!", "will you control yourself when you start being a needy baby?" Namjoon blushed, he fiddled his finger, Jimin grabbed his chin, "Of course you cant, dont worry, use our toy, think of it as me ok?" Namjoon blushed deeply and nodded, "If you ever feel lonely, close your eyes and we can talk, sadly you cant see my face, is that ok baby?" Namjoon nodded, "Remember dont show oppa that your sad,im always here to talk and to look ok?" Namjoon nodded, "i must leave now Namjoon" Namjoon obviously showed his sad face bit he added it with his dimpled smile, They closed their eyes as they connected their lips together, Namjoon cried, as tears streamed through his puffy cheeks from to much crying. He became more sadder when he didnt felt the lips he wanted to feel, as he saw Jimin fading away like a dust. Namjoon kneeled down "Jimin.." he whispered. Jimins gone he thought.

"Jimin!" Namjoon shouted, he held his blanket, the man groaned, "What wrong babe" The man sat up,

"J-Jimin!" He hugged Jimin, he hugged back, "I thought i k-killed you, i thought you w-were lost" Jimin smiled and hugged Namjoon tighter, taking Namjoons hands, intertwining their hands together, Jimin kissed Namjoons cheeks, forehead, shoulders, and nose, calming Namjoon down."O-oppa" Namjoon said sadly, "Give oppa a kiss?" Jimin puckered his lips and pointed his lips for Namjoon, He pecked Jimins lips twenty times, making Jimin chuckle as he placed Namjoon on the top of his chest, "Who does oppa love?" Namjoon smiled and giggled. "Me oppa" Jimin looked at the time, 4:49 am (i actually didn't slept even though im needed to be early omff) "Let get ready for school and i will give you lots of hugs and kisses" Namjoon excitely clapped his hands and stepped out of the bed. F£N uwu

Im sorry if i made you sad omffff ( maybe)/but really i enjoyed typing this so make sure to vote! And request pls.

/1825 words/

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