Twisted [A Destiel Highscool...

By thefiresfromheaven

376K 18.9K 12.7K

Dean hates angels. His entire family does. So it's too bad he IS one. But then again... so is Castiel. ***War... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Epilogue: Six Months Later

Chapter 22

8.9K 515 179
By thefiresfromheaven

Sam darts out the door as soon as I open it to admit Cas, muttering something about joining Gabe in the car.

"He, uh, really likes your brother," I say in a voice that I can only hope is steady.

"Yeah." Cas nods slowly. "Yeah, Gabe likes him too." He keeps his head down, never quite looking me in the eye. "So. You ready to go?"

I glance towards the car where Gabe and Sam are bickering in the back seat. "I... yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Lets go." I try not to droop with sadness as I follow him to his car. Maybe he regrets kissing me. Or maybe I was a bad kisser? God, it could be any number of things.

"Hi Dean!" Gabe say cheerfully as I slip into the passenger seat. He seems to be the only one in the car who isn't affected by the awkward tension. He doesn't even really seem aware of it, actually.

"Hi, Gabe," I reply with false cheerfulness. Sam shoots me a small, sad smile as Cas backs out of the driveway and I resign myself to an awful day. Gabriel keeps chattering away to Sam as we drive towards the Novak mansion. Other than that, and the occasional reply from Sam, the car is quiet. Cas doesn't even put on music or tell me to.

As soon as we pull into the driveway Gabe and Sam are darting into the house, leaving me and Cas alone. He clears his throat. "So. Car?"

"Yeah." I duck my head and open the passenger door. "Car." Cas speaks up before I can get out though.

"Dean- wait."

I glance back at him, biting my lip. "Ye- what?" He's staring intensely at me and I feel like his eyes are piercing into my soul. I shift uncomfortably when he stays silent. "Cas? What is it?"

"Dean." His voice is soft. "Dean, I- last night..." I look away then because I know that I can't watch him reject me. I'll fall apart.

"I get it, okay?" I say roughly, trying I hide the tears choking me. "You made a mistake, whatever. Just forget about it." I close my eyes tightly, waiting for his agreement.

Instead of that, I only get silence. And then, a hand over my own. "Dean," Cas whispers. "Dean, look at me."

I clench my jaw and slowly look at him. I guess I must not have held my tears in as well as I thought because Cas lifts his other hand up and brushes at my cheeks, smearing the dampness a little. "Dean," he whispers yet again. And then he's leaning in and kissing me.

I freeze. Again. Because holy fuck he's not rejecting me, he wants me! He wants me, and that makes a warm glow begin in my belly.

Except in my excitement I forget to kiss back and within seconds he's pulling away, a resigned and upset expression on his face.


He starts to turn away and fuck I can't let that happen. So, for what might be the first time in my life, I make a move. I grab his shoulder in a tight grip and yank him forward into a kiss.

There's no hesitation on either of our parts this time, just lips colliding, breath being shared. I grip Cas' shoulder tighter, pulling him closer to me across the seat divide. A soft, sweet moan bubbles past his lips and he grips the back of my neck tightly, yanking me closer. I lick along the seam of his lips and he instantly opens his mouth to my tongue, meeting it eagerly with his own.

A sudden knock on the drivers side window causes us to jerk apart. Cas- I don't even see who knocked for a minute because Cas looks gorgeous, absolutely dazed and confused with his lips pink and wet, each individual feather of his wings puffed up with arousal. Come to think of it, mine are too. Each tiny shift of my body causes my now sensitive feathers to brush against my skin in a new way.

"Yo, lovebirds." Gabriel. That's Gabriel outside Cas' door. I look at him reluctantly, vaguely noting that Cas isn't even bothering to look away from me.

"What, Gabe," He asks slowly, his eyes glued to my face.

"Left my candy in the back seat." He grins and goes around to the side, grabbing the bag before backing quickly away and heading back into the house.

"So, um." I look slowly back at Cas. "So."

"I don't want this to..." He tilts his head, looking intently at me. "I want I keep- it feels right when we kiss, Dean. And I don't want to stop. Ever."

"Okay," I say quickly. "I'd be okay with that. Not stop kissing, I mean. Because I really like kissing you and-" he presses his lips to mine again, in what I assume is an attempt to shut me up. It works.


We do eventually make it back to the garage with the Impala in it, though with several interrupted make out sessions on the way. Against the wall of the house, mostly. And against the side of his car. It all makes me very glad that I decided to wear several layers more than usual today.

"Aren't you dying if heatstroke yet?" Cas teases gently, peering under the hood of the car with me. I glance over at him, slightly startled.

"What? No. I stay cool pretty easily." I glance back at the engine. "It's not a problem for me."

"Hm," Cas hums, pecking my cheek. A flush of color and heat travels over my cheeks and through my body at even that simple touch. He lets me keep working in silence after that, for a few minutes at least, until he speaks up again.

"We should go on a date," he announces. "A real date. I'll take you to dinner and maybe movie and we can hold hands and shit."

"'And shit,'" I say wryly, sparing him a glance. "How romantic."

He grins at me and circles his arms around my waist. "Just you wait and see how romantic I can be," he whispers, pressing his lips to my ear. I can't help but shift back into his arms, a shiver running through my body.

"Uh..." I mutter, struggling against my eyes fluttering shut. Everything about this feels so natural, so right, it's hard not to just relax completely and give in to him in every way.

He laughs softly and kisses my cheek before slowly letting me go. "Later though, yeah? We have a car to fix." I take a deep breath and nod.

"Right. Car. Hand me that wrench?" I gesture towards the toolbox next to him and he hands me the appropriate tool. I smile as our fingers brush and Cas shivers.

More silence follows, but a comfortable silence. Cas interrupts it again, of course.

"Dean? May I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure," I say absently, wiping a smear of grease off a piece before setting it in place.

"How did your mother die?"

I fumble the cloth, almost dropping it. I did not expect that. "Um- I- she, uh-"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want," he says quickly. "If you don't want. I just wondered."

"No, it's-" I bite my lip and set the rag down. "It's fine. We don't really talk about her, you know? It's like... taboo."

Cas lays a hand on my shoulder. "I understand."

I fix my gaze on the engine. It really is a beauty. Really.

"She, uh. There was a fire. Dad sort of... shoved Sam into my arms, he was just a baby. Told me to run, that he was gonna try and get mom. He didn't get to her in time."

"I'm sorry," he says gently, squeezing my shoulder. I shrug a little.

"I don't remember her very much anymore," I say quietly. "I have this picture of her, from right after her and dad got married. That picture is pretty much the only reason I remember what she looks like." I peek up at him and he offers me a small smile.

"I know the feeling."

I bite my lip, then lean in and kiss him shyly. "I know."

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